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New Dis-Ease Found Off CA! Star Fish Are Dying NOW! Dis-Ease My .....

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posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by Zaphod58

You are Not going there are you? Care to explain Gulf Oil Spill or was that, Just A Clean Up?

If you like, we can go togetter and see for ourselves! Care to eat anything? Bring Phage too!

I shall so BUY! All you can Eat until your Heart Is Full!

I have Family down there so the FOOD will be Free! I will Pay for the Trip!


posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by infoseeker26754

Where are the die offs around Fukushima? Where are the die offs around Hawaii? Somehow this radiation completely bypassed both those areas, and went straight to California, and only California, where it's only killing starfish.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by Zaphod58

I know I am basking in radiation since I live in sunny California!

….wait I live in California…

edit on 30-11-2013 by Lucid Lunacy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by Zaphod58

Okay! All is well!

Lets not get carried too far! Logic is Dead, Common Sense is what is left! You do know I do not Need any money, right? What I would like is to Help Others understand HOW to get out of the Hell WE Created! Or what THEY think is Hell anyways!

You Do know I can not just Quit, Right? Then I would lost My Being!


posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

Granite gives off radiation, brick gives off radiation, flying in a plane exposes you, being in the sun exposes you... The list of natural exposures is very very long, to varying levels.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by infoseeker26754

Did I say that? I said that jumping straight to the Fukushima conclusion is wrong.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

So How Is CA? Taking a Swim are you? I never wanted to cause any Bells to go off, do you walk on the Beach or do you Stay away from it?

If you can, send me a dead poor little Starfish! I'll pay for shipping costs! A real one though, so I can compeare yours to the one coming now. Might as well see what is going on.

What else has washed up? Care to share or is it a S?


posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 09:07 PM

reply to post by infoseeker26754

Did I say that? I said that jumping straight to the Fukushima conclusion is wrong.

And how so? I took them 2 yrs just to start to actually Start Cleaning. Logic would say otherwise!

It was the Trash, right? Nothing more, just the Trash washing to shore! If it is good to your Being, Fine! We shall accept it at same.It's Your Being that Defends it, okay. I still Lose nothing except all the others you care to say it is not so. Care to Place Your Soul on this?

Or others who it does not seem to matter? At what cost of Life would You like to lose to see that 47% lose it just because IT might JUST BE Truth? Or 87.9800% close to the fact of it being an actually Truth? That good is Logic is it is not use by reasoning?

Yes. I know I'm going to Hell. I shall have My Soul though, so the chance of Growing is there. Care to Risk it?

Please do not! It's not worth the Price!


posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by infoseeker26754

And again, where have I said that it's not going to be a problem? But how is it bypassing everywhere else, just to go to California? It doesn't work that way. It should be showing up in a lot of places, affecting a lot of different creatures, not just starfish in California. There should be other creatures that feed on starfish, and in the area around the starfish having problems too.

Just because people think radiation is evil and the cause of all our problems doesn't mean that it's capable of doing miraculous things like only killing starfish in a given area.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by Zaphod58

Rad is not EVIl! It is something that moves Life; in itself it is something Normal we deal with everyday. People do not know this, just the Sun gives it to us itself.

Now. How much depends upon what the conditions are, hate to break it to you though. It is HIGHER then what people think, or what is told to them anyways. I was bound to come anyways. You can not use Fire and not get Burned so they tell me anyways!

One could go about using the Amoxicillin idea out there. Once it is used to a point of no return, it is Useless! Here we have Rad's that we have has a low dose, it actually was harmless really. Its an element that is of Earth so it is there anyways. Your T-cells know this. Now at a mag x10 it is poison, plain and simple as with all things.

Take Lead, we can use it for this. I have never heard it can cause Lead poison; until it was considered a ATS. It in itself Blocks anything ......................, understand? Only it is something that has to do with................. and that's all! I understand this!

Now to hide something that just might have to do with the Well Being of Others, I myself am bound to at least Say something! Or I might as well get into the same Boat with the Others! I shall not DO that! Why would I sell myself or my Soul?

Hey. I'm going to hell anyway! Might I use what's left for a greater cause anyway. Or am I? I have everything, yet I have Nothing.

I have no problems with that!


posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by infoseeker26754

I spent years working with x-ray machines, I know about radiation. But how does it completely bypass Japan, Hawaii, and all the other life near these starfish, to only kill the starfish? That's pretty amazing stuff right there. Which means there's a really good chance it has nothing to do with Fukushima, and everything to do with something else.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by Zaphod58

How much more time would you like to find this out? Shall we bout or just pretend on something we know has no Facts other then Reason alone?

Plants were built say 1950 being nice. So you can conclude that in all this time, 60yrs we actually have any facts on how this can play itself out or do we go by the books? Since the books only go since the last Error; none so-far, we can use logic to conclude we do not actually know the outcome.

Noe using Reason, one might as well consider we not only have a problem, but a larger one to follow later on we have no books on! Now if one wants to input data into a computer, it uses Logic only and no reason. Since their is no data to add from the past it can only compute what is given and that is all it can do.

The outcomes can varie from say sea currents, storms and how thick it is. Say the mass is so heavy it stays at the bottom of the sea and starts there. Who actually wants to try to test this reasoning? Its not like you can actually test this in a tube you know!

Next you have left out one other possible idea most do not want to consider; Oh they have Heard, something that does not play on Man or Computer. IT does not .....................................

Told to be Quite, allow it to be as it may for Man will not listen anyway. Really Hate IT when That Happens!


posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 11:45 PM
Here is a map showing ocean currents - they bypass Hawaii. The giant oar fish that live at great ocean depths washing up on shore is not a normal occurrence, either. Radiation levels keep rising and going farther inland all the time.

Fukushima Radiation Levels Will Concentrate in Pockets at Specific US and Canada West Coast LocationsText

While many people assume that the ocean will dilute the Fukushima radiation, a previously-secret 1955 U.S. government report concluded that the ocean may not adequately dilute radiation from nuclear accidents, and there could be “pockets” and “streams” of highly-concentrated radiation. Physicians for Social Responsibility notes: An interesting fact for people living on the US west coast is also included in the UNSCEAR [United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation] report: only about 5% of the directly discharged radiation was deposited within a radius of 80 km from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power station. The rest was distributed in the Pacific Ocean. 3-D simulations have been carried out for the Pacific basin, showing that within 5–6 years, the emissions would reach the North American coastline, with uncertain consequences for food safety and health of the local Text

edit on 60000001111America/Chicago301 by nugget1 because: To add comment

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by infoseeker26754

So starfish are the only creatures vulnerable to it? Not anything else? It somehow found its way to California, without killing any other starfish anywhere else, but the starfish in California are ultra sensitive to it, and it kills only them?

Do you not see how illogical that is? It has nothing to do with books, or history. It's completely illogical that somehow the only thing it's killing is starfish.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 11:56 PM
The news is full of mass die-offs and polar bears with sores and bald spots.

Published on Nov 5, 2013 Fukushima Radiation: Is It Still Safe To Eat Fish? - Chris Kresser Assuming the very high levels of fish consumption above, the ..... What about sardines? .... The hundreds of tons of corium has almost certainly burned, melted, and .... canada say there is a mass star fish die off occurring now. that gov't .... elders from Alaska stated that the sockeye salmon had disappeared ... 'Troubling Mystery': Complete collapse of sardine population on ...­pulation-inexplicably-and-co...‎ Oct 15, 2013 - failing to catch a single fish. ... From Yesterday: NPR: Starfish epidemic "moving fast" -- Turning into ... 2013; Fukushima Radiation Concerns in Alaska: No clams found in area ... And I can't help but post the following from zerohedge: .... Salmon populations declining, seals and sea lions dying, sardines, ... Biologist finds pink salmon that are canary yellow on Canada's ...­that-are-canary-yellow-on-can...‎ Oct 17, 2013 - TV: Nuclear report warns of apocalyptic scenario at Fukushima in ... like this at all " — Alaska and Russia also affected (MAP) August 19, .... No sardines, jellyfish turning to mush and low salmon returns and ..... fish off BC, gooey sea-stars all along the Pacific Northwest, missing ..... Wondering if a mutation. TV: "Like they're melting... a lot of melting sea stars out there" says ...­-of-melting-sea-stars-out-there-...‎ Oct 27, 2013 - NYTimes Experts: Fukushima is having bigger effect on environment than ... See also: "Alarming" mass die-off of starfish in areas along Canada's ... central WA and never been to the coast since I moved from AK 5 years ago). ... The consequence of viral mutations or death on microbes that infect animals, ... Fukushima Reactor Disaster - Rense­m‎ Vancouver - Rivers Of Starfish Body Parts, Odd Otter Actions - Vid. Canada Study Warns Of Radiaition In Pacific Seafood · Removal Of Fukushima Melted Fuel ... Video Rebel's Blog | Just another site‎ 6 days ago - If you believe the politicians, there is no way to turn Fukushima off. ... Then she saw mutant plants springing up in her hometown in ... Starfish off the coast of Washington and Canada are melting. ... Salmon in Canada are dying off. Fish ... had to return home when they could find none off the coast of Alaska. Environment | Crystal Kids Radio­nment-2/‎ 5 days ago - A broken ocean: The aftermath of Fukushima ... with the fact that he was only able to catch two fish during the whole of the ... Possible mutations and cancer .... "We' ve got some sea stars that look like they're melting on the bottom. ... Canada and the Alaska coastline, the population of sockeye salmon is at a ... Fukushima | The Daily Sheeple‎ 7 days ago - Dead seals and melting starfish in the Pacific. .... Along the Pacific coast of Canada and the Alaska coastline, the population of sockeye salmon ... Mayan Majix - Earth Articles‎ in killer whales off Canada and Alaska since 2011 · Gold Found ... Biologist finds pink salmon that are canary yellow on Canada's Pacific coast ... "Alarming" mass die-off of starfish in areas along Canada's Pacific coast ... Zero Waste Hotel ... Nuclear Expert: Fukushima melted fuel is drifting in ocean ... Going, Going, Gone ? Fukushima Triple China Syndrome Meltdown - YouTube‎ Highly Regarded Physician: The salmon migrate through radioactive plumes coming off Fukushima, then we catch them on Canada's shores — Concerned about lack .... gone- ... NPR: Starfish epidemic "moving fast" — Turning into 'goo' in Washington , not ...

posted on Dec, 1 2013 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by nugget1

So from now on, I guess we go straight to "It's radiation, we're all gonna die" instead of looking into other causes as well. Far easier to blame Fukushima than to try to find out what's going on.

posted on Dec, 1 2013 @ 12:35 AM

reply to post by infoseeker26754

So starfish are the only creatures vulnerable to it? Not anything else? It somehow found its way to California, without killing any other starfish anywhere else, but the starfish in California are ultra sensitive to it, and it kills only them?

Do you not see how illogical that is? It has nothing to do with books, or history. It's completely illogical that somehow the only thing it's killing is starfish.

Oh? So what else has washed up dead? Hell, things we never SEEN before we thought passed away as non-existant or lives so far under the Sea we have never seen them before? Just wait until crab season and we shall see. Only a month till then, think Jan if I am not mistaken.

Since the Sea has current's flowing in a path from Japan going north, it explains H not seeing this yet. Runs down the west coast to south American and the like. Explains the so-called Supper Tyfoon, that hit poor Phillpines! What added to that storm was RAD! In that area, althought I can not prove it, I'll place my Life on it!

Since this is new anyway and most of it might be covered up anyway. How do you know the Starfish are from CA? Could be on the other side dead and flowing with the currents to the west. How long did it take the Trash to get to the West coast? Still does not explain others of said like problems of having their Insides turned into jelly!

Time could explain it though since it could not happen over night! That would even make matters worst! What 2 yrs now, things are now starting to break apart, or show itself over time! CA is the only state I know of that everything causes Cancer really!

Now if you add all the minds into a single group as one, though Creates Cancer Right? So Shall it Be! That is far out there I know, yet the possibility can Exist!


posted on Dec, 1 2013 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by nugget1

Wow! I knew it was Bad, just not THAT BAD!

So it IS following Down the Coast Line?

At least Something is anyways! Since when did they start spraying chim-trails anyways? Could the two be connected in any way?

We have heard in the Gulf they used, 2-Butoxy Ethanol to bind the oil into balls; or hide it from the top layer anyways. God only knows what we are using now!

Some areas you can not even go to the beach; its closed off!


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