I can't comment intelligently on the remote viewing aspect of this thread, but I can tell you a little about AUTEC.
I used to be in the Navy as an avionics technician. One of the places I was stationed during my enlistment was Naval Station Mayport, in
Jacksonville, FL. I was in a helicopter squadron at the time, HSL-42. The primary mission of our helicopters was to fly off small ships, like a
cruiser or a destroyer, and see over-the-horizon. This information was data-linked back to the ship, effectively increasing the ship's radar range up
to 160 miles (the max the helo radar could see). The horizon limits radar and line-of-sight communication to about 30 miles. Other missions the
helicopters were capable of doing was gathering electronic intelligence, search & rescue, and launching missiles at other ships or torpedoes against
submerged targets.
I've been to AUTEC twice. We would usually take 2 helicopters there. Our helos would fire their .50 caliber machine guns at targets off the coast of
Andros Island, and/or drop torpedoes to hit certain, elusive targets. The torpedoes were dummies and recovered by another helicopter, specifically
outfitted for that purpose, permanently stationed at AUTEC.
Andros Island and the Bahamas sit on what is called the 'Tongue of the Ocean'. The islands are on the edge of the continental shelf which quickly
drops off to much, MUCH deeper water. It is an ideal place for submarines to play war games with other subs and our helicopters. It is surrounded by
beautiful, vibrant reefs that extend out from the coast quite a ways.
The Island is also practically an untouched paradise. The beaches are pristine (you can still find conch shells, even with the conch's in them), the
vegetation is still native, and it teems with wildlife. There are a few towns there, but they're quite small. There are mini apartments on the base
where permanent workers live. The galley (cafeteria) there is outstanding.
Granted, AUTEC is a very secret base. There are roving patrols and monitoring equipment all over the place. However, I would submit that this is
normal given the type of activity I witnessed. Submarines and anti-sub technology are one of the most closely guarded military secrets. Even in
Norfolk, when a sub is in port, you can't go near it; you will be shot. I saw several submarines while I was there, boomers and attack types. They
were usually surfaced near the island, but not actually docked.
Now, that isn't to say that there isn't unusual activity there. Personally, I never saw anything strange. However, I did meet a base worker (an
American civilian) who told me about these things on the island called 'blue holes'. These are vertical caves that are full of water. You can see
pictures of them on Wikipedia. He told me that these blue holes on Andros Island actually went down and ultimately emptied out into the ocean, off
the coast. Well, that would be VERY unusual. Sometimes the blue holes will start growing horizontal caves as well, but they would not be able to
reach the ocean. At the time, I really had no idea what he was talking about. Unfortunately, this precluded me from asking any intelligent questions
about these phenomenon. It wasn't until a few years later that the memory finally 'clicked' in my brain, and I thought about the significance of what
that gentleman said.
This is not to say that there are not other very strange things going on in that area. Remember, we are talking about an Island that is in the
Bermuda Triangle. Given the underwater traffic in that area, which is substantial, it boggles my mind that they haven't (supposedly) found Flight 19.
Are they using AUTEC in any way to monitor, help, or communicate with aliens? It's certainly possible, but it would have to be either off the coast
or deep inside the island, away from prying eyes. The main part of the base is just too busy... helicopters, civilian base workers, transient naval
personnel, etc.
I was also stationed at NAWS China Lake, way out in the middle of the Mohave Desert in CA., so I got used to looking for unusual activity and noting
it. But, that's for a different thread.
I hope this is informative.
edit on 31-7-2013 by Synallaxis because: (no reason given)