posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 11:24 PM
Yep! Doom Porn, again.
How about we just cut all the B.S. crap and get down to the bottom, shall we? If you actually Look at it wisely, you will come to find out everything
has an effect on everything.
Hell Yes Earth is going to put Her Wrath down! What do you expect? Somehow Humans think Its Something Outside of themselves that gonna do the DOOM!
Heres how I see it. What is to come is Our Doing! Man wants to Play God, So Be It! One has to ask oneself if God would happen to Actually Show up.
Would He be Happy?
Now all this so called Doom comes from ALL our beings knowing we have really messed it up, period! It comes from within really. Some know this to be
true, yet do not see this as a Fear of Doom, only a cleansing! Its the same with Living. When you Know you are doing Something wrong a Bell goes off
in your Heart, next mind trys to regroup itself and you have a choice. Make the wrong choice and there is the Doom/Fear of the making.
Now extend it on a Higher Level! Doom Porn! Only this time you actually Feel something your mind can not place into words and your Heart is now acting
on its own. A New Energy out there, it started with small waves 2/4 yrs ago and now it is constant! Some claim the Sun being in a unstable state has
turned on some of the DNA. Others want to say God is coming soon!
Or its nothing but time for Man to evlove or die off. Still their will never be an end, some move on and the rest die off. Another Big Bang in the
Human chain of events. Since we are missing links from our past anyway, did we come from apes or evolve? No one really Knows this.
My 2 cents worth anyway.