posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 09:16 AM
as one of the posters said, just wanted to let you know that it is true, others have experienced this. sometimes you can feel like a 'ghost cat' or
something on the actual bed; very odd, just like the bed shaking..i have had both happen(the bed shaking has stopped, tho..)
about a week ago,i had an experience that was sorta similar..was laying there, reading, lights on, and i could have sworn something came in the room,
i could hear it..but wasn't my granddaughter or dog, so i just kept reading. anyway, i had taken a shower and was real lazy and had left the towel
on the bed, under my feet to be precise. so i am laying there and then, it was like a little magic trick lol, something yanked the towel from under
my feet and it got tossed on the floor..
saw nothing, as usual..::rolleyes::happens to a lot of folks now, and, as the one poster said, most have no idea of what it is, exactly..not 'old
hag' syndrome or one more take on 'paralysis'..who knows, maybe even little 'creatures' that we can't see just yet, anything is possible....