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CNBC - Young Obamacare Supporter Whining - Told Ya So

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+15 more 
posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 02:09 AM
To all of you older people in the individual market paying somewhere around $500-$650 per month (or more or less), I give you this. All along I said that Obamacare will cause hardship on our young. This one not so much, since she would have to give up her healthy Gym membership and/or healthy eating with her, "maxed out budget". Most of the young people I know would have to literally give up at least one meal a day.

This woman is a 28 year old freelance graphic designer and was looking forward to having health insurance. So she visits the Obamacare website in excited anticipation, and gets, surprise... Sticker Shock. I bet she thought this would be free. So how much does this poor gal have to pay? A whopping $208 a month (Insert sarcasm here..)

For starters little miss, with subsidies, it looks like you got a very good deal. Secondly, how many times have us older folks warned you youngins to listen to us? So little miss, give up your fruit smoothies and hatchet down with the rest of us. I guess you can give up on owning a car. But just think of all the healthy walking you will get to do.

Next time you decide to support something, you may want to read it first.

Video available at link:
For young and uninsured, Obamacare impact sets in

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by elouina

I work for the State (sort of) and our provider is changing. They say there shouldn't be much impact, but we will have to wait and see. Those who have to pay out of pocket are getting hit so hard though.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 03:04 AM

reply to post by elouina

I work for the State (sort of) and our provider is changing. They say there shouldn't be much impact, but we will have to wait and see. Those who have to pay out of pocket are getting hit so hard though.

Yes, they are getting hit up and good. This woman is getting something for nothing and she is still complaining (partial subsidy). Which goes to show you that they should have concentrated more on containing costs BEFORE they even attempted this. Just imagine how much less this would have cost the taxpayers. Instead these plans are all outrageously priced. Yeah maybe free for some, but they still have to be paid for.

I still can't get over the fact that I would have to pay $14,800 a year for similar coverage to what me and my husband have already (obamacare a bit worse though). This is what some people make in a year!

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 03:12 AM
reply to post by elouina

The youth of today is screwed to bad attention spans are not longer. As long as they can live in there parents basement and get the newest cell phone and post on facebook all will remain calm.

We will see generations that never leave the nest and start families. They will remain children into late adulthood. This is the progressive mindset people isn't it wonderful. Symptoms include apathy,laziness,fear,cowardice.

OR..............They will finally understand why being conservative minded actually works. Independence,strength,faith these are symptoms of the conservative.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 03:13 AM
It is too much. Health coverage should be completely free. It's pretty much a basic human right at this point, like internet access, a drivers license, college education etc etc etc. Just because these concepts didn't exist about 300 years ago doesn't mean they shouldn't apply. I mean personally I am so done with people acting like it's a ridiculous or asinine concept that people want what they deserve. You know like the right to living? Oh wait I forgot the right to living only extends to fetuses my bad I take back everything I said we should just charge out the ass for insurance to make sure only the upper class and the people who are actually lower class but think they're upper class because they're house poor get to enjoy things like knowing if you have cancer or not.

Also OP shouldn't you be up in arms about just how much you ARE paying? I don't know about you but that seems a little exorbitant to me.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by SubTruth

Also blatant ignorance as to what "young" people actually do. Since most of the ones I know are either pretty damn successful in their own right or are on there way, hell even the less successful ones (Like me) own a house and have a family and work 40 hours a week, meanwhile we notice that older generations still can't wrap their brains around how the economy and politics work now a days. It's all shadow governments and conspiracies to "take r jerbs"

+8 more 
posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by Awolscout

Really all the young people you know coming out of college are landing great paying jobs.........REALLY. I live in the real world also and guess what I see.

Each personal experience is different and ya maybe you are doing great but the vast majority are not. The jobs are not there. It really is that simple. Also if you make under 12 bucks an hour you are going to be screwed the next 2 years by inflation.

I will let the readers decide if what I am saying is ignorant or fact. I have eyes that can see. And so do many others.
edit on 7-11-2013 by SubTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by elouina

My in laws cost just went up to 17,676 per year. And this little **#*! Is complaining !
My father in law had drop him self off the coverage from Blue Cross, he now goes to the VA,.still better than the Aca bronze plan . My mother in law is covered under BlueCross but at 8,400 per year about 700 per month.

I'm really PO 'd at this ACA . wait until her parents get a bill for 17k per year , bet she is cut off fast.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by SubTruth

No, no see you're talking fallacies now. You can't presuppose that everyone of a certain age group is a certain way. It's ageist to boot and it ignores actual examples. You can't cherry pick from a pool of evidence to support a claim it doesn't work that way. I'm also using a fallacy, to my experience that point of view is totally non-existant, but it is true that in some cases that may happen. But it's not true in all cases, or even most. In fact most of the time it stems from a previous generation that allowed all of this crap to happen and they cheered it on feeling guilt over a generation that isn't taking it anymore.

Basically older generations are mad that younger generations refuse to play these games anymore because we had access of information growing up and were able to better educate ourselves overall. Someone refusing to pay an exorbitant and ridiculous amount for a basic human right and you decry them as whining? If you have it all figured out then why haven't you done anything to fix it? On a personal level, not a generalized level. Because I'm not dealing in generalizations here I'm dealing in this specific case. You wanna attack someone for trying to stand up for something they care about then you better have a damn good reason aside from argumentative fallacies, biases and pre-suppositions about an age group to fit your pre-determined mindset of how they stand.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by Awolscout

well the cost of living in the last 20 years or so has gone through the roof and is seemingly only going to get worse.......this is why kids stay at home for so long.....myself and most people i know of my generation were out of home before the age of 18 and back then it was quite easy to make ends meet and have a bit to spend at the end of it....these days it is becoming difficult to stay the would seem obamacare is just making it harder for the common person....

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 03:39 AM

reply to post by SubTruth

Also blatant ignorance as to what "young" people actually do. Since most of the ones I know are either pretty damn successful in their own right or are on there way, hell even the less successful ones (Like me) own a house and have a family and work 40 hours a week, meanwhile we notice that older generations still can't wrap their brains around how the economy and politics work now a days. It's all shadow governments and conspiracies to "take r jerbs"

You are either deluded or willfully ignorant.

Only 27 percent of college grads have a job related to their major

53% of Recent College Grads Are Jobless or Underemployed

Job Picture Looks Bleak for 2013 College Grads

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 03:45 AM

reply to post by Awolscout

well the cost of living in the last 20 years or so has gone through the roof and is seemingly only going to get worse.......this is why kids stay at home for so long.....myself and most people i know of my generation were out of home before the age of 18 and back then it was quite easy to make ends meet and have a bit to spend at the end of it....these days it is becoming difficult to stay the would seem obamacare is just making it harder for the common person....

I know this, first hand. I've been there and I've been through it. I'm still going through it, we work 40 hours a week each and still barely make all our bills. But that's what I'm trying to say. I'm addressing the OP who mentioned that young people who have issues with how ridiculous costs are and debt is must be whining.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 04:37 AM

It is too much. Health coverage should be completely free. It's pretty much a basic human right at this point, like internet access, a drivers license, college education etc etc etc.

Tell me about it! I live in such a regressive part of Amerikkka. Not only do I have to pay my health insurance, I also have to pay for my internet access and my college classes. And the state government actually says a driver's license is a privilege, not a right! It's like they've never even heard of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights!

Also blatant ignorance as to what "young" people actually do. Since most of the ones I know are either pretty damn successful in their own right or are on there way, hell even the less successful ones (Like me) own a house and have a family and work 40 hours a week,

"Me and the people I associate with" is my favorite statistical sampling method, too.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by Awolscout

Pshh where do you live? How old are you? Maybe you think your friends own that house they rent with three other friends? I have several very intelligent friends with multiple degrees that can't find work and are in extreme debt. I mean very intelligent top of the class.

That's the story with most of my generation, all scammed into crazy debt to get degrees in an economy with no jobs.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 04:49 AM

reply to post by Awolscout

Pshh where do you live? How old are you? Maybe you think your friends own that house they rent with three other friends? I have several very intelligent friends with multiple degrees that can't find work and are in extreme debt. I mean very intelligent top of the class.

That's the story with most of my generation, all scammed into crazy debt to get degrees in an economy with no jobs.

I graduated cum laude top of my class and have a crappy job. Although that is partly my fault since I did have a 80k a year starting job lined up and moved because my gf wanted to. Or ex gf, after 2 years she decided she didnt want any responsibility in her life and quit school and we broke up.

But, while I do own my house, I barely make enough to get by, and owning is actually cheaper than renting if you can afford the 20% down payment.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 07:30 AM


You can't presuppose that everyone of a certain age group is a certain way.


Basically older generations are mad that younger generations refuse to play these games anymore because we had access of information growing up and were able to better educate ourselves overall.

Ah, youngins these days say the darndest things.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 07:43 AM
Great another thread where old people can "tsk tsk" at the younger people for the problems that they [older people] created...

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 07:46 AM

Great another thread where old people can "tsk tsk" at the younger people for the problems that they [older people] created...

Hasn't that always been the case?

I mean, name me one time where the younger people created a problem that the older folks are now facing.

Ok, besides "twerking".

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by beezzer

Lol at the twerking comment. But you see you are getting at my point, I hate these threads where old people sit and look down on the younger people because they can't do what the older people did when they were the younger people's age. It is annoyingly frustrating. I'm 28, I just recently graduated from college and have a job making $36000. I feel lucky that is the case. But I also understand the problems that older people are going on with families and such. Why can't these older people understand how hard it is for the younger people? They were that age before. They should remember how hard it is to get by and with the rising costs of living, they should be able to extrapolate how much harder it is to get by than it was when they were that age.

The girl in the OP's healthcare costs have gone up from around $600 a year to $2000+ a year; that is a HUGE increase. Then we have older people getting all offended because here increase isn't $17,000 or something. What the hell! Young people don't make as much money as older people. A $2000 increase in healthcare costs for a 20-some can be just as damaging financially as a $17000 increase to a family with caregivers in their 40's or 50's. But instead of sympathizing with this girls predicament, these older people are all pissed because it isn't a $17000 increase. It's still freaking unaffordable for her. This thread is a perfect example of divide and conquer in action. The young and the old need to sympathize together, unite, and stand up to our lying and abusive government.
edit on 7-11-2013 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 07:56 AM


I mean, name me one time where the younger people created a problem that the older folks are now facing.

Obama was elected with record youth voter turnout. But I guess electing a jackass is just continuing in the footsteps of the elders so...

Gullible stupidity is ageless.

Grandpa sends his lifes savings to a Nigerian prince and the grandkids elect "hope and change."

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