posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 06:58 PM
In the past couple years the abandoned cats population in my neighborhood has gone through the roof. From simply two cats that hung out, and that I
will eventually take with me when I move, to over 30 cats that hang out. I mistakenly, and if I had to do it again, would not, fed them, thinking it
was the kind thing to do. Plus, they would come around sensing that I was feeding the two outdoor cats I have. During the two years, or so, although I
have spent tons of time and money, getting them fixed and returning, the numbers keep rising.I simply cannot afford to do this. Now, new neighbors are
bitching non stop about the crap in their yard, and my yard is getting the same way, smells like poop, and piss, no matter how much I clean. Cat
fighting all night, etc. So, for the past three weeks I have been trying every non kill shelter and organization in town. Every shelter is packed, and
will not take any. In fact, several organizations seemed to rip me a new ass for not "caring" enough... which is ridiculous. As a last resort, and I
feel extremely bad about doing this, is I will have to take them to the kill shelter... sucks... I hope the big man upstairs understands...