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Herbal Remedies and Recipes, Looking For.

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posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 07:25 PM
Hey guys I am making a gift for my girlfriend for Christmas, she asked me for a remedies/recipe book, so I decided to make her one myself! I currently have a decent amount of different remedies and recipes that I have came across and thought may be relevant!

So basically what I would like from you guys is, remedies you have came up with yourself, recipes or even hand creams and sunscreen anything at all!

I have also got lots of different quotes and other things to glue throughout the book, along with ways of becoming more concious and just guides on healthy living and connecting to yourself etc so anything that could helpful to me please let me know!


posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 07:44 PM
These are not my own per say, but they are very useful.


Peppermint has been used for liver and gallbladder complaints, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, respiratory infections, menstrual cramps, toothache, the common cold, cough, and fever. Topically, peppermint has been used for muscle and nerve pain and as an antiseptic.


Comfrey has been known for centuries as a priceless herb for wounds, sprains, bruises, and even broken bones in both people and other animals. Farmers have long fed comfrey to their livestock for various ailments or as a spring tonic after a long winter of standing in the typical barnyard mire beneath overcast skies. Farmers have also fed comfrey to their families as a nearly unparalleled source of protein, potassium, calcium, and vitamins A, B12, and C. To that end, it can be eaten in salads, sauteed along with other vegetables, or drunk as a comforting tea.

While comfrey has finally gained some acceptance from the “official” medical community, there is also a quite a bit of fear surrounding the consumption of comfrey. Recently, the FDA banned comfrey from all commercially produced herbal supplements. Bear in mind that the FDA decided to ban the plant only after injecting unnaturally large amounts of the plant's inherent alkaloids into animal test subjects, which then died of liver failure, just as they would have had the alkaloids been extracted from a carrot, concentrated, and injected into their bloodstreams. If nothing else, know that under no circumstances should a pregnant or nursing woman ingest comfrey. That's a commandment that should be heeded and taken seriously for many herbs. Consider yourself fairly warned in the name of science.


Basil has been used as a medicinal plant in treatment of headaches, coughs, diarrhea, constipation, warts, worms, and kidney malfunctions.
It has the ability to draw out poison from insect bites
It is also thought to be an antispasmodic, stomachache, carminative, stimulant and insect repellent.
The oils of basil, especially the camphor-containing oil, have antibacterial properties.
It helps in promoting production of breast milk in nursing mothers.
Other UsesBasil in the bath is refreshing.
Leaves and flowers can be dried for potpourri.
Burn sprigs of basil on the barbecue to deter mosquitoes.
A bunch of basil hung over the kitchen window or a pot of basil in the windowsill will deter flies.

Cayenne Pepper:

One of natures best remedies for cuts (even deep punctures) is believe it or not: Cayenne Pepper!
This wonderful plant can be grown and therefore no "factory" will be necessary. To use - apply liberally on wound. The wound will form a scab and heal much quicker than with even sutures and with no scarring.
From the book: Cayenne Pepper medicinal uses: Major benefits - Stops Bleeding (internal or external), Heart attack, stroke, or Shock, Dissolves clots. Minor Benefits - Reviving, Fainting, Dizziness, Weakness, Confusion.

PROPERTIES & ACTIONS: Stimulant (improves blood circulation), diaphoretic (increases perspiration), carminative (improves digestion), tonic (strengthens and energizes a particular body organ or the entire body system), sialogue (stimulates secretion of saliva), rubefacient (increases superficial circulation, which often lessens localized pain from arthritis, inflammation, etc., antiseptic (kills or controls the growth of bacteria).

Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple Cider Vinegar, that wonderful old-timers home remedy, cures more ailments than any other folk remedy -- we're convinced! From the extensive feedback we've received over the past 8 years, the reported cures from drinking Apple Cider Vinegar are numerous. They include cures for allergies (including pet, food and environmental), sinus infections, acne, high cholesterol, flu, chronic fatigue, candida, acid reflux, sore throats, contact dermatitis, arthritis, and gout. One reader reported that a shot of ACV saved him from going to the emergency room for heart pain. Apple Cider Vinegar also breaks down fat and is widely used to lose weight. It has also been reported that a daily dose of apple cider vinegar in water has high blood pressure under control in two weeks!


Medicinal Uses Cinnamon is carminative, astringent, stimulant, antiseptic.
It is more powerful as a local than as a general stimulant.
It stops vomiting, relieves flatulence, and given with chalk and astringents is useful for diarrhoea and haemorrhage of the womb.
Because of its mild astringency, it is particularly useful in infantile diarrhea.
Recent studies have determined that consuming as little as one-half teaspoon of Cinnamon each day may reduce blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels by as much as 20% in Type II diabetes patients.
It is used to treat nausea and flatulence.
Cinnamon is a great remedy for people with cold feet and hands, especially at night.
The cinnamaldehyde component is hypotensive and spasmolytic, and increases peripheral blood flow.

Dandelion roots act as an ani-viral and the funny thing is another name for dandelion is Swine's This "weed" is a great source of vitamins A, B complex, C and D. It also is rich in iron zinc and potassium!

Most all parts of the dandelion plant are useful, first, uses for the leaves:
The leaves make a great diuretic and help rinse the kindneys.
Liver problems
upset stomach
digestive problems

the roots can be used for:
appetite stimulant
digestive aid
gall bladder and liver problems ( great for detox)

the flowers can be used to make wine and add flavor to a salad.( young tender leaves can be used for greens)
You can dry the leaves and roots use them this way or you can steep them into a tea...
These are just a few uses for this amazing little plant that most of us consider a pesky weed!

I have more lying around somewhere, I will post them when I find them. Hope this helps.

edit on 10/31/2013 by SpaDe_ because: found another

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by kangajack

I myself use apple cider vinegar mixed with honey, cinnamon and water. All have their own health benefits.
Also good is organic coconut oil. May be used internally as well as externally. Great for the skin, hair, used in cooking. It also helps with weight loss by speeding up the metabolism as well as help fight against some viruses.

Check out Earth Clinic and it will tell you more about it. Plus it will help you in other areas as well.

On the apple cider vinegar, make sure it's got the 'Mother' load in it, that's the stuff at the bottom of the jar.
I use Bragg's ACV that I get from the GNC
And Nutivia Coconut Oil also from's liquid above 75 degrees and hardens in cooler temps but will melt instantly under hot water or once rubbed on your skin. And smells good too!!

ETA: Just made me a glass to drink while on ATS's a 'sipping' drink!!

The honey and cinnamon are good to help with the flavor as well good for you.

Hope this helps

edit on 31-10-2013 by snarky412 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 08:02 PM
Therapeutic Use of Cannabis


More than 15 million Americans are affected by asthma. Smoking cannabis (the "raw drug" as the AMA called it) would be beneficial for 80% of them and add 30-a60 million person-years in the aggregate of extended life to current asthmatics over presently legal toxic medicines such as the Theophylline prescribed to children. "Taking a hit of marijuana has been known to stop a full blown asthma attack." (Personal communication with Dr. Donald Tashkin, December 12, 1989 and December 1, 1997.) The use of cannabis for asthmatics goes back thousands of years in literature. American doctors of the last century wrote glowing reports in medical papers that asthma sufferers of the world would "bless" Indian hemp (cannabis) all their lives. Today, of the 16 million American asthma sufferers, only Californians, with a doctor's recommendation, can legally grow and use cannabis medicines, even though it is generally the most effective treatment for asthma.

(Tashkin, Dr. Donald, UCLA Pulmonary Studies (for smoked marijuana), 1969-97; Ibid., asthma studies, 1969-76; Cohen, Sidney & Stillman, Therapeutic Potential of Marijuana, 1976; Life Insurance Actuarial rates; Life shortening effects of childhood asthma, 1983.)


Fourteen percent of all blindness in America is from glaucoma, a progressive loss of vision. Cannabis smoking would benefit 90% of our 2.5 million glaucoma victims, and is two to three times as effective as any current medicines for reducing ocular pressure! Cannabis use has no toxic side effects to the liver and kidneys; nor is there any danger of the occasional sudden death syndromes associated with the legal pharmaceutical glaucoma drugs/drops. Many California eye doctors, through the 1970s, '80s, and '90s, discreetly advised their patients to use "street" marijuana in addition to (or to mitigate) their toxic legal glaucoma medicines. Since November 1996, California doctors can legally recommend, advise or tacitly approve cannabis use by their glaucoma patients who may then grow and smoke their own marijuana, or go to the few remaining Cannabis Buyers' Clubs to acquire medical marijuana. (Harvard; Hepler & Frank, 1971, UCLA; Medical College of Georgia; U. of North Carolina School of Medicine, 1975; Cohen & Stillman, Therapeutic Potential of Marijuana, UCLA, 1976; National Eye Institute; Records of Bob Randolph/Elvy Musika, 1975, 1998.)


A tumor is a mass of swollen tissue. Researchers at the Medical College of Virginia discovered that cannabis is an incredibly successful herb for reducing many types of tumors, both benign and malignant (cancerous). The DEA and other federal agencies had ordered these tumor studies done after hearing erroneous reports of possible immunicological problems associated with cannabis smoke. But, in 1975, instead of health problems, an apparent medical breakthrough occurred and successful tumor reductions were recorded! Following this remarkably positive discovery by the Medical College of Virginia, orders were immediately handed down by the DE and the National Institute of Health to defund all furter cannabis/tumor research and reporting! Millions of Americans who might be alive today are dead because of these and other DEA orders regarding marijuana. Since 1996, the Medical College of Virginia has again applied to receive grants for cannabis research and has been turned down by the DEA.


Though it is known to be extremely damaging to the immune system, chemotherapy is claimed by practitioners to benefit cancer and AIDS patients. But chemo has some other serious side effects too, including nausea. "Marijuana is the best agent for control of nausea in cancer chemotherapy," according to Dr. Thomas Ungerleider, who headed California's Marijuana for Cancer research program from 1979 to 1984. This is also true in AIDS and even in the unsettled stomach common in m otion sickness. Pharmaceutical nausea control drugs come in pills that are often swallowed by the patient, only to be thrown back up. Because cannabis can be ingested as smoke, it stays in the system and keeps working even if vomiting continues. Throughout the state's 10-year Compassionate Marijuana Medical law, George Deukmejian, both as attorney general and as governor, with no regard for the suffering or dying cancer patients, made it virtually impossible for them to get cannabis. Californa Governor Pete Wilson was following the same course until the medical marijuana initiative passed in November 1996.


Cannabis is beneficial for 60% of all epileptics. It is definitely the best treatment for many, but not all types of epilepsy, and for victims' post-seizure mental traumas. Cannabis extract is more effective than Dilantin (a commonly prescribed anti-epileptic with severe side effects). Medical World News reported in 1971: "Marijuana . . . is probably the most potent anti-epileptic known to medicine today." (Mikuriya, Tod H., M.D., Marijuana Medical Papers, 1839-1972, page xxii.) Cannabis users' epileptic seizures are of less intensity than the more dangerous seizures experienced by users of pharmaceuticals. Similarly, smoking cannabis has proven to be a major source of relief for multiple sclerosis, which affects the nervous system and is characterized by muscular weakness, tremors, etc. Aside from addictive morphine, cannabis, whether smoked or applied as an herbal pack or poultice, is also the best muscle relaxant, back spasm medicine and general antispasmodic medication on our planet. In September 1993, in Santa Cruz County, California, Sheriffs rearrested eqileptic Valerie Corral and confiscated the five marijuana plants she was growing for medicine even though 77% of the citizens of Santa Cruz voted in November 1992 to instruct local law enforcement not to prosecute medical marijuana users. Charges against Corral had been dropped earlier in March 1993 because she was the first person in California to meet all six points of a medical necessity defense. In 1997, Valerie, who runs a compassionate use club, was named Citizen of the Year in Santa Cruz. (Cohen & Stillman, Therapeutic Potential of Marijuana, 1976; Consult U.S. Pharmacopoeia prior to 1937; Mikuriya, Tod H., M.D., Marijuana Medical Papers, 1839-1972.)


Young un-budded hemp plants provide extractions of CBDs (cannabidiolic acids). There are many antibiotic uses of the cannabidiols, including treatment for gonorrhea. A 1990 Florida study indicated its use in treating herpes. The acid side of tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabidiols occur inversely to the amount of the plant's THC and is therefore more acceptable to prohibitionists because "it won't get you high." For virtually any disease or infection that can be treated with terramycin, cannabis derivatives did better in Czechoslovakian studies, 1952-1955. The Czechs in 1997 still published farm crop reports on strategies to grow cannabidiol rich hemp. (Also see Cohen & Stillman, Therapeutic Potential of Marijuana; Mikuriya, Tod H., M.D., Marijuana Medical Papers; Roffman, Marijuana as Medicine, 1982; International Farm Crop abstracts.)


Cannabis is a topical analgesic.2 Until 1937, virtually all corn plasters, mustard plasters, muscle ointments, and fibrosis poultices were made from or with cannabis extracts. Rheumatism was treated throughout South America until the 1960s with hemp leaves and/or flower tops heated in water or alcohol and placed on painful joints. In fact, this form of herbal medicine is still widely used in rural areas of Mexico, Central and South America, and by California Latinos for relief of rheumatism and arthritis pain. Direct contact with THC killed herpes virus in a University of South Florida (Tampa) 1990 research study by Dr. Gerald Lancz, who warns that "smoking marijuana will not cure herpes." However, anecdotal reports indicate a faster drying and healing of the outbreak after topical application of "strong bud," soaked in rubbing alcohol and crushed into a paste.


Cannabis is the best natural expectorant to clear the human lungs of smog, dust and the phlegm associated with tobacco use. Marijuana smoke effectively dilates the airways of the lungs, the bronchi, opening them to allow more oxygen into the lungs. It is also the best natural dilator of the tiny airways of the lungs, the bronchial tubes - making cannabis the best overall bronchial dilator for 80% of the population (the remaining 20% sometimes show minor negative reactions). (See section on asthma - a disease that closes these passages in spasms - UCLA Tashkin studies, 1969-97; U.S. Costa Rican, 1980-82; Jamaican studies 1969-74, 76.) Statistical evidence - showing up consistently as anomalies in matched populations - indicates that people who smoke tobacco cigarettes are usually better off and will live longer if they smoke cannabis moderately, too. (Jamaicna, Costa Rican studies.) Millions of Americans have given up or avoided smoking tobacco products in favor of cannabis, which is not good news to the powerful tobacco lobby - Senator Jesse Helms and his cohorts. A turn-of-the-century grandfather clause in U.S. tobacco law allows 400 to 6,000 additional chemicals to be added. Additions since then to the average tobacco cigarette are unknown, and the public in the U.S. has no right to know what they are. Many joggers and marathon runners feel cannabis use cleans their lungs, allowing better endurance. The evidence indicates that cannabis use will probably increase these outlaw American marijuana-users' lives by about one to two years - yet they may lose their rights, property, children, state licenses, etc., just for using that safest of substances: cannabis.


Cannabis lowers blood pressure, dilates the arteries and reduces body temperature an average of one-half degree, thereby relieving stress. Evening cannabis smokers in general report more restful sleep. Using cannabis allows most people a more complete rest with a higher amount of "alpha time" during sleep as compared with prescription or sleep-inducing patent sedatives. Prescription sleeping pills (the so called "legal, safe and effective" drugs) are often just synthesized analogs of truly dangerous plants like mandrake, henbane and belladonna. As late as 1991, doctors, pharmacists and drug companies were fighting off new legislation to restrict these often abused compounds. (L.A. Times, April 2, 1991). Unlike Valium, cannabis does not potentiate the effects of alcohol. It is estimated that cannabis could replace more than 50% of Valium, Librium, Thorazine, Stelazine, other "-zine" drugs and most sleeping pills. It is unconscionable that, over the past two decades, tens of thousands of parents have committed their own children, aged 11 to 17, to be treated by massive doses of so-called "-zine" drugs in order to get them off pot, at the urging of parent groups, the PDFA, the feds and administrators and doctors from federally approved, private and high-profit drug rehabilitation centers. Often, "-zine" drugs do work to stop these youths from using pot. They also stop a kid from loving his or her dog, too - and children stand a one-in-four chance of suffering from uncontrollable shaking for the rest of their lives.* But at least they're not high. * The U.S. Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta said that 20-40% of "-zine" drug users have or will develop permanent lifetime pasies (shakes), November 1983. These prescription neurotoxins are chemically related to the pesticide and warfare nerve gas Sarin. Hundreds of private drug-rehabilitation centers and their leaders keep this policy alive and in front of the media, often quoting discredited reports from NIDA or DEA (see Chapter 16, debunking) - because they earn fat profits selling their useless or destructive "marijuana treatment" for children. After all, a relapse just means using marijuana against after a number of bouts with an "authority." This is mind control and an attempt to destroy individual free will.


Medical research indicates that light cannabis smoking might be useful for a majority of mild emphysema victims. It would improve the quality of life for millions of sufferers and extend their life spans. The U.S. government and DEA (since 1976) saky the side effect of being "high" is not acceptable, no matter how many years or lives it saves; even though some 90 million Americans have tried marijuana and 25 to 30 million Americans have tried marijuana and 25 to 30 million Americans have tried marijuana and 25 to 30 million still smoke marijuana relaxationally, or use it responsibly as a form of daily self-medication, without one single death from overdoes - ever! All research into the oxygen blood transfer effects cause by cannabis indicates that the chest (lung) pains, extremity pains, shallowness of breath, and headaches we may experience on heavy smog days are usually alleviated by cannabis smoking throughout the day. Dr. Donald Tashkin, the U.S. government's leading scientist on marijuana pulmonary research, told us in December 1989*, and again in December 1997, that you cannot get or potentiate emphysema with cannabis smoking. * See Tashkin's Marijuana Pulmonary Research, UCLA, 1969-1997. Since 1981, this author has personally taken part in these studies and has continuously interviewed Tashkin on cannabis' medical indications; last personal interview was in December 1997.


Most of all: it is best for the world's number one killer - stress. It can safely curtail or replace Valium, Librium, alcohol, or even Prozac, for millions of Americans. While cannabis intoxication varies with psychological set and social setting, "the most common response is a calm, mildly euphoric state in which time slows and a sensitivity to sights, sounds and touch his enhanced." In contrast to marijuana's safe, therapeutic action, benzodiazepine (Valium) abuse is the number one drug abuse problem in the country, and is responsible for more emergency room admissions in the United States than either coc aine-related problems or morphone and heroin-related admissions combined.* While tobacco constricts arteries, cannabis dilates (opens) them. Because migraine headaches are the result of artery spasms combined with over-relaxation of veins, the vascular changes cannabis causes in the covering of the brain (the meninges) usually make migraines disappear. Evidence of vascular change caused by cannabis can be seen in the user's red eyes, which are extensions of the brain. However, unlike most other drugs, cannabis has no apparent effect on the vascular system in general, except for a slightly increased heart rate during the onset of the high.


Users of marijuana often (but not always) experience "the munchies," a stimulated appetite for food, which, at this time, makes cannabis the very best medicine on the planet for anorexia. Hundreds of thousands of Americans in old age, convalescent wards or hospital situations have anorxia. Most could be helped by cannabis - yet these Americans are being denied a healthy life by governmental policy dictated by government police! This effect can also extend the lives of AIDS and pancreatic cancer (eat or die). However, the DEA and U.S. government prevented any research or use of cannabis in pancreatic cancer therapy since 1976. They have effectively allowed tens of thousands of people to die each year, denying them the right to live otherwise normal, healthy and productive lives.


Marijuana smoking can help dry your mouth for the dentist. This is the best way to dry the mouth's saliva non-toxically in what is known among smokers as its "cotton mouth" effect. According to the Canadian Board of Dentistry in studies conducted in the 1970s, cannabis could replace the highly toxic Probathine compounds produced by Searle & Co. This may also indicate that cannabis could be good for treating peptic ulcers.



One well known effect of THC is to life the spirit, or make you "high." Cannabis users in Jamaica praise ganja's benefits for meditation, concentration, consciousness-raising and promoting a state of well being and self assertiveness.5 This kind of attitude adjustment, along with a healthier appetite and better rest, often represents the difference between feeling like you are "dying of" AIDS or cancer and feeling like you are "living with" AIDS or cancer. Cannabis also eases small pains and some big ones and helps senior citizens live with aches and pains like arthritis, insomnia and debilitating infirmities, and enjoy life in greater dignity and comfort. Legend has it, and medical evidence indicates, that cannabis is the best overall treatment for dementia, senility, and maybe Alzheimer's disease, for long-term memory "gain" and hundreds of other benefits. U.S. statistics of the 1970s indicated that you will live eight to 24 years longer if you substitute daily cannabis use for daily tobacco and alcohol use. New research is outlawed, of course.


Every U.S. commission or federal judge who has studied the evidence has agreed that cannabis is one of the safest drugs known. With all its therapeutic uses, it has only one side effect that has been exaggerated as a concern: the "high." The DEA says this is not acceptable, so cannbis continues to be totally illegal in utter disregard for both doctor and patient. Every day we trust physicians to determine whether the risks associated with therapeutic, yet potentially dangerous drugs are acceptable for their patients. Yet, doctors are not allowed to prescribe the herb that Federal Judge Francis Young in 1988 called "one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man." We don't put out doctors in charge of stopping violent crimes. The police, prosecutors and prison guards should not be in charge of which herbal therapies people may use to treat their personal health problems.

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by SpaDe_

Thank you so much for this! Would really love to see the other ones you have lying around if thats okay

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by C21H30O2I

thank you i am a therapeutic marijuana user myself so I will defiantly be including a lot of these thank you! do you have anything else lying around?

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by kangajack

You are very welcome. Yes, plenty of information on different types of strains that will achieve different goals. there are, for instance, multiple medical strains on the market now, to target certain symptoms. We are not subject to just one type of cannabis anymore. For instance, Indicas will help with sleep and Sativas will help with pains. Indica/Sativa cross strains can help with multiple symptoms. I prefer a 60/40 Indica dominate strain.

I do prefer Sativa during the day as opposed to Indica. Sativa is an uplifting medicine And Indica being more of a nighttime medicine do to the heavier sedative traits. Also, their are amazing results being had with concentrate's, such as oil and hash. I recommend vaporizing as opposed to traditional methods. It is much cleaner without the carcinogenic flame. there's plenty of affordable devices on the market . I use a vaporize pen also cooking with cannabis is always an option, with fantastic recipes and results. let me know what you are trying to achieve. And I will be happy to help.
edit on 1-11-2013 by C21H30O2I because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by snarky412

Hey there, only if its not to much to ask for but do you mind typing this up like a recipe with a method please you dont have to put much effort in as i am happy to take the time to re write it when i re type it and play with it to put in the book
apple cider vinegar mixed with honey, cinnamon and water.

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by C21H30O2I

Thanks this also helps me a lot and leaves me with a lot of question!

Well I live in Australia and marijuana is completely illegal at this stage and we just had a federal election not to long ago! However state laws are coming in 2015 (for New south Wales) where I am from, to clear that up so it does suck as we cannot really get a wide variety its more so much get what someone has! Most Australian strains seem to be Indicas to my best knowledge!

So with your vaporizer pen do you just put nugs in it or do you have to make oil? And making cakes how do you go about this? oir or buds? I am very interested as me and a friend are really interested in experimenting.

Also I want to know more about making creams, out of hemp or even other herbal ways?

thanks man lots of help

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by kangajack

Good Morning, kangajack.

With Vaporizer pens, there are many different types. You can choose one that is designed to use oils, wax, hash,leaf/bud, or all of the above. I can get into making the, Oils, wax, hash, later, if you like. Here's a quick link to many that are on the market today, as well, as prices.

As far as cooking with your medicine, there are several ways to go about this. I prefer to make butter first and add to your recipe. Cannabutter is a butter-based substance that contains THC (or, more specifically, cannabinoids). By heating cannabis and butter, the fat in the butter allows for the extraction of the cannabinoids.

Cannabutter Method #1

1. Crumble (or crush) some cannabis tops, enough to fill a boiling pot roughly 1/3 full.
2. Using a mixture of 1-part butter and 4-parts water, fill the pot until it is about 3/4 full.
3. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 30 minutes. Stir frequently.
4. After 30 minutes, remove debris from the bottom of the pot. Strain with Cheesecloth
5. Cool at room temperature and then transfer to a refrigerator. The butter will form on the top and,
once it has been thoroughly cooled, will harden so it can be removed from the pot.
6. After removing the butter, discard the remaining water.

Cannabutter Method #2

1. Using a saucepan, melt butter. Sift the marijuana and add it to the melted butter.
2. Allow the mixture to simmer until the butter becomes green in color.
3. Pour the mixture through Cheesecloth
4. Press that saturated cannabis to squeeze out as much butter as possible. Repeat this process if extra potency is required (be sure to use the same butter for best results).

The cannabutter can be effectively frozen if it needs to be stored. It can also be stored in the refrigerator by pouring cold water over the top of the butter (the water keeps oxygen from reaching the butter and also stops the butter from floating to the top).

There are a variety of other methods for making cannabutter, all of which are effective yet somewhat similar to those previously described. Once you’ve gotten used to cooking with cannabis, you will be able to find a technique that works best for you depending on the preparations methods you prefer.

As far as ointment creams, lip balms, salves.. You first need to know how to make infused oils! Both hot and cold! The infused oils are the most important ingredient--the quality of the finished product depends on it!

Salves, ointments, unguents, balms, call them what you will, what all these preparations have in common is they are primarily a semi-solid mix of fatty ingredients such as oils and waxes, usually with no water part at all, though they may contain a small amount of herbal tincture or similar. This differentiates them from creams and lotions which contain both fats and waters.

Generally, ointments and salves are considered much the same thing; a healing external preparation made with medicinal substances in a base of oils and waxes. According to the Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, an ointment is “a semisolid preparation for external application to the skin or mucous membranes. Official ointments consist of medicinal substances incorporated in suitable vehicles (bases).”

Suitable ingredients for a salve include many vegetable oils (such as olive, sunflower, sweet almond, apricot) and beeswax or vegetable wax such as candelilla or carnuba. In older herbals lard or animal fats were often used and these are enjoying a comeback amongst some traditional herbalists. Some herbal books include recipes made with mineral oil by-products (petroleum jelly or vaseline). I will not be talking about those.

Making salves involves some degree of heat so it is best to use oils that are fairly heat stable, the main ones to avoid are oils like flax seed, evening primrose and borage. If you want to include these, then stir them in after the other ingredients have been melted and are beginning to cool. Coconut oil is the most heat stable vegetable oil but as you will not be heating it very high, oils like: olive, sunflower and apricot kernal are easily used.

Beeswax comes in two varieties: white and yellow. The white is bleached and processed. Candelilla wax is derived from the leaves of a shrub native to Mexico and is slightly harder than beeswax so you generally want to use a fraction less in a recipe. Carnuba is a similar product derived from a Brazilian Palm. Use beeswax (whenever you can) and try to find a local supplier.

How To Make Cold Infused Herbal Oils:

Infused oils are very useful; they are sometimes used directly (as with Calendula oil) or may be used to make ointments and salves. Generally, infuse a single herb, blending the finished product with other infused oils if required. You can infuse more than one herb after you become more acquainted with the herb properties. Quantities are not specified; simply harvest as much fresh herb as you wish and choose a jar (or jars) which you can comfortably pack them into.


1. Harvest fresh herbs on a dry and sunny day.
2. Don’t wash the plant at all. Inspect your harvest and discard any diseased or soiled parts. If the plant is dirty simply scrub it clean with a stiff, dry brush.
3. Coarsely chop the herb.
4. Fill a dry, sterilized jar with the chopped herb.
5. Slowly pour olive oil into the jar, using a clean chopstick, to release any air bubbles and allow the oil to reach all layers of the herb material. Mold is likely to grow in any air spaces within the jar so take your time to get this right.
6. Fill the jar right to the top, covering every part of the herb.
7. Again check that there is no trapped air. If necessary release air with the chopstick and top up with oil.

8. Let it age (rest)

How to Make Heat Infused Herb Oils:

Dried or fresh herbs are used to make heat infused oils. Depending upon the herb, they may be used in remedies such as ointments, or as culinary oils. Any plant parts can be used but this method is particularly useful for extracting oil-soluble ingredients from dried roots. The method is far quicker than that for cold infusion as the herbs are simmered in the base oil and there is less likelihood of microbes entering the oil. Jars and bottles do need to be carefully sterilized. As with the method for fresh herbs, there is no need to measure accurately or produce vast quantities of infusion but it is wise to record how much herb and oil you use, for future reference. Heat infused oils should last for about a year but they are best used within 6 months.

Heatproof glass bowl and saucepan, set up as a double boiler
Dried herb – chopped
Vegetable oil (olive oil is my preference but you may like to try coconut, sunflower, canola, grapeseed etc.)


1. Measure volume of the infused oil you are using and pour it into a clean saucepan.
2. Grate beeswax – For every 30 ml. of oil you will need about 1 tablespoon of grated beeswax (or pellets).
3. Add the grated beeswax to oil, in the saucepan.
4. Heat the oil and wax very gently over a low heat source, stirring constantly, until all of the beeswax has dissolved.
5. Check the consistency of your salve/ointment/lip balm by putting a few drops onto a cool surface such as a saucer or metal spoon. It will solidify very quickly. How does it feel? If it is softer than you need, add a little more beeswax to your oil, if it is too hard add a little more infused oil or plain vegetable oil.
6. If you have added more oil or beeswax, continue heating until dissolved.
7. Remove from heat and pour into clean, dry, glass storage containers.
8. Label and allow to cool.

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 02:11 PM
Here is some basic recipes to try.

Basic Salve Recipe:
90 ml. herbal infused oil
10 g. beeswax

Basic Vegan Salve Recipe:
92 ml. infused oil
8 g. candelilla wax

Medicinal Salve Recipe:
75 – 80 ml. infused oil
10 g. beeswax
10 ml. tincture
2 – 5 ml. essential oil

Weigh or measure out the wax (preferably grated or cut into small pieces) and the herbal infused oil and place in a double boiler. Heat over a low heat until the wax is fully melted and then stir well. If adding tincture drizzle it in slowly (now) while whisking lightly. Remove from the heat and allow to cool slightly but not set. can test the consistency of the salve by dipping the tip of a teaspoon into it. This small amount will set quickly and will show you how the finished product will be. If you are not happy you can return it to the heat and add a fraction more oil/wax until you get the correct consistency. While the salve is still liquid, stir in the essential oils. Pour into glass jars and cap immediately to stop the volatile oils from evaporating. Allow to cool and set completely before using.

You can make salves for many conditions. This recipe can be easily adapted. A very simple skin healing salve can be made with calendula infused oil and beeswax.

Here's a few links to research farther.

Topical Cannabis Healing Salve

How to make CannaBalm

The Cannabis chef "cooking with cannabis"

1001 Cannabis recipes

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by C21H30O2I

Thanks mate this has helped a lot and has put me in for a busy weekend! thanks alot!

Also me and my mate went out any bought 2 bee hives last weekend, so the bees wax wont be a problem

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by kangajack

Excellent! I'm glad I could help. Here's a informative video, about Cannabis conversion with butter, oil, and alcohol.

edit on 1-11-2013 by C21H30O2I because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by C21H30O2I

Thanks man! Have you ever made hash, with dry ice? Also looking at making bho wax(dabs)(not to sure if the real name) so you can dab it and can you dab hash

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by C21H30O2I

and also sorry to be a hassle, but if you don't mind linking to me a vaporizer pen that you can put nugs in, also do you use alibaba often?

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by kangajack

Yes, Dabs are a great way to get medicated. I make it on a daily basis. I Mostly use water extraction to make hash, because i don't like to use solvents. I use Bubblebags for my extraction process, very convenient. there are other methods, this one IMO is the best. I have used dry ice to extract in a double bucket, I just like the Bubble bag method better.

You have the name correct mate. bho which is a butane extraction. It can be a little harsh on the lungs because of the butane, which is why I don't use that method often. Here in Colorado and California, people hardly smoke buds to medicate anymore, they DAB. You can use vap pens for that also, instead of wax/oil bongs, that need to be ignited with a flame. I use the Micro G Vap Pen And I use Wax, Hash, and Buds, In it.

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by C21H30O2I


I am pretty sure when using the bubble bag method you can use dry ice dont you?

And too add, you purchased you pen off there or alibabA?
edit on 1-11-2013 by kangajack because: Too add

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by kangajack

You are no hassle mate. I am thoroughly happy to help. It is my passion and profession. Yes I have used alibaba before, with no problems. Although, I did not purchase my vap pen offline, I get them from a supplier by me.

I don't use dry ice in the making of my Bubble Hash, Because it needs to be agitated at 30 degrees or lower, to freeze the trichomes to fall to the bottom of your first bag. I use a paint mixer, with my bags inserted into 5 gallon buckets. You can use a stick, spoon, which ever works. There are videos, on the website.

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by C21H30O2I

Okay sweet, and I am greatly happy that you have helped!

So that pen you linked me to is the exact one you have? and do i need to purchase any other chambers or anything?

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by kangajack

Yes, it's the exact pen I have been using. I would purchase additional filament heads, as they do wear out sometimes. They have them available. I have used other pens that cost more. This model was given to me to try and works great.

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