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Bread and Circuses: Panem et Circenses

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posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 11:45 PM
I did a search and found these two older threads on this subject and they are worth a read, as well as revisiting, so I am creating this thread.

Bread and Circuses - The Opium Of The Masses

Bread and Circuses...

I don't think there is anyone on this site who is not familiar with the term "Bread and Circuses" (from Latin: Panem et Circenses). Just in case I will give the definition;

A metaphor for a superficial means of appeasement. In the case of politics, the phrase is used to describe the creation of public approval, not through exemplary or excellent public service or public policy, but through diversion; distraction; or the mere satisfaction of the immediate, shallow requirements of a populace,[1] as an offered "palliative." Juvenal decried it as a simplistic motivation of common people.[2][3][4] The phrase also implies the erosion or ignorance of civic duty amongst the concerns of the common man.
In modern usage, the phrase is taken to describe a populace that no longer values civic virtues and the public life. To many, it connotes a supposed triviality and frivolity that characterized the Roman Republic prior to its decline into the autocratic monarchy characteristic of the later Roman Empire's transformation about 44 B.C.

This is from Wikipedia (yes I know), but the emphasis is mine. America has been likened to the Roman Empire in many instances throughout it's existence. From our very beginning we have taken what we wanted and left the rest in ruins. Get on board or get left behind. Look at how we treat the Natives of this land, even adding "American's" after Native. They are NOT Americans, we forced that on them, stripping them of their culture and very way of life. We have herded them onto designated "Reservations" simply because they were in our way.

How long do you think it will be until we ourselves are herded onto "Reservations" of our own (of course I am referring to FEMA Camps)? From the inside we are watching numerous events unfold that will ultimately lead to our undoing. Other people around the world are watching this from the outside, some of them members right here on ATS and often they pop into threads where these issues are being discussed to share opinions from their vantage point as it were. Some even create threads to warn us; like this thread from Tsu322 Americans, Be Careful!

I sincerely hope I am wrong here, but I honestly don't think I am. We have passed the Point of No Return! In fact, I believe we went flying past it at breakneck speeds while updating our iphones during the commercials of the most popular reality TV shows so that we'll have something to talk about with our friends thereby giving us a sense of being connected... phew, that was a mouthful. We passed the point of affecting real change, really making an impact on our future in a peaceful, positive way because we were distracted by all the fluff TPTB have laid out before us on a silver platter. All this instant gratification via advanced technology has lulled us into haze. We no longer see the things that are happening in plain site because we are too busy with all our favorite distractions.

The phrase Panem et Circenses was coined by the Roman satirist and poet Juvenal (circa A.D. 100) in his poem "Satire X: The Vanity of Human Wishes". It is far too long to quote in it's entirety here, but worth noting the similarities of the soon to fall Roman Empire with the state of the US currently. If anyone wants to read it in it's entirety here is a link to a translation I found "readable" Satire X

A brief synopsis:

The main theme of "Satire 10" concerns the myriad objects of prayers that people unwisely address to the gods: wealth, power, beauty, children, long life, etc. Juvenal argues that each of these is actually a false good, and is only good so long as other factors do not intervene. The poem is sometimes known by the title of Dr. Samuel Johnson’s 1749 imitation, “The Vanity of Human Wishes”, or sometimes “The Futility of Aspirations”.

So in other words; when you wish for things that you desire that are of no real substance, it will backfire on you.

"Satire 10" is the source of the well-known phrases "mens sana in corpore sano" (“a healthy mind in a healthy body”, the only good really worth praying for), and "panem et circenses" (“bread and circuses”, which Juvenal suggests are the only remaining cares of a Roman populace which has given up its birthright of political freedom).

At this point we no longer have "healthy" minds, look at how often mental illness is referenced as a reason for tragic acts/events that we have seen in recent times, most recently and notably the two horrific events in D.C. during the first week of the Shutdown! There's hardly a one of us who can say we don't know anyone who is currently under the care of a therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist and/or taking medication for some form of mental health diagnosis. And don't even get me started on our physical "health", we are the most unhealthy nation in the world! One can only surmise that this is due entirely to our Bread and Circuses!!

The Global Elites, TPTB took notes from Rome and worked out the bugs... New World Order, here we come and we're pleasantly distracted the whole way there!

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 02:10 AM
I guess I need a second line so why not a third.
Amen again.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 03:13 PM
Well Terry, I guess this thread is just for you and me lol! That's okay, I got something from creating it and you got something from reading it!

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by IrishCream

We are definitely in a Bread & Circuses hyper-mode right now.

The problem as you so aptly pointed out is that we have gone so far past the point of no return that the bread is rotten & moldy and the performers & animals are all sick and dying in the circuses. Nothing short of a cataclysmic event will change the status quo.

However, I don't believe the people will just fold like sheeple and allow themselves to be herded into FEMA camps, etc. At some point - hopefully sooner rather than later once the "event" comes - we/they will fight back. Even if it's just pitchforks & torches to start with, ultimately an extremely pissed off populace will organize, find intelligent strong leaders, and take back this country/world.

I think the biggest thing most people don't realize is that TPTB are only TPTB because we have ALLOWED it. They have always known that hence the Bread & Circuses...

It's time to wake up.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 04:25 PM

Well Terry, I guess this thread is just for you and me lol! That's okay, I got something from creating it and you got something from reading it!


Sorry to crash your party...

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 05:59 PM


Well Terry, I guess this thread is just for you and me lol! That's okay, I got something from creating it and you got something from reading it!


Sorry to crash your party...

No worries, you're welcome any time! Especially because you agreed with me!

Yes I wholeheartedly agree that the bread is moldy... may be what's leading us to so much mental un-health. Ironically I just used the pitch forks and torches reference with my 18 yr old son this morning and even he agrees that at this point we are far beyond simply voting in a 3rd party politician to fix things. No amount of voting within the current system will save us... WE must save us and I do believe that it going to HAVE to get ugly before it can get better. The entire system needs to be torn down and we must start from scratch... BUT we must do what TPTB have done, take notes from this fall and work out the bugs.

I know this amazing 86 yr old woman who used this analogy; "It's like driving a car with no power steering fluid and no breaks. When the car crashes we blame the driver and together we choose a more qualified, experienced driver for the next run. Damn, what do you know? It crashed again! So again, we collectively choose a new driver with more experience and skill... but to no avail." What we're not seeing is that it isn't really the driver per say that is to blame, it is us for failing to educate ourselves on the car's mechanics thereby not seeing the car's state of disrepair. It is our fault for believing the word of the slimey used car salesman (TPTB) that it worked perfectly fine, even if it may need the occasional tweaking (not twerking, that's another thread) every 2-4 years.

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 12:37 PM

reply to post by IrishCream

However, I don't believe the people will just fold like sheeple and allow themselves to be herded into FEMA camps, etc. At some point - hopefully sooner rather than later once the "event" comes - we/they will fight back. Even if it's just pitchforks & torches to start with, ultimately an extremely pissed off populace will organize, find intelligent strong leaders, and take back this country/world.

Unfortunately, I don't think that's the case. People can revolt against something that's happening, but they seldom revolt against something that happened. Once the change seems unalterable, it becomes a reality, and rather than fight back, people learn to cope with it. It's simply survival.

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 12:41 PM
rome said "i will give u bread and Circus"

Jesus said "i will give u bread and fish's",, fish u can eat

and feed 5000 on 3 loaves and a number of fish.

take ur pick

posted on Nov, 9 2013 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by BobAthome

It was 7 fishes Bob lol! I do know a fair amount about the Biblical scriptures, Jesus and I go waaay back

I'm glad you replied though because it brought this thread back onto my radar. A few weeks have passed since I created this thread and honestly, this self absorbed, preoccupied with "trinkets" state of being seems to be escalating, and quickly. Now I know the Holidays are coming and I've seen my fair share of "seasonal" ads on TV, in Newspapers and online even before Halloween, earlier than usual if you ask me. There has also been an influx of new Reality TV shows starting mid-season, YouTube had it's first ever Awards Show for cripe's sake, I mean seriously?! There seem to be new-ish distractions every which way you turn geared towards every appetite and for those of us who are aware/awake, it should be relatively obvious that we are living in a reality filled with smoke and mirrors, bread and circuses... pay no attention to the men behind the curtain.

Sadly I fear it is just simply too late and all we can realistically do is wait, hope we are prepared for whatever is headed our way. When it hits, put your head between your knees, take deep breaths and remain calm. If we can keep our wits about us until the dust settles, we might just be ok.

For you Bob, my friend:
Job 5:16
So the poor have hope, and injustice shuts its mouth!

This too shall pass and, as long as we are brave, determined and diligent... these things too shall pass. Hope springs eternal and all that rut!

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