posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 01:56 PM
Originally posted by ChuckNasty
Almost want to call BS to this. If anyone has ever sprayed pepper spray, you know it will cause an immediate effect to your immediate area. If said
deputy sprayed the stuff onto the john D's pizza, John D would have smelt the fumes. Regardless whether or not it was sprayed into the pizza outside
the vehicle. They would have puked before eating the pizza.
I take your point but I have to point out. The story isn't an MSM rag making stories to upset the public over. This Deputy has been criminally
charged and will be standing in a court room tomorrow to face those charges over this incident.
I have no question the Orange County District Attorney's office is not in any habit of charging crimes against local cops without VERY solid basis
and proof. After all, the D.A. works with these same cops every day, just to do his job.
I probably wouldn't have brought the story....had this not been with the details of a real live criminal case already in progress. After all, you do
make a good point. One of my earliest memories was of finding my father's 'Duty Belt' and using his Police CS as mouth wash or something. I don't
know what I was thinking at that age...but my memory is just a blinding wall of exploding pain. My folks told me the neighbors heard the screaming.
Pepper isn't CS, but I really doubt the difference is that major in the sense we're talking.
It didn't say what kind of car the kid had. Maybe a convertible? It's a real case though, so it does seem to have happened. However unlikely at
first glance.