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Do Not Commit the Crimes Commited Against You

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posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 06:49 AM
This is the only video I have ever found that speaks it the way I think it.

Seeing that I am not the only person to see the world the way I do made me cry, deep shuddering sobbing. I wish it was not true but I really believe it is.

So what say you ATS? Can you convince me that I am wrong or do you see things the same or similar?

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by Tsu322

Columbia is simply experiencing the wheel coming back around against it. For years of exporting its misery and destruction into other cultures.

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 07:40 AM
I think if he was trying to be inspirational, I'd suddenly feel quite insired alright. Oh yes.. where did I put that gun and how far down my throat can I shove it before ingesting lead by choice? I mean really... Is there anything but world wide extinction he doesn't mention...without hope for better pretty well crush any happy thought any Colombian may harbor on anything?

He strikes me as a man who as personally and very personally at that, lost a great deal to the Cocaine wars of over 30 years down there and the FARC civil war that basically came from the first problem, over time.

Maybe Colombia ought to meet the war being waged against it and fight it like a war...not a criminal action. KILL the enemy..don't negotiate and play silly games that have drawn the suffering of an entire nation across a decade or more of the stupidity of basically running out the clock and nothing else.

When Drug Kingpins from the late 80's and 90's were being hunted down and the cartels were the public enemy to be taken apart for awhile? It was a fascinating thing to watch happen. These big, tough leaders of crime organizations wouldn't be terribly bothered by all that was happening .. *IF* they were going to be held in Colombian prisons. They didn't seem to care....and with good reason. Corruption bought them luxury, in or out.

Now, when those same big guys were told the next stop was Miami, Florida and US Federal Bureau of Prisons in their future? That's when they'd fight with full blown crime waves and violence by bombings and more until the threat of American prisons was removed. Perhaps ....if their OWN prisons bothered them just a BIT more? It would help matters for bringing law and order to anarchy?

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by Logarock

Thank you for your reply Logarock.

Columbia is in a much worse state than a lot of other places but I think those other places have it bad too.

All over Europe and US peoples are loosing jobs, homes and welfare. The health industries are just about ready to collapse, as are the banks, businesses and charities.

This is why IO think it is now a crime against humanity to bring forth more people who will have nothing but a lifetime of suffering ahead of them.

I am aware that things were worse, in say, the dark ages but there was no contraception available in those days and certain major religions pushed the idea of marriage and procreation.

In this day of information there is gathering evidence out there for us all to see (threads on ATS, not least of all) and make up our own minds about what the future will be like. However bad it is for us it will be far, far worse for those being born now.

I am not saying that people should stop having children to make the world a better place for those already alive, I'm saying...

You will love that child. You will see them suffering with no way to ease it. There will be people not thinking they are dying, but rather those that wish for death. Why would anyone do that to thier own? Not these days people. It would be nieve to assume it will all get better by the time they start school.

And before anyone assumes I would do away with peoples human rights, consider instead the rights of the unborn. That has to be the priority.

They are the only ones that we can shelter from the bleak future of the west.

Peace to all.

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 08:27 AM

I think if he was trying to be inspirational, I'd suddenly feel quite insired alright. Oh yes.. where did I put that gun and how far down my throat can I shove it before ingesting lead by choice? I mean really... Is there anything but world wide extinction he doesn't mention...without hope for better pretty well crush any happy thought any Colombian may harbor on anything?

He strikes me as a man who as personally and very personally at that, lost a great deal to the Cocaine wars of over 30 years down there and the FARC civil war that basically came from the first problem, over time.

Maybe Colombia ought to meet the war being waged against it and fight it like a war...not a criminal action. KILL the enemy..don't negotiate and play silly games that have drawn the suffering of an entire nation across a decade or more of the stupidity of basically running out the clock and nothing else.

When Drug Kingpins from the late 80's and 90's were being hunted down and the cartels were the public enemy to be taken apart for awhile? It was a fascinating thing to watch happen. These big, tough leaders of crime organizations wouldn't be terribly bothered by all that was happening .. *IF* they were going to be held in Colombian prisons. They didn't seem to care....and with good reason. Corruption bought them luxury, in or out.

Now, when those same big guys were told the next stop was Miami, Florida and US Federal Bureau of Prisons in their future? That's when they'd fight with full blown crime waves and violence by bombings and more until the threat of American prisons was removed. Perhaps ....if their OWN prisons bothered them just a BIT more? It would help matters for bringing law and order to anarchy?

I think the Wrabbit captured the truth of the video in many ways. I might add: When your only gourmet meal comes out of a trash bin/dump..... because you are totally broke with no future and some druggie says, "Hey gwapo, you do this for me and I will give you money". What will most people do who have lost everything with no hope but more of the same dreary life do; (especially when they are teenagers in abject poverty) most will do whatever it takes to survive. With their own eyes they see those with cars and a place to live are either druggies or government lackeys; Same could be said for parts of U.S. cities...

Poverty and drugs are a cancer that given time will destroy all that it comes in contact with as it sends it's tendrils out to infect all of a society. I could link all kinds of stories about Judges, military, government officials who are bought and paid for by a cartel of the drug trade, where poverty is the norm, but why do it.... Anyone who has looked already knows what is going on.... If my life I was born into was as horrible as many throughout the world I to would feel it would have been better to not be born in the first place... I have been lucky in that hard work and goals set have always paid me back... but my time on planet earth was my time and not someone else's.

edit on 21-9-2013 by 727Sky because: ()

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

"I think if he was trying to be inspirational, I'd suddenly feel quite insired alright. Oh yes.. where did I put that gun and how far down my throat can I shove it before ingesting lead by choice? I mean really... Is there anything but world wide extinction he doesn't mention...without hope for better pretty well crush any happy thought any Colombian may harbor on anything?"

I think it is far from inspirational but he does bring up a lot of thought provoking ideas.

I don't think the west will have problems for the reasons Columbia does, at least the root cause is different.

The effects will probably be the same though. The west is not headed in a very good direction (as I mention in my last post) and I truely believe the suffering could be as bad as Columbia.

Just look at all the FEMA camps popping up.

Somebody somewhere must pedict something. Something worse than already is.

I think he just wants to protect the children that are unborn. Sometimes it is necassary to say something depressing to get your point across for the greater good. Just look at all the threads here at ATS, it is hardly a bed of roses out there and is soon to become a bed of thorns if the majority of threads here have an ounce of thuth to them.

Sorry to be such a downer. I want to be nieve, trust me, I really do. I want to think it's all going to be OK. I would give anything for a different outlook on the future, maybe I need to stay away from these sites!

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by Tsu322

His delivery is Mr. Depression with a side order of Hemlock on the rocks...but I can't say the message isn't accurate, which is what I meant in the other part. It's a real loss for what has happened down there in going from Jungle cocoa hideouts and processors like American moonshiners on steroids basically having part of the nation openly under direct militant control by FARC and funded largely by that with Kidnap/Ransom and assassination playing a nice sideline for diversity in revenue stream. (They run war like a business down there, so it's how I refer to it.)

Basic UN info on Colombia Domestic Rebel groups

He does really strike me as speaking from the heart though ...which is why I think he's had deep personal loss from what really is more a civil war there as anything else now. If only that stuff could end..... It's seems such a beautiful area of the world with inherently good, warm people.

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 09:36 AM

reply to post by Tsu322

His delivery is Mr. Depression with a side order of Hemlock on the rocks...but I can't say the message isn't accurate, which is what I meant in the other part. It's a real loss for what has happened down there in going from Jungle cocoa hideouts and processors like American moonshiners on steroids basically having part of the nation openly under direct militant control by FARC and funded largely by that with Kidnap/Ransom and assassination playing a nice sideline for diversity in revenue stream. (They run war like a business down there, so it's how I refer to it.)

Basic UN info on Colombia Domestic Rebel groups

He does really strike me as speaking from the heart though ...which is why I think he's had deep personal loss from what really is more a civil war there as anything else now. If only that stuff could end..... It's seems such a beautiful area of the world with inherently good, warm people.

I have to admit my reaction at first was a bit of a Depression with a bit of hemlock on the side. I hate seeing truths like that because regardless of trying to make the world a better place (as most of us here do) some things just make me feel so inadequet.

I have thought about this for a while and I cannot see what can be done to solve these sufferings en masse, Columbia and all other countries not at their peak. I think he is right, if you are not born you cannot suffer. There will be no jobs or economy or, well anything really for children being born in the west from now on.

Of course, if this is all just a blip and the American dream becomes a possibility again I would say 'Rejoice! What a wonderful world, lets share it with the unborn'. I mean, it would be like the good old days.

There is hope for all. There must be.

But for now I will be bearing this mans word in mind as I look around and see whats going on in the world.

Peace and goodwill.

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by Tsu322

The US has armed and bought dope from Mexico,which is right next door. They haven't given 2 turds for the 35 yrs. it has been going on. In Mexico there are what 40,000 murders a yr.? Until the US stops its abuse of coc aine, methamphetamine, MDMA and Cusano Rojo Tequila... |'d opine that Columbia is "further down the map" Knowing the US Feds like | do, this will mean they will reinforce the border with Canada. This after hiring Canadians and other imported workers to save the .88¢ so they can buy more crap at ChinaMart™

It is kinda like training and arming the Afghans when they were fighting the CCCP and then acting surprised when they use the training and arms against US.

|'d type that "we" are still behind.. seeing that in the US what have we done for the staple food of Central/South America. We pay farmers NOT to grow it. We use it for yet another "scam" the 'ethanol scheme', and the scraps that make it to Latin America is sprayed w/Monsanto™ poison!!

You reap what You sow.

When Uruguay hits 23-1 exchange rate, |'m beating feet. |'ll certainly keep Y'all abreast on what the Uruguains think. | was in Panama working for the Fed. and they hate US. adios

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 09:56 AM

I think if he was trying to be inspirational, I'd suddenly feel quite insired alright. Oh yes.. where did I put that gun and how far down my throat can I shove it before ingesting lead by choice? I mean really... Is there anything but world wide extinction he doesn't mention...without hope for better pretty well crush any happy thought any Colombian may harbor on anything?

He strikes me as a man who as personally and very personally at that, lost a great deal to the Cocaine wars of over 30 years down there and the FARC civil war that basically came from the first problem, over time.

Maybe Colombia ought to meet the war being waged against it and fight it like a war...not a criminal action. KILL the enemy..don't negotiate and play silly games that have drawn the suffering of an entire nation across a decade or more of the stupidity of basically running out the clock and nothing else.

When Drug Kingpins from the late 80's and 90's were being hunted down and the cartels were the public enemy to be taken apart for awhile? It was a fascinating thing to watch happen. These big, tough leaders of crime organizations wouldn't be terribly bothered by all that was happening .. *IF* they were going to be held in Colombian prisons. They didn't seem to care....and with good reason. Corruption bought them luxury, in or out.

Now, when those same big guys were told the next stop was Miami, Florida and US Federal Bureau of Prisons in their future? That's when they'd fight with full blown crime waves and violence by bombings and more until the threat of American prisons was removed. Perhaps ....if their OWN prisons bothered them just a BIT more? It would help matters for bringing law and order to anarchy?

How about the CIA stay out of there? I'd venture you are unaware of the history in any detail.

The movie Clear and Present Danger is a good beginning as far as a visual portrayal from a standpoint that should paint a picture and frame for a paradigm.

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by Tsu322

There is hope. It's just slim, is what it comes down to. The hope is within the people of each nation and their will or ability to take back what is theirs. By peaceful means and within the system they expect to have intact to use themselves, when it's all over. Trains still have to run....water systems still have to run and someone needs to clean the water coming out the other end or we all die from Cholera, right?

A good many of the problems seen around us aren't without solutions and any number of millions of educated people can give you various levels of detailed solutions which would likely work.

The problem is....the Political 'Caste' ...(and no one can tell me the GLOBE hasn't developed a Caste system all it's own, when no one bothered to notice) isn't interested in solving anything. Problems and conflict make for drama. Drama makes for budgets and great issues to run on for what every politician, in every nation not totalitarian at the moment, DOES care about. Re-election.

As it is in Colombia, it is in America, although we don't have rebels out in our forests ...yet anyway. lol... Who knows these days. Colombia has 47 million people though. How many represent the 'leaders' making the daily decisions that keep the nation at internal war and in grinding poverty? Thousands? Hundreds? Dozens?

I'm guessing the dozens comes closer ...but In Colombia, as here, people are trained from birth to believe they can make no difference, have no impact and do nothing worth the effort to change anything much beyond their own little world. So it goes on....bloodier in some places than others.

posted on Sep, 21 2013 @ 10:25 AM
When the going gets tough there have always been those who just give up. Look at the suicide rates in many countries. What has always amazed me the suicide rates always seem to be higher as a percentage in what some would call a first or second world country. Primitives always seem to have a stronger sense of survival IMO.

Down the road from me overseas is a family of 4 who live in a one room shack made out of sheet iron they erected themselves. Man, wife, 2 dogs and two kids.. No indoor plumbing and I doubt they have electricity. The kids go to school and all take a bath from a bucket used to dip in a barrel that was used to collect rain water. The man used to work for farmers and make about $3 a day when there was work to be done. Without relatives helping every once in a while they would not survive IMO and for me living in the sheet iron hut during the day would be worse than hell... But they get up everyday, send the kids to school and try to survive.

They have resorted to stealing from the very same family members who tried to help them and have now started selling drugs; dunno if the drugs came before the stealing?... Now no one will give the man a job and the family has withdrawn all support....

I assume being Buddhist they figure they are paying for sins of their past life; but this life is so bad that what the heck, get what they can, now!... I just feel sorry for the kids but they too have been corrupted by the poverty of their existence (little 8 and 10 year old drug pushers) or so everyone in the neighborhood says. When I see the eyes of the kids they are old for their years... "Life can be a bitch and then you die" has more truth than many will ever know.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:53 AM
I'm sorry guys, I can't reply to the topic of Columbia because I have never really looked at it. I am ignorant of the issue unfortunately.

I can't think of anything else to say, I just wanted to say this video reflects how I feel about how the west in going in terms of future suffering.

Thank you all for the information you type and link, it helps my ignorance issue.

Peace to all.

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