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bug out bags - bug out tactical belt

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posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 05:34 PM
Recently I brought a black tactical backpack, I am in the process of filling it with all the gear I will need for any SHTF.
But I was thinking about back up plans, what if I lose my pack what will I have ?
EDC (items aside) im talking about a tactical belt that has a main function of saving your ass in a SHTF situation.

What would you have on your bug out belt??

And just as a scenario the # hits the fan is a WROL ...

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 05:38 PM
My friend showed me what he does to batteries and keeps around the house.

He first spools fishing wire around it, a few feet worth, followed by a hook hes bent to shape the battery and another layer of a few feet of duct tape.

He does this with various sizes and keeps them all around, I thought he was nuts, but he explained he now has the following.

Band Aid, Stitches, Fishing rod, Trap for snares, Shelter, etc

All in a small battery sized item.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by punk316

Please forgive my ignorance....what is EDC? WROL?

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by greavsie1971
reply to post by punk316

Please forgive my ignorance....what is EDC? WROL?
Every day carry - Without rule of law, I think. (world removed of law?)
edit on 30-7-2013 by tanda7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 05:44 PM
Every day care... Without rule of law

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 05:58 PM
The truth is none of that will save you or is even all that necessary. There's only 2 things that can help you in the event of a shtf scenario. 1)your mind 2) God. ... All you need is your mind, your skills, abilities, creativity etc etc in a shtf scenario. So if things are really bad, well if there actually "THAT BAD" then even if you dont' believe in God you should get started. Start praying, what other option do you have? Nothing really. Pray. Also just use your mind. Like "how do I deal with this situation". Your belt isn't good do that. It's not gonna do nothing but hold your pants up. If you need some gear you figure out where you can get it. Or anythign else for that matter. Like if you're completely and hopelessly lost in the woods, ya having a lighter so you make a fire would come in handy, and having a small pocket knife would be handy. But what's the odds of you getting lost in the woods anyway? Chances are you'd be able to find some gear somewhere if the SHTF for real. So all this crazy idea of carrying it around with you is a bit naive. You really don't need to. Ya maybe stow a few things in your car, but that's about it.

Now why???? .... Well it's simple. You got to watch what you think about. Anything you think about is expanding and multiplying. So for example if you don't rely on 1 and 2 and instead your belt, well what if you don't have your belt? You might think "I'm screwed I don't have my belt!!!! sheatt!!!!". When you're not at all. It's all in your mind. The belt is like a baby diaper. It's some physical thing that someone might feel they need to rely on when they don't have the confidence or skills that they actually need. Listen a prop isn't gonna make you safer or take care of you. Only you and God can do that when the shtf. The props will be everywhere to be found when and if they're ever actually needed. In the meantime build up hope, optimism and confidence as sort of your new belt, your new weapon in survival training and preparing. Anyway good luck. But I know gear can be kinda fun too, but realistically and practically isn't not actually that necessary.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 06:05 PM
Your mind and god ???? Lol...

Anyone else lol ?

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 06:10 PM
I have just a military pistol belt with buttpack, knife and canteen etc on belt also. Etc..

edit on 30-7-2013 by GermanShep because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by punk316

ya! think, if you need some gear you'd figure out where to get it. If you need, food, water, shelter,'d just ask the question where do I get those, and then go get them. but to be carrying all that around 24/7/365 ? Are you kidding me??? Get real, I got new for you, this is real life, you're gonna die of something, hello! To carry a bunch of sheat around thinking it's gonna save you is stupid. It's not. mental preparedness might, and God might. That's it. And if you die, who cares you're gonna die anyway. Get use the idea now then it's not so scary at all. So even if you die of lack of gear, SO WHAT!!!! You might have all the gear you need but an infection in the smallest cut on your arm might kill you, or the flu, or something you can't control. So don't bother carrying around a bunch of gear thinking that somehow that makes you safe, it doesn't.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by spartacus699

Firstly who said anything about carrying gear around 24/7 lol...and as for god..please don't get me started lol

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 06:27 PM
Thanks for that.

Bug out bags are a great idea but we have to be aware they are only temporary. If SHTF, we need to start learning how to make fire with sticks, hunt without guns, make shelter without string. As these things wont last long.

Seeds are most important as veg will be our main diet. Especially those in the UK as wildlife is scarce. Winter is a problem there though. Not much grows and storing food in a shelter is not sufficient as the damp will cause rot.

Good hand tools should be useful for a while though and great for trading. learn how to make wooden tools. Tools food and seeds will be like gold today. Gold will be practically worthless. What use will it be when you are starving?

May sound silly but learn how to knit. Clothes are a must. Wool is light and has many other uses too as do knitting needles.

Obviously medical supplies are good but again they have a shelf life and will eventually run out, get an illustrated book on herbal remedies for your area and learn how to utilise wild plants. The knowledge of herbal remedies is a good bargaining tool also. May not help a serious injury but can cure most illness.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by greavsie1971

You make some good points...seeds are a must! How long can they be sorted??

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 06:42 PM
Gee.. I already have to have a belt for my guns and a belt holder for my electronic cigarette. I do think the addition of a utility belt is a good idea though. The only problem I'd have with a belt is you have to water proof everything in it but i guess that goes the same for my guns and e-cig too.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by punk316

seeds can last a couple of years but must be kept dry.

Also some cloth and thread for repairing clothes.

You honestly need to prepare a place before hand as a bag and belt will not keep you alive for very long.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

What about ammo, how much can you carry....wont last long.

E-cig needs oil, again wont last long. How will you charge it?

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by greavsie1971

That's a good idea about the cloth and thread...

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by punk316

dont forget a needle.

Bury a bin (trash) liner full of stuff that you can have access to if the SHTF. you can get out quicker and get to your base where the stuff is burried.

A couple of months of canned food with a can opener in the bin bags. Gives you time to start growing food.

If you build a shelter beforehand....dont store anything in it. Bury stuff nearby as it may get discovered and you lose everything.
edit on 30-7-2013 by greavsie1971 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by punk316
reply to post by greavsie1971

You make some good points...seeds are a must! How long can they be sorted??

Indefinitely if properly stored. Keep them dry and out of light, should last you long enough. Beware though; it's better to know how to germinate the seeds, grow the crops, and harvest new seeds, before you need this skill in an actual SHTF situation. Learning to grow crops is not hard, nor is collecting seeds, but the first time is always new, while the next time around you'll know where the seeds are, when to harvest,...

You don't want to use a batch of seeds only to end up without new seeds to use...

I don't prep, I don't want to risk my own safety by being one of the only prepared people in the area, instead, I prep mentally. Start doing what you'll think you'd need in a SHTF situation; learn to start fires, find edible plants, hunt, fish, study human psychology and how people will react, how society will change,... This is useful, hoarding material, imho, not so much. You can only last so long on canned food etc anyway.

My key items are a lighter (use sparingly to start a fire) and a swiss army knife. Anything beyond is pretty much abundant and replaceable. Maybe fishing wire could come in handy, rope in general, bandages,... but those can all easily be scavenged, while starting a fire in wet situations is hard without a lighter, and a swiss knife, well, is there anything you can't do with a swiss knife?

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by greavsie1971
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

What about ammo, how much can you carry....wont last long.

E-cig needs oil, again wont last long. How will you charge it?

Ammo you only use if you really have to - otherwise trap and fish and save the ammo for humans who are out to harm you.

E-cigs do not contain any oil. I either mix my juice myself using 60 ML of 60 MG USP grade liquid nicotine ( concentrated you have to dilute), or buy 30 Ml bottles premixed. A small 60 ML bottle of this will last 4 months easily. I mix with vegetable glycerin which is plentiful, dirt cheap and also a small bottle. The resulting mix when I make a batch is usually a 30 ML bottle of peppermint flavored juice with 24 MG nicotine. ( Marlboro red strength) Again, a very small bottle.. this can last me up to 15 days. Easy enough to carry several small bottles with no worries. Even the peppermint concentrated extract bottle is tiny. In the space of a carton of cigarettes, I can put 3 complete e-cig set-ups ( with all the chemicals) It's tons cheaper than cigarettes and will last for over 6 months easily. Batteries for the e-cig last over two years. My wife could bring two paperback books and take up more space than my e-cig stuff.

A small solar charger is all that's needed.
edit on 30-7-2013 by JohnPhoenix because: sp

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 10:40 AM
In addition to a BOB, I have Bug Out Clothes, in the truck, already packed pockets with light but essential stuff.
Already posted it here:

So, if the SHTF, (presumably, I'll be at work), I go downstairs to my truck, change into the clothes, and first try and drive as much of the way home as I can. When/if I get stuck, I'll try and pull off into an area and hide the truck (if able). I'll grab my BOB, grab a tarp and bungee it onto the BOB....and start hoofing it home to the ranch. (about a 50 mile trek)

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