reply to post by jiggerj
What are you, the devil's advocate? If so, it doesn't sell very well.
If you read to the END of the Bible, you will note that it ends, happily ever after in NON-DUALITY where hell and death and the devil are thrown away,
leaving only the free flowing living water of eternal life.
The rest of it is to test our mettle, and you've failed jigger, just as abysmally as many if not most "Bible believers".
What you're selling (the duality) I tend to think of as
the last lie of the devil.
Therefore you may wish to consider that the entire frame of the Bible is whole and complete, and that it ends happily ever after.
But as a staunch atheist, if you met the God of love in the not TOO distant future, would you accept and embrace God like that of a beloved and
beloved other? Because God loves you more than you can at this point, imagine.
I invite your reply.
Best Regards,
The Bride of Christ aka, Bob.
P.S. It's a valid concern I suppose, but real and authentic unconditional love doesn't deal in fear or threats, so there's an obvious flaw in
traditional "Christian" theology/doctrine, whereby Jesus crashed the gate of hell, and did not generate yet another duality of even greater intensity
along with an
expanded hell. C'mon, do you think we're all idiots?
How could anyone take pleasure in being included in heaven only at the expense of everyone who didn't make it, or who freely chose to be atheist, or
who didn't get the memo? That is not my kind of heaven I can tell you that much.
In truth there can be no real heaven including heaven on earth unless and until the very prospect of hell no matter how far removed, is utterly
removed, because only then can we be motivated to realize true goodness and love for the sake of goodness and love itself, in all it's reward.
No good Christian therefore argues for hell, nor uses hell as a prod by which to bring people to Christ. It's not "Good News" if there's a catch, that
unless you accept, you'll be damned and doomed, forever. That's absurd and pathetic, and God as infinite intelligence is quite well aware of the
dilemma and if he hasn't already is in the process of working out a new system of governance which needn't compromise with sin and evil to deal with
it appropriately, according to his unconquerable love.
"Hell" ought only be a temporary condition wherein you can ball your eyes out with weeping, wailing and even gnashing of teeth while all your mistakes
and all their causes plays out on a big screen relative to what it could have been like had you realized the truth while still on the way. It's a type
of self-inflicted torcher bounded within a frame of love, which for many would be even worse than hell.
"I just told them the truth and they called it hell!"
~ Harry Truman (hairy true man)
edit on 19-8-2013 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)