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Michael Aquino Pyramidimusings

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posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by maquino

Another top of post response...since it's a general comment.

#1 - what a fun post! The GP is like the Roswell of the ancient world.

#2 - sometimes posters are actually an expert on a topic but play coy to see what others know.
I really enjoy attempting to ascertain whether that was the objective.not the actual collaboration at all...

So its a 2fer for me.


posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 03:11 PM

I currently believe that the only purpose for the pyramids has been to build pyramids, and I think that the same can be said for all monument building cultures: the whole point of the monuments was to build monuments. We are still a monument building culture, only in a much stranger and now secularized way.

The problem with this contention is that humans build monuments for specific, and usually obvious purposes. We know what the Golden Gate Bridge is in San Francisco and the Vietnam Memorial in Washington. Monuments which in and of themselves are not explicable, such as the St. Louis Arch, come with plenty of surrounding and durable explanations on everything from plaques to postcards.

In the case of the GP, particularly considering its age, size, and in-your-face-ness, it's remarkable how much the Egyptians didn't say about it. They were a very literary and artistic people. Yet its origins, purpose, and even presence are completely ignored. There is passing mention on the [XVIII Dynasty?] "Inventory Stela" of "Isis, Mistress of the Pyramid", and that's about it until the Greek Herodotus (484-425 BCE) wrote his famous, lengthy, and error-laden Arab-hearsay account in the Histories. The XVIIID was ca. 1500 BCE, so the IStela was itself a long way away from the IVD at ca. 2700 BCE.

And at the risk of re-belaboring the obvious: When the Egyptians built temples and monuments, they painted and wrote all over them, inside and out. Even absent its casing stones [and the surviving base ones are all blank], the interior of the GP should have been a riot of painting and engraving, down to and including the KC box if it were intended as a sarcophagus. Instead: absolutely zip. Maybe there was a hieroglyphic sign on the original door saying "If you even so much as think of bringing a can of paint in here, you are so crock lunch."

BTW There are obvious problems with my two "research" suggestions previouspost:

(1) We're talking an awful lot of ex-casing stones scattered all over Cairo & vicinity, and presumably very few of them (e.g. eye-level) would have had inscriptions on them. You'd need an army of Indys to find them all. If people weren't people, you could maybe put an ad in the local TV/radio/newspaper: "If your digs have any big pieces of old white stone in them, would you check to see if there's any inscription on them; and if so call 1-800-PYRAMID?" But people are people: Religious fanatics would hide or erase anything found, and the same opportunists who create "ancient" scarabs by carving new ones, feeding them to geese, and waiting for them to be pooped out seemingly aged, would get out their hammers and chisels and await baksheesh.

(2) I tend to think that a computer model might come up with "a nice home for bats", which of course the GP was until it was cleaned out and Universal-Studios-Toured. Then again, maybe not: What has a tall, corbeled head and a very small body? Can we have another look at the Roswell photos, please?

Have you ever read Listen, Little Man! by Wilhelm Reich?

Not to pull up specifically from memory, but I did look at WR (1897-1957) some years back; I dig real Dr. Frankensteins. He discovered - or at least thought he discovered - the secret of organic life. This consequent to his early research into the significance of the human sexual orgasm cycle. Fun research project, anyway.

At the University of Oslo Reich formulated his original orgasm formula: mechanical tension = bioelectric charge = bioelectric discharge = relaxation. As may be seen from this formula, Reich first supposed sexual energy to be a form of electricity, which - since the human body is one big EM machine, it indeed is.

Reich then decided to see what might happen if he were to stimulate this same four-part process in unliving matter. In various experiments he would sterilize dry grass or coal dust, heat them, and put them into sterile, nutritive solutions. Some of the particles were seen to swell into vesicles that moved of their own accord. Reich’s critics considered these only the well-known Brownian molecular movements, but his supporters claimed they appeared totally dissimilar under the microscope.

At any rate Reich himself was convinced that he had unlocked the key to life. He published the results of his first experiments in Die Bione (1938). In it he described the new vesicles as bione and argued that they demonstrated the phenomenon of biogenesis.

In 1939 Reich made a further discovery. While continuing his bionic research, he professed to find a new kind of energy radiating from the bions - one which did not obey the laws for the known forms of energy. Its concentration was seen to increase in the more active life-forms (such as man), and the conjunction of two systems bearing this energy would result in the weaker charge being transferred to the heavier charge - not the expected equalization process. Reich called this new energy orgone.

From 1940 to 1943 he attempted to ascertain whether external orgone radiation would inhibit the usual orgone metabolism causing - according to his theory - cancer. He found that when the degenerative process had not gone too far, it might be halted or even reversed. And in 1945 he announced what he called primary biogenesis - the creation of life without the use of any preexisting organic material. He did this by taking bionous earth, mixing it with water, and sterilizing the compound. It was then filtered, frozen into ice, and finally thawed. The water now contained substances resembling tiny yellow snowflakes, which would develop first into live cells and then into various types of protozoa.

He then developed an “orgone accumulator” - a specially designed, insulated cabinet that would trap orgone and transfer it to the body of a person seated within the cabinet. He produced a device known as a “cloudbuster”, which he claimed would encourage or discourage the formation of rain clouds. His formula of cosmic superimposition professed to explain the creation of stars and galaxies through the meeting of two or more orgone streams.

The GP as orgone accumulator with an orgone box in the KC? Maybe all those priests had something else in mind concerning Joan Collins in the KC than doing her in, but maybe I should stop this post before I get in trouble?

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by will2learn

Thank you for your insightful response. I think you made probably the single most significant point relevant to establishing an alternative purpose--was there a need?

What I was referring to with my statement about evidence of water on the exterior was probably too vague. I was referring specifically to evidence of some sort of conduit for moving water outward from the GP and into the surrounding land, presumably originating from a point high upon the pyramid's face (as the flow would be largely gravity fed from that point).

Lastly, I believe the current best estimates are around 30 years for construction and the 20 year figure comes from what was reported by Herodotus, though there is certainly no single accepted theory for pyramid construction.

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by maquino

You are such a tease. I'm seriously considering entering the clubhouse door..which someone with a poor sense of humor made look like a va jay jay.


posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 03:39 PM
Just a thought ... but if the GP was a pump of sorts then surely it would be of the steam variety.

Steam generated in the KC fills the GG .... triple doors at KC are sealed ... cold water injected into the GG creates vacuum to draw up the water.

If the GP is indeed 10 - 15,000 yrs old then it would've been sitting on a high plateau as Sea levels would be 450 ft lower.


posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 04:18 PM





For the record, the burden of proof lies with the person proposing the theory.

No that isnt true, the burden is for the peers to disprove during their reviews.
Anyone can devise a theory, its only those that stand up to peer scrutiny that become accepted.

With all due respect, this is not true. In a reasoned argument, the onus probandi (burden of proof) lies with the claimant. Shifting the burden of proof is a type of argumentum ad ignorantiam.

You can save the latin for someone that has a clue what it is you are talking about.
Speaking an old language in an effort to make yourself look intelligent is wasted on me.

This isnt a court case where the burden of proof is on the prosecution and the defendant is innocent until proven guilty. Im talking about peer reviewed science.
Einstein didnt have the proof when he devised the THEORY(unproven hypothesis) of relativity.
And neither did Darwin when he devised the Origin of Species and the theory of evolution.
Every theoretical thinker creates his theories based on the sum of his "learning" and sometimes through meditation. Theories come from hunches based on circumstantial evidence that suggests something may be true, its through testing of the theories that they become accepted or disproved. Thats peer reviewed science, I know it doesnt actually work like that, but thats how its supposed to work when powerful interests dont try to steer the results for political gain, or the "establishment" scientists financially and reputationally invested in what could be proven false. Flat earth anyone, being the center of the universe, the universe revolving around the earth, atoms being made of much smaller "stuff".
A theory doesnt have proof, thats what makes it a theory, it has circumstantial evidence, proof comes later, or not, whatever the case may be.

That's just not correct. For instance, Einstein didn't just "propose a theory," he wrote a series of papers and submitted them for publication. In each, he presented his hypothesis with supporting evidence and falsifiable tests to establish validity. After peer review and considerable scrutiny, his ideas were substantiated by other physicists such as Max Planck before becoming theory. This is how peer reviewed science is done.

I'm not debating the unhealthy influence of politics, prestige or ego, but there's a more fundamental reason that every shred of conjecture or ill-conceived hypothesis isn't peer reviewed--a convincing argument wasn't made. Save your poorly articulated criticisms for somebody who doesn't know any better.

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 04:32 PM
Whoever built the GP had a knowledge of Harmonic Geometry ... Resonance ... Cymatics ... Earth Circumference ... Golden Section ... Fibonacci Curves ... Earth Weight ... Earth Mass ... etc etc etc

For a simple thing ... whatever it is .... it is hugely complex in it's combination of forces applied to a process.

Until we find a Hall of Records all we have are Monolithic Structures that allude to the technical knowledge level of our lost past ... the demise of Civilization 1 at the end of the last Ice age .. and I do personally believe the GP is of Civilization 1.

The GP could actually be as old as 20,000 yrs.

It's very hard to decipher the purpose of the GP when in is placed in such a dramatic time period ... the End of an Ice Age ... Possible Crust Displacement (Hapgood) Mammoths fast frozen with fresh buttercups in their mouths ... Floods .. Tsunamis ... Dramatic Sea level Increases.

Yet in the midst or near the end (multiple choice) of all this they build a Pyramid ... ?????


posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 05:17 PM

reply to post by cloudwatcher

Wow you have a vivid dream there. Write it up as a screenplay; the PTB would pay a lot for it if it was done well.


Ya think? WHY TPTB? dun dun dunnnn.

I'm not as think as you smart I am!

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 06:10 PM

The GP could actually be as old as 20,000 yrs.

Hi Cosmic4Life,

SC: The GP and Giza date to 16,940 BCE (almost 19,000 years old). The evidence that proves this is right there at Giza.



posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by Cosmic4life

Yes, now we are thinking more abstract, indeed if the GP is up to 10K years old, sea levels would have been lower.
Also scientist tell us that 6000 years ago, that the Sahara was NOT a desert but a lush forested area full of vegetation and life. The current sand dunes cover whatever was "Underneath".
I would presume the weather of Eqypt and surrounding environment at the time, may also have been vastly different.

The GP was also encrusted in a smooth polished limestone sides, and some even claim it may have had a golden tip. Certainly it would have been a beautiful shinning beacon.
What purpose it really served has been lost with its people, maybe all designers, scribes, mathematicians, craftsman etc were murdered by the Pharaohs to keep the secret. Maybe they willingly gave their life as an honour, to serve the great one.....who knows the mind of those people? Noone alive now does.

Most of the limestone blocks have been removed over the centuries, to build buildings in Cairo.
I believe Napoleon's troops even used the Sphinx and GP as target practice for their canons in the 1800s.

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 06:41 PM


reply to post by cloudwatcher

Wow you have a vivid dream there. Write it up as a screenplay; the PTB would pay a lot for it if it was done well.


Ya think? WHY TPTB? dun dun dunnnn.

I'm not as think as you smart I am!

The media and hollywood are stuffed full of alien, occult and secret society references. So write a movie about the GP with flying saucers flying over it and a lizard shapechanging president giving a speech about it, while a large breasted lady archeologist and a gas station attendant save the world from 1 inept occultist.

You would be rich and famous.

Mention ATS for + 1000000 karma!


posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 08:13 PM


From 1940 to 1943 he attempted to ascertain whether external orgone radiation would inhibit the usual orgone metabolism causing - according to his theory - cancer. He found that when the degenerative process had not gone too far, it might be halted or even reversed. And in 1945 he announced what he called primary biogenesis - the creation of life without the use of any preexisting organic material. He did this by taking bionous earth, mixing it with water, and sterilizing the compound. It was then filtered, frozen into ice, and finally thawed. The water now contained substances resembling tiny yellow snowflakes, which would develop first into live cells and then into various types of protozoa.

He then developed an “orgone accumulator” - a specially designed, insulated cabinet that would trap orgone and transfer it to the body of a person seated within the cabinet. He produced a device known as a “cloudbuster”, which he claimed would encourage or discourage the formation of rain clouds. His formula of cosmic superimposition professed to explain the creation of stars and galaxies through the meeting of two or more orgone streams.

That's an interesting take away. So even though the profound statement of primary biogenesis is amazing in itself but the implications of reversing the process and how that could play out within medical industry.

What's more of course, is curiousness of primary biogenesis within KC. Ill leave it at that.
edit on 22-10-2013 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 09:08 PM
I always seem to fall back on the idea the pyramids were of a practical nature. Not water pumps but energy production. Aren't all pyramids located along ley lines?

To me what seems logical would be to harness energy. EM waves perhaps? To what purpose or end? For regeneration of the living, reborn kings in the truest since? Or to power an ancient toaster? What if it was simply intended to be free energy hence the big dark cloud over it. I mean Osiris forbid we find a way without oil.

I think I'm in the mood for Dr. Frankenstein tonight.

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 09:08 PM

Scott Creighton

The GP could actually be as old as 20,000 yrs.

Hi Cosmic4Life,

SC: The GP and Giza date to 16,940 BCE (almost 19,000 years old). The evidence that proves this is right there at Giza.



Hi Scott,

Wow - that is one helluva game changer. Can you give us a link or source regarding the evidence?


posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 10:34 PM

Scott Creighton
The GP and Giza date to 16,940 BCE (almost 19,000 years old). The evidence that proves this is right there at Giza.

Scott, let's see if we can zero in on this a bit ...

John Romer, The History of Ancient Egypt
In distant prehistoric times, both the Nile's flow and intrusions into the [Mediterranean] sea into its delta had been so violent as to delete all record of earlier human activity [in the greater Delta/coastal regions]. In the seventh millenium BC [c. 6,000BC], for example, the Nile had flowed so fiercely through its delta that it had channeled into a single outflow into the Mediterranean, the so-called "Great River", which had run from due north from the ending of the valley's limestone cliffs ...

The ancient Nile was different from the modern river too, its flow much stronger than it would become in later phases of its history. In consequence, the beginning of the delta, where the fast, wide river broke into half a dozen different streams and spread out like a fan, was further south than it is at present, at a point where the valley cliffs nip close together near the pyramids of modern day Saqqara.

So as I understand you, you are taking the 3 Giza Ps back roughly 10K years before Romer's 6KBCE superflood, which would mean that it wiped out everything except them [and the Sphinx].

Simplifying, this is the "knowledge preservation" theory: Smart people in -16940 knew that the whole enchilada was going to go down the tubes 10K years hence, so they built 3 time capsules strong enough to survive it, along with a big cat to keep them company.

The problem I have with this is not that there aren't all sorts of mathematical & geometric formulæ reflected in the GP's construction, but that there's simply no way it could "teach" these things to the next batch of dry humans. They would have to discover such things for themselves, then recognize them to also be in the GP [just as our archæologists have done].

It also stands to reason that if you're going to build three waterproof time capsules, they'd be much more practically laid out inside: rather like the Ford Knox Bullion Depository, with lots of sealed interior rooms [you didn't see the real thing in Goldfinger]. If you needed more than one, they'd all be the same size and configuration, and for maximum survivability you wouldn't put all three in the same place. Suppose the whole Giza plateau had disintegrated?

If you were worried about a superflood, moreover, where would you build your capsules? Right next to the river that was going to kick ass? Well no, you'd find the highest, most solid mountain range around and stick them up there, right?

So we've got to find a way to explain the 3Ps being built right next to the Nile, with only a few impractical rooms and "stored knowledge" that must be prelearned elsewhere.

And we've also got a bit of a neter problem. The gentlemen who wrote The Orion Mystery proposed that if you took the arrangement of the 3Ps [upside down!?] and compared it to the three middle stars of Orion, it was identical. [Some astronomers have suggested it wasn't at all, but let's give TOM the benefit of the doubt for the moment. The next question is: So what?

As best as I can make out, the big deal about this is that Orion = Osiris, who was the Egyptian god of death and resurrection, so positioning the 3Ps to hint at him was supposed to be a warning that humanity was going to do the same thing.

Once again I have a bit of a problem with the obscurity of this message. In our own "post-superflood era" it's taken only 5K years for someone to notice this. And then again: So what? The pre-flooders already knew what was coming down, which is why they built the time capsules, right? They didn't need any Orion-reminder. And if it's supposed to mean something to us post-flooders, what that is is not very clear.

Also there's the little problem that Osiris had nothing to do with the constellation Orion, nor did he even show up in Egypt until the V Dynasty [cf. Chapter #2 here.] When he did check in, he was associated with the Moon; cf. Lockyer's Dawn of Astronomy, et seq.. All of which means that if pre-6000 BCE 3P-builders were aligning them to the Orion constellation, they wouldn't have had the Osirian myth-cycle in mind.

Identifying these problems doesn't get us any closer to clicking the Rubik's Cube of the GP into place; at most it just steers us away from some blind alleys. I do tend to think that Romer's 6000 BCE superflood [and presumably its predecessors] is part of the key. Giza being located at the center of the Earth's landmass [if this is indeed true] is also interesting. We may be starting to get into not just some localized flooding, but a far greater issue, having to do with the Earth's departure from its presumably-original "perfect" axis. The book which does a nice job introducing, if not resolving this question, is Joscelyn Godwin's Arktos. [Forget the cheesy "Nazi survival" subtitle.]

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 11:41 PM

reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

I'm currently taking alpha brain and I enjoy exploring crazy mumbo jumbo far more than your average person. I love all fields of science and I am in fact amazed by the first images of the wave function of a hydrogen atom being imaged for the first time, its part of my member picture. I can talk all day about the time-space fabric unraveling from a fourth dimensional space, cold fusion possibilities, sharing the mind's, eye's images with people via DymethylTryptomine, comparing the marvel of the golden ratio in all its glory from tree branches, roots, veins, arteries, changing velocities of mass in space, the branching of species and consciousness over time.

All of everything is of interest to me, and I close no doors. Which brings me to my question I have been asking.... Why isn't the pyramid a ram pump?
edit on 22-10-2013 by Rychwebo because: (no reason given)

There is a ram pump in the community where I live. For the ram pump to work properly you need water pressure. Usually this water pressure is driven by gravity - like being a few meters below the source of running water, or below a waterfall.

Where would the water pressure come from to power a pyramid ram pump? Rain? The pressurized water needs to be above the ram pump for it to operate properly.

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 11:42 PM
It is a shame that the Ancient Library of Alexandria and the Serapeum were destroyed. Perhaps all the answers we seek about the pyramids were lost there and whatever was carved into the outer limestone casing.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 12:17 AM

It is a shame that the Ancient Library of Alexandria and the Serapeum were destroyed. Perhaps all the answers we seek about the pyramids were lost there and whatever was carved into the outer limestone casing.

From this ...

... to this:

Egypt has suffered a savage pillaging over the centuries. As a symbol of “heathen paganism” it was viciously despoiled by the early Christians and their Moslem successors. Countless ancient temples were either appropriated or razed by the Catholics, and thousands of statues and inscriptions were disfigured. In 389 CE a Christian mob, acting on the orders of the Christian Roman Emperor Theodosius, burned the great library of Alexandria to the ground. Even so, millions of book-rolls were rescued or gathered together from other repositories and the library was reestablished - until 636. In that year Alexandria was taken by Omar, the Third Caliph of Islam, who decreed: “The contents of these books are in conformity with the Koran or they are not. If they are, the Koran is sufficient without them; if not, they are pernicious. Therefore let them be destroyed.” They were burned as fuel to heat the city’s baths; it took six months for all of them to be consumed.74 So it is not too surprising that modern researchers have only a pitiful few scraps of information from previously-undiscovered tombs or overlooked monuments.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by maquino

Giza is not at the center of Earth's landmass. The idea is a common misconception.

What they mean when they say that is that if you drew lat and long lines extending from the GP in the cardinal directions, that those lines would pass over more LAND than similar lines drawn anywhere else in the world.

I have never checked on this because the calculations would be a nightmare once you began factoring in scale factor, slope distance, etc.

But I will say that a quick glance at a map of the world seems to suggest that there is meat to that idea.

As an aside, I find it very interesting that YOU, of all people, created a thread like this. My belief ATM is that the GP, and all other pyramids around the world serve multiple purposes. Foremost being as an EM amplifier that would allow the priests/shamans an easier medium to access the collective consciousness. Earlier tonight I read about how the dude behind Xerox copying machines was "gifted" the info to create Xerox Copying from an outside source. I am sure you are well aware of the implications of such. You get a couple precog dreams, wow the masses, and they will line up for more. In this case, more = power for the Gov. You silly occultists and your voodoo. It appears to work quite well.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by maquino

Streaming thought... here... a 'psychodrama'.... my GP solution!

"Osiris is the pyramid"

That explains why there were no markings of pharaohs,
etc. on the GP.

If everyone KNEW that Osiris is the pyramid, there
would be no need to mark it; in fact it would be
'sacrilege' to mark it.

It would be like writing 'Abraham Lincoln' all over
the Lincoln Monument.. except it would be 100x
worse if the Lincoln Monument was considered
to be ALIVE.

Would be like taking a Sharpie marker and writing
'God' all over the face and body of 'God' if 'God'
was literally standing there.

Now.. I guess it doesn't matter per se, if the
pyramid WAS ACTUALLY Osiris, or it was just
thought to be.

Of course Set killed Osiris and dissembled
him into 42 pieces. (for the 42 districts
of Egypt at the time of the solar eclipse
- (the solar eclipse would have affected
all 42 districts, so a piece would be
found in all 42 districts -- explained
in a bit later))

Perhaps "reassembling" Osiris required the
GP, and all those doors and blocks and what
not were to prevent the pieces of Osiris
from 'escaping' until reanimated and to
protect the pieces:

"This part of the story is often extended with episodes in which Set
or his followers try to damage the corpse, and Isis and her allies
must protect it."

Now do I think that Osiris was birthed / reassembled in
the GP? Well.. maybe... (no I'm not crazy .. well ok I am..
but that's a different story.. as a Shaman I believe in the
'dream time' so who knows?)

But the theory works just as well if this was all some huge
guilt-ridden psychodrama enacted by the Pharaohs and

Osiris was a personification of the sun AND the moon.
Perhaps the people at the time thought that it was
THEIR FAULT for the eclipse and after the eclipse
was over they sought to 'put Osiris back together'
with the GP.


one more thought.

Osiris was also the god of the underworld, after
his resurrection.

Then this sentence:

"The Egyptians worshipped
many different types of gods.
Most of the gods were once
Pharaohs, and when they
passed through the underworld
they became gods."

So.. Osiris was sun and moon at once
(perfect explanation of a solar eclipse
if I EVER saw it).

He was the god of the underworld
afterwards.. I submit that the GP
'was the doorway to the underworld,
because the GP was Osiris.

And per my earlier crackpot 'vision'
that the GP was a god-making machine..
(resurrecting machine works just as well)

Pharoh's who went into the GP would
have been turned into a god by
the GP (Osiris, the god of the

Bang! All those crazy pieces put

Perfectly explainable as a simple
psychodrama caused by a solar
eclipse... and dovetails with
known myth.


edit on 23-10-2013 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

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