Okay a few weeks ago I was bored. I'm always looking for ways to "beat the system". Like seriously. I am. Because I'm so sick of getting screwed. And
I don't mind buying wine and stuff. But I like finding the loophole in life. Anyway....
So I made my own wine for cheap. I'm actually kinda surprised. Like I'm shocked. Let me put it to you this way. The end result was the wine is about a
5 to 6 out of 10. Like it's not great. It's about the same as buying a cheap bottle of wine from the liquor store. (or maybe it's just different like
an aquired taste). The first half glass tastes a bit brisk, but it's clearly wine. It's just not the ultra refined taste of "really good wine". Like I
said it's about the same as buying a cheap bottle of wine.
But in terms of cost it's not bad. I made about 2 bottle of wine for $2.77 cents. And in Canada all liquor is double what you pay in the states. It's
one of the biggest scams tptb have going (obviously). It's not like the US here. There is no liquor sold in stores. It's only sold in licensed liquor
stores, which are affiliates of the g-v. Actually just like 12 years ago they use to actually be run 100% by the g=v.
okay crap....I hope I can finish this....okay where was I....
Ya so like 1.40 cents a bottle of wine. That's actually quite good here. The cheapest bottle of wine up here is about 8 dollars. But generally
speaking it's "crap". Like I bought one recently, some crazy south american brand, brought it to my gf's place, and ahhh crap, what a joke. Just
gross. And it was about 8 bucks.
So getting back to my home made brew.....
Okay well, it's so easy to make it's pitaful. All you need is a jug of juice, a cup or so of sugar and a teaspon of yeast.
If you wanna try it it's super easy... it's like this....
You get a jug of grape juice.
Up here you can buy a 1.89 L jug for about 2.77.
You need 1 cup of sugar
And 1 to 1.5 teaspons of yeast. (any yeast works just fine)
1) you open the jug, drain a bit of the juice. (enough to put the sugar and yeast in it)
2) you pour in 1 cup of sugar
2) you mix the yeast with just a small amount of warm water, let it sit for about 8 minutes, then you add that to the jug.
3) you put on the cap and shake it well for a minute. put it down and wait 5 minutes. Shake again for a minute. (maybe once more for good measure.)
5) then you open the lid. Then you just screw it on slightly, like enough so that air can escape if necessary. How does this work? Well I don't know,
just a very lose lid! a lid half screwed on. So it's wiggly.
6) place the jug in a dark cool area for 10 days. 14+ days is better.
7) after that you'll have wine. Don't place it in an area that doesn't have some ventilation. Like a garage is optimal. Or if you're in an apartment
then just put it in a kitchen coubard. the only thing you have to understand is it gives off a bit of co2 gas. It's nothing risky. but you should be
aware of it. As when you open your coubard you'll smell it. Again it's nothing major. It's like smelling fresh muffins just baked or something.
So then after 14 days you've make 2 bottles of pretty strong wine for just 1.40 each (or in the US maybe just .70 cents per bottle). It's not bad.
It's a good way to save money. If you like wine, and you buy wine regularly, then honest to goodness you should try this. You'll save a ton of doe
over the years. It's just a good decent table wine. It's not super refined but again, not super pricey either. And it's actually kinda fun to try.
I'm definitely gonna try this experiment again. it's worked out okay. The wine is about 13-15% ahcohol. It's pretty strong. I left mine for about 16
days. I'm definitely gonna try this again. It's kinda fun, kinda interesting, it's real wine, it definitely is a rather good beverage at a rather good
price. And one the g-v would hate for you to know about. Like SERIOUSLY try it!! you'll be shocked.
Again it's a bit of an aquired taste. It's like the first few sips are "so so". not "wow", you'd have to find some unique home brew recipee to get
that wow fact. So my first impression was a bit mixed. But after like half a glass I was like "wow this is real winE!!!" like no joke. I'll be lucky
if I finish htis post and I'm only on my second glass.
It's a win win. I save money and I stick it to the man. I love it. again I don't mind buying store bought. I've done that for 20 years. Store bought
is obviously the best. But in all honestly, this is how it is, your very first sip because you're use to store bought, it's about a 5. But then by the
end of your first glass your up to a 7 out of 10. Then end of yoru second glass your up to an 8 out of 10.
Like NO JOKE. It's actually pretty good. I was so skeptical at first, but not I'm asstonished! like who would have thought making your own wine is
easier than even making your own bread. It takes less than 2 minutes. And it's decent wine. ahhhhwwwhh wow 2 glasses and I'm tanked. [snip]
No but seriously you should try it. I mean it's a fun experiment for cheap at worst. At beast you literially might save yourself thousands of dollars
compared to buying store bought. I calculated that store bought you're paying on average 20$ a bottle. home brew 2dollars. So you're paying 1000% more
buying from the store. That's so rediculous. It actual just goes to show how the system is designed to goudge you and steal from your wallet on
something that's actually so simple to make it's insane. Like I would have done this 10 years ago had I known how easy it was to make.
anyway enough said, hope you get a chance to try it out. Good luck!
use either wine yeast or bread yeast mixed with warm water. It literally won't make much difference. This video shows almost exactly how I did it. I
only left mine for like 16 days. I heard though that in 10 days it's done. but the longer you leave it the better it gets. 14 days + is optimal. So
you buy say 5 jugs of juice and you do them all at once and you're now sitting pretty with like the equivalent to like 10 bottles of store bought wine
for all of 12 bucks in cost. It's just awsome. enjoy!!!!!
edit on 26-10-2013 by spartacus699 because: (no reason given)
edit on 26-10-2013 by spartacus699 because: (no reason
edit on 26-10-2013 by elevatedone because: (no reason given)
abe froman
I really hope the mods edit your post instead of deleting it. Great idea though really, I wonder if that's how they make bootleg wine in jail.
foockk for once in your life, live free a little buddy. seriously. Ya anyone who'se jail broke the system does it this way. Like I sware for the
simple fact that I'm not paying 1000% of the cost for the same thing, I'd gladly do it myself. this is the age of diy, youtube it, and figure out
how it's it done!. It's so odd but it's true. You no longer are under the strong arm of the system. Information is free and wild now. You can do
anything now! Like literally anything. as you can learn from others who have done it. And not from teh g0v who try and tell you how they claim it
should be done. Buck the system and save yourself some green my friend!!!
Like I've had 2.5 glasses and I'm tanked!!! ohhh my gosh!!! this is the no joke post! Like that's only .33 % of my 1 jug that cost me. 2.77 cents
to make. wow amazing! ahhh my gosh. I can't even break out the weed i'm too hammered. I wish I could break out the weed but i can barely tyeee.
ahhhaaahhhh great find. great find. I'm ahppy. Now all i need is a facy bottle so if guest come over I can act all sophistocated and say "ya I mak
emy own whine try this...". ha ha. wow craazy crazy crazy. what the ehll am I doing tying and typing wow I i've typed for like 25 year nows. why oh
wyw? 25 years of typing. It's stupid. I should be walking on a beach somewhere. instead I'm typing to who knwws who. ahhhhh
I think you misunderstood the intent of my post. I think this is a great idea and I will probably try this myself. However, you should edit out the
line in your op that refers to a different intoxicant before a mod deletes it for t&c reasons. I love cool diy stuff on youtube another cool one is
making bows with pvc pipes.
Seriously Spartacus, this is a good thread don't get it deleted! Edit!
No this is serious. I've been drinking since I was like 14, like most people. I'm 38 now. ahh sucks. But still just now finding out I can make my
own boze for like 1000% cheaper than store bought. It's legit. I'm drunk. It's good stuff. Like I'dm gonna do it again. It's just kinda fun. Like
growing yoru own veggitables. Or baking your own bread. It's like you felt you've won! You've beat the system at their own game! yOu've undermined
the system. You're not gonna let them cheat you as much. LISTEN, times are changeing. welcome to the 21st centure where you can actually do a lot of
stuff for yourself. You don't have to have things dictated to you the way the system wants it dictated. You're free now go make love not war. it's
You last post made me laugh... not easy to type whilst inebriated is it!
I hope your head feels better in the morning.
Have a glass of this :
Kindest respects
ya we'll see I guess. but still. if you can stick it to the man you've won. Like seriously whats so sad when you think about it is this. We actually
need to come up with a new degree. The degee will be a bachlors in SITTM. stick it to the man. If you learn that you save tons of money threwout yoru
life and you avoid being the sheep they want you to be. Frack in many ways I'll ways be a sheep . Im no gi joe. but i like any avantage I can get
that give me the combination to the lock of western society. one of those combinations is obviously brewing your own brew. It's SO FRACKING AMAZING.
Fokke the system! buck them off and make your own. Win for once. It's worth it.
okay I'm druk off my own home brew. this is a frist in like 20 years. ahhh wow. who would have ever known. It cost me all of like 75 cents too. Plus
15 days to brew. ahhh wow thsi si a neat find. I'm gonna do this again. I should try again get to bed.
AWWWHHHH.... on 2.5 glasses I'm completely hammered!!! ahhh I've havn't gotten this drunk in lik3 4 years. ahhhh wow talk about acheap fix. ahhahhh
nice. I'm going to bed.
Set 2 asprins and a large glass of water next to the bed cause you in for one ugly hangover even better if you have some pedialyte, I swear by it to
lessen my hangovers