+157 more
posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 07:20 PM
I am so excited because today is LITERALLY the first day of the rest of my life. Many of you know this already, but for the past 6 months, I have been
fighting a death sentence.....the big "C". It has been a living hell of a lot of pain and frustration, but I DIT IT!!!
I completed my radiation (6 weeks of it 5 days a week), and chemo, and last Thursday they did a PET scan to see if it had shrunk any....and today, I
went to the doctor for the results.
He said no, it did not shrink....it is GONE!!!!! Completely GONE!! (sorry I'm a little excited hehe)
I told everyone I was going to kick it's ass and I did. My doctor said it is very rare that he sees a patient do such a turnaround as I did, and in
such a short period of time. When I was first diagnosed, they were not too optimistic. They couldn't operate, so it was chemo and radiation, along
with supplements and a really strict diet. Now here I am 6 weeks later, and it's just GONE. Anyway, I am just so happy and excited, I had to share it
with all of you!
Here is story in pics LOL
Me at sickest
Me telling cancer "Oh no you DON'T
Me gettingbetter
Me today