If there is one thing I would like to get people thinking about:
How the idea of "genres" is LIMITING the quality of the music that is heard by the masses and it's only becoming more and more obvious..
sound like a bold statement? think about this..
In this culture where just about EVERY recording of music (and otherwise) EVER, is available through a laptop or PC in most places in the world, but
somehow MOST of it remains unheard, misunderstood, and just plain unappreciated..
..why is this..?
It seems that at least before the 50s, music was fairly well-understood by the masses as an art-form that was all about innovating new ways to
Even when the music was mostly interested in impressing aristocracy through novelty and gimmicks (western music's entire history haha..),
professional musicians consisted of people who spoke the "language of music" and needed no help in songwriting or performing..
they didn't always have the freedom to do what they wanted, but at least there was the DRIVE to innovate, whereas today, I couldn't even claim 1% of
musicians out there (and i'm just counting "the professionals"..) have any interest in changing the current state of how music is understood and
heard by the masses..
There are many aspects of music that are traditional (most established cultures have some form of "music theory" or other..) but whether intentional
or not, the music does evolve with time..
and it is NOW in this particularly unique time of networking technology, that the individual can expose themselves to ANYTHING within
I know this is nothing new to those of us born after 1980, but seriously.. EVERY recording by EVERY musician that has EVER recorded is available..
and what do people do with it?
think about what most people ACTUALLY listen to and how they find it..
The simpler it is to classify any one musician, the easier it is to promote and sell on iTunes, get on the radio, play at award shows, get on movie
soundtracks, etc etc etc..
but it seems that BY DEFINITION, if a band that is easy to put into a genre, it usually isn't a very progressive or sincere product..
I know, I know.. Most people don't even LOOK for progressive songwriting or new sounds when they seek out new music (seems like most people don't
even SEEK music at all, and just kinda.. absorb what their friends expose them to..) but is that GOOD..? I truly hate the word "good" (and "bad")
but what I mean is..
..is it helpful..?
If I have regular access to the internet and really have a niche' i'm researching, i would say that I download and listen to between 3-5 new albums
a week. sometimes i'm looking for spoken word albums, sometimes i'm looking for science-fiction soundtracks, noise-music, Japanese koto music,
greek orthodox chants, gnostic lectures, or free-jazz but I really don't have any rhyme or reason to HOW I find what I download..
I just follow my curiosity and I've found tons of music few people know of THAT IS TRULY AMAZING..
I know that "obscure music" is one of the red-flags for identifying a "hipster" but no.. I have no interest in any one scene or somehow impressing
people with how "obscure" my music collection is..
in fact, I could say that I love a lot of Frank Zappa and David Bowie just as much as I enjoy Einstürzende Neubauten and Scott Walker's entire
career haha.
and the funny thing is that my computer is no more full of music than most people's, and in fact I know many folks with TWICE as much music as I do..
but it's almost always full of "the classics" whose discographies span decades.. mostly diluted crap..
I'm talking about when someone 20yrs old has a collection something like:
AC/DC, Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Genesis, Eric Clapton, etc etc etc
and the poor computer's hard drive is full of nothing but discographies of these generic outdated musicians that really haven't WRITTEN any music in
I think something is wrong..
..or at least weird haha.
I'm a firm believer that people do what they WANT no matter what they're told/taught, but.. golly. When bands like the Insane Clown Posse and
"dub-step" "artists" have some of the bigger festivals, with the most enthusiastic fans.. something is definitely weird..
I suppose this might belong in the "rant" forum, but oh well! Perhaps others see this in a similar way, or perhaps not.. just hadta get it out..