“After we left Constantinople, our first tastes of battle with the heathens whet us in Nicaea. We formed a treaty with the Christian Emperor Alexis
of the Greeks. We agreed to take Nicaea and we would take the spoils to aid our war in the holy land and give the city itself back the control of the
Emperor “
He clutched his fist around the hilt of his broadsword as if the very memory would cause him to strike out .
“The sultan Kilig-Arslan for 20 years held the city of Nicaea for the Heathens, and by the will of God we met the devils by fanning out around the
city, clamping it in a iron siege.
You saw how we fought boy. The city had 10 men high walls that were 3 leagues on 3 sides of the city with towers 30 meters apart, so no matter which
side our men approached from the Saracens had us in their sites. We fought with St Michael by our very sides holding our sword high.
Before the blood of hundreds of our brothers had dried we were betrayed.
For 6 weeks we fought for the Lord Jesus Christ, but our Christian Brothers in the East and the Saracen devils through
Espion(2) secretly made
a pact under our very noses“
Bohemund paused, released his grip on his hilt after checking himself, then continued.
"Emissaries of the Eastern emperor initiated a secret plan to take the spoils of the city for them selves, we surrounded the city, yet we had no clue
until NOW, how they were able to deceive, plot and plan with the Saracens without breaking our lines. They secretly contacted the Heathens in the
city, who preferred to be peacefully negotiating surrender to the Byzantine Dogs than be chopped to pieces by our Frankish and Italian brothers. We
awoke that morning to see the wretched flag of the Byzantine deceiver Alexis, Emperor of the Dogs, flying above the city walls. Nicaea was lost to
The men and the monk all listened intently their anger rising when recalling the betrayal by the Byzantines. The vain on Ariberts neck pumped
violently and his face flushed with fury at the memory.
Galien would have preferred to be out performing his vile tasks of bleeding the horses or burying the dead, than be in this hazy smoke filled tent. It
appeared they were asking him for advice, which Galien considered, was the equivalent of asking a bowl of stewed vegetables for advice on war.
"The blood of the Emperor is ancient and noble, we must not condemn him so" the monk interjected and bowed his head.
Godfrey scowled at the old holy man silencing him, then spoke.
“Boy we have discovered through divine providence how this
Espion took place and how it is being used again by the wretched Sultan here in
Antioch. Our Christian scouts have seen a massive Muslim army amassing not 1 day ride from us. How did they amass such a army with no way to leave the
Godfrey paused as short sentences seemed to be as much of a struggle for him as being in battle.
“First we thought they sent messages through Satan’s emissary, calling him up through godless practices, instead we found both here AND in Nicaea
they sent a feathered winged creature to deliver their messages.’
As Godfrey took time to breath again, Galien considered how last night during his sleeplessness he had pulled a neck muscle and strained his back
ruffling his miserable bed blankets, and yet here he was learning battle plans meant for warriors, not farm boys that battle their blankets at night
and lose.
His extremities were draining of blood as his nervousness grew. Was Godfrey telling him angels had delivered messages for the Saracens? Winged
creatures? Had the Lord forsaken their quest and blessed their enemy with his host?
Galien’s head spun, his legs felt weak as the Bohemund again took the lead to speak
“Yaghi-Siyan a ‘Nithing’ (3) has summoned reinforcements by bewitching the common dove a creature of gods creation to fly out and transmit
intelligence on our siege to his heathen brethren. The Archer Argon White Beard shot an arrow into a dove to eat, and found tethered upon its legs
written messages calling for help. We have since discovered other doves were sent and in a matter of hours their pleas were heard through out the
entirety of Muslim world. This is how in Nicaea they communicated with The Greeks”
Galien thought on this, in his village he knew there was a family of doves that came home to their roof to roost every year, of course what a clever
idea! To send the dove’s home with a message attached to their legs! He swallowed as he caught himself admiring the Sultan Yaghi-Siyans ingenuity
and said a quick prayer for forgiveness for his sin to God. He then turned his thoughts to hearing shuddering thrum the bowstring made as the arrow
was let go that brought down the dove that carried the message.
Correcting his sin, he thanked the lord for steadying the hand of the man called White Beard that so deftly brought down the creature. Surely St Peter
himself who founded the first church in Antioch guided his hand and with the saints help they would reclaim his city.
Godfrey coughed and his breath rasped as he lifted his head and look directly at Galien.
“You are needed young farmer, we need to employ your nimble physique to carry a message into the Tower that is captained by the Armorer Faruz who
makes the Sultans breastplates. Beaumont‘s spies have found a weakness in the city’s defense, not a breach in the noble Christian cities walls,
but a traitor amongst the Sultans very own men, We need you to scale the third tower by the dried river bed, pressing your small frame into the old
crevices of the wall and there you will be met by Faruz, an ungodly man who served his master for many years, but to whom you will make the offer of
lands and wealth.’
Godfrey rasped and spluttered but continued and did not take his eyes form the boy.
“You will instruct him all preparations are made, towards dawn all the knights and foot soldiers will approach the towers under his watch, he will
come to us when he deceives his men and instructs them they are to be replaced by the citadels east guard leaving the towers unattended, we will seize
that moment”
No one spoke all eyes were on Galien, the candles shimmered then hissed as their light was snuffed out by the monk. Only two torches remained held
aloft by a knight on either side of Galien, their firelight shimmied and danced across their breastplates.
Galien felt trapped. All he wanted to do was flee, how could such an important task be trusted to a simple farm boy that spends his day burying the
dead and bleeding beasts?
After a time Beaumont approached Galien, placed his thick heavy hand on his shoulder and said,
“Go in strong in heart and scale the crevices into Antioch for it is Gods will that this city shall be ours in a trice”
edit on 18-7-2013 by zazzafrazz because: (no reason given)