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Just watched this video and I think Im a Satanist

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posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 11:58 PM
I can appreciate the OP title sounds dramatic and even sickeningly wrong, 95 min ago I would have thought so too.

This is an interview by Bob Larson of 2 Satanists, 1 of whom is Anton Le Veys daughter.
To be fair Bob Larson doesnt strike me as a terribly intelligent or rational man so the fact they make him look a bit silly is no achievement.

From the interview it would seem they use the term Satanism to get attention and shock as they say they dont believe in a God or devils or angels or demons or any other supernatural entity.
They are based purely in the here and now and have a philosophy I basically subscribe to as a human and I think most people do.

Im not going to go into the philosophy of it too much as I dont want people to just read my OP and make a judgement, Im sure the religious nuts will be the first ones to come along and denounce this and I doubt they will even watch the video.

Im not going to discuss God Vs Satan in this thread, Id purely like to get peoples take on the interview, sadly they do a bit of JC bashing which is going to turn most christians off straight away but the points they make are valid I think.

Another point I got from the video is that the NWO are definitely satanists (not devil worshipers) whether they consider themselves so is another thread I guess.

Ill check back in a few hrs and see if anyone has had a chance to have a look at the vid

Edit: Forgot to link the Vid LOL

edit on 8/12/2013 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)

edit on 8/12/2013 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

Video is posted.

You did not post the vid.

FYI I suggest you reAd some of the sAtAnic literAture before you clAim Anything like being A sAtAnist. The rhetoric espoused About sAtAnism by these two is lAughAble. They Are tAlking About A generAl philospohy not ActuAl prActice of sAtAnism.

Much ActuAl sAtAnic prActice is derived from kAbbAlism And hindu trAditions. The difference being thAt is it primArily focused on personAl power And gAin As opposed to selflessness.


(A key only works while cApitAlzied, getting new key boArd tomorrow . . . YAY!)
edit on 8-12-2013 by FriedBabelBroccoli because: 101

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 12:19 AM
this is where you and many others in the so called church of satan are fooled OP.

Anton LaVey knows that an entity, an actual real demonic force does dwell in existence.
He is taught to teach others that God and Satan don't exist. To live in the now and do as thou wilt.
A former satanist branched off the church and formed Temple of Set saying it was wrong of the church to say that the Devil does not exist and that they do worship the entity. Temple of Set was made to actually worship the devil vs no devil or God at all. Behind the scenes Anton LaVey knew very well what he was doing. I believe he died on his death bed repenting... but it was too late for him.

If your gonna live thinking there is no God or Devil then you are greatly, vastly deceived. If your gonna be an atheist your better off just worshiping the devil and doing the craft. You get more perks out of it... however I rather live poor and a humble life in this time than to lose what is to come after I'm gone here.

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by FriedBabelBroccoli

Glad you added the last bit as I thought you had embedded some sort of code in your post LOL

I assume you have seen this interview prior to me posting the thread as you could not have time to watch it otherwise.

The 2 in the interview use the Satanic bible as their "religious book" and I really didnt see too many issues with it. I havent read it but it seemed like Bob had and he went through the points that he found most abhorrent. As a non religious person none of what he brought up really seemed that bad to me, they even made some good points about selfishness and helping those who helped themselves, another part that was a bit iffy for me was about psychic vampires or people who serve no purpose having resources wasted on them. Sounds bad but from a darwinian pont of view it makes perfect sense.

So based on the interview and not the Devil worshiping stereotype of Satanism what did you see as being wrong with their philosophy?

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

I haven't watched this particular vid but am familiar with the participants.Nikolas Schreck and Zenna professes to no longer be satanist but practice Tantra. He has influential friends in the music industry and during the time of this video he was espousing a revival of sorts influenced by a lone nazi group at the end of WWII still fighting. Their goal he stated then was to recruit people for satan through music.

He has ties to Rick Rubin who practices tantra and people like Genesis P. Orridge the transexual singer for Psychic TV and Throbbing Gristle who are pretty influential and perhaps were apart of some plan to corrupt youth. Rubin was sued by Genesis P. Orridge over injuries when Rubin's house caught on fire while supposedly performing a ritual with another band Love and Rockets I think.

Needless to say these people are obviously into manipulation either as art or philosophy and should probably not be relied upon when forming a world view.

Genesis P-Orridge Wins $1.5 Million Suit Against Rick Rubin Psychic TV leader claimed career-threatening injuries.

Nikolas Schreck
edit on 8-12-2013 by NihilistSanta because: Sources

edit on 8-12-2013 by NihilistSanta because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by joshuaislord

From your handle (joshuaislord) I assume you are a practicing christian and from your posts content and timing Ill assume you didnt watch the vid.

Can you watch at least the 1st 30 min when you get a chance and let me know what you think.

I actually came across that vid on youtube after seeing something about Le Vey in another vid and yes apparently on his death bed he did repent, no sure how true it is but there you go.

I do believe in a creator but I dont believe in a devil or negative counterpart to him/her/it though.

EDIT: apparently he didnt "repent" but he was distressed and started saying "what have I done, what have I done" he didnt "repent" as in ask for Jesus help or guidance
edit on 8/12/2013 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by NihilistSanta

Id never heard any Satanist philosophies before seeing this vid and even just from the look of Zena I assumed they were gonna be nutters.
To say I was surprised is an understatement.

For me the most resonating part was rejecting self sacrifice and meekness.

I do want to get ahead in this world, I want to give me and mine every opportunity to excell.
Turning the other cheek and wasting resources being charitable on those who wont help themselves are both self defeating ideals I think.

I definitely havent looked to them for any guidance on anything, I just found we share some ideals.
Having said that I also share some ideals with Christianity and every other philosophy thats out there but as a lifestyle I guess I live closer to the Satanists creed than any other

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 12:50 AM

Anton LaVey knows that an entity, an actual real demonic force does dwell in existence.

I believe he died on his death bed repenting... but it was too late for him.

Do you have evidence for this? Sources you can share?

If your gonna live thinking there is no God or Devil then you are greatly, vastly deceived. If your gonna be an atheist your better off just worshiping the devil and doing the craft. You get more perks out of it...

What kind of perks? Like necromancy. Can I raise the dead or cast plague bolts? What am I missing out on here.
edit on 8-12-2013 by Lucid Lunacy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 12:59 AM
I will give my 2 cents on Anton LaVey. I think the guy was just a front man at a time when some of the secret groups in Hollywood wanted to recruit during the counter culture of the 60s. The guy was a carney and used theatrics and showmanship to recruit youth into a sort of atheist ego cult but would lead to actual full blown luciferianism. They recruited other celebrities and created this farcical form of Satanism to appeal to the disenfranchised youth and have continued to influence people through the musicians and actors he knew.

Some claim this stuff was a psyop as well and not that I would trust anything Michael Aquino says but he is a poster on ATS and has had dealings with LaVey before forming his own group the Temple of Set if memory serves.

Shreck ties in because he wanted to ride the coat tails of LaVey's name to get into the music world so he married his daughter. Unfortunately for them the culture they helped create has become desensitized to their brand of shock and they have outgrown their usefulness.

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 01:05 AM
Apparently he died of a pulmonary enema (no idea) and was unable to talk so his deathbed repenting is most likely BS from Fundamentalists.

Seems like they had alot in common with Gnosticism, god is in everyone etc etc
Also sounds like they were into The Secret, you can make your own reality type thing

The church also claimed Darwin and Nietzsche repented on their deathbeds which was also BS

edit on 8/12/2013 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

If you read any of LaVey's works not that I recommend them but you will see some similarities to things that you might hear from pro-nwo types. Creating robot slaves, social darwinism, viewing humans as nothing but animals, etc. I find it funny he list as among the 9 satanic sins to avoid herd conformity (Like joining a satanic grotto haha) and self deceit (like practicing magic) which seems a bit contradictory in the scheme of the COS. Just a big con.

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

Your not a Satanist,
your just in love with a Black Majic Hottie.

I will wager that we all are ...
at some strange intersection or another.

Hoo Haa,,,Rock and Roll!

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by NihilistSanta

He was definitely a con man and entertainer as opposed to prophet or spiritual guru.

I think he had a good philosophy on how to live and he cleverly dressed it up and made it appealing to sell his books and increase his notoriety.

Regardless of what he thought or who he was I find the philosophies of his "church" to be decent guidelines to live by

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 01:23 AM
Satanism is the worship of Satan. If you are Satanist you believe in Satan, God, angels, demons, Heaven, Hell, all that stuff. To be Satanist also means you worship the guy who wants to deceive mankind into losing their eternal soul and being separated from their creator because of their sin for eternity, though he can help you get some cool material stuff during your short life on Earth.

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 01:29 AM
One thing I just wanted to mention. She said something along the lines of, "You need to be good to yourself if you want to be good to others". For a religion that believes in no good nor evil why would they need to do "good" for themselves (at 47:00-47:55)? Also why would she say that before she does good for others, she needs to do good for herself first. Just seems like they are good at manipulating words.

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 01:30 AM

Satanism is the worship of Satan. If you are Satanist you believe in Satan, God, angels, demons, Heaven, Hell, all that stuff. To be Satanist also means you worship the guy who wants to deceive mankind into losing their eternal soul and being separated from their creator because of their sin for eternity, though he can help you get some cool material stuff during your short life on Earth.

Satanism to the satanists in the video (ie the ones we are discussing) do not believe in the Satan of the judeo-christian mythos. Satan to them is an archetype and not a literal being.

Youd know this if you bothered to watch the vid

People please dont post here based on your preconceived notions, like I said in the OP the Satanism these people describe is not at all what I had thought Satanism was.
Watch the video or dont bother posting as you have nothing to add to the discussion

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

That's just it though his philosophies are just egoism and hedonism which wont get you far without money in this world and even then probably not for long. He was just the guy to turn Satan into a cartoon so people can go "I don't believe in satan just what he stands for" and this is a beginning of a different type of indoctrination one where people fall into moral relativism and are ripe to be molded for NWO purposes. Then you have the moron kids who get into this stuff and try to kill themselves in death pacts and other stupid stunts because in their non-conformity they become some of the worst conformers.

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 01:35 AM

reply to post by NihilistSanta

He was definitely a con man and entertainer as opposed to prophet or spiritual guru.

I think he had a good philosophy on how to live and he cleverly dressed it up and made it appealing to sell his books and increase his notoriety.

Regardless of what he thought or who he was I find the philosophies of his "church" to be decent guidelines to live by

Lavey believed, or at least taught, that people who believe in God or Jesus are crazy, narrow-minded, ignorant, and hostile toward anyone who doesn't believe the same thing as them, which in some cases may be true, though the Bible tells Christians to love even their enemies. Regardless, I think the best way to get your message across, even if you're absolutely convinced it's right, is not through angry and hateful means. First of all, nobody will listen to you. Second, you're only causing further detriment to humanity.

Lavey was a bigot. He pretty much militantly opposed belief in God or people who claimed to have a superior moral code while at the same time claiming that belief in Satan is good and the only way to free you from the constraints of the evil religious systems of the world. He says what a satanist would say, and yeah, they're good at making it sound appealing to people who don't or don't want to believe in God.

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 01:37 AM

One thing I just wanted to mention. She said something along the lines of, "You need to be good to yourself if you want to be good to others". For a religion that believes in no good nor evil why would they need to do "good" for themselves (at 47:00-47:55)? Also why would she say that before she does good for others, she needs to do good for herself first. Just seems like they are good at manipulating words.

I believe the context that the term good was used in was in regards to charity, Something along the lines of use your resources for self improvement and help those around you whom you love not total strangers who basically amount to resource dumps.
Good is a relative term and when you say good I assume you mean moral or ethical, good can equally be used as in good food or good music.
They reject good and bad as moral concepts not as descriptive words

But I think you understood that and your being deliberately obtuse
edit on 8/12/2013 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by ghostfacekilah00

Satanism is the worship of Satan. If you are Satanist you believe in Satan, God, angels, demons, Heaven, Hell, all that stuff.

That kind of satanism. A literal kind. Honestly I don't think I've met a person that subscribes to it. Actually the closest I have come to it is from the Christians themselves. For instance, in this very thread a Christian advocated literal Satanism to me and other atheists.

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