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My name is Michael Aquino, and I think it's kind of fun to do the impossible; Ask Me Anything.

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posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by maquino

On the other hand my balls are indeed the size of Texas

Indeed they are, sir... indeed they are.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 08:58 PM

I would love to know if you feel regret at having taken part in killing people in wars.

Yes, as noted in my Introduction post, that's what ultimately motivated me to research and write MindWar.

In SE Asia I was a tactical PSYOP officer, so my job was to change people's minds and behavior, not kill them. But battlefield PSYOP was very primitive and largely ineffective, so it was a very frustrating task. And of course when you find yourself in the middle of a firefight, you shoot back. All this left me with a conviction very much like Maurice Conchis' [quoted in MindWar]:

John Fowles, The Magus
Men love war because it allows them to look serious. Because they imagine that it is the one thing that stops women laughing at them. In it they can reduce women to the status of objects. That is the great distinction between the sexes. Men see objects; women see the relationship between objects. Whether the objects need each other, love each other, match each other. It is an extra dimension of feeling we men are without, and one that makes war abhorrent to all real women - and absurd. I will tell you what war is. War is a psychosis caused by an inability to see relationships. Our relationship with our fellowmen. Our relationship with our economic and historical situation. And above all our relationship to nothingness. To death.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by maquino

Mr. Aquino,

I have purchased your book and look forward to exploring it.

That said: I have a fundamental concern with the core concept you've expressed regarding the methods of improving the population "stuck" in certain modes of behavior and problem solving.

It appears to me to be yet another "shortcut to salvation" system.

One which the "saved" are still at the mercy of those who implemented it.

What I mean by this, is that as I have witnessed, experienced, and sensed... a self/soul/entity doesn't truly integrate an understanding into itself until it has fully and consciously made the connection itself (usually through direct experience). Meaning... until a self has understood fully the implications of hitting and being hit... they are not actually able to make meaningful and context appropriate decisions.

The methods you describe appear to address the symptoms by rewiring certain programming and "simply" replacing them with others. While this will, like putting a throttle on a car, have the desired result of limiting excessive violence... the self has not truly CHOSEN with complete and total conscious free will to integrate and be the choice to pursue a different path.

Thus, when the boundaries of their new programming are reached and a situation arises where the parameters are no longer clear, either older programming will kick back in (if it does still exist), or unexpected outcomes from the best options available will be chosen that the programmers could not predict.

However a self who has truly integrated the lessons and experiences of both giving hits and receiving hits... they are able to draw from this to intimately inform their decisions even in scenarios where there are no existing specific parameters to measure against. Especially when coming into contact with other selves which have fundamentally different methods/appearances.

A self which has had a program of "Do not hit" installed... when coming into contact with a group of selves where they *appear* to be hitting but are not hitting in the way an average human would perceive it... this "throttled" self will be unable to interact meaningfully.

One who understands intuitively the difference between a bully hitting to steal money versus two people who truly enjoy having a "row" is able to focus instead on the nature of the interaction and making a determination of how to go about interacting.

This may include discovering a way to state "I do not wish to be hit, however I understand and respect your reasons for doing so... let's work toward a communication exchange that lets you 'sense' the intensity of my statement while allowing me to hear what you mean without having to experience painful physical sensations".

Or they can choose to attempt to communicate using the "hitting selves" methods, understanding fundamentally why they are now "hitting another self".

Without this self discovered understanding being fully integrated into their very nature that transcends a single life, a self is unequipped to deal with anyone that operates outside their known parameters. No different than a self unable to interact with someone of a different (or no) religion.

So again, it appears to me to be a "get saved quick" techno-savior for the species... that ultimately just creates a larger body of dependent selves upon the system as they didn't actually learn the lessons them"selves"... but instead were handed the answers.

Similar to rewiring a person stuck on geometry to do Calculus... without the self truly understanding the principles. Give them Calculus problems but with a different set of symbols and they won't know what to do. However one who has self integrated the fundamental nature of Calculus... will not only be able to operate with any set of symbols, but could come up with their own if needed.

Thank you for your time here... it is an interesting volume of perspectives to contemplate you are offering.
edit on 14-10-2013 by BardingTheBard because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 09:08 PM

I would like to ask who the Council of Nine are?

The Council of Nine is the supreme executive body of the Temple of Set, to which the High Priest/ess of Set is responsible. Its members are elected in rotation by the Masters of the Temple IV°+. It is also dual-hatted as the corporate board of directors. As a nonprofit religious corporation, the Temple of Set is "owned" by the entire Priesthood of Set, which establishes and amends its corporate Articles and operational By-Laws.

The Council takes its name from the legend of the Nine Unknown Men, recounted by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier in their Morning of the Magicians as follows: Asoka, Emperor of the Maurya Kingdom of India from approximately 274 to 236 BCE, became a follower of Buddhism in about 260 BCE. He became famous for administering the nation according to the most enlightened principles of nonviolence, and before his death he selected nine great sages to form a secret, protective society to carry on his work. Each One of the Nine would select nine deputies known to him alone, and each of those nine would select an additional nine, etc. The legend was popularized in Talbot Mundy’s 1925 novel The Nine Unknown.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by maquino

Hello Michael, thanks for taking your time and energy to engage with us and I hope that your time so far on the forums has been pleasant and stimulating.

My question is as follows: As someone who has studied and been engaged in various disciplines of Luciferianism, I imagine you are perhaps aware of of the Hidden_Hand material that originated on ATS as a forum thread. If you are not, allow me to describe it very briefly; Hidden_Hand was an ATS user who, on 18th October, 2008, started a thread in which they claimed that they were "a generational member of a Ruling Bloodline Family.". This member went on to describe some of the inner-workings of the Illuminati, and as the thread went on, progressed deeper into some very intriguing metaphysical descriptions and discussions.

The original thread may be seen here-

Original ATS Hidden_Hand Thread

If you haven't read it, I'd very much recommend doing so, because of how consistent, articulate, and thorough the Hidden_Hand is able to be. Near the end of the thread, they (Hidden_Hand) make the revelation that the reason they are able to be so quick, articulate, and thorough is because the user Hidden_Hand, being an adept of the spiritual disciplines of their bloodline, is directly channeling Lucifer itself: as they describe it, a sixth density social-memory complex. To wit,

Here are some points which makes him very believable; one being that the forum members he is communicating with make up pages after pages of random questions (as you can see in this article) and he answers them intelligently and precisely without the delay it would take for a person presenting a hoax to come up with them. This is also what the forum members notice. And he is consistent! Many of the questions are very good, deep, to the point and philosophical, and this guy (or woman, we don't know - this being claims not to be from this Earth), manages to reply on a very deep level, and his answers don't contradict each other. In an advanced and intelligent dialogue like this, it's very unlikely anyone would be able to do that without giving himself away at some point. You will most certainly notice he/she is sincere.

The abridged text of the original thread, parred for clarity and to eliminate vapid questioning/comments may be seen here-

Hidden_Hand Abridged

So then, my questions would be these: What are your thoughts about the material contained therein? Does it hold any weight? What are your thoughts about the precepts expressed? Is your ideology analogous? If not, where do you differ? Have you encountered any of these higher-echelon bloodline members? Do you believe what is being conveyed? Why or why not?

Thank you very much for your time, and be well.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by maquino

Dr. Aquino,

Thank you for your time. I am honored to be able to ask a person of your stature a question.

My question - If a movie were to be made of your life, which part of it would best give us a glimpse into it. And who would you pick to play you.
Exception is that it can't be all of it and you cannot play you.

Thank you for your time.


posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by maquino

"So there's my brother Jesus; it's been my pleasure to introduce you."

Wow, you pulled no punches there.. and also ended with
an indication that you were 'overshadowed' during the
writing of that piece. You have cohonies the size of
Manhattan sir.

Now perhaps rather than just scaring the Christians,
you might say the same thing in terms of Jewish
mysticism; in terms of the upper so-called body
of Adam-Kadmon, and the reflected shadow in the
underworld. Throw in a treatise of the significance
of the hidden Sephiroth and the crystallization of
Malkuth if you feel like it. Malkuth has the tasty
treat hidden within it, I'd love you to experience.

By describing things that way, we don't have to do
the whole Christ/Lucifer thing, which frankly my
dear sir, has been done to death, and folks can't
see the truth behind the stifling metaphors.

Putting this into terms of 'good and evil', which are
human and not divine concepts is truly not necessary

Would really appreciate a thorough response in
these terms. I haven't finished observing the
merits or lack of merits of Thelmic kabbalah.


posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 09:56 PM

From what I gather, you seem to have a resentment towards those who believe in mythology or hold religious beliefs in general (with the qualifier of "literally"). My question is why? With your knowledge of how unverifiable personal gnosis works (of which you illustrated first-hand knowledge of in the Book of Coming Forth by Night), why would you now discount so readily and emphatically the gnosis of others including your own?

I don't resent anyone's holding any religion or non-religious ideology. "Whatever gets you through the night." The only time I don't like religions or ideologies is when they become dangerous or murderous.

For humans generally, religion is a way of emotionally dealing with questions beyond their intellectual grasp. "Belief" and "faith" take over, often administered by an institution presumed in authority.

Setian initiation is not like that. We're not stopping until we know how the whole thing works and why. We're pretty much there. Of course getting there has been something like this:

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by BardingTheBard

A perfect response.

Let me share something with you. Do you want to know how
so-called 'demons' reproduce and grow in power in the
underworld? I do.

What happens is that's the stronger ones eat the weaker ones.
Sometimes it takes a million years of adjusted subjective time
for the digesting to finish.

Sometimes the victims are deluded that they are being given
power, when in fact they are being digested and they don't
even know it.

Some folks who think that they are truly powerful, if they look
at their 'vehicle', they will notice that it is all 'fuzzy' and 'crinkly'
these are digestion marks.

The lie of course, is that they have been taught the 'fuzzy peach
defense' whereby nobody can attach 'streamers' to them, due to
this configuration. But in fact they are being digested.

The good news, is that only those who want to be digested,
can be digested, and in fact nothing that really matters can
be so digested. But it's not an enjoyable process.

Now I don't want you or anyone else to take my little treatise
here to mean anything about the current thread.

Other than perhaps, I've seen some really crazy schemes cooked
up by some occult groups, in an attempt to get people to offer
themselves up for such feeding.

I don't like being so straight-forward; I have no desire to be
melodramatic. Again, I'm making no 'statements'. I guess it
was just the tone of your post that caused me to share that

It is not my place to judge anyone. It is my place to be of
assistance to one and all, whether 'good' or 'evil'.


posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

Those who truly need will truly read.
edit on 14-10-2013 by BardingTheBard because:

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 10:16 PM
First, let me say; "All the way, Sir!"

Now to the questions;

Based on what I have ascertained from the beliefs you have espoused in this thread, you seem to believe in the change of conscious awareness into something other than the mundane consciousness of consensus reality. This is not unlike the realization of true self as identified in various new age and eastern mythologies, except in your view, there is no "oneness" with the universe but instead deliberate separation from unity in favor of individuation. I believe I'm tracking thus far?

Assuming that I am following you and that you are familiar with modern claims of Kundalini awakenings, enlightenment, etc... 1) What, in your opinion, do you believe to be at work in these instances?

2) Do you not believe that unity is possible, or is it just not desirable?

3) How does this fit in with the good nature that you seemingly project. From my understanding this intentional separation would be something done based on pure selfish ego ( as in service to self, left hand path, LaVey satanism ), not something that someone who was selfless would do.


posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 10:19 PM

1. When you were in the military was it openly known that you were part of the church of Satan?

Yes, it was on my dog tags when I went to SE Asia in 1969, and of course in my official file. It wasn't something that I made conspicuous, but word about it "just got around". Occasionally I'd be asked about it, and would respond courteously.

2. Aside from certain people trying to scrub you out of the service, how were you treated on a day to day basis? From listening to some of the podcasts about you it seemed as though some of the people who worked with you ascribed a almost demonic quality to you.

The Army and I had a great time with one another:

Including with all the chaplains I met over the years. The Adams-Thompson ambush in 1987 was a complete surprise [we didn't even know him], as for that matter was the whole "SRA" hysteria of that period. And if course for the Army too, since it had to tell people like Jesse Helms, "Sure, we've known since 1969 that he was a Satanist; so what?"

3. Being that you are a high ranking member of the church of Satan, what is your view on paranormal events and the possibility of a being such as Lucifer/Satan being real?

I was the #2-ranking official of the Church of Satan until May 1975, when I resigned; see my The Church of Satan for those details. Set exists, of course, as I have previously detailed in this thread.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 10:28 PM

How do you respond to Douglas Deitrich's exposure of Satanism and it's dastardly role and prominence within the U.S. army?

Already commented on DD above; he's on a personal roll of just making stuff up out of the clear blue.

What are your views regarding jimmy savile and systematic covering up at the highest levels of his heinous crimes and practices?

Never heard of him before; don't know anything about him.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 10:29 PM

Another awesome AMA thread! Thankfully this one came on a day off when I was able to give it the attention it deserved.

Respectful thanks to Dr. Aquino for his kind and generous time.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by maquino

The book emphasizes the crucial necessity of ethics throughout the entire MindWar sequence. Whether the door that it opens proves a blessing or a curse depends finally upon the strength and prevalence of what Lincoln called “the better angels of our nature”.

I'm late to the party.... sorry...
but I do have a question (which you may have already seen and answered, and if so, please someone point me to it)....

Have you read Robert Wright's books
Non Zero: The Logic of Human Destiny
The Moral Animal; Why We Are the Way We Are: The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology

Interesting CV, Dr. A.

I'll be reading the AMA thread here post haste!
edit on 10/14/13 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 10:35 PM

Who is the final arbiter of the upper and lower parameters if/when agreement of the áristos is unreachable in said group? Does the program have to stall and the group be divided? Or does a majority dictate for the minority?

As discussed in detail in the operational phase chapters of MindWar, if you originally estimate the aristos too high, you adjust it downward until there's a workable consensus on it. Remember that it's a "best possible solution under the circumstances" target, not an ideal one.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by maquino

thank you for your responses open and honest to the members .

my question to you sir is do you think humanity is going to get culled in vast numbers soon to conserve the dwindling water supply and do you think they faked part of the moon landings .

interesting reply on 9-11 look at my thread on 9-11 it will make your toes curl .

thank you geo

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 10:47 PM

Is there any truth to the claim the military uses remote viewing for espionage?
Does it work? If so, how reliable is it?

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 10:54 PM

Who is the final arbiter of the upper and lower parameters if/when agreement of the áristos is unreachable in said group? Does the program have to stall and the group be divided? Or does a majority dictate for the minority?

As discussed in detail in the operational phase chapters of MindWar, if you originally estimate the aristos too high, you adjust it downward until there's a workable consensus on it. Remember that it's a "best possible solution under the circumstances" target, not an ideal one.

Thank you for the response. At that I made sure to go through those sections of the book quickly.

The question still stands. Who is the final arbiter of "best possible solution". Regardless of the upper/lower limit. Is "no progress indefinitely" a viable option?

Who is the final arbiter of what constitutes "best"?
Who is the final arbiter of what constitutes "possible"?
Who is the final arbiter of what constitutes "solution"?

Especially when a tough call has to be made between total failure and retreat or "all in and overwhelm with force".

From what I can tell in here and in the book it appears to be a blending of democratic when possible, military chain of command when necessary.

When we begin to discuss the course and development of a "self"... especially in light of the *repeated* mentions in the book and in this thread of "as long as properly implemented" caveats for success and non-abuse... I begin to lose sight of any reason this system is fundamentally (on a "self" level) different from any of the other groups through all of history proposing to have the answer for the "rest of us".

It wears different "non-religious" clothes but it is declaring "war" on people "to save them". It's deciding for others what they should become at *this* point in their self/soul/entity development.

I feel I have to wear the same rose colored glasses you suggested proponents of democracy are required to wear... and look past the gaps where corruption has always found a way in when oversight is unavailable and ambiguous immediate on the field decisions are required.

Thank you for putting yourself out here. I know this is an enormous task.
edit on 14-10-2013 by BardingTheBard because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 10:55 PM

What is your opinion of the Great pyramid? Was it a tomb or did it have a greater purpose?

Scroll of Set, November 1994

[On Monday, November 7, 1994 Michael Aquino and Linda Reynolds met at the University of California, Berkeley for a closed-circuit televideo conference with Professor Emeritus Henry Jones, Jr., Department of Archæology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Aquino and Reynolds had recently seen the film Stargate and had pointedly-divergent opinions concerning its substance, symbolism, and significance. Magister Dennis Mann and Adept Karen Revay had recommended Jones as a knowledgeable specialist in the field. Also participating, from a televideo facility at the deYoung Museum of San Francisco, was a noted rock musician, here identified as “X”. (The following transcript of the teleconference has been edited for length.)]

MA: Dr. Jones, have you seen the film Stargate?

HJ: No, I’m afraid I don’t get to the movies very much. What was it about?

X: It was a somewhat fictionalized account of a project I did for the U.S. Space Command at Cheyenne Mountain two years ago. It was supposed to be hush-hush, under wraps, all that sort of thing. I guess it didn’t turn out to be that well-kept a secret, did it?

LR: Is that why the young archæologist in the film looked so much like you? Was that deliberate?

X: Could be. Nobody asked me. I didn’t even know the film was being made until I saw it advertised in the paper.

HJ: What was this project?

X: Back in the seventies I did quite a few songs dealing with Egypt, space travel, galactic, with an emphasis on the Andromeda Galaxy. I made some of it up, other people in the band made some of it up, but I took the basic ideas from a lot of speculation about that sort of thing that was going around in the Haight at the time. Some serious, some not so. It evidently got me on file with the Air Force, if you can believe that.

LR: The Air Force contacted you about it?

X: Well, the Stanford Research Institute down in Palo Alto asked me to participate in some discussions. I thought it was all civilian academic. Turned out that two of the people in the white coats wore blue ones underneath. So then in 1991 I was asked to come out to Colorado Springs. It was supposed to be a seminar sort of thing at the Air Force Academy, but when I got there, they took me up to the mountain, and then things got weird. Michael was there; he knows.

MA: It was weird, all right. But let’s talk about what the film did with it. In the movie some archæologists in Egypt working in a Fourth Dynasty dig discovered a gigantic stone ring, which was found to be some sort of mechanism oriented to the constellations as they appeared during the Fourth Dynasty. It wound up in Cheyenne Mountain, given another name in the movie for whatever reason. The people SPACECOM originally brought in didn’t have the hieroglyphic skills to decipher all of the inscriptions, but the X-character did, and managed to turn the thing on. It was the “stargate” of the film’s title, and worked as a sort of slingshot to an unnamed planet in the vicinity of Orion. The X-character took the trip, together with a Special Forces A-team led by, um -

LR: Led by a colonel who everyone thought was a weirdo but who got pulled into the Space Command because he happened to have the mix of skills to handle something like this?

X: Ha!

MA: So on the Orion-planet the archæologist and the team found a desert city of human slaves and an Egyptian-style pyramid and temple, which turned out to be a landing-site for an alien spaceship, also shaped like a pyramid. The alien was a disembodied intelligence who possessed the body of a young man, called himself “Ra”, and used advanced technology to display both himself and a number of zombified human assistants as Egyptian gods animal heads and so forth and oppress the slave city. The team from Earth exposed the “gods” for what they were, blew up the alien in his spaceship, and returned to Earth through the stargate, minus the X-character, who decided to stay on the Orion planet.

LR: The insinuation was that the alien originally came to Egypt, on Earth, at the time of the Fourth Dynasty, was responsible for the technology required to build the Great Pyramid, didn’t want the Egyptians to be literate, hence the absence of inscriptions in the Pyramid. When Michael saw the film, he got mad because he thought it was portraying the Egyptian gods as an oppressive alien fraud. I didn’t agree I thought that the alien came to Earth and saw an opportunity to impersonate the gods which the Egyptians already had, and did as effective a job of it as his technology would allow.

X: And the film was full of hints, in-jokes, and nose tweaks. Budge’s books were kicked around for being obsolete in the hieroglyphics department. Hoffman’s Egypt Before the Pharaohs got several cameo shots, although that book is fairly conventional. There was a “sarcophagus” in the alien’s pyramid-ship that could bring dead humans back to life - the implication being that the mysterious coffer in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid was built as a ritualistic imitation of that device.

HJ: Well, I’ll give Hollywood credit for coming up with some wild movie fantasies.

MA: Just a fantasy, then, in your opinion?

[Part #2 continues below.]

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