posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 02:49 PM
The two most destructive forces on planet Earth - sugar and blind faith in organized religion.
Sugar looks and tastes great.
Organized religion looks and feels great.
Sugar is addicting.
Organized religion is makes you feel specially chosen and welcome ... addicting.
Sugar - the more you absorb, the more damage is done to the body.
Blind faith in organized religion - the more you absorb, the more damage is done to the mind and soul.
Sugar withdrawals are hard on the body and mind.
Organized religion uses guilt to keep you 'believing', it's hard on the mind and soul.
Not all sugar is equal in causing damage to the body.
Not all organized religious beliefs are equal in causing damage to the brain and soul.
Some natural sugars are good for you.
Some beliefs in organized religion are good for you.
BUT ....
Sugar can kill the body.
Blind faith in organized religion can kill the soul and mind (common sense dies).
(and sometimes that blind faith kills other people)
I see people shoveling into their bodies massive amounts of sugar in their food, and they waddle around with layers of fat and inflammation issues and
high blood pressure, etc. They become addicted to the sugar and cant' see the damage they are doing to themselves.
I see people shoveling into their minds massive amounts of ignorant errors based on blind faith in organized religious beliefs. They kill their
common sense and they disallow any proven facts that run counter to their blind faith to enter their minds. Their brains shut down.
The similarities between the destructive forces of sugar and blind faith in organized religions are there for us to see. And yet, humans keep on
destroying themselves with sugar and blind faith in organized religions. It's suicidal for the body, mind and soul.
That's my rant for today.