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Is it possible or impossble to Tow planets or manipulate celestial objects directions?

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posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by Divine Strake

Divine Strake thanks for you SEE another CORE for use...


Blue Shift

Ophiuchus 13
phantom mass, gives craft a core of its own...

In order to produce phantom mass you need to be able to manipulate gravity waves to create an interference pattern or lensing effect. Like using a magnifying glass to focus sunlight on an ant hill. We don't quite know how to do that yet.

Acknowledged Blue Shift the magnifying glasses or LASERS array would be part of the containment of the heavy mass partials. Science use- of craft core. Cycle existing core energy through out system (leave room for added particle ports to increase energy) that then generates LASER array, its all cycled. The energy produced from allowance of pressure release of HPs would make sufficient core locking mechanism.

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 05:17 PM

-Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
“Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

Nothing's impossible - Alice In Wonderland

What the Doorknob says!!

- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass
“Why it's simply impassible!
Alice: Why, don't you mean impossible?
Door: No, I do mean impassible. (chuckles) Nothing's impossible!”

edit on 22-10-2013 by AbleEndangered because: added quotes

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 05:21 PM

reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction in Physics (as we know it). Towing a planet would not only require enormous energies, but would also require that there is something to react against (presumably, at a distance). Until we develop gravitational control, I don't think that your proposal is possible (and gravitational control may also, itself be impossible).

reply to post by chr0naut

Ophiuchus 13
Can you imagine how large a systems planets and Star(s) would have to be in order for a planet like EA*RTH to be seen in size comparison there as an asteroid-comet wondering. And then some from there doing what NASA is attempting to do here with the asteroid towing just with more advanced interest at mind for Species Growth...

Now add the use of a Power source from hidden Neutron Star or Star-Nebula-Black hole that carries gamma energy gravitational-magnetic like properties that then can be manipulated to pull -tug /warm-ignite growth process of said celestial of interest why its towed into its growth range zone for specified species of interest or a STAR craft that can just hull an entire planet
that would be a very large ship yes


posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

It is mechanically possible but near impossible to accomplish in practical term's though theoretically if you build a space ship that is big enough to have sufficient gravity of it's own (bigger than the planet in question) and then brought it close enough to the planet so as to capture the planet in an orbit around itself then with minute (on that scale) adjustments you could slowly accelerate using differential gravitation to adjust the planet so as to cause it to also accelerate evenly and then allow inertia to do the rest before reversing the process once you had it at it's desired destination.

Of Course, if we ever learn how to generate gravitational field's artificially then we could make a very small emitter that could do the same job far more effectively and faster.

Now I am talking about getting the planet more or less there as you found it but otherwise of course you can if you do not mind your planet being torn apart and looking like a scrambled egg.

As for asteroid towing well I believe someone has done it before, maybe us in a forgotten past or another race whom were indiginous to the solar system, take a look at the linear patterns of craters around Phobos, it is hollow as for an rocky iron nickel asteroid it is too slow to be in the orbit it is in around mars and also Deimos has some intriguing orbital anomoly's as well, what was that about ruins on mars and Nasa suppressing the infra red image of Cydonia which appears to show grid patters and structure possible buried by an ancient cataclysmic flood of mud.

These were leaked by a former Nasa image specialist (I think there is a thread somewere on ATS)

These surface linear features are most probably the result of Mass driver based propulsion systems mining the surface and it could also have been placed there about 2 billion years ago to act as a climate control station with ice mined from the interior and used to seed the atmosphere of mars with water vapour thus thickening the atmosphere when the civilisation was forced (hypothetically) off the earth by the freezing of the planet (a series of super ice ages that reached as far as the equator freezing the whole planet over from 2.5 billion to 750 million years ago and possible eradicating traces of earlier evolutionary life trees "Snow ball earth theory), maybe following a terrible catastrophe the surface surviving branch of there descendants decided to try to colonise the earth (wonder if they knew they were originally from here) but some other's (now seen as UFO occupants) whom had branched off into other sub races and races over time periodically visit but have no allegience to us, just hypothetically of course.
edit on 22-10-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 05:27 PM


Alternatively, with enough energy to put a warp bubble around an entire planet, or even a sun, one could 'simply' warp anything anywhere.

1 agrees AliceBleachWhite, you share some valid points... Just open the -anti matter door in 1 region and another and move celestial thru or move doors over celestial depending on which would be less energy causing and safe.
Your different perspective is appreciated within the OP, thanks.

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by LABTECH767

1 can see you are picking up on the OP concept LABTECH767 with how the core would work when assessing the celestial of interests mass and then computing the mass data to generate the appropriate mass energy needed to start phantom mass process to tug/pull object. It may require some type of Advanced Artificial Intelligence to assist in the data computing.

@Now I am talking about getting the planet more or less there as you found it but otherwise of course you can if you do not mind your planet being torn apart and looking like a scrambled egg.

The preform of the celestial body may be more ruff or molten therefore somewhat prepared for limited stresses or impacts. This data should or would subjectively be needed before moving as to pick the best celestial option for growth of interest. Sort of like estimating uniform and distributed loads for structures and their geographic civil layout before building.

Also thanks for the images LABTECH767. Speaking speculatively it would be interesting if certain marks were left on moved celestials from beams -rays or waves pressure from intelligent exterior components...

edit on 10/22/13 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

You are correct as minor deviations from the correct calculation's would be catastrophic, especially since the towing body would be exerting a tidal influance as well.
I have my own theory about gravity though and you will recognise parts instantly.
You are aware of membrane theory and the concept that gravity is from outside our dimension and is leaking in from somewere else as it is litterally millions of times weaker than electrostatic force for example.

Well visualise our dimensional membrane lieing like blotting paper over another dimensional membrane from which gravity seeps into and saturates our membrane, now you understand the concept that the whole universe even empty space and matter are essentially made of the same thing, well matter is the same thing existing as a standing wave from at right angles to the percieved flow of time in sympathy with the time space continuum, so if the gravity is saturating the whole membrane it stands to reason as matter is the membrane more densely packed in relative volume it will have more gravity saturating it and this is how mass has gravity, now if you can manipulate the membrane interaction's using interdimensional physics based science you can increase and decrease the saturation for a given region of space.

So though undetectable gravity may be even saturating our membrane in emtpy space but imperceptably and it may be this gravity that is pulling our universe from an external source into a larger form and not collapsing it as entropy would theorise as it is not from our own membrane but is saturating it from an external dimensional superspacial membrance with unkown but hypothesiable result's.

edit on 22-10-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 06:09 PM

reply to post by Ophiuchus 13


These were leaked by a former Nasa image specialist (I think there is a thread somewere on ATS)

It is plain that these rectangular blotches are an imaging artifact, not an indication of 'buried' ruins. In the first image, the scale is totally different but the blotches are about the same size as in the following 'zoomed in' images.

The images are composite from several sources (different cameras) and have been heavily post-processed (as attested to in the photos). It is obvious that these rectangular blotches are not buildings.

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 06:20 PM


Well visualise our dimensional membrane lieing like blotting paper over another dimensional membrane from which gravity seeps into and saturates our membrane, now you understand the concept that the whole universe even empty space and matter are essentially made of the same thing, well matter is the same thing existing as a standing wave from at right angles to the percieved flow of time in sympathy with the time space continuum, so if the gravity is saturating the whole membrane it stands to reason as matter is the membrane more densely packed in relative volume it will have more gravity saturating it and this is how mass has gravity, now if you can manipulate the membrane interaction's using interdimensional physics based science you can increase and decrease the saturation for a given region of space.

This saturation of gravity to 1 would be compared to an existing slurry like material with potential to gain more solid forms (depending) on the circumstances related per region of slurry. Some areas more cool some more heated some in between.

In these various conditioned areas, solids-liquids-gases would form from slurry material which would contain attributes of the original slurry.

From what 1 is picking up your sharing if there was some way to alter solid matter attribute gravity to be acknowledged or interacted with slurry matter attribute gravity then there would be less chances for negative gravitational affects upon solid of question.

The process would require finding that attribute connection between both solid and slurry matter where you speak of interdimensional physics based science and then somehow cause the solid to interact with the slurry as if its slurry but is still solid...

Very interesting.

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 06:30 PM

Great post!

I have often pondered this question, and it may also answer a few more nagging questions.

I have often wondered why the moon is not rotating, it just sits there motionless, yet has been cratered from all sides.

Because it is now tidal locked, like many another celestial body in our solar system. What that tells you is that it's been exactly where it is with no tampering (or Nibirus) for millions of years.

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 06:31 PM
Larry Niven addressed this very issue in "World out of Time" many years ago.

If you have a super-technical civilization, say 500 to 1000 years ahead of us now, given no more wars or famine, then you can use a gas giant as a working body. You need to have very very large space engineering capability, and the ability to cause direct conversion or fusion of light hydrogen. Other than that, no probs!

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by Watchfull

The Moon is not locked in orbit around Earth. The Moon is actually moving away from us very slowly each year. Eventually, it won't be a satellite anymore. But that's gonna take a while. The Human race will be extinct by then. Gave a great day !

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

sure you can, you just have to anchor a lot of Spindizzy drives
onto the planet.

The Dillon-Wagoner Graviton Polarity Generator, known colloquially as the spindizzy is a fictitious anti-gravity device imagined by James Blish for his series Cities in Flight. This device grows more efficient with the amount of mass being lifted, which was used as the hook for the stories—it was more effective to lift entire cities than it was something smaller, such as a classic spaceship. This is taken to extremes in the final stories, in which an entire planet is used to cross the galaxy in a matter of hours using the spindizzy drive.
According to the stories, the spindizzy is based on principles contained in an equation coined by P.M.S. Blackett, a British physicist of the mid-20th century. Several other Blish stories involving novel space drives contain the same assertion. Blackett's original formula was an attempt to correlate the known magnetic fields of large rotating bodies, such as the Sun, Earth, and a star in Cygnus whose field had been measured indirectly.
Blish's extrapolation was that if rotation + mass produces magnetism via gravity, then rotation + magnetism could produce anti-gravity. The field created by a spindizzy is described as altering the magnetic moment of any atom within its influence.

of course, you'll need to invent it first

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

The answer to your question is: It depends upon what you can envision.

To get a bit of help on that call up on the 'net the Kardashev Scale of possible civilization development.
Basically, he had three broad levels of development. Our current development is not quite up to Level I yet.
Level III civilizations were virtually as handy with manipulating physics as our concepts of God.

Carl Sagan, in his joint book with I.S.Shklovskii, Intelligent Life in the Universe,--suggested that perhaps even something like quasars might be some sort of biological entity beyond mere dead physics. 'Course, that book from back in 1966 was when Sagan was still a promoter of ETs in UFOs and before he found more acceptance among scientific peers.

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

" Sure , with a Stong enough Tractor Beam , Anything is Possible Laddie "

Montgomery Scott Engineer .....

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 08:20 PM

Larry Niven addressed this very issue in "World out of Time" many years ago.

(Shakes tiny fist) You beat me to it.

If you have a super-technical civilization, say 500 to 1000 years ahead of us now, given no more wars or famine, then you can use a gas giant as a working body. You need to have very very large space engineering capability, and the ability to cause direct conversion or fusion of light hydrogen. Other than that, no probs!

That's just it: If you have the energy to move worlds, you don't NEED whatever energy you'd get from the process.

In "World Out of Time", they had to move the Earth because the Sun had started to expand. They mounted a world-sized hydrogen fusion rocket on Uranus (fueled by that gas giant's atmosphere) to move it to the inner solar system where it was used as a gravity tractor to raise Earth's orbit 4 AU and put it in orbit of Jupiter.

Possible? Not likely.
Practical? Oh hell-no.
Cool? Definitely!

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 08:43 PM

Is it possible or impossible for an advanced CREATOR Creation Group to TOW planets near power sources like Stars-Nebula-black holes etc.. in order to initiate genetic or artificial growth of some kind?

Beginning with, our present humanity is only approximately 100,000 years old, we must admit to ourselves that "technologically" we are not even babes in the woods, yet.

Science has never proven, nor will it ever, be able to prove, that their was never a society before us that had attained a level of science and technology that was indistinguishable from the divinity we are all born from. It can however, prove beyond a reasonable doubt that at least one "Intelligence" has. Rephrasing that, you can't prove what isn't, but you can prove, what is. It just boils down to, a matter of time.

Can divinely inspired planets be moved? Short answer, not in my book. But, man made, and I use that term very loosely, can. Artificial craft of any given size can manipulate divine planets, but not move them in their celestial path. They can be nudged, made to rotate in opposite directions, but not "Towed" as you suggest. It may have been tried once with our asteroid belt being the result.

But that's just my "uneducated" guess.

edit on 22-10-2013 by All Seeing Eye because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 10:19 PM

If your asking if the laws of physics allows such a thing then....... Yes. If your asking if we can do it with our current technology............ No.

Same with exploiting or creating wormholes, while theoretically possible, the energy and technology needed to accomplish the task is far greater than we possess at this time.

And some of the math is still a little shaky and you don't want sketchy math when your using anything that involves that much energy.
edit on 22-10-2013 by Helious because: (no reason given)

This. Or at least the technology we know that we have.

Gravity tethers and high energy propulsion devices would do the trick.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Our little minds can only comprehend so much but I say its possible. We wouldn't be able to physically pull a planet. Just think of how the sun has a pull on the earth. We would have to create some sort of energy that could pull on the planet stronger than the Sun. That's godlike energy. Then again if you pull one way and the Sun pulls the other way, you would rip the planet apart.

edit on 23-10-2013 by Evanzsayz because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 04:09 AM
"Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth." - Archimedes.

It would be posible to move small asteroids (several meters across) that have slow velocity relative to the Earth. Larger ones have too much kinetic energy relative to us to do anything about that. There's also the issue of structural integrity: applying too much force to a large rocky body will cause it to disintegrate, especially if the object has low density.

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