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Should The Department of Homeland Security be Dissolved?

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posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by juspassinthru

In my opinion, your description would be more conducive to Organized Crime
than Chaos.
Regardless, the truth of the matter is that things have gone haywire.
All of US can see that.

posted on Jul, 18 2013 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by Nephalim

Well that has yet to be explored. If for example,portions of the program have created a more
efficient form of communications between rivaling agencies, that would be something to
retain and/or expand. Again, what are the Cost/Benefit Analysis of the program.
How truly effective is this Department?

It is a very difficult decision, as once these departments are created, it requires a Congressional
or Executive Order to dissolve them.
There is not only "Security", but a great deal of jobs at stake.
This Octopus affects indirectly 2.2 Million enforcement officers if I am not mistaken.
and roughly 240,000 directly.

The main source article from Bloomberg that I provided seems to
hint at the dissolution of the whole Department.
It should be noted that this News Publication was also critical of the $3.9 Billion Dollar
Headquarters. That construction project was Job Intensive as well.
Everyone wanted a "piece of the pie".

From what I gather, there are those that believe this Department needs to go on a serious Diet.

Thanks for your reply/question.

posted on Jul, 18 2013 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by TDawgRex

Well for certain, before the creation of these Departments/Agencies,
there was less dissent from the General Population.

Too many intrusions/restrictions/taxation breed rebellion.

After All, The whole concept of The United States of America was Freedom from these type
of actions from a certain King.


posted on Jul, 18 2013 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by neo96

Hey There Neo96,
Many would agree with your legitimate argument.
You have be on to something there.

posted on Jul, 18 2013 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by Nosce

Well I think you have made an excellent point.
That point would be that DHS was created to "Bridge" the communications gap
between the Agencies and Departments who compete for Federal Funding.
At least that was part the Mission Statement presented to the General Public.

It appears that this "Competition" had become a roadblock to the effectiveness
of these entities, to the extent that such had inadvertently become their own
threat to National Security.

Your assessment about FBI being national and CIA being international is true legally,
and historically at their inceptions.
Clearly the lines have been blurred over time however.

The Question is whether DHS has achieved this objective, and created a "Balance of Power".
Does it continue to do so? Or has it morphed into something else partially or entirely.

posted on Jul, 18 2013 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Well Actually , Public Opinion Does Matter.
Also, Just because you read that highly entertaining Rag does not
etch in stone that you are a "fringe nut job".

For Decades, The National Enquirer has kept readers entertained, and at times, informed.
Just for Perspective and comparison.

Live Long and Prosper

posted on Jul, 18 2013 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by DoubleDNH

Well considering all the "subsidies" they receive, maybe these responsibilities should be
placed upon the "Airlines" and not the "Government".

The Private Airlines should be responsible for their own aircraft security.
After all, they are private enterprises created for profit.

The way it stands now, is that TAXPAYERS subsidize the Airline Industry, Pay for Security,
AND pay for the TSA to Harass the Very People who Pay for airline tickets.

Hoo Haa S A V V Y ?

posted on Jul, 18 2013 @ 01:37 AM
Absolutely it should be dissolved! Yes, our alphabet agencies dropped the ball with 9/11 and at other instances, but their periodical inadequacy and ineptness, to some extent, as they do a good job at other times, is no excuse to create another government agency! If a problem is an agency is kinda broken, then fix it, don't duplicate it. Another agency just adds to the confusion and another "whose jurisdiction/territory" oneupmanship alpha dog rivalry friction between agencies with a jealousy and lack of communication just makes it worse. FIXING our agencies is what we need. COORDINATING our agencies is what we need, Diluting manpower and resources that should go to fixing the other agencies is what we DON'T need!

posted on Jul, 18 2013 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by Wildmanimal

I personally think this was all ways the FBIs territory. George Bush just fely he needed to do something and this was a knee jerk reaction.

posted on Jul, 18 2013 @ 01:49 AM
It should be noted that the dhs is the three letter agency with the lowest morale. The lowest morale!!!

Makes me think about a drone self destructing after it diverts from its flight path.

Wild animals did you ever watch the tv series Jericho?

He show was canceled during its third season because in my own opinion of course it was based on fact or what some would consider science fiction as it has not happened yet, therefor it's sci- fi.

Now of course on the show if a drone operator would have second thoughts about killing civilians or Americans no less and diverted the flight the operation would have been self destruct. Then the drone operator who refused his orders would have been confined in close quarters and killed.

Then of course we have the NSA and Facebook as well as other data miners. But Facebook is disturbing as one friend contact is enough information for them to link up your social diagram and familial diagram and previous relationships. Giving them the ultimate tool to harm you should the need arise.

They don't even have to harm you if you is who they are after, they can hurt your family or your friends and ultimately you. They can make it so that you never gain meaningful employment. They can make you out to be something you're not and pass on a negative image in the publics eye.

All you can do is learn from history as those who don't are doomed to repeat it.

America was never called a homeland until after 9/11. Previous to that were Russia and Germany. Russia was the motherland, Germany was the fatherland and now America is the homeland.

Do you see cumulus clouds gathering? That's because there's going to be a #storm, one that is at this point unavoidable.

Sure the dhs should be disbanded. But it should not happen that way unless you want history to continue repeating itself. Hell lets just be honest, it's not going to happen that way not by any stretch of the imagination.

Dhs has the lowest morale of any three letter agency. Some of them are perverts, others are just there for the money or the power.

In any case I'm going to let you in on a little something I learned in high school. The first time I got my ass kicked. Never assume that your opponent will have any mercy, just assume they don't and then unleash hell upon them.

posted on Jul, 18 2013 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by Wildmanimal

It should never have been created in the first place... I'm speaking as a very repentant sinner. I supported its creation back when, along with the Patriot Act...


It's a bloated agency that seemingly answers to no one, and has no checks.

In answer to your question? Hell yes, it should be gone.

posted on Jul, 18 2013 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by hephalump

It was in the works before 9/11 and I can show you proof however the truth is public domain, so showing you could be futile. Just kidding, it's not futile. But as a concerned citizen that feels that you got the short end of the stick on something that was a TRAGEDY, it IS YOUR DUTY to investigate.

However, there is a manual for FEMA camps and weapons confiscations and to go as far as detaining us veterans.

Yet as real as the document is, so real you could read it yourself when I tell people about it in real life, they just say oh you're crazy, or that will never happen!

Well America, you have been living in a bubble!

The pen is mightier than a sword some would say and I can concur!

So it is not a stretch of the imagination to say that times of peace nations and world leaders become chummy and hang out, you know the kind where you play horse shoes then go make some fake skeet shooting photos and birth certificates. Some websites also claim to make you an ordained priest. So I guess by those standards, I'm an ordained priest. Lol

Stop me I'm rambling!

posted on Jul, 18 2013 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by txinfidel

Stop, you're rambling...

Would it be asking too much to ask, in all sincerity, you to post a link or two to those documents you mention in passing?

posted on Jul, 18 2013 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by txinfidel

I can't link, but I'll tell you.

Look up us roadmap phase iii or phase 3

Internment resettlement operations is the other.

posted on Jul, 18 2013 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by txinfidel

I'll look 'em up, and give 'em a gander.

That sounds familiar, but we'll see.


posted on Jul, 18 2013 @ 04:17 AM
The idea of making a department, doing a lot of transactions, and then dissolving a department, and profiting from it, that is a business not a government, which I would find offensive. So if Obama goes through his term and the department disappears when he's done, then I would say it was on the purpose of being underhanded to the interests of the entire country. It's an experimental thing anyways, every day, of let's see how far this can go before it gets shut down.

At the moment if DHS were shut down and then the Utah data center pops up, run by Napolitano and filled with former employees of DHS, under a new government alphabet name, that's when I'd call shenanigans.

Of all the things that could be dissolved to bring stability to the country, DHS is not the first thing I'd choose. Not the last thing either. NSA seems more dissolvable right now.

posted on Jul, 18 2013 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by Sandalphon

How about we take the money and give it to the FBI!


Lets give it to the X-files guys. Mulder and Skully.

Doesn't sound so crazy now does it? They'd all hire us on as UFO digital investigators.

posted on Jul, 18 2013 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by Sandalphon
The idea of making a department, doing a lot of transactions, and then dissolving a department, and profiting from it, that is a business not a government, which I would find offensive. So if Obama goes through his term and the department disappears when he's done, then I would say it was on the purpose of being underhanded to the interests of the entire country. It's an experimental thing anyways, every day, of let's see how far this can go before it gets shut down.

At the moment if DHS were shut down and then the Utah data center pops up, run by Napolitano and filled with former employees of DHS, under a new government alphabet name, that's when I'd call shenanigans.

Of all the things that could be dissolved to bring stability to the country, DHS is not the first thing I'd choose. Not the last thing either. NSA seems more dissolvable right now.

If they shut it down; think of all the power they would lose. Do you think the government will give such a thing up? I don't. If there is something in the media about it closing, you can count on the possibility that they changed the name. Removed it from the attention of the public. It will always be working in the background.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by txinfidel

Those historic "Patriotic" labels from Germany and Russia were one of the things that alarmed
me with the "Homeland" Label.

The way I see it, the other alphabet agencies did an excellent job protecting us after WW2
until Sept. 2001.

Not a bad track record.

Creating More Agencies is not always the right solution.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by teachtaire

Heck, Why not?
2nd Line.

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