posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 03:24 AM
I noticed there are some threads from this summer in the UFO section about Google's project Loon. But at this point it is not a UFO, so probably
newer articles belong here. [Mostly because the aviation buffs don't read the UFO forum.]
They are testing the Loon again per this newspaper article from Chico.
Project Loon launched from Chico
What they are not telling you is the Loon uses a spoofed mode-s code of the format 77777x, where thus far x has only equaled 1 and 2. They are
transmitting in full ADS-B, which in English means you can see their location with a mode-s receiver. That said, I have been able to track their
location via the internet, but the terms of service on how I do this do not allow me to show the data. [Yes, I know, shocking...somebody obeying terms
of service.] I will say they fly around 65kft.
Now if someone in say the Central Valley or maybe the "Gold Country" of California has a track on their personal mode-s receiver, please share
I will email flightradar24 and try to get them to enable tracking the Loon. They are probably filtering the data due to the spoofed hex code.