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Putin calls John Kerry a liar and pathetic before G20

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posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 10:15 AM
This love fest for Putin is as ridiculous as it is disturbing. By a show of hands how many of you people have ever even BEEN to Russia? I thought so. I have. I've experienced first-hand the widespread, open control the Russian mafia has on just about everything in Russian society. I've seen the condition of the country. I've seen how people live.

Imagine you decide you want to go visit your Aunt Tilly in Des Moines. You go to the local travel agency to buy a ticket and are told there are none. You have to go --- in person --- to the airport. When you get there all ticket sales have been stopped. You look around the concourse and see people, entire families, huddled and waiting -- clearly for days. Suddenly two 30-something men wearing western jeans, short-sleeve black shirts and carrying weapons approach you. "Where are you trying to go?" they ask. "Des Moines", you tell them. They tell you to stay there (as if you could go anywhere else). After several minutes they return with tickets in hand. "We want cash, $XXX". The asking price is 3 times what the flight would normally cost. But they are the ONLY ones through whom you can get tickets.

The Russian mafia can and does control all aspects of the wider Russian economy. Maybe he can bring that here, huh? Does our government lie? Hell yes. Constantly and pretty much forever. And you tools keep electing the same trash from the same barrel so you won't 'waste your vote'. And you expect that to change? But if you think Putin is some political ideal you are misinformed and a fool. So until you know for a fact what you're talking about, sit down and shut up.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by ProfessorChaos

So, I've said recently that this Syria thing was starting to look as though Russia and the U.S. were in on this together,

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by ProfessorChaos

There's hope yet for America, with Putin watching our backs...

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 11:24 AM
I would vote for Putin in 2016. The citizenship requirement apparently is no longer valid so he could run. I agree with him on this statement and somehow he has been able to balance the Russian economies check book we haven't had anyone willing to even try in my lifetime.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 11:26 AM
John Kerry did not say there were no al-qaeda in the rebel movement, instead he said al-qaeda did not dominate the movement. Most sources put their share in the movement at about 15% to 25%.

Rebels ARE predominantly sunni, however. To me this issue is really about a shiite minority in Syria ruling over (and oppressing) a sunni majority population and being supported by Iran because Iran is shiite dominated. A sunni majority Syria with a shiite-hostile government would be a threat to Iran.

Saddam Hussein's regime was sunni-friendly and when Iraq went to war with Iran Saddam hunted down and killed (and gassed) shiite minorities/dissent in Iraq to quell any uprisings.

HOwever, last year support in Syria for Assad was about 55% and this year a recent NATO study suggested support has gone up to almost 70%, mostly on the basis of people not wanting violence. But since the results of the NATO study were released earlier this summer, I am not sure if it still applies. And because the methods to determine support were sketchy, the results are not unquestionable.

Most muslims in the world, btw, are sunni.
edit on 5-9-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by ProfessorChaos

Lying liars lie often, especially about lying.

Damn the truth.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 11:37 AM
I wonder if Obama had to take an HIV test to go to St. Petersburg?

I know a few years ago when I was supposed to be going there I had to take an HIV test for my travel visa.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by MystikMushroom

If he had to take an HIV test ... or explain this picture of him holding hands and sitting next to a muslim fella on a couch in college
That kind of thing doesn't go over well with the Russian legal system.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by jtma508
This love fest for Putin is as ridiculous as it is disturbing.

YOU are being ridiculous. Picture Putin being American .. not Russian. With American ideals and the American legal system. Now take all his talent, understanding of politics, his abilities and his 'do not blink' personality and turn him loose. Focus his energies on American principles and ideals and government. He'd make an AWESOME American who would be able to get things done. It's a valid statement. I wish he were American. He'd be a powerhouse for us.

So until you know for a fact what you're talking about, sit down and shut up.

Get over yourself and deal with it.

edit on 9/5/2013 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by Taissa

Originally posted by muse7
Putin is in the same category as Assad ... defending a lunatic that gassed his own people..maybe he should look in the mirror if he's not too busy jailing homosexuals

Obama should be in prison for drone striking and killing innocent children and entire families.

It's too bad the ICC has been relegated to just trying African and Eastern European leaders. SO biased!!!

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Well given all his alleged skill how about he focus it on the disaster that permeates Russia today. After all, it is HIS responsibility. Instead, corruption is pervasive and doesn't even attempt to hide in the shadows. It is daily life for Russians and it has been going on for many, many years. People are so easily blinded by the grass appearing greener on the other side of the fence. It's all speculation. Putin would do this, Putin would fix that. Bull. He'd do the same thing he's doing now. Sit atop of a corrupt empire, assassinating opposition.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 12:31 PM
Putin knows the truth and is the only one who has a chance of penetrating the MSM.
And the truth is that Kerry is a dammed liar. So is Obama.
This old fool, Kerry, a member of the satanic cult Skull n Bones, is a bloodthirsty liar.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by VimanaExplorer
Putin calls it as it is. I was more confused about the whole situation after Kerry's roundabout way of explaining things, which didn't make any sense to begin with.

putin for years has been a rare world leader.
he tells it as he sees it, a very rare event lately.
most politicians today are just parots repeating the latest line of bs.
they are either ignorant or the most loyal slaves ever.
yes master, whatever you say, i beleive any lie approved is their mantra.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx

Originally posted by justwokeup

Originally posted by darkbake
reply to post by VimanaExplorer

Well... what happens if the U.N. Report shows that Assad wasn't the one using chemical weapons after the U.S. attacks, I wonder?

That would be a disaster and lesson learned.
edit on 5-9-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

To be honest from the administrations point of view, would it be a disaster?, who cares? By that point the effect on the ground will be achieved. If you dismantle a military infrastructure it will stay dismantled.

The US will just brazen it out, pocket the cash from the Gulf arabs and go 'Ha Ha' like Neslon from The Simpsons to the rest of the world.

Some other news story will come on the TV and nobody will care. Maybe a Kardashian can get married or something. Have you seen Libya on the TV much lately? -on-sunday-night-at-9pm-on-e-36011/20130603e03/

3 million out of a country with 320 million watched the premier of the "k's"...I guess the other +99% of the American population don't give a damn about they do....I keep seeing this show and others (such as survivor or American idol) come up in ATS as being representative of what and how "Americans think". it is the same as using the phrases "sheeple" and "wake up", to say that "all others are stupid, except for me"...I don't know what company some people here keep, but I for one do not know any of these types.

There are many forms of sheeple. You confuse the term, it is meant for those who blindly follow, like a sheep, or the roughly half of americans who voted for obozo, and the other half who voted for romney. Everytime a mc cain or pelosi gets voted in office, you have sheeple.

Sheeple is used for those too lazy to take 5-10min out of their day to find out whats going on around them, but still have enough time to watch (insert here) and give their "informed" opinion, which shockingly mirrors talking points from their favorite team(D's or R's) parroted on MSM.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 01:01 PM
Putin has balls. We need that in a leader. Someone who will tell it like it is and not point fingers at everyone else. The US should rebuff the claim and release whatever classified documents they have, but, they cannot.

Also stop making this out to be some homo agenda garbage. Yeah, a man acts like a man so call him gay. That is the most childish thing that can occur and happens when people with no balls try to pick a fight. A real man says " you lied" and DNGAF...figure that one out!
edit on 5-9-2013 by matafuchs because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by citizen6511

Originally posted by VimanaExplorer
Putin calls it as it is. I was more confused about the whole situation after Kerry's roundabout way of explaining things, which didn't make any sense to begin with.

putin for years has been a rare world leader.
he tells it as he sees it, a very rare event lately.
most politicians today are just parots repeating the latest line of bs.
they are either ignorant or the most loyal slaves ever.
yes master, whatever you say, i beleive any lie approved is their mantra.

You do realize this is the same "rare world leader" who assassinates and imprisons anyone who disagrees with him right? Just because he may be right on a certain issue doesnt all of the sudden mean he is a saint. Even a piece of S#$ % can make a good point once in a while.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by darkbake
reply to post by VimanaExplorer

Well... what happens if the U.N. Report shows that Assad wasn't the one using chemical weapons after the U.S. attacks, I wonder?

That would be a disaster and lesson learned.
edit on 5-9-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

Well, the UN report about Saddam Hussein clearly showed that he had dismantled all of his WMDs as required by the UN resolutions years before the invasion of Iraq. I don't remember that little fact reported anywhere in the news though. Funny that...
edit on 5-9-2013 by Sirrurg because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by ProfessorChaos

It all boils down to the same thing. The control of all the resources and the money.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by ProfessorChaos

unlike most "politicians" putin calls a spade a spade

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by jtma508
This love fest for Putin is as ridiculous as it is disturbing. By a show of hands how many of you people have ever even BEEN to Russia? I thought so. I have. I've experienced first-hand the widespread, open control the Russian mafia has on just about everything in Russian society. I've seen the condition of the country. I've seen how people live.

Imagine you decide you want to go visit your Aunt Tilly in Des Moines. You go to the local travel agency to buy a ticket and are told there are none. You have to go --- in person --- to the airport. When you get there all ticket sales have been stopped. You look around the concourse and see people, entire families, huddled and waiting -- clearly for days. Suddenly two 30-something men wearing western jeans, short-sleeve black shirts and carrying weapons approach you. "Where are you trying to go?" they ask. "Des Moines", you tell them. They tell you to stay there (as if you could go anywhere else). After several minutes they return with tickets in hand. "We want cash, $XXX". The asking price is 3 times what the flight would normally cost. But they are the ONLY ones through whom you can get tickets.

The Russian mafia can and does control all aspects of the wider Russian economy. Maybe he can bring that here, huh? Does our government lie? Hell yes. Constantly and pretty much forever. And you tools keep electing the same trash from the same barrel so you won't 'waste your vote'. And you expect that to change? But if you think Putin is some political ideal you are misinformed and a fool. So until you know for a fact what you're talking about, sit down and shut up.

I raise my hand...

and you think half that stuff does not happen here?? do you live in a dream world?? the banking mafia runs things here bucko...

The "love fest" for putin is how he says what people think and know.. instead of opting for the PC route... which is nothing but garbage imo.

that one story about the tickets is not one I have heard about from the in laws... however I hear that the banks are crap there and money magically disappears.

edit on 5-9-2013 by votan because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-9-2013 by votan because: (no reason given)

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