posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 10:37 AM
On another point, I have been trying for years to get our local CHamber of Commerce to sponsor insurance with annual enrollment for member businesses.
Basically, the chamber could act as a pool for local employers to practice buying power. The best coverage starts for employee groups over 5000
(Aetna will decline to bid anything below 5000 employees, leaving UHC more or less as the only option). No business in my town could do that
singlehandedly. But among the couple hundred member businesses....i bet you could have a 5000 employee pool (BCBS, i believe, is the same as
I am a firm believer that there are community based solutions where everyone can "win" that wants to. It kind of goes back to that "When free men
need laws, they are no longer fit for freedom". Dammit...i am fit for freedom. If others would get off their asses and help find solutions locally.