posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 02:57 AM
Seems they are operating under a revised communist manifesto in many places, immigrate, infiltrate positions of power take over political positions,
oust the former government and set up a caliph, effectively taking over a country. Just take a look at North Africa, parts of Russia and Malaysia...
as immigrants they have no interest in blending in with the pre-existing culture, instead they use religious tolerance of other countries and demand
they bend to their will or cry religious discrimination.
To stop this expansion, countries should adhere strongly to separation of church and state, to protect it's own culture and history or else... be
taken over by a people that have no interest in the culture, history or people already residing there.
Note the use of "they" is a generalization; it is not meant to represent all people of a Muslim heritage. Looking at what's occurring, one cannot deny
seeing this as a growing trend in places around the world. Demanding laws to change and adapt to sharia law... it's bad enough when one religious
group already does that, yes... I am referring Christianity last thing the world needs is another trying to force beliefs onto the world with
moralistic based laws. One can be moral without religion or laws, it's called doing whats right by your fellow man, regardless of belief or
prejudice... no need for dogma, control, or a god existing for that to happen or be learned.
Respect and tolerance is sorely lacking for everyone in this world, and the poorly interpreted religions of the world is one of the main reasons for
it. Even the constitutions of many countries are not taken exactly as written, they are constantly interpreted or twisted to fit the meaning of a
specific agenda too. That in my opinion is the true fly in the jam causing this world problems. Mind you I am not trying to slam religion just shed a
light that people really love using it as an excuse to harm instead of heal, hate instead of help, point a finger instead of tolerate... when the
majority of the world are using religion for those purposes it is a concern of dire importance because then it has no real value to humanity.
edit on 20-8-2013 by BigBrotherDarkness because: (no reason given)