reply to post by Em2013
I have several hobbies. I read a huge amount. I have been known to consume a seven hundred page volume in a little over four hours, so you can
imagine how many books I could read in a month, or a year. I read an awful lot of fiction, with a particular focus on thrillers, crime, science
fiction, fantasy, and combinations of the aforesaid. I also read the odd factual book, things like "A Brief History Of Time" by Hawking, or Cosmos,
which is actually a coffee table book containing images and information on, you guessed it, the contents of the cosmos.
I also like to play my bass guitar. That is to say, I like to make a terrifying, bowel voiding din with my bass guitar. There is, in my opinion,
nothing quite as satisfying as channeling all the rage of the day through four, rapidly vibrating strings, and making family and neighbors believe the
sky is falling down, such is the fury expressed.
As a separate entity to my enjoyment of creating music (or whatever it is I create) I also enjoy listening to it, and seeing it live. One week out of
a year, I go to a rock festival, and see the bands I love the music of. The rest of the time, I fiddle with my 5.1 speakers to increase the clarity of
the various elements of my chosen love, that being all metal which is heavier than Metallica's Black Album (which in my opinion is them trying to be
Garth Brooks, by sawing off their balls, and playing crappy ballads).
My other hobbies include going for extremely long walks with a certain lady friend, who shares my love of the great outdoors to such an extent that
she and I will happily do twenty miles in a day... for fun, and I also enjoy playing pool. I used to be on a pub team back in the day, but the place
turned into an EDL haunt, and I cannot be doing with that bunch of bastards, so I no longer go there.
I also like to play computer games. I like FPS the most, because they offer the catharsis I require, the opportunity to totally decimate something,
without the attendant murder conviction is very helpful. I also enjoy puzzle games, like the many Breakout clones that continue to come out every year
or so.
I have these hobbies, despite really enjoying the type of work I do. I love working around hot metal frag, flying off the wheel of our key cutting
machines, I love the smell of burnt brass, as I shove a TCT drill bit through a lock face, and I love the process of stripping down, fixing and
maintaining all kinds of locking gear. No matter how much one enjoys the labours of their work however, one should always have something else to
occupy ones time, lest things become overly tedious, and the urge to bash in the head of the nearest conservative with a brick becomes far too great
to deny!
edit on 12-9-2013 by TrueBrit because: Spelling see what I did there?