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The secret origins of political correctness

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+75 more 
posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 04:30 PM
Have you ever heard of Lookism?. If you think one person is better looking than another, you are a bigotted "lookist", because you are discriminating instead of seeing everyone as the same/equal. How dare you say someone is good-looking but not another, you judgmental pig!

Have you heard of Ableism?. You are in ableist if you view disabled people as less able in some respects. You better let the guy in the wheelchair play on your football team so that they dont brand you an evil "ableist"!

Did you know that Genderism, i.e. seeing men and women as biologically different, is considered offensive by some? There are now Scandinavian Day Care centers who forbid giving children toys or clothing by gender. So if you prevent boys from wearing pink and give them a water-pistol instead of a pony, you may be a closed-minded "genderist", an enemy of the progress of humankind!

The way society thinks has been rapidly changing. Things considered obvious, such as the fact that gender is not only a "social construct" but a biological reality, are increasingly becoming Taboo. If current trends continue we will be living in a very different place and state of mind only a hundred years from now.

Did you know that "gender-neutral" restrooms are popping up around the world as not to "discriminate" against the transgendered? You wonder how women will feel sharing the restrooms with men or whether they might be afraid of that. But women are not being asked whether they felt "discriminated" by separate restrooms. The minority group of transgendered are more important than woman in general. Just like muslims were never asked whether they felt "discriminated" by the term "Merry Christmas" before it turned into "Happy Holiday". No poll was taken, it was simply "assumed" that "Merry Christmas" is "offensive" to anyone who does not celebrate Christmas.

Did you know that some schools have banned having "winners" during games and sports activities as not to "discriminate" against those who lost a game? This is all part of a new and emerging psychology that says that "competition" and "competitive sports" are old-fashioned remnants of "exploitative win-lose based systems", whatever that is supposed to mean. I guess the kids, who usually love competitive sports, were never asked.

All these examples and incremental changes are part of the larger movement of "political correctness" (PC). It is generally assumed that these social changes are not deliberately engineered, much less secretly. The public assumes they are indicative of "modern times" and some kind of natural progress toward a more open and tolerant society. And at first sight, it would appear that way. I however state, that PC is secretly engineered and has nothing at all to do with creating a more open and tolerant society, even if on the surface it appears that way. I believe that PC has secret origins and was developed in the 1920s by the Cheka (predecessor of the Soviet KGB) specifically to undermine The United States of America. In my view it is the most successful feat of clandestine psy-op social engineering of the Century. It was further developed by the Frankfurt School and other Neo-Marxist agendas and now the fruits of this old plan have only started manifesting in the last few decades.

In my view, this is what PC Progressivism purports to be:

And this is what it actually is:

PC is a Soviet mind-virus that has undermined Americas leading role as well as muddied its Politics (both Democrat and Republican). If you understand how this virus works, you will also understand why "Merry Christmas" turned into "Happy Holiday" but "Happy Hanukah" and countless other Holidays stayed the same. You begin to understand why "progressive" groups chant "Free Palestine" but never "Free Tibet" (because Communists rule there). Why Hillary Clinton is considered an example of female empowerment but never Margeret Thatcher. Why Obama is an example of Black Empowerment but never Colin Powell. Why ultra-conservative muslims are preferred over mildly-conservative Americans. Why racism, sexism and capitalism are fought almost exclusively in America, but not in other countries. You see, the goal of Soviet-KGB-installed "Progressivism" and "PC Culture" was not REALLY to battle racism, sexism and capitalism. Otherwise they`d have first battled sexism in Africa, battled racism in India, battled Capitalism in Western Europe. They'd have battled racism, sexism and capitalism (the three supposed enemies of progressivism) where they are most prevalent. But because Soviets goal was the destruction of American culture, primarily America was targeted.

PC was created in Soviet Russia for the purposes of the Cold War psy-war, not for the purposes of truly bringing about equality, black rights, womens rights, LGBT rights, etc. Civil rights were already well on their way without the Soviet propaganda.

George Orwell (who was a genuine liberal...not one of these "PC Progressives") predicted modern PC more than 50 years ago:

“Newspeak is a controlled language created by the totalitarian state as a tool to limit free thought, and concepts that pose a threat to the regime such as freedom, self-expression, individuality, peace, etc. Any form of thought alternative to the party’s construct is classified as ‘thoughtcrime.’”

The totalitarian arbiters of PC are not smart enough to realize that suppressing free thought does not get rid of unwanted thoughts, it amplifies them. For example, never once in my life have I considered using racial slurs or derogatory language toward women, the disabled, etc. That's because I was brought up to be respectful to all people. But the humorless total Taboo all such topics is making me think twice about it.

+28 more 
posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 04:31 PM

A Few Examples of Political Correctness and "Thoughtcrime"

What was originally purported to be about "equality" is slowly but surely becoming something much more insidious:

Not employing criminals is here considered a racist offense. Of course the "racism" is merely assumed, not proven. Most likely the employer just does not want to hire people who have an arrest record. Under PC-pressure he is prevented from running his company the way he deems appropriate.

Criticism of Pedophilia, criticism of the Taliban and a number of other criticisms are by some considered a discrimination offense. There is no violence or bullying involved here, mere criticism is an offense. This is why a police officer who called Trayvvon Martin "a thug" got fired. You are not allowed to think that. While I dont personally think Trayvvon Martin was a thug, a free country would easily grant someone the right to think that. A totalitarian-state wouldnt. This is why it is in some places forbidden to mock Obama with an Obama Mask , even though the Mask-Tradition was carried out with every President before him. PC-Culture is mostly young and gullible ("useful idiots") and probably has no memory of similar masks for George Bush, Clinton, Reagan, etc. The totalitarian PC-view does not understand Humor and is VERY easily offended.

All over America first and now the whole world, things are being "renamed" as not to "offend" anyone. So why arent the Holidays of other Religions attacked by the PC-Brigade? Isnt that odd? When you know the secret origins of PC, the answer is simple: Because those Religions were not on the original enemies-list as created by the Soviets. A school in Seattle renamed Easter Eggs "Spring spheres" as not to offend people who dont celebrate Easter. Schools across Europe banned crosses from classrooms as they could offend non-Christians. At the same time they started building prayer-rooms for Muslims in schools as not to offend them. You see, the PC-thought-police was devised not as anti-Religion but merely anti-Christian because Christianity was associated with America, and America was the enemy.

PC-Cultures aim was to turn the populace into a bunch of hyper-sensitive and emotionally unstable wimps: Instead of calling waiters simply waiters, they now in some parts need to be called "wait persons" as "waiter" is supposedly "discrimination" against women. Parrots of PC actually believe that when I say "Hello Waiter" my intent is to demean and humiliate women rather than simply order a meal.

A UK Council banned the word "brainstorming" after complaints that it offended epileptics. A UK job center banned job adverts using words such as "reliable" and "hard working" because it "discriminated" against lazy people. A shopping mall Santa Claus was banned from saying "Ho, Ho, Ho" because it could be offensive to women.

I could fill several volumes with examples of things one is not allowed to say. Anyone could be offended by anything, so people walk around on eggshells and have trouble joking or relating too each other because they are constantly second guessing what they are allowed to say. "I am an American....ooops...Im sorry, thats offensive to Canadians and South Americans who are also included and I dont mean to diminish their status as Americans". Being super-sensitive is actually a sign of being mentally ill. Only dictators would want to control what someone else is allowed to think and get a fit of rage at the slightest word that might "diminish" them. It used to be that we could only be punished for our ACTIONS, but today we can also be punished for our thoughts and expressed thoughts (words). And more and more, the emotionally disturbed hyper-sensitives are running our Universtities, Schools, our Movie Industries and our Governments.

If current trends continue, not only will we have the 24/7 surveillance (NSA, Internet, Flying Surveillance Drones, etc.) of a totalitarian state, but also the total thought-control of one. It starts out with thought-control on subjects most of us can agree with. Nobody wants to hear racial slurs, homophobic insults and hate-speech, so we accept them being outlawed. But that's a slippery slope, because it means that thought/speech AS SUCH can be outlawed. And as the above examples show, its already gone way beyond just outlawing hate-speech. Everything you say you can now be fined or put out of Business for.

Says Wikipedia (a medium which is itself full of editors who are heavily into evasive PC-Newsspeak at times):

Political correctness is a term that refers to language, ideas, or policies that address perceived or actual discrimination against or alienation of politically, socially or economically disadvantaged groups. The term usually implies that these social considerations are excessive or of a purely "political" nature. These groups most prominently include those defined by gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation and disability.
Historically, the term was a colloquialism used in the early-to-mid 20th century by Communists and Socialists in political debates, referring pejoratively to the Communist "party line", which provided for "correct" positions on many matters of politics.

The whole idea behind all this is of course the original marxist creed that the "disadvantaged" should rise up and take the power away from the "priveleged". From this "poor me" perspective, women, blacks, workers and poor people were seen as "victims" and whites, males, capitalists and rich people as "perpetrators". This is why you will hardly see any political correctness requests regarding those social groups. You`ll notice PC-Robots get very confused at rich blacks, homosexual conservatives, disabled capitalists, rich women and other citizens who do not fit the idiotic soviet-implanted stereotypes of "minority groups".

Image: Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin...the architects of PC.

+9 more 
posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 04:31 PM
The Secret Origins

The Soviet Empire was unable to conquer America with military might or overt propaganda, so Lenin and Stalin implemented plans for covert culture influence of media/entertainment and education/academia. Hollywood and Universities would become the most heavily targeted for secret Soviet Operations. Disclosed KGB Files and the work of KGB-Dissidents as well as western Intelligence Analysts reveal that the campaign started in the 1920s and worked to attack and target American capitalism (one of the main tools that made America prosperous and created all the advances in technology, medicine and standard of living), individualism, libertarianism and American foreign policy.

Throughout the last decades many covert agents and "sleeper agents" from Russia were uncovered and expelled. After the fall of the Soviet Empire, many former KGB operatives "came out" to tell of the grand PC-conspiracy. Some however, remained undiscovered and could only be revealed by advanced intelligence analysis. According to the Intelligence Analyst Kent Clizbe (who wrote a book on this subject titled "Willing Accomplices"), covert Soviet Agents who worked in U.S. Academia, Hollywood and Government could be identified by the following universal signs:

1. They took a trip to Russia
2. Shortly after their return from Russia they suddenly came to much fame or money
3. Shortly thereafter, their political messages matched that intended by Lenin and Stalin.

According to this author, one of the early masters of covert Soviet propaganda was Willi Muenzenberg of German origin:

Muenzenberg set up numerous "front organizations" in America that purported to serve a certain purpose while secretly serving the Soviet purpose. The popular Fronts attracted good-willed journalists, movie directors and academics or what Muenzenberg called "innocents" (and what Soviets would later call "useful idiots").

The covert message that was to be spread was that America was a racist, sexist, imperialist war-monger; homophobic, foreigner-hating, ignorant bible-thumpers, whereas Communism was a "benign, noble experiment to rid the world of corruption, oppression and injustice". The phrase "social justice" was coined by KGB operative Muenzenberg way back in the 1930s. Writes Clizbe:

Babette Gross, wife of KGB agent Willi Muenzenberg, explained the content of the Soviet payload...: You claim to be an independent-minded idealist. You don’t really understand politics, but you think the little guy is getting a lousy break. You believe in open-mindedness. You are shocked, frightened by what is going on right here in our own country. You’re frightened by the racism, by the oppression of the workingman. You think the Russians are trying a great human experiment,and you hope it works. You believe in peace. You yearn for international understanding. You hate fascism. You think the capitalist system is corrupt.

After this message was planted by various sleeper agents over and over again throughout the decades, most of the agents were "purged" (killed) by orders of Stalin to erase all tracks. Even Willi Münzenberg himself, who tried to escape the purge by not returning to Russia, was eventually murdered. Negative news about Communism, such as the famines and genocides committed by Stalin, on the other hand, was denied and covered up by the various KGB-paid-journalists.

The various literature on the covert influence of soviet spy rings on American culture drops hundreds of famous names from science, the movie industry, universities, literature. I will not go into them here but ask those interested to read up and do their research. Some of the Soviet Sleeper Agents have only recently (as recent as 2010) been discovered and asked to leave the country. The fact that they were still operating shows that the Soviet Program was designed for long-term and seems far from over.

Americans being fairly naive in terms of covert action and psyops did not catch wind of the agenda until about twenty years after it started. It took until the 1940s and 1950s that Communist activities were finally examined. But once the so-called "Red Scare" of the McCarthy era was over, the agenda went right back into full effect in the 1960s. Some intelligence analysts claim that the "Roswell Incident" and popularity of "UFOs" were staged by the CIA as a "revenge psy-ops" against the Soviet Union, to confuse and mislead the Soviets.

Historical Research has shown that the obviously Communist organizations in America, such as "Communist Party of America" or the "Socialist Party of America" were NOT the pool from which agents were recruited and they were NOT the "fronts" for the KGB. The KGB always chose journalists, filmmakers and academics who had NO prior affiliation with Communism or Socialism at all. That was part of what kept their operations undercover. The best propaganda was that which was not instantly recognizable as such.

By the early 1990s "political correctness" had taken over large parts of American society. A vast majority now agreed that Americans "backward people" and that only the big cities on the East and West Coast were "metropolitan". The truth is of course that America has always been the most naturally multi-cultural country on the planet and that its people were generally of a positive and energetic nature, that Freedom and Education was important to Americans, that most of the Worlds new Inventions come from America.The Soviet message however, insisted that Americans are generally genocidal (referring to the treatment Native Americans), slave-owners, Vietnam baby-killers, oppressive of all minorities and destroying the environment.

The Soviet campaign was a huge success. Every ear hundreds of movies, books and newspaper articles a year downplay Americas achievements and bright sides and emphasize Americas cruelty, mistakes and evils. Twenty years after the fall of the Soviet Union, the PC-Machine is still churning it out. Instead of seeing "being American" with a sense of optimism and shared purpose and destiny, many now believe that America is evil beyond redemption, the culprit of vast conspiracies, dominated by the "military industrial complex"and a cause of atrocities around the world (of course the "anti-war" protests were much, much stronger before Obama was in power...which also has a PC-Progressive reason). Today even Middle Eastern extremists rely word-for-word on the Lenin-Stalin script created almost a century ago.

America is no longer "The Greatest Nation on Earth". America is no longer #1 in anything. In Education its not even in the Top 10. In math not even in the top 30. People of all nations used to send their children to American Universities because they had the reputation to be the best in the World. After having been infiltarted by Soviet PC-Progressivism, they of course no longer are. After all, "competition" is seen as an undesirable remnant of outmoded "racist/capitalist/sexist agendas" by the PC-Elite. Ironically, Communist China is now #1 in math. This is ironic, because China contributed to the Soviets infiltration of academic America. be continued at some future date with another thread on specific sleeper agents, professors, scientists, writers and movie directors who took their orders from the KGB. This was part 3 of a 5 Part Series.

edit on 17-11-2013 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

I disagree with your premise. PCness was the first effort to make us all "equal" or "just as good as the next person no matter individual differences of any kind, sex, race or disability or ability.

That line of reasoning has been changed to "Diversity" being the new rule.

Why? Well, I honestly think that it has been changed to include any ETs that we happen to come across or that lands on the WH lawn. I mean, if a creature turns up with three eyes and six tentacles how could that thing every be equal according to the old social law they tried to impose?

Now, just think, living under the rule of Diversity, you just shrug and say, "So what, dude, that's Diversity for ya. 'Live and let live' they tell us. I wonder what it eats for dinner?"

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Great OP!

I have some definite opinions of the whole PC movement - none even remotely favorable - but I was unaware of the Soviet connections you've shown here.

I need to read thru this again carefully and check out some of your sources/links as they seem mighty interesting.

Thanks, and of course, S&F.

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Them bastards! They killed "free speech"!

That was a great OP! Thank you for confirming what I have long suspected.

See ya,

+5 more 
posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

A brilliant thread!

How many times do we see threads here decrying what someone said?

What someone said.

Free speech should be free. Just look at the Westboro Baptist threads where people are all for banning what they said. I think Westboro are idiots.

But I'd fight for their right, or anyone else's right to be an idiot.

+11 more 
posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 06:33 PM
"That offends me."

The phrase, "That offends me", is at the heart of the matter. Isn't it?

Is PC designed to protect those that are offended?

Since when did being offended constitute victimhood?

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Did you know that "gender-neutral" restrooms are popping up around the world as not to "discriminate" against the transgendered? You wonder how women will feel sharing the restrooms with men or whether they might be afraid of that. But women are not being asked whether they felt "discriminated" by separate restrooms.

. I believe that PC has secret origins and was developed in the 1920s by the Cheka (predecessor of the Soviet KGB) specifically to undermine The United States of America.

On the one hand you're saying "political correctness" is an American phenomena created by the KGB but you point to an example from Scandinavia? So is the KGB also responsible for gender neutral restrooms in Scandanavia?

PC is a Soviet mind-virus that has undermined Americas leading role as well as muddied its Politics (both Democrat and Republican).

How has "political correctness" undermined America's leading role?

You begin to understand why "progressive" groups chant "Free Palestine" but never "Free Tibet" (because Communists rule there).

This is simply not true. Do you deny that there is a cause or do you believe that it's being fought by non-progressives?

Why Obama is an example of Black Empowerment but never Colin Powell. Why ultra-conservative muslims are preferred over mildly-conservative Americans. Why racism, sexism and capitalism are fought almost exclusively in America, but not in other countries. You see, the goal of Soviet-KGB-installed "Progressivism" and "PC Culture" was not REALLY to battle racism, sexism and capitalism. Otherwise they`d have first battled sexism in Africa, battled racism in India, battled Capitalism in Western Europe.

Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice were both viewed favorably. Why do you think they weren't? What proof do you present that "ultra-conservative muslims" are preferred over mildly-conservative Americans?

Criticism of Pedophilia, criticism of the Taliban and a number of other criticisms are by some considered a discrimination offense. There is no violence or bullying involved here, mere criticism is an offense.

You link to an article about changes to military manuals. From your source:

"a new U.S. military handbook for troops deployed to the Middle East orders soldiers not to make derogatory comments about the Taliban or criticize pedophilia, among other outrageous things."

Does it seem reasonable that they might be trying to prevent soldiers from becoming embroiled in clashes of ideology/culture with the citizens of foreign countries? My brother has been a contractor in Afghanistan for several years since he got out the military. While there, he has a full beard. It's called not making yourself a target.

You see, the PC-thought-police was devised not as anti-Religion but merely anti-Christian because Christianity was associated with America, and America was the enemy.

Only about 11% of the world's Christians reside in the United States. The percentage drop of people claiming to be Christian has dropped less in the U.S. since 1910 than in European countries.


For what it's worth, I think the influence of "political correctness" is way overblown and where I do see it, it's more a trendy hipster way of showing that you're some how more enlightened than everyone else. I think the fear of "PC" is right up there with the mythical "white guilt," memes spread by conservatives to make people feel that they are under attack by some alien leftist menace that wants to destroy their culture and enslave their minds. They're examples of defense mechanisms of conservative ideology used to discredit liberalism.
edit on 17-11-2013 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 06:50 PM
Your OP makes a lot of sense. Star & flag I read every word no cheating.

And as for all that PC crap, there are things I won't say because it's just wrong, but I'll not be censored!

To censor me is discriminating against "JERKS" we're people too!

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 07:49 PM
Excellent thread! Wow! The position of the useful idiots is so hypocritical and logically unsound that I have never been able to accept that it's part the natural evolution of a society...however, it's so hard to put these difficult ideas on paper for me, as I have difficulty in expressing my thoughts into useful forms of communication. I'd have preferred it if you'd maybe brought yourself down to my level so as not to offend, but I'll allow it.

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 09:40 PM
First rate thread. The destructive insidiousness of Political Correctness has been understood on the fringes for sometime now. Realisation dawned for me some time ago when it was pointed out to me that the aims of Marxism were being achieved by the red menace going mainstream and adopting 'Soft Mission Creep' tactics.
The fall of the Berlin Wall and the seeming end of Soviet Communism wrong footed everyone in the west. Since the break up of the Soviet Union western society has been gradually polluted by Socio-Communist dogma and is now almost entirely Culturally Marxist. It began in the public institutions education, local government etc and has now permeated nearly every aspect of our lives to the point where I now think it is not possible to reverse it.
If this continues unabated as I suspect it will western civilisation will collapse and only a return to the foundations and traditions that seeded the original growth will rebuild it. Just try to imagine a weak and easily offended populace, made soft by being suckled on the PC teat, attempting to rebuild society from scratch. Until that day comes I'll be poolside, join me, save your strength, you will need it, and a destroyed civilisation will be crying out your strength.

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Look, political correctness is not going to help anyone. First of all, as you say, it is keeping people from bringing up legitimate points. And this is vital for the next argument I am going to make.

Political correctness does not keep people from thinking anything, especially if it is something they can see for themselves. It only keeps those people from speaking their views in public.

What does this mean? It means that they are going to take their views underground, where they are going to polarize, because there is no interaction with other viewpoints, and then they are going to become dangerous. That's right, political correctness leads to dangerous and hidden cells of racists, sexists and more, that are off the radar.

Even in certain states, or certain communities, racism and sexism have increased to levels I have never seen it before in my entire life. There are whole states that are effectively off the radar, where blacks aren't being hired, or aren't being allowed to be included into white friend groups - in fact, a black family moved into a subdivision I had been living in, and their kid was sent to juvenile detention over and over again - for showing up and asking to hang out with white kids.

I think the family actually left town after only a month. I'm guessing they had moved to Idaho to get their kids in line, but instead found out that their kid kept on being put in juvenile detention for basically doing nothing.

All the while, a white person in a coastal city gets offended when someone notices a black person's race and asks about their cultural background.

Meanwhile, in the public world, it is going to look like everything's fine - except, without interacting with people who have legitimate criticisms, the public will slowly go off into la-la fantasy land - believing things that simply are not true.

I love the feminist movement - but the honest truth is, in any relationship, there should be equal representation under the natural law. That means that if a woman is dating a guy and decides she wants to cheat on him, that is just as inconsiderate to do so as if he cheated on her. It would have been polite to ask.

Anyway, back to those dangerous, polarized cells of racists and sexists and the like - the more polarized society gets into la-la-land, the more justified their polarization into the opposite camp is.

It's not like you can change what people think. It is much better to keep it in the open than force it underground.
edit on 17pmSun, 17 Nov 2013 23:53:11 -0600kbpmkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 11:54 PM

"That offends me."

The phrase, "That offends me", is at the heart of the matter. Isn't it?

Is PC designed to protect those that are offended?

Since when did being offended constitute victimhood?

Beezer, being offended constituted victimhood the moment the people started being offended instead of standing up for themselves with legitimate counter-arguments.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 12:45 AM


A Few Examples of Political Correctness and "Thoughtcrime"

What was originally purported to be about "equality" is slowly but surely becoming something much more insidious:

Not employing criminals is here considered a racist offense. Of course the "racism" is merely assumed, not proven. Most likely the employer just does not want to hire people who have an arrest record. Under PC-pressure he is prevented from running his company the way he deems appropriate.

Criticism of Pedophilia, criticism of the Taliban and a number of other criticisms are by some considered a discrimination offense. There is no violence or bullying involved here, mere criticism is an offense. This is why a police officer who called Trayvvon Martin "a thug" got fired. You are not allowed to think that. While I dont personally think Trayvvon Martin was a thug, a free country would easily grant someone the right to think that. A totalitarian-state wouldnt. This is why it is in some places forbidden to mock Obama with an Obama Mask , even though the Mask-Tradition was carried out with every President before him. PC-Culture is mostly young and gullible ("useful idiots") and probably has no memory of similar masks for George Bush, Clinton, Reagan, etc. The totalitarian PC-view does not understand Humor and is VERY easily offended.

All over America first and now the whole world, things are being "renamed" as not to "offend" anyone. So why arent the Holidays of other Religions attacked by the PC-Brigade? Isnt that odd? When you know the secret origins of PC, the answer is simple: Because those Religions were not on the original enemies-list as created by the Soviets. A school in Seattle renamed Easter Eggs "Spring spheres" as not to offend people who dont celebrate Easter. Schools across Europe banned crosses from classrooms as they could offend non-Christians. At the same time they started building prayer-rooms for Muslims in schools as not to offend them. You see, the PC-thought-police was devised not as anti-Religion but merely anti-Christian because Christianity was associated with America, and America was the enemy.

PC-Cultures aim was to turn the populace into a bunch of hyper-sensitive and emotionally unstable wimps: Instead of calling waiters simply waiters, they now in some parts need to be called "wait persons" as "waiter" is supposedly "discrimination" against women. Parrots of PC actually believe that when I say "Hello Waiter" my intent is to demean and humiliate women rather than simply order a meal.

A UK Council banned the word "brainstorming" after complaints that it offended epileptics. A UK job center banned job adverts using words such as "reliable" and "hard working" because it "discriminated" against lazy people. A shopping mall Santa Claus was banned from saying "Ho, Ho, Ho" because it could be offensive to women.

I could fill several volumes with examples of things one is not allowed to say. Anyone could be offended by anything, so people walk around on eggshells and have trouble joking or relating too each other because they are constantly second guessing what they are allowed to say. "I am an American....ooops...Im sorry, thats offensive to Canadians and South Americans who are also included and I dont mean to diminish their status as Americans". Being super-sensitive is actually a sign of being mentally ill. Only dictators would want to control what someone else is allowed to think and get a fit of rage at the slightest word that might "diminish" them. It used to be that we could only be punished for our ACTIONS, but today we can also be punished for our thoughts and expressed thoughts (words). And more and more, the emotionally disturbed hyper-sensitives are running our Universtities, Schools, our Movie Industries and our Governments.

If current trends continue, not only will we have the 24/7 surveillance (NSA, Internet, Flying Surveillance Drones, etc.) of a totalitarian state, but also the total thought-control of one. It starts out with thought-control on subjects most of us can agree with. Nobody wants to hear racial slurs, homophobic insults and hate-speech, so we accept them being outlawed. But that's a slippery slope, because it means that thought/speech AS SUCH can be outlawed. And as the above examples show, its already gone way beyond just outlawing hate-speech. Everything you say you can now be fined or put out of Business for.

Says Wikipedia (a medium which is itself full of editors who are heavily into evasive PC-Newsspeak at times):

Political correctness is a term that refers to language, ideas, or policies that address perceived or actual discrimination against or alienation of politically, socially or economically disadvantaged groups. The term usually implies that these social considerations are excessive or of a purely "political" nature. These groups most prominently include those defined by gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation and disability.
Historically, the term was a colloquialism used in the early-to-mid 20th century by Communists and Socialists in political debates, referring pejoratively to the Communist "party line", which provided for "correct" positions on many matters of politics.

The whole idea behind all this is of course the original marxist creed that the "disadvantaged" should rise up and take the power away from the "priveleged". From this "poor me" perspective, women, blacks, workers and poor people were seen as "victims" and whites, males, capitalists and rich people as "perpetrators". This is why you will hardly see any political correctness requests regarding those social groups. You`ll notice PC-Robots get very confused at rich blacks, homosexual conservatives, disabled capitalists, rich women and other citizens who do not fit the idiotic soviet-implanted stereotypes of "minority groups".

Image: Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin...the architects of PC.

i call it stupid-ism.

star + F for you.

well said.

obama is rich and the most powerful dude, yet the PC left, STILL wants to throw down the race card.

oprah is a billionaire. nuff said.

i won't get into "offending" words.

edit on 305849111230am2013 by tsingtao because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 01:24 AM
well the kgb may have started it.
but russia sure as hell doesn't believe in political correctness now. i could point to different things, but i won't, just a couple of links.

seems that turning from communism has made them a bunch of bigoted pigs.

Russia opposes 'absurd' western political correctness – Putin's chief of staff

Russia Can Benefit From Political Correctness

and here is a article from 2000, that goes right along with your post.
The Origins of Political Correctness

and this one, made me think of the old wendy's commercial.

Siberia - where beauty contests are not infected by political correctness!

edit on 18-11-2013 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 01:53 AM


On the one hand you're saying "political correctness" is an American phenomena created by the KGB but you point to an example from Scandinavia? So is the KGB also responsible for gender neutral restrooms in Scandanavia?

Im sorry, I cut down a 6-page OP to 3-pages, so details like this went missing. America was the primary target. Western Europe was also considered "the enemy" of course. And in the 70s and 80s it was also realized that Europeans are easier to influence along these lines. Meanwhile the PC-phenomenon is a worldwide thing.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 01:55 AM

well the kgb may have started it.
but russia sure as hell doesn't believe in political correctness now. i could point to different things, but i won't, just a couple of links.

seems that turning from communism has made them a bunch of bigoted pigs.

This is correct and another thing I actually censored from my OP to cut down its length. Putin was KGB from a young age and very aware of the PC social engineering program. Thats why today he is totally paranoid about anything even slightly resembling PC or Progressivism. His Pendulum swings to the other side of genuine bigotry.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by Aliensun

Its good you bring up PCs favorite key-words "equality" and "diversity". In practice, the "Progressive" philosophy adheres to neither.

A good example is the PC Tool "Affirmative Action", which is a profoundly cunning way of disempowering blacks. Firstly, it is subconsciously demeaning to blacks to imply that they are incapable of progressing in life without artificial assistance and secondly, it is inherently racist while pretending to be anti-racist. It is racist because it discriminates on the basis of skin color.

Another example: If I live alongside a rich Persian, a rich Arab, an Eastern European and a Western European, the PC will not consider this a "diverse neighborhood", even though it is. It will only consider the neighborhood "diverse" if the status quo was toppled and supposedly "disadvantaged minority groups" were put in positions of power while the power of the supposedly "privileged" was stripped. Rather than genuine equality, PC seeks a inversal of the societal power Pyramid. Or simply: Classical Soviet-Style Communism.

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