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A masked Russell Brand leads Anonymous march against austerity cuts: Funnyman-turned-activist joins

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posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 10:54 AM
Paradigm paradigm paradigm ... the arch ADHD narcissist Brand is starting to get annoying.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 10:59 AM


The first thing they need to do is become independent and get off the governmental teat,

Easier said than done.

I dont know were you live but where I live youth unemployment sits around 20%, even lowest jobs in a supermarket sometime have 200 job applicaints to 1 place. An a supermarket doesnt even pay close to what needed to pay for rent and food. And if you want to start a buisness forget it, the regulations and taxes make it nexr to impossible unless you can get a large start up capital (which is a laugh if your unemployed or in a mimimum paid job).

Fact is you cant just get a "job" until more jobs are created, yet the goverment doesnt seem intrested and prefers slaves on benifits, so you have a frustrating cycle.

By the way I agree with you, small goverment with limit power is good. I think that the most successfull countrys like singpaore, Norway, Denmark, Hong Kong ect are like they are because of either a small population or small land mass, therefore a more small goverment more in touch with its people rather than a faceless beurrocracy.
edit on 6-11-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by daaskapital

A man worth millions, donning an expensive coat and thumbing his way through a device sure to have been built by the tiny hands of cheap labour, while claiming to be against economic inequality is quite a humorous sight.

He should have left the mask on; instead he seeks a photo op.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 11:50 AM

reply to post by daaskapital

A man worth millions, donning an expensive coat and thumbing his way through a device sure to have been built by the tiny hands of cheap labour, while claiming to be against economic inequality is quite a humorous sight.

He should have left the mask on; instead he seeks a photo op.

People in his position are damned if they do and damned if they don't by some...

If he had left the mask on and later said that he had been there, would you have believed him? Probably not. Most likely he would be called a liar.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by Blister

This is the drug addict guy? The one who sees females as things for his pleasure? Who speaks like he went to Smackhead Caveman Special Academy..

‘That is what's happening now, regardless of what you think of my hair or me using long words, the facts are the facts and the problem is the problem. Don't be distracted.’

It's really good to see you paid attention to the article and weren't being small minded and judgmental. He is actually very articulate.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 03:12 PM

This is the drug addict guy? The one who sees females as things for his pleasure? Who speaks like he went to Smackhead Caveman Special Academy...

No respect from me that's for sure.

Judge ya least be judged. The fact you're judging someone tells me a lot about your character. People do change you know, at least he is trying to make a change and that's not something you will see from most people who already have money.

I believe that people can change and while some people may do it for spiritual pride, there are those who still follow through humbly. If I told people my mistakes I made in the past, I'm sure there are many out there that would hold it against me. Judgement is what holds people back, so before you judge others go look in the mirror first.

Remember what Jesus said to the people who were lined up to stone and women to death for committing adultery. Somewhere along the lines of "Those without sin may cast the first stone" they understood and all left and the woman was left alive.

Nobody is perfect sister but even the worst human being can change given the right circumstance. Nobody said you have to respect him.

Feel free to read the quote in my signature.

As for Russel Brand. My respects go out to him for his efforts. I just hope one of these days we don't find out one day that he was involved in an "accident" or "drug overdose" for surely if such thing happened it wouldn't be brushed off as a coincidence and would only wake more people up.
edit on 6-11-2013 by TheProphetMark because: Stupid auto correct

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by TKDRL

My sentiments exactly.

But if he wakes just one person up, then he is worth his weight in gold.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 04:17 PM




Being worth $15 million wouldn't that make him part of the class he complains about?
Or is it only Billionaires that must learn to share?
Also what's the point of a masked march if you're going to take your mask off and have your picture taken?

Well that is how leftists's always the other guy that is greedy and selfish and has too much.

So everythings working fine as it is? All our politicans are honnest and not corrupt or being influanced by the banking clans in anyway at the expense of the people?

Do they consider, for a moment, that it was their votes, based on promises of something for nothing, that created the mess? Do they consider for a moment that they are, in fact, part of the problem or do they go on and on about the other guy and how other people are to blame.

You haven't any idea of Brands politics have you?
Admit it.
If you spent about thirty seconds watching his clips on politics he says that if it was up to him people WOULDN'T vote, abstain from the current system, if there was enough rebellion and protest that things would have to change.

So do you consider for one moment that it was NOT their (or at least Brands) votes that created this mess.

Good day and thanks for playing.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 04:18 PM
Since when did ATS become a complete mouthpiece for anonymous? Talk about replacing one illusion with another. Brand is a clown, hes for the same jacked up collectivist progressive bull# that these brain dead anonymous goofballs are for. Seriously uninformed, seriously whiny people. Brand complains about the system fostering his old drug addiction, the system for holding people down, etc. The only person we all have to blame, including Brand, is OURSELVES. These anonymous children will never realize that.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 04:32 PM

Being worth $15 million wouldn't that make him part of the class he complains about?
Or is it only Billionaires that must learn to share?
Also what's the point of a masked march if you're going to take your mask off and have your picture taken?

He rose from poverty, so naturally he champions and supports the impoverished.
To see him take action, while it is a publicity stunt, also helps garner support for protest. He is martyring himself for a cause, to an extent.

I'm sure this vid has been posted before, but for those who haven't seen it might find some respect for this guy.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 04:37 PM

Who wants to bet if he gets to popular they will find him hanging in a hotel room or overdosed on herroin due to a drug "relapse".

IE killed by the goverment.

Yeah here is hoping. Prehaps he''ll touch the wrong bloke in a public toilet.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 04:44 PM

reply to post by daaskapital

A man worth millions, donning an expensive coat and thumbing his way through a device sure to have been built by the tiny hands of cheap labour, while claiming to be against economic inequality is quite a humorous sight.

He should have left the mask on; instead he seeks a photo op.

Come on man. Nearly everyone in the developed world has a mobile phone. Just because he speaks out against inequality while also owning a phone is nothing to have a go at him about.

He never sought a photo op. Look at everyone else in the photos. Not many people are actually wearing their masks...You will also find that in some pictures, Brand had been wearing his mask. It isn't as if he just left if off the whole night for publicity.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 05:34 PM
New interview with Brand: Russell Brand In Conversation With HuffPost UK's Mehdi Hasan

*Apologies I'm new & don't know how to embed

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 06:02 PM
While Russell Brand has a point - that the current Political class are out of touch etc etc (nothing particularly new there) - he doesn't actually proffer much in the way of answers other than simply not bothering.

This is actually one of the reasons why the Politicians seem out of touch, because only 50% of us bother to vote, which distorts the makeup of Parliament.

The danger here is that impressionable and idealistic youngsters will listen to him and disengage even further from the Political process than they are already, which will only make the situation more pronounced. Mr Brand would better spend his energies actually offering solutions, rather than just pointing out the obvious and appearing for convenient photo opportunities.

I dont know were you live but where I live youth unemployment sits around 20%, even lowest jobs in a supermarket sometime have 200 job applicaints to 1 place. An a supermarket doesnt even pay close to what needed to pay for rent and food.

It's well and good moaning about there being no jobs, but that is simply not true. There are loads of jobs going, you just have to be prepared to look for them and (god forbid) move to where the work is. Yes, some area's have a high unemployment, but I fail to understand why people sit in an area with no jobs and moan about being unemployed when there are other areas of the nation that are seeing lots of jobs being created.

And if you want to start a buisness forget it, the regulations and taxes make it nexr to impossible unless you can get a large start up capital (which is a laugh if your unemployed or in a mimimum paid job).

Not even remotely true. It is very easy to go into business, there is plentiful help out there to do so including from Government. Starting a business is easy - making it profitable is where the hard work is. Depending on what you want to do in business entirely affects how much capital you need, so it isn't true to suggest that you need a lot.

With today's tech, it is very easy to start a business in your own home and turn a profit with very little starting capital. If you do need capital and you have a sound business plan, banks and private investors are also available with, again, plentiful help and advice out there for how to access these funds.

It certainly sounds like you have an opinion about something to which you actually know very little...

Fact is you cant just get a "job" until more jobs are created, yet the goverment doesnt seem intrested and prefers slaves on benifits, so you have a frustrating cycle.

Over a million jobs have been created since 2010 with unemployment falling quarter on quarter. Add onto that the Governments assault on the Welfare budget, what you have said is pretty much the opposite of what is actually happening.

By the way I agree with you, small goverment with limit power is good. I think that the most successfull countrys like singpaore, Norway, Denmark, Hong Kong ect are like they are because of either a small population or small land mass, therefore a more small goverment more in touch with its people rather than a faceless beurrocracy.

On the first point, you are right - smaller Government is better and, oddly, this is exactly what the Government you hate so much is doing....

As for those countries you mentioned, I think you'll find none of them has "small Government" - Norway in particular has exceptionally high tax rates to boot. Hong Kong is a Bureaucrats wet-dream, thanks to the Chinese., although no where near as bad as the mainland. Singapore, on the other hand, has a Political system that is pretty much a clone of the Westminster system, so odd you should cite it as an example to copy, as they copied us...

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by daaskapital

Delightful. We are indeed in a time of huge economic disparity and confronting ecological disaster.

And yes,

This disparity has always been, in cultures since expired, a warning sign of end of days.

Not just pretty. Brains too. Good to see.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 06:08 PM
You know, not so many years ago I would have written Brand off...he was just another comedian....tapping into the human condition's love of crass humour.

My opinion has now changed....interestingly enough, it was when he did the drug documentary on BBC Three, I began to take him seriously and now this...

I surprised on ATS so many would do this man down, in my eyes he is now ace!

Everything he said in the Paxman interview I agree with 100%, the man is using the leverage he has in the public eye, to wake up the nation, my only fear is, like some on this site have proved, the people may not be able to get past his history, to see a man fighting the good fight.

Let's just hope he keeps on keeping on.

Wouldn't surpise me either to find that he may well sit amoungst us as a member, in fact should that be the case, it would be awesome if he would identify himself....or perhaps, he is the perfect person for ATS to ask to take part in their ask an expert threads, given that he has experience of both sides of the pond

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 06:12 PM

Since when did ATS become a complete mouthpiece for anonymous? Talk about replacing one illusion with another. Brand is a clown, hes for the same jacked up collectivist progressive bull# that these brain dead anonymous goofballs are for. Seriously uninformed, seriously whiny people. Brand complains about the system fostering his old drug addiction, the system for holding people down, etc. The only person we all have to blame, including Brand, is OURSELVES. These anonymous children will never realize that.

You haven't seen the movie V for Vendetta, have ya?
Anonymous piggy backs off that story.
This march was no more about anonymous than it was about an idea penned in ink in a comic book.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 06:41 PM

This is the drug addict guy? The one who sees females as things for his pleasure? Who speaks like he went to Smackhead Caveman Special Academy...

No respect from me that's for sure.
For sure! He's a hypocrite to the nth degree. Can't figure out why people like him. The ones who do only live for the moment..... they don't research.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 06:46 PM


This is the drug addict guy? The one who sees females as things for his pleasure? Who speaks like he went to Smackhead Caveman Special Academy...

No respect from me that's for sure.
For sure! He's a hypocrite to the nth degree. Can't figure out why people like him. The ones who do only live for the moment..... they don't research.

Yeah, I've always hated research. And I love Russell Brand.
Spot on assessment. I think I will continue to listen to what he says though. I think he is incredibly funny and incredibly smart.

Also, lord help me if I ever become "famous" for whatever reason. Lord knows I have done some ridiculous crap in my day. There would be a plethora of judgmental haters on the internet pulling up crap I did years ago no matter WHAT I was doing then.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 06:58 PM
What a bucnh of grumpy old man torry BS

It's well and good moaning about there being no jobs, but that is simply not true.

Tell that to my freinds who are still trying to find work year after year, applying to everything they can find or just sending CVs out, yet lucky if they even get a rejection letter.

There are loads of jobs going,

And even more applicants.

Yes, some area's have a high unemployment, but I fail to understand why people sit in an area with no jobs and moan about being unemployed when there are other areas of the nation that are seeing lots of jobs being created.

Well here is a thought for ya? IT TAKES MONEY TO MOVE! My freinds cant even afford rent so are stuck with mum and dad. If they could afford to move they wouldnt have just moved areas they would have ditched the UK!

Not even remotely true. It is very easy to go into business,

If you have some intelligance. Alot dont.

there is plentiful help out there to do so including from Government.

On paper in practice its bloody difficult, like wringing blood from a stone. Been there done that.

Depending on what you want to do in business entirely affects how much capital you need, so it isn't true to suggest that you need a lot.

What planet do you live on? Unless its a part time business like makeing cupcakes 99% require some serouis capital behind them. Unless you have a trade, but not everyone has a trade.

With today's tech, it is very easy to start a business in your own home and turn a profit with very little starting capital.

See above.

banks and private investors are also available with, again, plentiful help and advice out there for how to access these funds.

And like vultures will ripe you too the bone if your business fails. Yeah since 2008 many dont trust banks, hell alot of my freinds wont even own credit cards.

It certainly sounds like you have an opinion about something to which you actually know very little...

To be far I have had little experiance with poverty, I come from a middle class family, got a good academic degree (no libral arts crap) that can be used and if all else fails can go into teaching , hell I have even got my own little FOREX tradeing business going at the moment, only cause im lucky to have some capital and a high IQ. My freinds not so lucky........

Over a million jobs have been created since 2010 with unemployment falling quarter on quarter.

Yeah great, shame most seem to be minimum wage jobs which my freinds who have got struggle to live off of. Hell most still cant even afford to move out there parents house.

this is exactly what the Government you hate so much is doing....

To hell with the tories and to hell with labour. The tories have there own self serving agenda, the same as labour. They can both rot and burn in hell.

As for those countries you mentioned, I think you'll find none of them has "small Government" - Norway in particular has exceptionally high tax rates to boot. Hong Kong is a Bureaucrats wet-dream, thanks to the Chinese., although no where near as bad as the mainland. Singapore, on the other hand, has a Political system that is pretty much a clone of the Westminster system, so odd you should cite it as an example to copy, as they copied us...

Maybe some on the have larger goverments, but fact is all have small populations or exist on a small land mass. Maybe its just smaller population rather than smaller goverment that does the trick? Eitherway people in those countrys tend to be more wealthy and happy. Plus there goverments are not running unsustainble debt.

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