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Deformed Skull From Dark Ages Unearthed In France

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posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 12:09 AM

The skeleton of an ancient aristocratic woman whose head was warped into a deformed, pointy shape has been unearthed in a necropolis in France.

The necropolis, found in the Alsace region of France, contains 38 tombs that span more than 4,000 years, from the Stone Age to the Dark Ages.

Rich valley

The Obernai region where the remains were found contains a river and rich, fertile soil, which has attracted people for thousands of years, Philippe Lefranc, an archaeologist who excavated the Stone Age burials, wrote in an email.

Archaeologists first found the tombs in 2011 while doing a preliminary excavation of the area prior to the start of a big industrial building project. This year, Lefranc and his colleagues went back to do a more in-depth excavation.

They found that the tombs were well preserved by the limestone rock in which they were buried. One of the burials contained 20 tombs of men, women and children. [See Images of the Tombs & Deformed Skull]

"The corpses are lying on their backs, with outstretched legs and heads turned westwards," Lefranc said.

The tombs, which date to between 4900 B.C. and 4750 B.C., also contained a few stone vases and tools, along with ornaments such as mother-of-pearl elbow bracelets and collars. The small group may have been a family from a Neolithic farming and animal-herding culture that lived in long houses and buried their dead in cemeteries, Lefranc said.

Now this is interesting this now put skull deformations on nearly all continents,there is non such in Australia am I correct??

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by Spider879

I think the title is misleading.

That looks like a nephilium skull typical of that race of critters in South America. It's NOT a "DEFORMED" skull--it was true to its genetics, imho.

Better pics of the boundary lines between the sections of the skull would be helpful in determining such for sure.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 12:41 AM

reply to post by Spider879

I think the title is misleading.

That looks like a nephilium skull typical of that race of critters in South America. It's NOT a "DEFORMED" skull--it was true to its genetics, imho.

Better pics of the boundary lines between the sections of the skull would be helpful in determining such for sure.

I think they meant that the skull was squeezed into shape not that it was any kind of illness if I am reading you right, if you believe it's an alien thing then??..I don't know what to say on that.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 01:03 AM
It doesn't look squeezed to me.....It looks like an Anunaki skull like those found in Peru and elsewhere...

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 01:19 AM

It doesn't look squeezed to me.....It looks like an Anunaki skull like those found in Peru and elsewhere...

Its a cultural thing.. they place two small flat planks on either side of the skull and wrap it. as the skull grows it elongates. Just think.. that foot binding in Japan wasnt congenital either. Just cultural practice. Many North and central American indians practiced this as well before European colonization. Art depicts the practice starting from infancy on a cradleboard.. and binding the skull. When the child became mobile.. it was wrapped.
It exists today as well in many parts of Africa and South America.

edit on 19-11-2013 by Advantage because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by Spider879

Skeletal experts can tell in a flash . . . as, actually, can any layman who's studied the topic moderately well . . .

whether a skull was truly deformed by head binding etc. etc. in the early months of childhood . . .


as has been extensively documented in Peru and elsewhere

the skulls are from a "race" of 'others.' . . . . others which native cultures to such regions attest came "from the stars." . . .

and which Tom Horn and Chris Putnam document with thousands of pages of references SUMMARIZED IN their 600+ page EXO-VATICANA . . . are evidently actually fallen angels pretending to be ET's . . . somewhat as scientist Dr Jacques Vallee asserts after his 10 years of studying the evidence--that the purported "ET's" are 'evil critters' from an 'evil spiritual DIMENSION.'

1. The joints of the nephilium skulls are markedly different from human skulls in consistent ways.
2. The brain mass cubic area is markedly different--much greater. In deformed skulls, the brain mass is not that greatly different from undeformed human skulls--it's just mushed into a different shape.
3. The DNA is markedly different.
4. The composition of the bone substance is significantly different. I forget the details but I think the nephilum skulls are markedly lighter, less dense.

There are some other consistent differences, IIRC but I've forgotten them.

It's wiser to study the topic before making grand absolutist pronouncements that could look quite foolish to those who have studied the topic moderately extensively.

Thankfully, your comments were guarded, moderate and conservative . . . however, your bias seemed to still be fairly evident.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by Advantage

I encourage you to study the topic more thoroughly. Consider one or more human skulls beside one or more Nephilum skulls. The stark differences are obvious.

Compare a truly mechanically deformed human skull and a normal human skull--the commonalities are obvious.

It seems to me that a lot of foolish appearing comments on such threads are fostered by

1. Intense levels of NORMALCY BIAS
2. Fear that some really unknown 'other creature' factors may truly be real issues in our world and concerning our existence.

3. Wholesale, uninformed, gross ignorance about the topic.
4. Wishful thinking that does not want to face the issues associated with creatures with massively larger brains who evidently were dinking around with our planet in eons past and may well be doing so in our era as well.

edit on 19/11/2013 by BO XIAN because: added.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 01:26 AM


It doesn't look squeezed to me.....It looks like an Anunaki skull like those found in Peru and elsewhere...

Its a cultural thing.. they place two small flat planks on either side of the skull and wrap it. as the skull grows it elongates. Just think.. that foot binding in Japan wasnt congenital either. Just cultural practice. Many North and central American indians practiced this as well before European colonization. Art depicts the practice starting from infancy on a cradleboard.. and binding the skull. When the child became mobile.. it was wrapped.
It exists today as well in many parts of Africa and South America.

edit on 19-11-2013 by Advantage because: (no reason given)

ya, really common back in the day, right?

in europe.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 01:30 AM
From the source article listed in the OP:

"The deformation of the skull with the help of bandages (narrow strips of cloth) and small boards is a practice coming from central Asia," Lefranc said in an email. "It was popularized by the Huns and adopted by many German people."

In those times, the deformed, alienlike skull was a privilege reserved for the aristocracy.

"In France, Germany and eastern Europe, these deformed skulls appear in tombs rich in objects," Lefranc said.

The wealthy lady's tomb also contained gold pins, belts known as chatelaines, pearls, a comb made of a stag antler, and a bronze mirror that likely came from the Caucasus region or central Asia, he said.

These skull shaping practices are well documented, and even demonstrated in some modern primitive societies.
No Aliens, Annunaki, or whatever.

Those who think they're being lied to about History are absolutely correct, but, it's not from academia.

The lies are coming from all the 'junk-food', 'convenience store', and drive-thru' fringe sources, and just like McDeath Burger, Fizzy Sugary Drinks, and all those other junk garbage foods that taste so good, people are readily gobbling it up in preference over the actual Real, 'Healthy' History.

It takes little to zero cognitive horsepower to gobble up fast-food, junk, garbage history, and it's understandable especially since it 'tastes' so good and goes down so easy. People love garbage 'history' fantasy because, well, it's full of magic and mystery where reality is such a downer for so many that want so much more, and if they can believe in or convince themselves through these junk-food lies about aliens, Annunaki, Gods, Demi-gods, and other such that these super magical power things existed once-upon-a-time, it enables a faith response that it could oooooooo, maybe happen again.

Just like garbage junk food will have an unhealthy effect on the body, this easy to eat garbage junk history re-interpretation about Annunaki Aliens and such will have an unhealthy effect on the brain.

Real History might be dry and 'boring', but, nothing worth having should ever be expected to come easy.

Stay off the junk-food History people.

The skull is a result of manual shaping over time using the methods described. It's well documented and understood.

Artificial Cranial Deformation - Read it!

There is no statistically significant difference in cranial capacity between artificially deformed skulls and normal skulls.

Head molding still goes on today in modern first world Nations too, but, with the opposite goal of deformation; to mold a child's head into normalized shape:
Helmet Molding Therapy

Is my child a candidate for helmet therapy?

If your child is diagnosed with deformational plagiocephaly, brachycephaly, or scaphocephaly and is less than 12 months old, we may prescribe cranial remolding to correct the shape of the child’s head.

In addition, children who have undergone endoscopy to correct a craniofacial disorder will often be prescribed helmet therapy for the first year after surgery to further correct the shape of the head.

edit on 11/19/2013 by AliceBleachWhite because: added and expanded on sources. corrected spelling errors.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

I can't personally tell for sure from the one pic if the skull involved is a deformed human skull or an 'other' skull. Personally, it looks like an 'other' skull. The deformed skulls look quite different.

Certainly the join lines are different between the different sections. imho, the one join line I can see reminds me more of an 'other' skull than a deformed human skull but it's been a long time since I studied the topic to that level of detail.

I don't care what the write-up about the French area and skull says. The skulls themselves would be hard to hoax one way or the other if they were examined in sufficient detail--even merely a photograph of all the join lines would be sufficient.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 01:51 AM

reply to post by Advantage

I encourage you to study the topic more thoroughly. Consider one or more human skulls beside one or more Nephilum skulls. The stark differences are obvious.

Compare a truly mechanically deformed human skull and a normal human skull--the commonalities are obvious.

I have.. and for me the evidence is not compelling enough for me to attribute this skull that the OP is about to a nephilim race... or any existing skull for study to a nephilim race of giants. Considering this skull is NOT the skull from a giant in the op, I can safely say its more than likely human with cultural body modification... smooth cranial suturs or not.
Many "facts" arent facts at all.. considering the anatomy in particular. No one can seem to agree on that alone... so there is no confirmed Nephilim skull for me to decide by comparison. There are differences in anatomy I human beings. If you and I die, are buried, and someone digs up our skeletons to compare.. mine will be different from yours. It will be obvious concerning what my "race" is. Hint Im not a Nephilim..: I have 4 roots in my molars which are long and hooked into my jawbone, my incisors have talon cusps( nice fangs behind my incisors), etc....
Even dental anthropology cant agree on "nephilim teeth".. in elongated skulls... the teeth would be a HUGE indicator of genetic origin. They are rarely mentioned. It was just recently that talon cusps were known to be a genetic trait and not simply an abnormality. Much like the hysteria concerning double rows of teeth.

With Nephilim I guess it will be a while before that is an accepted part of osteology.. when or if we FIND the remains of a true daughters of men and sons of god critter. I find the idea of Nephilim pretty appealing, but for me.. I cant make the connections with what we have currently.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:03 AM

The skull is a result of manual shaping over time using the methods described. It's well documented and understood.

Nothing to see here, folks. Everything in existence is already well-documented and understood.

There are documented cases of a few tribes in South America and Africa using the board method to shape the developing heads of infants. However, as Bo Xian stated, there is a significant anatomical difference between purposely-deformed human skulls and skulls like the one in the OP. Biologists say the latter appear to have naturally grown to the elongated shape.

Even more interesting is the fact that these tribes, despite having no contact with one another, have mythologies involving 'gods' with long heads. They explain the modification of infants' heads as a way to mimic or honor their gods from above.

edit on 19-11-2013 by OpenMindedRealist because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:56 AM

reply to post by Spider879

I think the title is misleading.

That looks like a nephilium skull typical of that race of critters in South America. It's NOT a "DEFORMED" skull--it was true to its genetics, imho.

Better pics of the boundary lines between the sections of the skull would be helpful in determining such for sure.

Eh? Better pics of the skull would prove the existance of giants born of angels and human females?

I don't know, Bo... I don't think so.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Its a shame that is a load of cobblers given that there are no such thing as nephilim remains on earth. Or anunaki. Just old Mrs bone head and her ugly Gulliver made with lumps of dead tree.

You sound so convinced..

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 03:08 AM


The skull is a result of manual shaping over time using the methods described. It's well documented and understood.

Nothing to see here, folks. Everything in existence is already well-documented and understood.

There are documented cases of a few tribes in South America and Africa using the board method to shape the developing heads of infants. However, as Bo Xian stated, there is a significant anatomical difference between purposely-deformed human skulls and skulls like the one in the OP. Biologists say the latter appear to have naturally grown to the elongated shape.

Even more interesting is the fact that these tribes, despite having no contact with one another, have mthologies involving 'gods' with long heads. They explain the modification of infants' heads as a way to mimic or honor their gods from above.

edit on 19-11-2013 by OpenMindedRealist because: (no reason given)

So... angels raping humans makes more sense than body modification, then?

I ask simply because you say 'are's as if its a 'yes, but' then refer to Bo assumption that it is not human.

Its human.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by Advantage

Thanks for your kind and more substantive reply on the issues.

I can understand your perspective. I came to different conclusions. Maybe I'll track down the link(s) that helped me to my different conclusions.


posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 05:05 AM


. . .

There are documented cases of a few tribes in South America and Africa using the board method to shape the developing heads of infants. However, as Bo Xian stated, there is a significant anatomical difference between purposely-deformed human skulls and skulls like the one in the OP. Biologists say the latter appear to have naturally grown to the elongated shape.

Even more interesting is the fact that these tribes, despite having no contact with one another, have mythologies involving 'gods' with long heads. They explain the modification of infants' heads as a way to mimic or honor their gods from above.


It is kind of interesting . . . in the broad field of the . . . 'out there' topics . . . THIS IS one area where there's tangible documentation of the differences involved. I still fail to see how it can any longer be an issue of dispute.

However, I do recognize that . . . ATSer's can be a lot like the old joke about Jews . . . find 6 Jews in a group and you'll find 36 opinions . . . at least.


posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

Your facts are unarguably correct, but you're missing the crucial point being made.

That point being spontaneous development of this very odd practice of deforming a new borns skull shape, by disparate cultures separated by continent and ocean at a time when no mutual contact was supposedly taking place between them.

That's the point, not that Human beings have or have not performed this on their offspring...but why and why did many vastly separated cultures all decide this extremely odd and unnatural practice was a desirable trait independently of each other.

It's one thing for separate cultures to decide to build houses or tools that are very similar, as that is how Humans innovate...we find what works best and go with the obvious design, but it's another thing entirely to mutilate a new born baby for no apparent reason, especially many cultures doing so in supposed isolation to each other.

It's as strange as discovering separate cultures all independently decided it would be a good idea to remove their right arms at birth.

That's the point.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by winofiend


I'm pretty convinced.

I had a longer post ready but hit the wrong key and lost it . . . here's the link with L.A.Marzulli--I've met him and his wife and found them excellent researchers and authentic high integrity people.

There's another much longer video with many more skulls but this one lists several specific differences between NON-distorted 'other' skulls and human skulls.

I'm going to post this before scanning other such links for the better ones.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by MysterX


One major point is that the elongated "cone heads" appear in widely diverse continents.

The 2nd major point is that tribal cultures evidently tried to mimic the ?NATURAL? or manipulated DNA differences that resulted in the "cone heads" being BORN THAT WAY AS A RACE--perhaps a hybrid race.

I think other research of L.A.'s indicates a hybrid race.

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