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US Drone mistakes Wedding Convoy for Al Qaeda; 15 dead

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posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 06:00 AM
This is what happens when you have zero intelligence an armed drone flown by a drone that's commanded by a drone.

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Ya, well, that logic of, "those responsible'll get what comin" hasn't worked, not for the economy (LIE, cover-up, and band-aid stimulus fix), not for the internet fascist state already in effect, not for Benghazi, not for the government agents ALREADY here on ATS (what, like we didn't know...dumbass suits), not for the 9-11 #-up (which, let's forget the tears already, those who died were brave, martyred, or collateral damage), and like everyone doesn't know that was at least HEAVILY an inside job, the proof is so overbearing... rly do you need evidence? And for that matter, pretty much everything since the JFK assassination, has been terrorism, bred, voted on, and approved, by a "free" superpower. open up your damn eyes, people, it was a good lie because it was so subtle

lets debate this, i ain't claimin to be the righteous one here aight, but I'll certainly claim to be smarter, how you all fell for that bull#, I'd like to know! I got more patriotic spirit then you'd think, how you switched patriotism with loyalism, is beyond me, and its a contradiction, and it's just STUPID.
msg me, plz, the facebookers, and e-mail I.M.ers, have already thrown in the towel on this, I expect ATS to at least put up a fight or offer some constructive solutions.

that ain't hypocrisy, if I were God ya'll be flooded by now, again. This is fair warning from someone who's really, really, annoyed by the ignorant, agenda settin, throne seekers... and it's 5 am here, that's ranting time... NSA/HMS already on my ass like glue, so don't be sayin # like, "don't give away that info man, they'll get ya", agents wanna chat? I don't even bother cloakin my IP anymore that's how owned we already are, JESUS

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by sean

and AMEN, sean

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by salty-red

and damn- it, now i missed # F.B.I. Friday again, ya'll know that needs to be brought back

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 09:34 AM


15 less potential terrorists in the world...

And 150 more form there pissed off familys.

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 02:51 PM



15 less potential terrorists in the world...

And 150 more form there pissed off familys.

Simple answer, next time, do not go to a wedding party in Toyota pickups with machine guns strapped to the back and five guys hanging from the truck. Or at least have "just married" on the windows and tin cans hanging down.

But the 'martyrs' are just fine:

Yemeni President Abdo Rabbo Hadi has declared the seven Filipino medical workers and Yemeni victims killed in a suicide car bomb attack at the Defense Ministry complex in Sana'a last week as "martyrs," the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said yesterday.

Or completely acceptable:

At least 52 people, including doctors and nurses, were killed and 162 others were wounded after a suicide car bomb attack rocked Yemen’s Defense Ministry in the capital Sanaa, according to Yemen's Security Committee.

"The explosion was very violent, the whole place shook because of it and plumes of smoke rose from the building," an employee who works in a nearby building told Reuters.


I'm sorry if innocent people were killed, I truly am. However, we are dealing with radical islamic terrorists that have no problem shoving bombs up their A$$'s and killing people....all in the name of unfortunately, this will continue until the 'peaceful' muslims finally have had enough of their own killing their own innocent people and other people of peace. Until then, let the drones fly and bomb away.....


One of the three security officials, however, said al-Qaida militants were suspected to have been traveling with the wedding convoy.
Just terrible that the coward Al Qaeda have to hide behind innocent people so they can kill. Just terrible.
edit on 14-12-2013 by ItDepends because: added source

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 04:12 PM
Why not let 18 year old kids nearby the targets direct airstrikes using piloted aircraft like it was done in Vietnam... I was one of those 18 year olds that did that and I never directed the dropping of any kind of target that was a danger to civilians...

posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 06:14 AM
I sometimes wonder if they arn't doing it 2 instigate more bs,destabilze the area etc.This happens a lot.Way more than wr being told.Gotta love Jsoc

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 10:21 PM
for reals, how secure are you, with trust in our intelligence, America needs to pull back, drones are incredibly useful, in mid-war. if iran can hack our drones, ANYONE CAN. my question is this, Am i really supposed to believe that so many people arm themselves, strapped w/ explosives, to kill their brothers? Has anyone considered the scope they're under or see through? that maybe it's a statement against the Western belief, MONEY is RULER?
do you really think their attacks are all random and if so, nuke it to hell, I just can't believe that, BROS

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 10:37 PM
And no one will be tried for War Crimes as a result of this attack and past attacks on civilians.

There are still people in the US who believe that there are a bunch of suicide bombers ready to kill Americans because they get their virgins in heaven. They fail to realize that we are an occupying foreign force who kills more civilians than 'bad guys'. They fail to realize that the opium trade has exploded since we've been there. They fail to see the Afghans and neighbors as fellow people.

It is a sick act of deception that has been pulled off so a handful of people can get rich off the blood of others.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 06:56 AM

And we also know that radical islamic extremists have been killing people for over 2000 years.

So is there a point?

Yes, there is a point - that you have no idea what we are talking about.

Please, get some books, learn, fight ignorance.

Just in first sentence in your response to me you state something that is very wrong.

If you knew anything about Islam, and in this case Islam extremists you would know that Islam is not that old. You probably mixed Christianity and those religious fanatics.

And if you knew me just a bit, you would know that I would agree, world without religion and religious fanatics would be much better world. All religion should be abolished for all crimes against humanity.

Care to continue with your statements or should you learn a bit more about topic?

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 01:29 PM

This drone operator should be charged with murder, we had a Marine here who killed an insurgent in what they called cold blood,,yet he got life for it. Too many American drone strikes are killing innocent civilians who in this case are just attending a wedding.
Wait till a drone bombs an army base somewhere by mistake or an army patrol,which has happened before and nothing done about it.....

I agree. This can't continue to happen. Way too many innocent lives are being taken without any conscious. Unbelievable. It was a wedding? That's just heart breaking and outrageous..

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