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Whats the friggin point anymore??

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posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 05:27 PM


I sort of came to the depressing realization last evening while I was trying to sleep (unsuccessfully), that humanity has changed very little in thousands of years. While we have more gadgets, our propensity for war and greed and all the nasty things still remains within us. There has never really been an age where war or fear didn't rule somewhere. But at the same time, there has always been that small, quiet, persistent and loving aspect with us. The kind acts that go unrecognized, the huge efforts at forgiveness and compassion that go unpublished, and the quiet words of encouragement that do not make headlines.

Evil is boisterous because it has to be

I look at your epiphany as a awaking. Nothing to be depressed about, but rather celebrated. You are seeing humanity for what humanity is, both the good and the bad, and you still chose to see the good side. That is amazing in my view considering so many that have just given up.

Good deeds should not be looking for headlines. Our actions speak louder than words.

We may not agree all the time, but I for one, am happy to make your acquaintance, as well as Homer.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC

People can be good as individuals, so it's not exactly correct to lump all of humanity in with that judgement.

It's when you put everyone together as a whole that bad things happen.. People are intelligent, masses of people are not.

It's a sort of herd/flock behavior.. I have faith in my fellow persons, I don't have faith in large groups of people.. when you get a lot of people together they tend to become sheep and simply follow the lead of what they think they should be doing based on what's going on around them.. nobody wants to be singled out or appear to go against the grain.. all it takes is one bad seed to corrupt a group..

Peaceful protest can turn violent because of a single person.. even though it may be something NONE of those as individuals would ever do.

When you bunch a lot of people together they do tend to become lemmings... that doesn't mean all people are bad people.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC

Don't give up, Homer.
I appreciate your positive attitude and enjoy your threads and posts and I think that most ATSers feel the same way.
I know it's damn hard to keep an up-beat state of mind with the world in the sorry state it is in. Especially when you see who is in charge.

But don't quit. Don't let them win.

and another thing!!

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC

Homie I see the good in people everyday, never on the news because good stuff doesn't sell only bad stuff sells.
I started a new job a month or two ago and the people I work with are simply amazing decent good human beings who look after others who can't look after themselves.
Yeah the bigger picture is # but it always has been, just look deeper and you will see the good shine through

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC

Or are you maybe on the other hand only seeing one part of what humanity is through your blinders? I'm not here to be negative, that's not my job at this current point. I'm only here to express maybe something that you're missing.

In every single topic or conversation even, someone has something negative to say. It's just a side of the coin. it would be foolish to think that you could start a topic without a single negative post and darn near impossible as well. It's just human to disagree with others sometimes. Not everyone can be on the same wavelength and agree with everyone else and really, why would we want to?

Another thing to that is they are just expressing their rights to disagree with you. They have a right to say what's on their mind even if it's against what you stated. They're not always in every instance out to get you, just merely posing their point of view. Once again, not all points of view can match up all the time.

I'm really not trying to be negative, just thinking that maybe you shouldn't judge all of humanity on a few that don't agree with you (and they have every right to disagree just as they have every right to agree as well) .

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 08:47 PM

In my never ending quest to find the good in humanity, .......I dont think there IS a good side to humanity anymore. I think we are doomed. Man just cant accept a good thing when he sees it. He HAS to find the negative in EVERYTHING.
Til man pulls his head out of his ass and wakes up, I think our days are numbered.
Hope the next species does better

Hey Bro or Sis, don't give up. Life is the journey. Each day YOU can make a difference. I realize it's a tough world out there sometimes when you walk out into each day....but Thank Goodness that you have a new day to enjoy.....IF YOU CHOOSE!!!

Our days are numbered? Ummm yeah...we all are gonna pass a some point.....but don't give up on each and every day...each and every can choose what you do, what you watch, what you read and where you decide to log on to.

Maybe step away for just a bit....get some fresh air. Take a walk. Life is beautiful, Life is precious and Life is Wonderful. One person at a time!! Peace!!!!

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