reply to post by _BoneZ_
can anyone touting the official claims tell me HOW FIRE ALONE removes 105 vertical feet of structural resistance globally in WTC7, *BEFORE* 1.74
seconds so acceleration EQUAL to Gravity can ensue, GLOBALLY and UNIFIED IMMEDIATELY following at 1.75 seconds to 4.0 seconds......
NCSTAR 1A 3.6] "This free fall drop continues for approximately 8 stories, the distance traveled between t=1.75s and t=4.0s...constant, downward
acceleration during this time interval. This acceleration was *9.8m/s^2*, equivalent to the acceleration of gravity."
NICSTAR 1A 4.3.4] Global Collapse..."The entire building above the buckled column region moved downward in a single unit, as observed, completing the
global collapse"
NCSTAR1A p.39/130
"the damage from the debris from WTC 1 had little effect on initiating the collapse of WTC 7."
The NIST WTC7 Fig 3-15 shows the graph with the regression line yielding acceleration of 32.196ft/s^2. SEE the time interval between 1.75 and 4 is
2.25 sec. the interval where WTC7 does achieve a period of free-fall ACCELERATION.
what does SCIENCE say about the 2.3 second interval of collapse in which the rate of fall was "Indistinguishable from FREEFALL". The significance of
FREEFALL is NONE of the gravitational energy was available to destroy the supporting structures, ALL converted to MOTION!
meaning, any bending, crushing, breaking connections, REMOVAL of structural RESISTANCE, BELOW the mass ACCELERATING, is occurring WITHOUT the
assistance of energy from the mass accelerating. Zero resistance.
now where else ON EARTH do we see those SAME numbers????
open ANY science/physics text...."rate of acceleration seen by ALL mass REGARDLESS of weight toward the earth, at sea level, *~**WITHIN a VACUUM**~*
is *9.8m/s^2*.
hmm.....the SAME numbers we see under 'CONTROLLED conditions, WE SEE occurring globally and UNIFIED in a 47 story steel frame @ 1.75 SECONDS, when
kink forms, to 4.0s of the collapse....2.5 seconds later, it's done....6.5 second building collapse from FIRE we can't really see from the
NCSTAR1A-3.2]"It is likely that much of the burning took place beyond the views of the windows"
the 2005 NIST scientific investigation did not find any reason why these three buildings failed on 9-11...
"No conclusive evidence was found to indicate that pre-collapse fires were sever enough to have a significant effect on the microstructure that would
have resulted in weakening of the steel structure." NIST NCSTAR 1-3C, p. 235
no evidence the type of joining methods, materials, or welding procedures used was improper NIST 1-3 p.99
recovered bolts were stronger than typical. NIST 1-2 p.133
"no core column examined showed temp. above 250C" NIST 1-3 6.6.2
NCSTAR1-3 7.7.2 "because no steel was recovered from WTC7,it is not possable to make any statements about it's quality"
"NIST did not test for the residue from explosives or accelerants" wtc. nist. gov/pubs/factsheets/faqs_8_2006. htm
yet 2008 NIST is allowed to *IGNORE* their own scientific investigation, and claim fire did, not only caused collapse, but did so as *NO OTHER*
building has done before, stated by Shyam Sunder at NIST technical briefing
Shyam Sunder, all through the Q&A section of the video stating, ....."brand new event"..."new phenomenon"..."there has *NEVER* been a collapse
like WTC7".
and the only supporting evidence they have are computer models which they *REFUSE* to release the data that *TELLS* the models what to do...WHY?
*ONE*, that will show them the fraud they are, and *TWO*,because they have a Presidential Executive Order stating they don't have to prove what ever
they claim.
NIST is withholding sixty-eight thousand, two hundred and forty-six (68,246) file. These records are currently exempt from disclosure under section
(b)(3) of the FOlA., 5 .S.C § 552 (b)(3). Exemption (b)(3) permits an agency to withhold records in an agency's possession which are records that
are "specifically exempted from disclosure by statute
'1. All input and results files of the ANSYS 16 story collapse initiation model with detailed connection models that were used to analyze the
structural response to thermal loads, break element source code, ANSYS script files for the break element s, custom executable ANSYS file, and all
Excel spreadsheets and other supporting calculations used to develop floor connection failure modes and capacities.
2. All input files with connection material properties and all results flies of the LS-DYNA 47-story global collapse model that were used to simulate
sequential structural failures leading to collapse and all Excel spreadsheets and other supporting calculations used to develop floor connection
failure modes and capacities."