I didn't exactly invite her.
But I did leave something inviting for her. apples. Too many apples.
My trees are huge now. And it was a Fruiting year. So I've had lots of visitors.
Mostly small birds. And the California quail. They Roost in the Spruce at night, and pounce on the apples by day.
However. The trees hang over my fence. and due to some wind a couple of weeks ago. I know There were apples everywhere. On both sides of the fence.
And if the grass is always greener, I suppose the apples are always sweeter, on the other side of that fence.
So one morning, I mean early around 4 am or so...MY dogs Wanted out. So they were let out.
When they came back in, they were sniffin' , and whining. The little one started barking, and the big one hid behind me.
Yeah, the big one hid behind me.
They were pointing towards what used to be my office upstairs. It's now a storage room.
Pointing at her.
See how she looks like she was just napping, and now just looking at me?
That was her demeanor. Like I disturbed her. This Wiley Coyote.
I believe I legally could have killed her. But why? She wasn't after the dogs. Or me. Though her calmness at my approach worried me a little. No
snarling, no backing into a corner. nothing.
Not until I left, and came back with a cane, a broom, and a spray bottle full of water, did she start to get irritated.
And that was my purpose. To make it unpleasant, loud, and irritating to her.
I started with the water..Sprayed it on her face, and her paws. Of course, she liked it. Licked it off her paws.
now the house smelled like wet dog and sagebrush. I started banging the cane on a metal chair. That got her attention. I could tell she hated the
sound. SO she crawled deeper into the room. Great!
I poked her a little with the cane. But she kept grabbing it with her mouth and redirecting it.
Started poking her paws, that bothered her too. So now I was getting somewhere..She was irritated.
But still not really scared.
What I ended up doing, was completely rearranging the room, to force safe passage towards the backdoor.
Finally! she followed the literal tunnel track I built, and raced out the door. I saw the direction she headed but lost her in seconds. But I did
locate the big divot she dug under my fence. That has been filled in now with stones.
I know these critters can be dangerous under certain circumstances. And I know they are cunning, that they watch, and take advantage of opportunities.
That's why they are so successful.
As a matter of fact. I have noticed that there haven't been any cottontails or Jackrabbits around lately. That is, until I chased her away that
morning. Now the rabbits are back, the apples are gone. and I think she is too.
The dogs patrol the perimeter every night now. They still remember that exciting morning.