posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 03:17 PM
I was trying to set up a background image for my mini-profile so I uploaded the image, copied the direct link and pasted it into the "mini-profile
background image:" field.
The full URL fits, but after I submit and the page reloads .. it's cut off the last bit of the URL.
Before I submit, the field has:
After I submit, the field truncates it to:
Note: I removed http from the front so it wouldn't be a link.
Anyone else experiencing this? .. I tried searching but didn't see any relevant responses.
Is this an issue with the new beta layout?
I have to leave for home so I won't be able to see replies for about a half hour.. Also, mods if you need to move this please do.
Thanks in advance!
edit on 9/12/2013 by miniatus because: got rid of http so they wouldn't show as links
edit on 9/12/2013 by
miniatus because: (no reason given)