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Why is "Holocaust revisionism" a crime

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posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 03:13 PM

reply to post by peck420

Are you saying what you linked there proves:

According to some, AFTER WWII up to 1000 concentrations camps were used in Poland, by Jews, to torture and kill thousands and thousands of German civilians. Mostly women and children.

Nope, and no link ever will.

Nobody ever bothered to count, they were just the 'evil Germans' after all.

But, based on logic, I would say there was approx 650 labour camps in Poland.

I am basing that on an estimated 1,300,00 German civilians used in Polish labour camps, divided by 2,000...the average number of labourers in said labour camps.

So, having a low ball estimate come out at approx 650, it wouldn't shock me in the least if the number crested into 1,000 (or higher) as Russia moved German POW's back to Germany, via Poland.

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 03:14 PM

buster2010Show me once official document from WW2 ordering the holocaust. There is none. The archivist have never been able to find any documents from Hitler ordering the holocaust.

That's because Hitler wasn't daft enough to put his name to such an upfront order.

He didn't have to anyway. Everyone under him knew his intentions, he wanted the Jews exterminated like lice. So when his underlings, like Goebbels, wrote in their diaries about their conversations with the Fuhrer, that Hitler wanted the Jews of Europe annihilated, that the Jews were to blame for their own extermination, that by their annihilation the National Socialists were doing humanity a great service, that there was no room for sentiment etc etc etc ... you think such diary entries are unreliable ? Why would Goebbels write lies about a man he so adored ?

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 03:15 PM
To most people Holocaust is Gas chambers and firing squads. The reason Ausschwitz was chosen as the camp to epitomize the Holocaust is that it was a presentation of the large multicamp spanning system on a small scale in a single camp. The inmate was moved from camp to camp fed starvation rations and used for slave labor. Those whom did not die from famine or disease, were moved all the way east, where they were promised they would be relocated to if they played ball, only that they ended up in gas chambers, not the Auschwitz ones, which were diy chambers, made out of materials avaiable at the time when the need arose to make more live bodies dead quickly when disease and famine wouldnt do the job and killed only a small fraction of the holocaust dead, but dedicated camps with large C02 gas chambers that killed on a larger scale than the Auschwitz ones.

In short the whole system was set up to eventually kill the inmate, be he jewish, or another target of the Nazis. For that reason everybody whom died in the system counts towards the murdered ones. The revisionists argue that only those whom have been shot or gassed (or hanged) should be counted as murdered, while those whom died out of famine or disease should not. But they do because it is known that ultimately the inmates were put into the system to die, even if in the camps further west devoid of gas chambers probably even the mostly german personnel was left in the dark about the whole picture, to have plausible deniability so close to home and of course after the war.

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 03:15 PM

reply to post by peck420

Holocaust denial = Defending the Nazis.
True story.
HAve fun with that...


Holocaust Denial = questioning anything that indicates Jews as having faulty data, or that they, themselves took part in any atrocities.

Don't need to question the holocaust to question the counts, or question why nothing was ever done about the brutal treatment of civilians by many of the Allied nations and the Jews.

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 03:16 PM
Nobody is denying anything, we are talking about the pursuit of truth, facts without all the hollywood sensationalism.

How come in Schindler's List there was no Orchestra, day care rooms, or theatre? Because according to a number of holocaust surviors those things existed. I'm starting to see that you have done little to no research on the subject, and instead of arguing from a factual point of view, you are arguing from an emotional stance. Logic is your friend.

reply to post by peck420

Holocaust denial = Defending the Nazis.
True story.
HAve fun with that...

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 03:16 PM
War is Hell.

Just look at the disinformation that is spread with the technology we have today. One side posts this, another posts that.

The Holocaust happened. Just like America putting Japaneses Americans into internment camps. Deniers? They are the people who are pissed that their side lost, or have something to gain by perpetrating a lie.

I suggest folks forget their History books, and if they really want to know, ask those who were there. Theres not that many alive though, so you better hurry.

edit on 16-10-2013 by sonnny1 because: typo

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 03:19 PM
Why not a single photo of this tome of hate ?

reply to post by Wewillallbefree

As requested though all you need to do it google it. =&pagenumber=1

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 03:19 PM
What puzzles me about the number of Jews, is, in 1934 there were half a million Jews in Germany, half of which emigrated, mostly to France, when the Nazis came to power, so, where did the other five and a half million come from?

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 03:20 PM


According to some, AFTER WWII up to 1000 concentrations camps were used in Poland, by Jews, to torture and kill thousands and thousands of German civilians. Mostly women and children.

Do you have facts to back that up?

I didn't say it was fact. I've a few books on the Holocaust, WW2, how people behaved in those years, etc. John Sack's book An Eye for an Eye: The Untold Story of Jewish Revenge Against Germans in 1945 is one of them. That book caused a lot of controversy, but I think -what are the chances that's a true story after all the other sh*t that went down?

An Eye For An Eye

John Sack - An Eye For an Eye[/yvid]

Solomon Morel
edit on 16-10-2013 by wigit because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 03:21 PM



NAZI documents, pictures, newspaper articles, testimonials - to prove it's existence.

There is something very sick and creepy about dedicating your life to disproving the holocaust.

MILES of documentation. That's the German way. Their own documentation proves the Holocaust. It really is case closed unless you're ignoring the facts.

Show me once official document from WW2 ordering the holocaust. There is none. The archivist have never been able to find any documents from Hitler ordering the holocaust.

This comes pretty close:-

Note the last seven words on page 2.
edit on 16-10-2013 by alldaylong because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 03:21 PM
Why is "Holocaust revisionism" a crime

To answer that perhaps we should see just who holds the power in today's world (who calls the shots).
Official statistics show that there were six million Jews killed in the holocaust, and twelve million Russians.
Yet Russians never say "we have to attack and eradicate these people (and steal their land) because - if we don't - we might have another holocaust on our hands..."
But Israelis do. And it's not considered ethnic cleansing AT ALL!!!
Well, who calls the shots?!

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by LeBombDiggity

Unfortunately LeBomb, those who really want the truth, are willing to ignore the obvious.

Japan had their own version of the Holocaust also.

We dont see the truth, unless we want to. Just look at what America did to those so called "scientists".

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 03:23 PM
There is absolutely no reason to think that the holocaust did not happen...because it did.

Now there are plenty of reasons to believe that some facts surrounding it may have been exaggerated or falsified for many reasons.

The biggest thing that must be looked into was who were the power players behind Hitler and what was their end game. Were they the same people behind Lenin/Trotsky and the Communist revolution?
edit on 16-10-2013 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

The first time the word Concentration camp was used it was in the boar war in south africa, The british concentrated the Boar civilians in these camps with soldiers gaurding them, they had no shelter, no latrines, no water and no food, disease was rife as well, one of the forgotten crime's of history though we pinched the long tom artilliary from the boar and at the time claimed they were the best soldiers we had ever fought as the Boar specialised in guerilla tactic's to make up for there lower numbers and we based our first world war field artilliery in part on the long tom.

The british were also the first to drop bomb's on a target from a plane, an irish village were IRA were reported to be in operation, hand grenades from an early biplane.
History is also written by the survivor's today unlike the past were it was only the victor.

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 03:24 PM

What puzzles me about the number of Jews, is, in 1934 there were half a million Jews in Germany, half of which emigrated, mostly to France, when the Nazis came to power, so, where did the other five and a half million come from?

They came from countries occupied by the Nazi's.
I don't need to list them.

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 03:27 PM

reply to post by sonnny1

The first time the word Concentration camp was used it was in the boar war in south africa, The british concentrated the Boar civilians in these camps with soldiers gaurding them, they had no shelter, no latrines, no water and no food, disease was rife as well, one of the forgotten crime's of history though we pinched the long tom artilliary from the boar and at the time claimed they were the best soldiers we had ever fought as the Boar specialised in guerilla tactic's to make up for there lower numbers and we based our first world war field artilliery in part on the long tom.

The british were also the first to drop bomb's on a target from a plane, an irish village were IRA were reported to be in operation, hand grenades from an early biplane.
History is also written by the survivor's today unlike the past were it was only the victor.

That's not true actually.
The first concentration camps where used by The Spanish in Cuba in 1895.

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by Merinda

The gas was Prussic acid gas, not CO2, this gas came from blue crystals, used to poison rats, sold under the trade name of Zyklon B, when the crystal were poured into the distribution system, and water added, the heavy fumes drifted down into the 'shower room' , having just typed this, I really wish I did not know so much terrible stuff.

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 03:29 PM
The World Alamanac numbers totally contradict the official casualty numbers, from 1938-1948 the world's Jewish populous grew by 2 million people, how the hell is that possible. With the supposed mass genocide campaigns carried out by the Germans?

What puzzles me about the number of Jews, is, in 1934 there were half a million Jews in Germany, half of which emigrated, mostly to France, when the Nazis came to power, so, where did the other five and a half million come from?

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 03:31 PM

That's not true actually.
The first concentration camps where used by The Spanish in Cuba in 1895.

I highly doubt that that was the first time camps were used. Maybe the first time they were called concentration camps, but history is littered with stories of segregation and slaughter of loosing armies (and their civilian populations) dating as far back as the oldest written texts.

Ethnic based killing is nothing new, and happens on a fairly regular basis. So much so, that 'The Holocaust' wouldn't even make the top 20 list in terms of genocides in human history.

Think about that for a bit. The Holocaust wouldn't crack the top 20 list...

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 03:31 PM
Actually, if I am not mistaken the Romans were the first to use "concentration" camps or prison camps.
edit on 16-10-2013 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

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