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Adelson: US should drop atomic bomb on Iran

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posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:20 AM
This has gotten totally and absolutely out of control. No one is nuking anyone and people in positions of public influence with sway on opinion are reckless to the point of dangerous, in my opinion, to even be saying things like this IN public venues.

NEW YORK – During a panel at Yeshiva University on Tuesday evening, Sheldon Adelson, noted businessman and owner of the newspaper Israel Hayom, suggested that the US should use nuclear weapons on Iran to impose its demands from a position of strength.

Asked by moderator Rabbi Shmuley Boteach whether the US should negotiate with Iran if it were to cease its uranium enrichment program, Adelson retorted, “What are we going to negotiate about?”

What is the guy thinking? Except maybe he'd just leave quickly while we suffered the retaliatory action that would come almost instantly and last for God only knows how long. People in that part of the world are known to carry extreme blood debts for generations. A nation of them? Hey, how about I take NO on this option?

“So a tremendous demonstration of American strength?” Boteach clarified. “So that they would get the message?”

“It’s the only thing they understand,” Adelson said.

Oh, they'd understand that alright. So would several other nations. I think the US would find itself in a very very bad spot from several directions at once......and the only way we could ever be seriously hurt. That would do it though. Yup. Perfect hole in one to world war AGAINST US.

Now for the record, the article notes he's talking about dropping one in the desert and telling them Tehran gets the next one the Japanese Emperor had been told we'd just keep toasting a city at a time until he surrendered in 1945. Of course, the US didn't have the weapons for that bluff then.

Anyone else for a big, loud and clear NO to this insane idea? It's just unbelievable, how far the rhetoric has gone. I mean, first strike use of nuclear weapons, especially on a nation with no earthly hope or WAY to defend???

If this wasn't from a major news source, I'd have given it no consideration of any kind...but The Jerusalem Post isn't some teenager's blog site or National Enquirer running stories on Bat Boy.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:28 AM
Notice how the rabid zionists like Adelson, Nutty-yahoo and others always talk about the US doing this and doing that, but never Israel.

It's a win-win for them though. They get the US (and UK at times) to go fight their wars of aggression against the neighbours whose land and resources they want, and those they want to control. In return, their banks will loan the money for all the ordinance to make it happen.... at interest of course!

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:33 AM
God...shut these public figures up.
A nuke should never be spoken of as if it were an option.
Not in jest, not in public and by a public figure.

Meh...who cares...who the hell is this guy anyway???
It's not like he has his finger on the button or anyth';poj'po jk]po9ik]p-[ikj]pokj]po[kj


posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:33 AM
reply to post by Britguy

Israel knows if they did something like that, their only option would be to grab two of every family, board a boat and set sail. There would be a deluge of biblical proportions set loose upon the land. Sound familiar? But this time it wouldn't be water: it would be every Arab on the continent. And likely, no other country would welcome the outcasts unless they were all civilian and in no way connected to such an attack.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:34 AM

Anyone else for a big, loud and clear NO to this insane idea? It's just unbelievable, how far the rhetoric has gone. I mean, first strike use of nuclear weapons, especially on a nation with no earthly hope or WAY to defend???

nuclear first strikes do seem like a logical progression of us foreign policy although thankfully the us government will collapse long before it sinks that low.

A good rule of thumb for war is preemptive strike is propaganda talk for invasion and unprovoked war

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:37 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I would jail him for the comment. Simple. If the shoe was on the other foot and it was Iran who had said that there would have been an almighty effort to make sure any form of defence was in place that been attack first.
I would have his arse hauled for the comnebt and kicked out of his job.
The world doesnt need people in higher positions making comnents like that especially when the worlds security is at risk anyway with the amount of lies scattered around.

Im still of the belief that Iran is the nation that will bring free ebergy technology to the world which in turn would be more catastrophic than any nuclear bomb to the elites. It will be their doomsday without a single shot fired.
Energy companies
Insurance companies would be ruined in an instant. Think about it.
So to avoid this they painted as a threat. Wey they are but not to the majority but to the select.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:38 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Just the average Israeli supporters idea, have the US destroy what they fantasize is their enemy.
They are the master race and all, right?

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:42 AM
It is heartbreaking sometimes listening to influential Israeli speak so reckless and cavalier about targeting an entire group for extermination.

What do they mean by "Never Again"? never again because they will do it first?

With a hardline position like that, I think we can all agree a peaceful resolution far out of reach at the moment.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:47 AM
About as over the top as one can get and the end to any future hope of credibility.

I say let Iran have their nuke. There are so many ways that could be played to advantage I would refuse a job listing them. Don't have that many years ahead of me.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 04:59 AM
I am so sick of this ghastly Jewish lobby that thinks that anyone non Jewish can just be destroyed, because they don't like them or can't dominate them. The power of this lobby is never taken to task for what appear to be murders of scientists and people that get in their way. There is no excuse today for treating any group of people differently by the law and its time this group were brought within the law; despite the manner in which the law seems to be infiltrated by people of a similar persuasion and Governments seem to have so many dual passport holders who appear perhaps to protect certain interests by the laws they help pass.

This man should be set up as a prime example of everything that is rotten and viscious in mankind. Does he consider the murder of innocent children, people and the devastation this kind of tactic would create? He thinks its fine to use other Goy to fight his cause and bear the financial cost and deaths involved. He needs to be told it is not and incitement is a jailable crime.

He and his ilk think that because all other people are Goyim, Goyin are sub human and don't count. At least today, by people like this being exposed one can see who is dangerous to world peace and prosperity. He seems to forget that Israel would never survive, because the hatred it would stir would be immediately turned into a world war. If he remembers the last war Israel leapt into, one where they were not firing and bombing unarmed civilians, and they picked on people with arms and well capable of gorilla fighting, they only just held on. They would not today simply due to numbers and a suicide mentality to get the job done, which Israeli's don't have.

Many in the EU are looking at Syria and are well award of the oil and gas on Syrian soil. Although the Saudi's think they might like to control it, they forget they are also goyim and certainly won't attain their aspirations in Syria, right next to Israeli borders.

Its time This man and his cronies got over themselves and faced up to taking responsibility for their actions against non-Jews. Fortunately he doesn't speak for all Jewish people who are so sick of being linked to men like this and simply want to get on with their lives like everyone else and actually wish no-one any harm.

Perhaps this man's actions may backfire on him, I hope they do.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 05:05 AM
I find it sad this mentality thats taken hold in certain quarters to the jewish community, they have such an us and them world view. You either agree 100% with them or your a jackbooted, nazi sympathiser just waiting for the right moment to turn the gas back on.

Even if isreal managed to remove iran from the map does anyone really believe that would be the end of isreals aggresive ideology.

The problem with isreal is the same problem that is happening now in the US and happened back in nazi germany and has happened in virtually every country in human history at one time or another. The government has brought out a bogey man to scare the people into commiting war crimes and most people are to ignorant to do any more than cower a little and demand the government do somthing to save them.

The real enemy of the jewish people is the same enemy that the US and the UK face and German faced in the 30s and 40s. The real enemy is willful ignorance of reality by the vast majority of spineless, easily led fools that make up the majority of any country that would happily believe black is white and up is down as long as they get their bread and circuses and who will put up with virually and insult, indignity or humiliation as long as they are told that it will save them from the imaginary wolf at the door.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 05:13 AM
Drop a nuke to send message of strength. lol
It would be an outright declaration of war and should only really be considered out of utter paranoid desperation.

edit on 27-10-2013 by rom12345 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Now, were I to publicly suggest that another nation "should use nuclear weapons on Israel to impose its demands from a position of strength." because... "It’s the only thing they understand,”... I'd get locked up according to our anti-Semetic laws.

... and yet this nut-job can condem a nation and spew out rhetorical diatribe at will and inflame negative sentiments towards Iran??... Pa-thetic!!

A massive NO here.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by monkofmimir

The real enemy of the jewish people is the same enemy that the US and the UK face and German faced in the 30s and 40s. The real enemy is willful ignorance of reality by the vast majority of spineless, easily led fools that make up the majority of any country that would happily believe black is white and up is down as long as they get their bread and circuses and who will put up with virually and insult, indignity or humiliation as long as they are told that it will save them from the imaginary wolf at the door.

That is one of the best ways of wording it that I've heard in a long time. That really sums it up well. It doesn't help solve it and the reality of it makes solutions ..relative, I guess. How do you get an apathetic population, as you note, happy on their goodies care? Our population or any around the world? It really is all over the place to different degrees.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 05:52 AM
Israel has nukes correct? why doesn't he suggest they use them? and why does the USA have to do it?
Bloody moron that fella is, you would think that Israel after everything that has happened to the jewish people would have learn't something...but they sure have not.
And people wonder why Israel is looked upon by many as the bad guys.
edit on 27-10-2013 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 06:20 AM

Israel has nukes correct? why doesn't he suggest they use them? and why does the USA have to do it?
Bloody moron that fella is, you would think that Israel after everything that has happened to the jewish people would have learn't something...but they sure have not.
And people wonder why Israel is looked upon by many as the bad guys.

There was a period in history where the USA allowed other countries custody of US owned nuclear weapons. No one 'publicly' knows whether Israel has a nuke or not ... but I bet they do.

It's a shame anyone has to carry the reputation of 'bad guy' until they've earned it as a nation. Germany and Japan before and during WWII ... yeah. Now ... I wouldn't say so at all. The rest of the ME has a hate-on for Israel and I don't think that's warranted. Best thing the Muslims could do is simply turn their backs to 'em. The whole problem would end itself in a couple of generations.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 06:31 AM

The rest of the ME has a hate-on for Israel and I don't think that's warranted. Best thing the Muslims could do is simply turn their backs to 'em. The whole problem would end itself in a couple of generations.

That would be the best strategy in my opinion. But of course, hate filled Imams and Rabbis would be left without a following, hence a income, and will do everything in their power to prevent it.

I'm not anti-semantic at all, but could you imagine the economic hardships that Israel would face if the Arab world just said screw it, we're not dealing with you anymore financially. The US and Europe couldn't bail them out. Israel does a LOT of business with their Arab neighbors.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 06:34 AM
Maybe we will be lucky enough to avoid WW3 completely with Iran dropping their nuke on Israel first. I am not anti-semetic, I do not care enough about them to hate them. Israel is a terrible ally, what have they done for anyone but themselves?

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 07:03 AM

Israel is a terrible ally, what have they done for anyone but themselves?

You could say that about every country in the world. They always look out for their self interest first. Many countries could actually take a page out of the US playbook and send aid to countries who have been stricken by natural disasters.

Everytime there is a major natural disaster all the aid bundles that come off the choppers/trucks always have a UN or US stamp on them. People there see that and remember. (It's a PSYOP campaign by the way).

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 07:05 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

the only quick way I know of to get people involved in reality is to stop the bread and circuses but we need a long term solution.

I think you need to look at those people who have sucessfully woken up to reality and those that havent, The diffrence comes down to self belief and poor education.

It starts in childhood, children arn't taught how to learn and that memorizing facts is the same as learning or inteligence. Those that excell are taught through possitive reinforcement to have a near unwaivering faith in authority and those that are average or below are made to feel inferior and even after school/college are incapable of learning anything unless they are formally trained in a official setting.

They are also so brow beaten by peer pressure that even when they notice discrepencies in their views on reality they lack the confidence to defy peer presure and question it.

Personally I am trying a long term aproach. I enourage people to learn and develop skills and hobbies they posses in their free time as it helps them learn to learn and knowing that you have a skill that you are actually good at helps people realize they're own strength and ability for self reliance. qualities that are vital for growth and self development.

Also I try tell them things that create inconsistencies in their world view , I think the problem that many people here have is they go into these convisations all guns blazing with facts/ideas/beliefs that are so at odds with the initial beliefs that they are impossible for these people to believe. The more of these subtle inconsistencies in their views the more likely they are to be forced to ask questions.

I know my approach wont change the world over night but even small ripples over long periods can cause huge changes and I have seen real changes in people with this approach and I hope some of those people help people they know face reality and continue the cycle of change.

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