posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 06:55 AM
I have a big big problem that has reared it's head with the new design..and I'm sorry for some people if you don't get replies from me at all right
now. It isn't intentional...but spending minutes just to find which, of dozens of threads, at pure random chance a reply could have been to?? Well...
It's not happening.
The issue is a simple one. When " marks appear in ANY title to a thread on ATS? They will 100% VANISH in the Message reply listing. I get "(name)
replied to:" and a blank line. It's always been that way, but in the past, I had a choice of going to manually search a member name ....see their
profile, and then pull their posts in a clean chronological order. Unless I was WAY behind on checking my replies box, then it was self evident which
thread they must have made a reply to.
Now? No such option exists that I can find anywhere to see ONE members posts...Every Chronological order. This was the only way such a bug
could be worked with at all in the past ..and basically? It just makes replying to anything with those "'s in the title a pure random event of chance.
It may happen...but likely won't and this is why.
Any idea of fixing?? Or perhaps even a few lines of code to literally strip the character out by brute force on every title being submitted?? Again,
this ALWAYS broke the system...but now, the lack of any backup tool (That profile page listing) which works makes that break a total one.
edit on 16-9-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)
edit on 16-9-2013 by SkepticOverlord because: added quotations
for testing