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Watch What Happens When Girls Open Carry in Walmart (SPOILER ALERT- Cops Respond)

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posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by ltinycdancerg

The man who shot up the place yesterday, the one at the theater, the school, the other school, the mall, how many of them walked in guns blazing?

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 01:51 PM

reply to post by ltinycdancerg

The man who shot up the place yesterday, the one at the theater, the school, the other school, the mall, how many of them walked in guns blazing?

how many had them visibly holstered? or perhaps sung safly behind them?

BIG difference between holding a gun and having one holstered in public.
edit on 17-9-2013 by Biigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by earthling42

Right? Because everyone with a gun is a sane, well intentioned person.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by Biigs

There is nothing in the constitution about carrying FIREarms. Point it out to me.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by ltinycdancerg

Trying to make a point? Less guns still = less suicides by gun. Many other methods fail.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by ltinycdancerg

Isn't that Democracy? I'd love a better idea.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by Biigs

Please explain the huge difference between your ability to shoot a public place full of random people with a visibly holstered gun and a hidden one. I cannot wait.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 02:04 PM

reply to post by Biigs

Please explain the huge difference between your ability to shoot a public place full of random people with a visibly holstered gun and a hidden one. I cannot wait.

A holstered weapon is just that and only that. People in a open carry state will notice but not be alarmed and not report it.

A person HOLDING a gun in their hands, shows intent to use it - thus universally threatening and will be reported by everyone.

I cant find the specific text that states that its illegal to hold a loaded gun in public, but it is.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by Biigs

So your entire point stands on my ability to pull my gun from my holster? Well, that .8 seconds must really make a huge difference to people that are afraid of guns, huh? Does less than a second make you feel safer. How about I get a friend of mine. He holds his gun in his hands, I keep mine in my holster, and we walk circles around your family for a bit. Want to see who is more scared or want to see who can do the most damage? I am guessing the guy with the holster (me) has more gun training and can draw faster and hit a target better than the thug just walking around with a gun out. But I am willing to try it out. Are you?

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by 1104light

If you have a license for a holstered gun, id like to assume that you arnt mentally ill or have some kind of anger management issue, or a felon.

So i would not be expecting you to draw it in 0.8 seconds and shoot me.
The same way i assume the guy next to me at the movies doesnt take out a legal to carry by anyone (including nutters) pocket knife and viciously stab me in the throat.

Have a little faith in people. 350 million people in the US and 10 nutters who wouldn't be allowed to carry guns, who charge into buildings holding them and shooting. That means there is a staggering amount of normal people who dont and another large quantity that are armed every day who also dont and heck if one more of those armed sane people were in those places at the right time they could have stopped it.

EDIT i wont post any more, PM me if you want to talk more off the thread.
edit on 17-9-2013 by Biigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by Biigs

You assume alot. Do you think people are always mentally unstable from birth? Schizophrenia does not kick in until the 20s. Post partem depression can hit at any time. A mental break down can occur anytime. Ariel Castro got away with enslaving, torturing, and raping 3 women for over a decade without anyone suspecting he was violent. I have a CCP but I recently lost my job and started a new anti-depressant. Reading up on the people that had adverse reactions to this medication is scary. 5 shot themselves, 3 shot up the places they work at. But I already got my permit. See any holes in your logic yet?

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by 1104light

Yeah, the problem is that you have a license still.

The US cant ban guns, it would be the most ineffective ban in history. So it must deal with guns and reduce the collateral damage they cause through good solid licensing and checks.

Making sure that guns remain in the hands of lawful, sane and stable people.

All sorts of things "could happen", you are not being realistic if you think you can prevent everything bad ever happening.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by ltinycdancerg

Just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you SHOULD do something.

Where I live you don't need any kind of license or permit to open carry. I could carry an AR-15 down the sidewalk in the middle of the city if I wanted to. Would I? Hell no.

I'm used to guns and know gun safety and how to clean them. I occasionally go to the shooting range, so I'm not a stranger to them and how they operate.

Having that been said, I still get nervous when I see a non-uniformed person open carrying. How do I know they are trained on how to use it? Do I know if they've undergone a psych eval like cops do? I have no idea what his or her's personality or mental state is.

Guns kill people, and people rightfully should have tempered fearful respect. Guns aren't designed to open cans or start fires -- they're designed and produced to kill people and other living things.

Just because I CAN put on a bunch of gang-related clothing and walk through Compton or Watts doesn't mean I should.

EDIT: Besides, can't companies like Walmart put a no-gun policy into effect? I know at most jobs I've worked, you can't just strap a 9mm on your hip and go to work. A friend of mine that works as a cook tried that ... they sent him home and gave him a one day suspension. It might not be against local law, but it was against company policy.

I also understand that Walmart can be crazy, with all kinds of strange "beasts" wandering its isles...but to bring a gun into a Walmart just because you want to flaunt your "right" ... that's just stupid. If you want to make a statement, come into Walmart in a Speedo with a monkey on your shoulder.

edit on 17-9-2013 by MystikMushroom because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by Biigs

On my new meds, would you rather I was walking around with a loaded gun or not?

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 04:51 PM
All you guys are totally missing the point.

The RIGHT of the people to keep and BEAR arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

Our rights are considered GOD-GIVEN. God doesn't give you a permit.

A PERMIT implies that someone (the govt) is giving you PERMISSION.

Any type of license or permit means it is for something that is otherwise UNLAWFUL.

License Definition:
A special permission to do something on, or with, somebody else’s property which, were it not for the license, could be legally prevented or give rise to legal action in tort or trespass.


Years ago, back before all this bs started, I was walking down the street with a gun in my hand. An M1 carbine, to be exact, not a little handgun. This was in downtown SAN FRANCISCO, the most liberal leftwing place in the country. I was bringing it back from a gunsmith who had worked on it.

There was a cop. He looked at me, didn't even say a thing. I went right up to him and asked him if it was ok that I was carrying this thing around in broad daylight, right downtown. He said, "Of course it is. You are NOT TRYING TO CONCEAL IT." I walked on.


Everyone seems to just forget this nowadays.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 05:21 PM
And Walmart can be a dangerous place:

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 06:37 PM
Ugh. The stupidity lies with the little twits who went into Walmart, with guns on their hips. How stupid is that? It's absurd. What if everyone did that? If I ever walked into Walmart and everyone in there had a big gun on their hips like these morons, I'd slowly back out. I'd rather run out, but I would be too afraid one of the nut jobs would panic and shoot me.

This was all for show. They got what they wanted. Mindless idiots.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 06:50 PM

Women have the right to carry just as everyone else does. The problem is it's not in the norm in most places for women to openly carry like that. When something doesn't seem right it best to call the cops to investigate. Besides the fact that it is legal to openly carry it's also very very ignorant. How am I suppose to know that you have legal rights to carry? Sorry but if I see someone like that I am going to call the cops regardless of race.

your mental issues aren't anyone's problem but yours. it may not be the norm but honestly how long does it take for you to talk yourself into feeling scared because 4 women are open carrying at a walmart, do you think you're really any more secure with millions of concealed carry people around you, or criminals for that matter, yet you see a gun and immediately want to call a popo to save you.

if you're really that scared, carry one yourself, you're entitled to it by the agreement we all live by but please if you decide not to, get a shrink.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 05:33 AM
Dangerous mental illness + easy to use deadly weapons = mass shooting. Ban guns?

Dangerous mental illness + intelligence/planning = locks the cinema doors and burns everyone to death. Ban fire?

People who are not safe with weapons should not have them, the same way all dangerous things should be kept from them.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 08:21 AM
I don't live in an open carry state - Texas has concealed handgun LICENSES, conditions of which are that you keep your gun concealed.

Cops in uniforms are "obviously" entitled to open carry by virtue of their cop LICENSE (yes, you need a license to be a cop in Texas) - but what about plain clothes cops? Most will have a badge visible on their belt, around their neck, atttached to their holster - some indicator that they too are allowed to open carry.

What does ATS think would happen if one approached a plain clothes or off duty cop and questioned their authority to display the handgun in public? Or even called the police to report the incident? My money is that the complainer gets hauled to jail or at least put in cuffs for filing a false police report - it's their "bad" for questioning a cop, even though no visible signs were displayed that would lead the person to the conclusion that the wearer of the firearm was a cop.

I have to wonder if these cicitzens would have been reported had they purchased a "CHL" or "CCW" badge for their belt or holster? What say you ATS? A visible indicator (badge or license display) would seem to negate the need for police intervention by the general public. Or was it just that these were young women carrying guns that set somebody off enough to call the cops?

Based on the comments in the video, had Walmart displayed even a little sign with a gun in a red circle with a red line through it, these folks would not have entered the facility. Having NO sign, having made NO attempt to dissuade them from being in the store, Walmart doesn't seem to care whether or not someone has a visible firearm.


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