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Earths false Torus Matrix, Tetrahedron/Sorcery and Pentagram [ our false Luna and Real Moon Part III

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posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 03:24 PM
Retry: Earths False Torus and its Pinnacle: the Hex [ Luna and real Moon part III ]

..allright friends.
Im carefully composing this 3d part…weighing every word. Because I do not want to loose the line we have found until now; and neither want to slip into Absolute Nonsense… okay.
We saw that the Sumerian Tablets talk about “our artificial moon, Luna”, and how that was “a devilish Plan”, according to their ówn texts. Further, that Luna was named *both* in the Sumerian texts ánd in the Egyptian Spells “the bolt" [which keeps the waters, Heaven, away from coming upon Earth again”. So, some Important Key. we also saw that the Spells put the wild baboon Babi in charge of keeping our present Illusion alive - and that the Spells say, “the double Doors [of heaven] are opened for you, when you have conquered this Babi”.

…so lets continue ;
And see what we can find about how our reality is but Illusion:
An Inverse Torus… with as pinnacle the Star-tetrahedron.

Please remember below picture – which is officially decribed as “the van Allen belt surrounding Earth”

Yes I ve seen the MarkoRodin thread – but he s Off.
What he did [i wont pull up the VW magickal 9-point model of his] is nothing more but explaining how this present fálse Torus is functioning. And though that model is all very interesting, it will not help us Get Out of this cursed Hologram.

--- Again : the Solids ---

I am sure you know that they can Fit inside oneanother, as Nested Spheres.
As we saw before, each Solid represents a different Type of Consciousness. And when they are Nested into eachother [ into an object] , it means that the Whole object in question possesses each present Type of consciousness - like Earth is “built up” of these nested solids :

…you all know the Becker-Hagen grids ; Hoaglands physics with the startetrahedron, etc, so I will not repeat them here.
My point is, that the mentioned type of platonic solids represent *but* the so-called Lower Mind, or rephrased,
“ the physical reality we see in and around us – and the consciousness belonging to that ”.
Because every higher Dimension creates much, much more Complex polyhedrons; since the Energies are in a much higher frequency. Implying - that, somehow, Evil has created this false hologram for us, using only these lower platonics.
How ?

--- Yet Another Spell : the Torus ---

Included in the Pyramids sacred Geometry, is also found the Vesica Piscis [the oval in below pic] ,
Which is not only The Eye, but named so, because it is The symbol of Altered Reality. In fact – it is so hidden, because it is part of two separate realities: yet not belonging to either of both, yet a new-created reality.
In the Spells, Atum is thé example of this concept: this is why he is called “the Hidden One” [another aspect of Atum is Amen, “he without name” – whom Rowling showed in the London Olypics as Voldemort, towering as 60 yard demon above the white beds, as in “preventing the Rapture”- but that is another thread…]

[continued below]

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 03:55 PM

Please help now to imagine the following:

…in your imagination, Slice Open a Dedecahedron, like you would cut open a soccer ball, and Pull the inside up - you will get this result :

Next, you Roll Back the middle towards the sides – like you would to make a donut –
The result will be a torus ring [ as in 1st picture below ]

…and you pull the ring Into eachother – as you can see starting from up to the 3d picture.
Now, our present Torus reality is created.
You see the Vesica Pisces, the Eye, in the centre ?

--- the star-tetrahedron : the Artificial Solid---

…Adam has lost in-cre-dible much at his Fall , until even the basic forms which solidify Energy into Matter. Evil quickly composed a completely Artificial type of solid : the star-tetrahedron ; which is a Non-symmetric , non-Creational concept ; ment to Force two tetrahedrons into eachother – creating inside them the same Magickal Field as we saw before by the Vesica -

…and since Evil took possession of the planets in our solarsystem, as well [ remember the Sumerian Tablets] , It took the hexagon on top of Saturn as represent for the rule of the Star-tetrahedron.

Evil * placed the Rule of the hexagon INSIDE the Torus which represented Earth now :
As if the soccerball we just inverted, and folded into a Torus, is being held together with the hexagon as Needle, to keep the whole false construct from Jumping Back to its original way !

Because in the natural Order of things,
It is the Octahedron which nests perfectly inside the Cube [ Earth ] , the octagon representing Male-Female Linked-yet-One [ more about that below ; compare also the octahedron form of the Light Proton ] -

….but since the false Torus contained a newly-created reality inside her – the Vesica - Evil was able to Remove the octahedron : and Replace it with that Artificial star-tetrahedron. The Vesica was the “insertion of a dimension”- to can Insert the [false] consciousness, the startetrahedron, into that new-realized dimension:

[cont below]

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 04:08 PM

Remember, the Cube is Earth herself – the Consciousness - and instead that it is ruled “by Adam and Eve”
[the octahedron] inside , it is now Taken Over, hijacked, by the startetrahedron – Saturn.

Hence this spinning plasma star tetrahedron inside Earths very core is known to be the “ inner earth sun”.. which has been esoterically attributed to Saturn.

Morever : it appears [though I haven’t worked that out yet] that the “hexagonal energy signature of Saturn" is being “fed into the north pole of the false Torus”- see first picture in this whole thread.
Yet it seems to get more and more credible that the whole Saturnic system is as a whole an energetic Model for Earths false Torus, see part II.

At any rate, this all simply means that Earth has a Black Heart, right now - and this black heart, dubbed “black sun”, is holding this entire false Torus up and running. If you d compare the Rodin scheme to this : when he uses the golden point, it is the stár-tetrahedron which gives his scheme new energy to complete another 9-pointer . [ besides: the fact of 9 points existing, has to arouse suspicion already…]

--- Venus the Pentagram Guard of the Inverted Dodecahedron ---

We saw that Evil had “outsourced” certain attributes to other planets - with the goal, ofcourse, to can Rule human from a distance : therby creating a prison which human, himself, could never Undo again - and the pentagrammal orbit of Venus gave the Legal right to be the “protector” of the inverted 5-faced Dodecahedron. Hence, the pentagram stands for “Rule “ [while the hexagram, the 2-dimensional star-tetrahedron, is about Sorcery and Magick] , and that is why sometimes the pentagram is pictured as “blazing star” – upside down - to show the Rule over the inverted Dodecahedron.
In older times, it was indeed Venus whom the cultures were following; remember only the Mayans calculating their Venus transits.

--- Imprisoned Consciousness Within this Torus : back to the “van Allen belt”---

..though I have no doubt that the van Allen belt is indeed ment to keep away deadly physical particles from hitting Earth, I suggest that this Belt's physical goal is but a side-effect of what this Belt réally represents :
a shield to keep our current consciousness imprisoned onto Earth.

Within this Torus, consciousness is but "constantly returning upon itself”. Though we may look into the cosmos with telescopes, and I do trust that indeed we see what[ever] we see with our physical eyes: but we sée whatever we see, because our [poor, limited] cónsciousness Dictates what we see.

Does that make sense..?

…and sure, I agree that much of our present physical reality is constructed in hexagonal form - well….*grin*…. Isn’t that exactly the signature of “who” rules this "reality”…?

..the Egyptian Spells [see part II for Egypt] names the Inverted Dodecahedron “the Blue Void”. Perhaps this is the same one as the akashic layer – I m not an astral traveler so I cant judge about that - but this “blue wall“ sure is the very Border of our present consciousness. I onlycan tell You that I have seen the Eye – two days ago - while standing [in spirit?] on the Northpole area, and above me I saw the stars; but they were only visable “through a round opening in the top of a hazy kind of blue frozen tsunami around” - see van Allen pic.
In fact, this Blue Wall may be even the border between “micro and macro consciousness” , or, as the Spells put it, “ the lesser and greater Ennead”.

[continued below for last part]

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 04:17 PM

Ofcourse it is Evils goal, to kéep us – in our present consciousness – and therefore US , within this torus hologram. Therefore, the “pyramid eye” or “saurons eye” or whatever it is called, is nothing more then that consciousness, which caused the Inversion of all these spheres :
Namely, Evil's, who Stole the Sight and Word, which Adam, being the head, originally had.

…now we also come close to the secret of what Adam and Eve represented : shé everything of Earth, and hé the rule of Heaven over all that of Earth" - as a dual rulership: shé being his very lovely heart, hé being the care for the heart - like a spinning, sweet Octagon.

…the Spells also continuously talk about “the lotus “ [and old China took over that very concept] , the Lotus being “all the re-nested platonics“ . Osiris, in the Spells, is deeply complaining about “the nothingness , unsubstantialness in Earths energy signature” , befóre Atum re-fabricated this present matrix.

Re-fabricated and re—nested, yes : because , as Evil does, it is “filling the original attributes with a poisonous content – and then re-fabricating a new [ but false] whole” . Therefore I dare to suggest, that not only the Hexagon was located to Saturn - but the Dodecahedron [ water] to Neptune , the Cube [ consciousness] to the empty [!] Luna , and the tetrahedron [ fire] to Mars [ which is Sekhmet, the Egyptian protector of the Eye ] - but this s perhaps for another time

--- closing ---

…similar Division is also going on with our chakras in this poor physical frame; but thats a next post. Just do know that Evil lets millions to believe, that “ they can ascend in the star-tetrahedron”, and *all* are parroting eachother : but it’s a Lie. Oh sure they will find a bit higher dimesnsion, soon : but they all will REMAIN under Evils Rule ; since none of them want to see that Evil stole Ádams Head attribute : Sight and Word : Rule -
and Evil has NO intention whatsoever to give that BACK to those who follow him.

… anyway, evil has finished already securing the inverted dodecahedron into his Crystalline 144-double grid. So, like we saw by the Vesica, all the area inbetween that grid and earth will be filled with *his* dimension – any day now. Causing that the most weird, multidimensional beings will come Up out of earth – or, as Henoch tells, “ from the Abyss where they have been imprisoned for 10000 years”

..kind Regards to each one of you,

Flame, Add, Improve or Hate it, *grin* , but Ponder ! Please !


for my Head - Sunday 30 june 2013

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by Lone12

Hi Lone12,

I have been enjoying your posts about the mystery of the Moon. Since you are suggesting that the Moon is the basis for a holographic projection that provides our 'reality', I could not help but think that that would make it even more interesting that another esoteric name for the Moon is the Treasure House of Images.

And also that it is a giant mirror.

Also, Rudolph Steiner referred to the Moon as a sort of spiritual 'cul de sac', past which few progress after death. Run, Luke, it's a soul-trap.

Personally, I think that Steiner had it reversed; we don't go there because we are 'evil', we go there because 'it's' 'evil'. We're all just trying to make it to payday.

Thanks for bringing your thoughts to the Forum.

edit on 30-6-2013 by Bybyots because: .

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 05:50 PM
Thank you Lone12

Very Interesting read, now off to read more on the subject.


Have a Great Night!!

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by Lone12

Ill try to keep things short by just replying to this...

to kéep us – in our present consciousness

The only thing keeping you in your present consciousness is yourself, the 'individual' you that you may think you are. Truly you are only spirit, in true form and sense... and spirit naturally emanates theeself simply through 'be-ing'.

There is nothing holding us back....the 'word' of the Spirit or God is within this design, blueprint, of what we are calling life.

All is as should be, a part of a great breath in and out, it is only our individual selves that think something is amiss, that something is not as it should be, because we dont like it that this design is set up to show us things we dont want to know or refuse to work on as a 'unit'.

The great thing about this 'design' of life/expression is that Thee, The Holy Spirit, can be found by any true humble heart that seeks its highest self, truest nature.

I just dont see the reason for all the shapes and focus of such, there is geometry all throughout this design of life, all things are connected too. But we are not trapped and the important things for our soul can be found at all times in the very design/nature itself.

All my best

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 09:30 AM
Excellent work Lone. A superb expose of the parameters of the 3-D prison we have been conned into accepting as a satisfactory model of reality.
Have to agree wholeheartedly with the main thrust of your deductions.My own studies over the past years have led me to having to embrace similar conclusions to those you present.
You state within the thread that you dont feel its important for anyone to focus upon 'proofs'-geometrically or in terms of Rodin's work with the torus? I'm not really sure that is entirely the way to go here-people do like proofs,I know I do at least! Proofs are important-they put the flesh on the bones of theory and allow for greater depth of understanding.
What I believe I have uncovered so far constitute conclusive proofs in respect of the nature of the information you have presented re; the significance of the Ennead/The Nine and might serve to emphasise and highlight the reality of the baseline premises you have kindly presented here.
You'll find this info on my blog.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Lone12

Wow! Very interesting and informative. I have to read Part I , II. After reading your post are you saying that it's impossible to break free of this Matrix? Thank you for sharing.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 08:06 PM
- i m sorry guys i respond properly tomorrow - i promise

got a blackout after posting this one
something IS going on in the skies - incredible oppressive

i wished i made this up:
but this started june 3 to show in every country [ exept in NL and UK as far i can see]

do you BELIEVE that ??

..what are we talking since a week... doors...double doors...the apple..

the "ant" = US , you and me

if i told you, that in the past years, i ve found 70/80% of the doodles relating the situation that is at that moment going on, would that make sense ?
- they search a person whom they can disguise the DOODLE with: not inverse

goodnight for now

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by Lone12

Lone12 1 appreciates the informative read, it carries an interesting essence... From the OP read it does seems that any who are associated with the double tetrahedron or MER KA BA are to be dark of heart? evol sorcerers trying to highjack EA*RTHs consciousness for a SATURN based agenda. And all 1 can say is that is an interesting analysis.

Personally though 1 does not feel dark of heart...


posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 09:42 PM
"..though I have no doubt that the van Allen belt is indeed ment to keep away deadly physical particles from hitting Earth, I suggest that this Belt's physical goal is but a side-effect of what this Belt réally represents :
a shield to keep our current consciousness imprisoned onto Earth."

This is correct. There is an "assumption" that concludes that the belt protects us for everything out there and is natural. One has to wonder why we needed protection from that which we are. That system is not germane to earth, she does not need to be captured and contained by it, and neither do we. It is there to shield the earth from the Sun's energies as well as the energy coming in from the galactic center.

It is Saturn and the Moon together which create the perception shield that keeps us locked in the confines of what some call the matrix reality. The system that installed this shield is trapping earth as much as us, hoping to use earth's transition through the consciousness process to gain access to the domains it is prohibited from accessing. Our current limbo-ish state is due to the fact that extracting the interloper from our earth's consciousness is difficult, due to the way in which it has ingrained itself in both her and us. The jump we had all hoped to be riding out by now has been postponed as we figure out what to do with the mess that has been created around us, and how we keep it out of the upper domains.

The geometrics of the process really don't matter, in fact, they are just a function of the the being that created the system in the first place. We are not geometric, we have no need to such things at all, we are.

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
reply to post by Lone12

Lone12 1 appreciates the informative read, it carries an interesting essence... From the OP read it does seems that any who are associated with the double tetrahedron or MER KA BA are to be dark of heart? evol sorcerers trying to highjack EA*RTHs consciousness for a SATURN based agenda. And all 1 can say is that is an interesting analysis.

Personally though 1 does not feel dark of heart...


friend i havent judged anyone..?

..all i tried... was to find some context in the things i understood untill now
[ though i do realize that we havent even stárted to Scratch upon that world above..]
and then i háve to make some conclusions as i did
i honestly want for every soul to Ponder whether its false, or can make some sense ?
- and that anyone can draw a personal conclusion from it

but yes, my problem with the "merkanah group" is that they "arent being told the Context "
- the context is *deliberately* withheld from them
... leaving the Attraction for souls engaging in the "mystical" part of it
and that Attraction is véry great for any soul.

because it appéars to be much more "interesting" and "real" and " spiritual",
as ' to believe in the words of God, written down '
..true ?

and ofcourse Evils góal is to desecrate, dumb down and incriminate His words -
[ sadly mainly by showing another bunch of ignorant, smallminded christians ]
...and Promote his own version

- the main problem i think is that Evil has indéed a very attractive side, for us souls -
describe it as "Oneness "
the consciousness of ' light and love and oneness '
But that is just the other side of the goodcop/badcop Dualism, evil uses:
show how retarded christianity is, with their ignorant "devil carrying the trident"
...and then Juxtapose that, these days, with " light and love and oneness "
- yet they are *both* his ówn spheres.

but the difference between "now", the "love and light oneness" and "Góds world",
is comparible to eating Dead Meat - or eating Raw Meat - or eating Meat in a Restaurant me.
because the high-praised "oneness" is but throwing a bone for a dog.

that "an area has pushed itself inbetween Earth and Heaven ",
and this area is [evils] Dualism.
...the tree of good and evil.

Ofcóurse he will first push the ' dark part ' can then "bring enlightenment"..?
wouldnt yóu do the same thing,
if you wanted to rule over beings, who had No Idea ?

- but Gods world, heaven, is abóve this Dualism-area
by this area

..thats what we need to find

kind regards

edit on 3-7-2013 by Lone12 because: sad : (

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by Teeky
reply to post by Lone12

Wow! Very interesting and informative. I have to read Part I , II. After reading your post are you saying that it's impossible to break free of this Matrix? Thank you for sharing.

thanks for your time Teeky !

wow thats not easy to phrase on what you said

if you read the post above... then you understand that "everything depends on how you personally understand the context of whats going on "
...meaning: for those who believe in "the coming ascension" [ into the crystalline Evils new prisonplanet ] , they will tell you with a bright smile on their face "oh yes after we ascended we re finally free ! " - not realizing they have walked but from Horus' présent rule, into osiris' néw rule.

but if you [can] believe in Gód, He tells you that the crystalline Hologram, that is coming any day now, is the Most Worst Prison Ever - and that nothing of you can escape, not even nów, but your own Soul.
So complete is the rule of this hologram.
...let alone, the cóming hologram

Most people dont even réalize they are a Soul ; that, what is their deepest Essence ;
they think that they are their "I ' , but thats a lie.
- because the I is evils construct.

The " merkabah group " doesnt see, that their theories are *all* about "kéeping their I "
[ terms as "fill yourself with love and light "... or " imagine golden light" etc, are all Strengtening their I , and therefore Evil is allowed to continue ruling them - even in another "oneness world"... does that make sense ? ]

there s but 1 serious option :
' make sure that your Soul - your essence - makes it through to God "
...and He will give you another, new being
- just as He said.

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by Lone12

1 was not saying you are being judgmental. The OP however did seem to be labeling all associate with
MER KA BA energy being on an intentional evol path like droids being controlled from SATURN and so 1 commented as I have used MER KA BA in various imagery and somewhat follow the WHOLE ALL* from CREATOR or SOURCE type thinking @ times. This is why 1 commented Lone12. also isnt Horus the son of Isis Osiris?

edit on 7/3/13 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by tombedlam369
Excellent work Lone. A superb expose of the parameters of the 3-D prison we have been conned into accepting as a satisfactory model of reality.
Have to agree wholeheartedly with the main thrust of your deductions.My own studies over the past years have led me to having to embrace similar conclusions to those you present.
You state within the thread that you dont feel its important for anyone to focus upon 'proofs'-geometrically or in terms of Rodin's work with the torus? I'm not really sure that is entirely the way to go here-people do like proofs,I know I do at least! Proofs are important-they put the flesh on the bones of theory and allow for greater depth of understanding.
What I believe I have uncovered so far constitute conclusive proofs in respect of the nature of the information you have presented re; the significance of the Ennead/The Nine and might serve to emphasise and highlight the reality of the baseline premises you have kindly presented here.
You'll find this info on my blog.

thank you for reading Tombedlam

you are right - it *is* important to supply proofs - i m sorry if that came across falsely
Just, see, i fear losing the overall line through things, and dont want to deviate so far in related things, i think
[ apart from the fact that, unlike others, im not an impressive mathematician, at all, so i rather stay with " offering an idéa" as with going on a for me thin ice...grin ]
But i know that there s loads of information about rodin, and assume everyone knows that theory ; so that is why i think i said that i "wont repeat it here" etc
because i m not advocating "a difference in opinion WITHIN Rodins torus concept ".. but that the concept *itself* of Rodins torus IS our matrix.

thanks for the link, i go read and come back to you

kind regards

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by DooDer
Thank you Lone12

Very Interesting read, now off to read more on the subject.


Have a Great Night!!

thanks for your time DD

*grin* interesting signature you have... in this threads context

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by Bybyots
reply to post by Lone12

Hi Lone12,

I have been enjoying your posts about the mystery of the Moon. Since you are suggesting that the Moon is the basis for a holographic projection that provides our 'reality', I could not help but think that that would make it even more interesting that another esoteric name for the Moon is the Treasure House of Images.

And also that it is a giant mirror.

Also, Rudolph Steiner referred to the Moon as a sort of spiritual 'cul de sac', past which few progress after death. Run, Luke, it's a soul-trap.

Personally, I think that Steiner had it reversed; we don't go there because we are 'evil', we go there because 'it's' 'evil'. We're all just trying to make it to payday.

Thanks for bringing your thoughts to the Forum.

edit on 30-6-2013 by Bybyots because: .

thanks BB

..... perhaps it, luna, IS a mirror - i ve no proof.
just we ve to take seriously the option that its an artificial, real-material object. Which i think it is.
I suppose the problem with us, is the "multiple Dimensions, overlapping eachother".
We see, with our physical eyes, but 1
but there could be séveral dimensions in the same place - and thóse Cast the Spells onto "what we see".
or "think we see"
because our own eyes are 1 dimensional - as is our thinking i suppose that, for this reason, we are "blocked" to see the Real Moon
and got "instructed" to see the zodiac
and see from the óther planets only their physical, dusty or gasous, makeup

yes i heared about that soultrap thing
dont know what to think of that actually
- i only know that i do not trust astral-travelling... because it is "under guidance of higher beings"[ and not God ] ... so who knóws what "they" show the soul. I rather remain distant from Completely Unverifyable Uncontextual topics as that soultrap-moon ; cause i prefer not losing my last sanity...grin

best wishes

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
reply to post by Lone12

1 was not saying you are being judgmental. The OP however did seem to be labeling all associate with
MER KA BA energy being on an intentional evol path like droids being controlled from SATURN and so 1 commented as I have used MER KA BA in various imagery and somewhat follow the WHOLE ALL* from CREATOR or SOURCE type thinking @ times. This is why 1 commented Lone12. also isnt Horus the son of Isis Osiris?

edit on 7/3/13 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

..yes unfortunately that is exactly what this present physical frame is: droids, controlled from Saturn.
I de believe, that sumerians manifactured physical human templates. As well as Ptah did - manifacturing his black midgeds. The book of Jubilees mentions "half a bull, half human", etc.
even our présent triune brain s a manifactured, non-logical mess.

if i accept the above - then, consequently, i háve to accept as wéll, that those creators have some consciousness for their creations, to can RULE them with - no ?
..the sumerian texts talk about how much problems enki and ninmah had with "letting the black heads respond in the correct manner".

- the biblical vieuw on these things is,
that "satan wants to make his own creations [ humanoids] to can Rule them " ;
this is the essence of whý satan " wants to be like God ".

so - i have to conclude, that , since this physical frame is ruled by Evil, ánd its " I " is ruled by evil, there is but 1 part we have, that matters: our Soul.
That is the only part [ and the most important one ! ] that can escape [another] Slavery.

and instead of some "pimped up ascensional physical frame" which evil promises,
God will give a complete new béing around that soul - but that soul will need to Acknowledge Him then.

kind regards

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
reply to post by Lone12

Ill try to keep things short by just replying to this...

to kéep us – in our present consciousness

The only thing keeping you in your present consciousness is yourself, the 'individual' you that you may think you are. Truly you are only spirit, in true form and sense... and spirit naturally emanates theeself simply through 'be-ing'.

There is nothing holding us back....the 'word' of the Spirit or God is within this design, blueprint, of what we are calling life.

All is as should be, a part of a great breath in and out, it is only our individual selves that think something is amiss, that something is not as it should be, because we dont like it that this design is set up to show us things we dont want to know or refuse to work on as a 'unit'.

The great thing about this 'design' of life/expression is that Thee, The Holy Spirit, can be found by any true humble heart that seeks its highest self, truest nature.

I just dont see the reason for all the shapes and focus of such, there is geometry all throughout this design of life, all things are connected too. But we are not trapped and the important things for our soul can be found at all times in the very design/nature itself.

All my best

thanks for responding LV

... - i think you gathered from the previous posts that i kindly disagree with your vieuw
but that is because i became flabbergasted by the Massiveness of this hologram
on every level

all my best back

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