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Surviving getting screwed over --WWIII

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posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 07:19 PM
Federal Building
MEPS Dallas Texas

"You know son, it is customary when you address a superior to have your feet together." The older man gave the Army captain a very evil look," Also, the first and last words out of your mouth should be , Sir."

A look of frustration passes over the Captain, "And you are?"

The others standing in line got real quiet.

Nodding his head, the older man pats the Twenty year old brunette on the hand as he lets go of her hand. Getting in the Captains face, "Sir, and you are, sir.."

"I wont ask," the Army officer was interrupted. The Older man struck the Army Captain in the solar plexus knocking the Army Officer to the ground. The MP's were frozen in place.

"Sir, And you are sir?" Shaking his head, "Get you arse up Captain. Now!" Looking at the MP's," If this man does not respond in ten seconds I want him in the Brig."

The former military in line smiled and stood at attention. The MP's came over and stood the Captain up.

"Now, Captain. Why in sam hell is this line backed up? We all knew the draft was coming for over two months. Proper Pre Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.."

Catching his breath, "Sir.. " Seeing the look on the Older Man's face, "Sir, I have no excuse Sir." The Captain stood at attention. Heads were poking out of the various branches offices, as the lower enlisted darted into them.

The older man saw the General poke his head out.

Taking a deep breath, "All right Son. I will assume your a no nut paper pusher. " turning to the group standing a mix mesh line, "All right you dumb F#$%'s. All Prior service raise your damn hands."

Half the room raised their hands.

"Good. Now all Air force above E-6.."

All but three put there hands down.

"Sir, I.." The Army captain shut the hell up when he got a look from the Older man.

"Out of you three, Who is the highest ranking?"

The Three Air Force talked among themselves and finally one spoke, "Sir. E-6, Jellis, Wayne.. Been out ten years."

"Good.. Captain, get this man checked in then." He looked at the other two, "You two go get me the damn senior Air force recruiter after Jellis checks you in."

All Four chime in, "Sir, yes Sir."

"Now for you other damn Retreds, rinse and #ing repeat. Army, Coast guard, Navy, And my Beloved Misguided children. You have Two F$%^ing minutes, get there!"

The older man looks and sees the General Smile and put his head back in his office. The MP's take it as a sign and return to there post.

The older man kisses the 20 something Brunette..

"USMC Accounted for Sir! Retrieving Recruiters now.."

"Coast Guard is F#$%ing ready Sir!"

"I apologize sir for the Army's bad impression. Were ready to roll sir!"

The Navy man gives the older man a dirty look, "Sir!"

The older man laughs and walks to the counter and looks at the Captain. "Name, Social, Age, and if they are prior service. Thats it. For the love of god do not nuke it. " The other four take spots as the Senior Non Coms use paper. "Make sure you pass it down the damn line. Lose your paper and the Branch that checked you in will beat your damn ass.."

The Captain leans over and whispers, "Sir, we are short handed in the processing for medical."

"Then god Damn solve it.." Taking a deep Breath, Turning to the groups being processed. "I want all damn retread Docs or civilians with EMT or Nursing Experience."

"I am MD in general practice .. Sir." One of the non prior service speak up.

"Captain, have this man green lighted and get a separate line for Docs going. How many you need," The older man asked.

"We are understaffed by about Thirty people," The Captain spoke.

"Doctor.. Get that damn back area up to triage speed. Keep the quals simple. Can work in the service. Physical and mental eval. Drug test later.. Standard ER questions and any you deem necessary."

"Speed through Sir. What about the ones not fit for duty," The young Doctor asked as he writes down his info for the Air force.

The Recruiters lined up.

"All right numb skulls why was there no coordination with Army Captain out here?"

"Sir," the Senior Air force Recruiter tries to speak.

"Shut the #$% up, you C#$ Guzzling Gutter S$%^ ! If I want excuses I will go ask my girlfriends sister for them.. One more word and I will B#$%^ your a$$. Now get out here and help smooth this enrollment out.."

The Navy Chief seeing the issue speaks. "Sir, we do have one problem.."

"Spit it out Chief," The older pats his Girl Friend who is shaking her head.

"Sir we have had no coordination on who gets what recruits.."

"Chief do not make me beat the Chiefs mess. Each of you have your services requirements for quotas. So I assume your all now how many you need right."

All the Senior NCO's respond, "Yes Sir!"

"Good then start trading like baseball. Those who get their crap and information the fastest get the best recruits. Loser get stuck with bad deals. Now Go make the Three stars day and get this damn station rocking and rolling. I want this whole line processed and ready to ship by tomorrow."

They All give a yes sir and start interacting with the prior enlisted from there branches. After a few minutes the Line is moving faster. And the Recruiters are horse trading.

"Sir, This guy has a criminal record. He should have never.."

The older man walks over as he is holding his girlfriends hand. "Son is it for rape?"

"God no sir. I .." The young man looks down.

"Son, you have been drafted. Welcome to DFAS, out of Cleveland, Ohio .." The olderman Shakes the kids hand.

The Captain, having gotten smarter nods. The prior service doing initial processing start nodding heads. Another issue pops up and the Army Captain looks at the older man. However instead of asking, " The former Officers. If they pass medical send them up to me. We need more support and people to watch kids pre-shipping." The Captain looks at the older man, who nods to him.
edit on 27-6-2013 by ripcontrol because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by ripcontrol

OOoo Rah, only thing is Marines don't read jargon out of instructor manuals lol PPPPP you only hear that from another branch we just swear alot

cheers bro Semper Fi

posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 12:46 AM
MEPS Dallas Texas
Lt. General Grao's Office
Four hours later

"Sir he impersonated an officer," The very Mad Army Captain spoke. "Seaman Coss, it is a felony."

"If you want Captain we can review the tapes. At no time did I ID myself as an officer. You made all the assumptions and you should see during the Review that you gave the orders. Of note for your little tantrum, I am still a civilian. My Draft orders told me to report here. I have followed those."

"You SOB.. I will personally.."

"You will do nothing," Grao spoke. "This whole time, I have been running the Seaman file as soon as saw how he was handling that mess outside. " Drumming his fingers," I pride myself on my ability to spot talent. You do have to admit some key points Captain. You never did swear him in. To make the matter more interesting, I found out we are now projected to be ahead of every other Recruiting district. Way ahead. Its to the Point the DOD told me that if we keep this up, we will be absorbing draft notices from a few other districts. That means more Money for this command because we get more Personnel to handle the larger load."

A look passes over the Army Captain's face, "Lt. General. He..He is not an officer.."

General Grao reached into his desk and pulled out the rank equal to the Army Captains. " Seems the NCO of the Navy appreciates his sailors efforts. With the recruits we are shipping out tomorrow morning the Navy and Marines are going to be able to request more funds because we are ahead of schedule. Getting the Fusion centers to run the info was brilliant and it shaved days off the process. Welcome back to the Navy, Mr. Coss."

"Sir.." The olderman, Coss spoke..

"Raise your right hand and repeat after me.." General Grao smiled, "That wasnt a request son."

Outside MEPS Dallas Texas
Two hours later

"Let me get this straight your plan not to get Drafted resulted in you becoming an Officer," The Brunette laughed.

"Cock suckers, Doc cleared me saying as long as I take my meds I am ok." Coss shook his head," Legal told me that it is noted in my records that I am disabled. My criminal record was waved by the upper echlons. Yeah, I am a damn Lt. in the middle of what looks like it is going to be W W three."

"You worry to much," The Brunette kissed him. As they made it to his Mercedes, "Besides my boyfriend was becoming a little suspicous." She gets a doogy eyed look on her face, "How long till you ship out?"

"I have been assigned to the MEPS station TAD.. I am to take CBT for my OCS.." Coss shook his head..

Taking his hand, she puts it in her lap. "Good. We have plenty of time." With an evil grin on her face," Lets get a hotel room. My sister will cover for us.."

As he moves his hand on her leg, " Brittney, you still smell funny."

She lightly punches himon the shoulder as his hand to move up her thigh. It causes her to take a deep breath, "You bad, bad boy." She leans over and bites Coss's neck lightly..

Coss smiles, but inside his mind is running. 'S#$%, S%^&, S^&@ !!! '


MEPS Dallas Recruiting Station
Four days later

".. Your damn opinion.." The Army Sargent looked up from the ground. The chair he was sitting in was on his chest. Lt. Coss was putting the weight on the Army mans throat, "From this point forward all rapes and sexual harassment charges will either follow the new regs we put out.." Coss stands up and removes the chair. As the Army sargent rubs his throat Lt. Coss kicks his side. The sound of Cracking ribs happen, "Now I have a problem Sargent. I now know you have buried rapes. "

Spitting blood, "Please someone help.."

"If a single one of you move to aide him. I will kill you." Lt. Coss made the instructed step back, "Class.. When someone reports a rape what do we do?"

As a whole the class still shaken, "Take the name. Send DOD personnel to chaps, medical, then Legal."

Putting pressure on the Sargents ribs with his foot, "What do we not do?"

"Discuss with command any details or Gossip about it."

"Good..What are the penalties for this?"

"If you find out we are involved you will hunt us down and kill us," The class looked at the Sargent spitting up blood.

"Now Sargent.. I have locked the Door the only way for you to get medical help is to tell me the truth." Lt. Coss puts the Chair back on the Sargent's chest and sits down.

One of the people in the Class try to intervene, "Lt. Coss you cant."

Pulling his side arm, "Next person that speaks will be shot for mutiny." Seeing the look of shock on their faces. "Now Army. Lets review your career and prey I did not puncture a lung. The faster you give me details the faster you get medical treatment. Start with the first victim.."

"I have."

Lt. Coss shoots the Sargent the ribs, "Rubber Bullets on broken ribs. Must hurt!"

edit on 28-6-2013 by ripcontrol because: New updated DOD regs

posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 01:05 AM
holy hell it went porn I didnt see that coming i was expecting some kind of halo 4 epic hero thing you write very well narratives bro very awesome

posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 08:54 AM
MEPS Dallas Texas
Lt. General Grao's Office
Three days later

"..Do not really care." The woman on the screen looked the General in the eyes, "The Sargent confessed. Lt. Coss what do you have to say for yourself?"

"I did nothing wrong. The Army's Sargent's response indicated that his profile would lead to continued bad discipline. The General was unaware of my thoughts.. The Sargent did name a few people. " Looking at the screen and then the General, "I will not bury the confession. However I can be made to.. To not pursue it."

The Senator on the Screen laughed..

"What do you mean son," Lt. General Grao asked?

"I am assuming that this incident would embarrass the DOD. Right when we need to show how we are working as a team. Perhaps if the named victims were compensated with full disability for PTSD, since date of discharge. And the accused perps were .. were dealt with severely.. My conscious could call it a day."

"You would drop your whole pressing of the issue. And not go after the other commands," The Senator asked?

"If the Army Sargent, once he is out of medical, gets charged as an accessory. With say twenty years for each charge. My whole Opinion becomes no habla ingles.."

"General," The Senator ask?

"I want him the F$%^ out of my command as soon as the dust settles." Grao stares at the Lt. , "You went behind my back. And brought in the politician.. I do not care that he is on psych meds."

"Sir, no offense you were going to bury the confession. I do not really care. You lost any respect I had for you as a person." Turning back to the Senator, "The General is right however."

A confused look passes on her face.

"Mam, I am now a retardant to good order and discipline because I won this round. If the General will talk to the NCO.. Perhaps it would be more Appropriate for me to be in the Navy's direct COC.."

"I will have the papers by tomorrow," the Lt. General was not happy.

"Before we end this conversation. Lt. Coss.. Your mother asked the Pastor to have him ask me, to have you call her." The Senator smiled, "Son call your momma.. She is worried about your.. Your choice of female companionship or some such."


Coss's Apartment

As the moonlight poured in, "Coss my sister would kill me if she found out I was here." Running her hand down his chest, "Your not like the others who hit on me. I will miss you when you go to San Diego."

Kissing her on the forehead, "Jane, I want you to know you mean a lot to me. As does your sister. " Pausing, "Sometimes your even my favorite."

"Ah!" Jane playfully slaps Coss. "I could just tell her boyfriend and keep you all to myself."

"But then your mother would get upset," Coss playfully added.

"YOUR SLEEPING WITH MY MOTHER!!" Seeing the laughter coming from COSS, "Thats not funny," she responds as she shoves him out of the bed..

Laugh as he hit the floor.. "Yall get your looks from her but no thank you. Your father is a Marine Corps Recon Sniper.. He might kill me over you and Brittany.. Over your mother, lets just say no where on earth would safe. I would be a dead man."

"May be I will just tell him you did anyway, " Jane smiles.. "After all I am daddy's favorite."

Shooting straight up, he surprises her. After he kisses her, "Mam, your worth every damn bullet your father would shoot. Will you at least put a smile on my face before he kills me."

A small tear falls from Janes face as she grabs the Lt. She pulls him back onto the bed..

Sams Club
Frisco, Texas

"What the hell are you doing in a Naval uniform." The Red head looks at Coss, "I thought your disability and criminal record would prevent it."

Her oldest child sees Coss, "Daddy Coss.." The other child hears it.. And comes running up joining her brother.

"Have you two little Hellions been behaved," Coss ask holding back tears.

A well built man walks up and puts his arm around the Red Head. Trying to hide his jealousy, "Good to see you, Coss." He sticks his hand out for Coss to shake.

Not shaking the man's hand, "It's Lt. to you sir. I am surprised you didn't get drafted."

"Only child, a Sullivan exemption," the Man lets anger slip into his voice. "I thought a criminal Record precluded service.."

"They had someone at you level of competence manning the paperwork."

"Not in front of the children," The red head spoke.

Brittany walks around the corner with the buggy, "Well who are these people?" Brittany looked at the kids as she kisses Coss.

"Wow, your hot. At least an eleven," the male child walks over to Brittany. "Would you like to buy me a soda mam. We could talk over my comic book collection."

"Ari," the redhead spoke. Unconsciously she twirled her long red hair.

Brittany turns and looks at Coss, "That would be nice little man. However only if it is over Ironman and your mother approves." Brittany gives Coss a look, "If he is not yours you definitely were a bad influence on him. "

"It just so happens ironman is my favorite."
edit on 28-6-2013 by ripcontrol because: National security

posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 10:48 AM
Retired Master Sargent William's house
three days later

The bug zapper got another bug. The Lt. and Willams looked at each other neither one said a word.

"Your sleeping with both my Daughters LT.."

"I can honestly say no to that sir. I have trouble sleeping," Coss smiled.

"I want to hate you so bad, Lt. Fortunately for you I hate both there little punk boyfriends even worse." The retired sniper shook his head, "I did my own check up on you. They F$%^ed up letting you back in. What you did to that Army Sargent is the only reason I am not going to kill you."

"He had it coming Master Sargent. It leads to bad order and discipline and gets others killed." Shaking his head, "I assume you heard the news."

"The Iranians taking three fourths of Iraq." The Master Sargent shook his head, "The US Military forces abandoned by their commands. Yet miraculously the Commanding officers escaped. Even my beloved Marines.." A small tear came from Williams, "Watch your ass sir. This is three times as worse as when we were in. The PC morons run the show. What unit did they stick you in sailor."

"Some Marine Reserve Unit in San Diego. "

"You really did piss off the Lt. General. A sailor assigned as an OIC of marines.." He reached over and took out a gun, "Take old Diane here with you. She deserves to see action again. Youll make a damn fine officer. Just so you know after Wednesday when you ship out, Stay way from my wayward daughters after that point."

The Lt. Took the desert eagle and checked her. After a minute, "I'll take good care of her sir. I'll bring her back to you or you'll get it as part of my personal effects. " Coss stands up, "Thank you very much sir."

"You leaving so soon?"

"You said wendnesday," Coss smiled.

"Get the F$%^ out of my house. I'll give you a two mile headstart," Williams smiled.


DFW Airport

Both Jane and Brittney were in tears.

"Ladies, in public we hold ourselves together." Coss was suppressing his own tears.

Jane kisses Coss in his Officers uniform, "Come back to me, my warrior."

Brittney looks through her tears, and leans in herself. As she kisses Coss, "I am still mad at you two. Promise me when you do come back.. Promise me you will come see me." Her tears fall..

As both women hold Coss, some of the Men in uniform see this. They raise their eye brows, and a few smile.

"Ladies after last night, I can say that heaven has nothing on Texas." He kisses Brittney," Please promise you two will keep living your lives. I wont be mad." As the flight is announced to be leaving, "And you my my little bad girls. For love of God, find some decent men who your father likes. The current set have a shorter life expectancy then I do."

Both women are in tears..

A man in a piliots uniform stops and shakes his head, "Coss.. What the hell are you doing in an Officer's uniform?"

"Burton.." He shakes the Piliots hands.. Ladies this is the best wingman I ever met. You two are NOT allowed to talk to him. He makes me look sweet and innocent."

Burton Smiles," I would introduce my self better, but I have to fly this little machine to San Diego. Not to mention," Showing his wedding ring. "I have been miserable for three years now," his smile shone.

Wiping a tear from her face Jane puts her arm around Coss's waist, "Our Lt. is on that flight."

Taking Coss's hand, Brittany smiles after giving her sister an evil look. "Burton, make sure he makes it safely. If the plane doesnt make it. I will hunt you down and kill you."


Flight to San Diego

" Lt Coss, both sisters.." Captain Burton shakes his head, "You have only got worse with age.."

The co-pilot shook his head, "So you got both sisters at the same time.."

"No.. I merely made sure both ladies were happy and I streamlined the process. Besides their father was in Recon. What makes it better, is that he was a sniper.."

"You two are lying to me," The Co-pilot shook his head.

"They were both kissing him goodbye at the Airport. I had to bring him in with me. Otherwise we would both have been late." Burton shook his head, " I still live in Le Mesa. Jennifer would love to see you. Like you told me with the sisters. Aint gonna happen.."

Burton and Coss where laughing..

"Why is that funny," the co-pilot asked? "I thought you were friends."

"Hes a great guy. I just know him and how mother nature works.. When you hit puberty, I will tell you about the Major's wife."

"She still lives in San Diego doesnt she." Coss smiled, "I still remember the smell of her hair."

"Coss, her husband made rear admiral four years ago.. Watch your step.." Burton shakes his head, "Now your were gonna tell me how you conned your way to OCS."

"Well at the MEPS station..."

posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 02:39 PM
OC Beach
eight months later

The marines lift there beer glasses, "To Lt. Commander Coss."

The Sargent Major smiled, "This makes number nine, we got out of.. F#$%ers, trying to get us killed."

A blonde hooters waitress shook her head, "Yall are celebrating. I thought you marines loved a good fight."

Looking her right in the eyes, " We do. However our OIC is Navy.."

"To the United States Navy," the marines in hooters raised their glass.

Lt. Com. Coss was giving a Hispanic hooters girl a back massage. They all looked at him when her back popped and she made a very female sound. She melted as she laid back into his arm.

The Marines started singing Anchors Aweigh..

The big screen television made them stop, "..either taken captive or killed. The Marine unit was having trying to retake an area the US Army had tactically withdrawn from. The San Diego USMC reserve unit will be missed by their loved ones. " The Reporter shook her, "I do not agree with our governments policies, but I support our troops."

The Marines in the bar stopped singing..

"F$%^ing C#$t," Lt. Com. Coss flicks off the TV screen with the Remote. He puts his head in his palms, "Next Rounds on me Marines." After a moment, He whispers to the Waitress in his lap, "The things I am going to do to you tonight.."

The waitress giggled as she nibbles his neck..


Temporary Joint Reserve Command San Diego

"..Leave tonight. " The Colonel was pissed, "Your telling me that those a$$holes got out of being sent overseas again."

The first Lt cowered, "Sir. The Lt. Commander quoted exact Naval regulations governing Naval units. An obscure regulation regarding unit preparedness. Some crap about the fact none of the Marines or the Lt. are properly qual'ed."

"This is a damn Marine Corps unit." The Colonel was not happy, "Who authorized this crap?"

"Sir, you did. When you accepted the funds..When you demanded the Navy pay for the Marine Corps housing of the Lt. Commander." The 1st Lt continued, "That made the unit the Lt. Commander was in charge of, assigned in technicality only to the Navy. You also are the one who put the order in writing that the whole unit has to follow the same rules. Which means according to JAG, even with out the money all the unit has to meet Navy standards. Which means they all have to have basic Navy watch standing Quals."

"Those bastard do not want him either," Frustrated the Colonel shook his head.

"Theirs more sir," The 1st Lt. looked down. "Agent Nosse, DoHS is here in person. We tried to blow him off. Colonel, he is outside waiting on you.."


Two Hours later

" units available for the DoHS," The Colonel looked the DoHS agent straight in the eye.

"You and every other commander has told me the same crap. What part of the fact this is nati.." Nosse looked down at the paperwork in front of the Colonel.. "Coss.. That bastard is here.."

"The answer is no. Even If I do not like him, my orders are to not aide you unless a four star or higher directly orders in writting. After the crap the DoHS pulled in Iran you will go through official channels." The Colonel looked at the Agent, "You sound like you know the jerk.. Why would would you even want him. He cant follow orders and has disobeyed most of the orders I have given orally."

"That Seaman Coss I remember." Picking up the file, "I see why the USMC is pissed. So far his little band of merry men have avoided deployment.." Agent Nosse counts, "Nine times now." The Agent shakes his head, "Thats the Coss I remember." The Agent Smiles..

"What do you mean, Agent?"

"You see what I can tell you is this. When I met the Seaman Apprentice, lets just say he had the Privilege of driving me around San Diego."

"That little Traitor and his whole unit are nothing more then cowards," The colonel was pissed.

"Watch it Colonel. I liked Coss. He knew the difference between loyalty and loyalty to his country. We had a small issue and he completed my mission. He didnt need prompting, or a mission briefing." Tossing the file back down, "I would advise you to relook at these numbers. He is not being a coward. His men are spending their free time training. "

"Please they are just a bunch f-in losers who do not know there Duty."

"Colonel if they are the losers let me ask you this. Why were you not assigned to go oversea's with the larger part of the Unit?"

"Command felt it necessary that we have strong leadership here so that we could continually bring The reserve numbers up. As one of the most experienced officers in the Region I made the Sacrifice, so my Marines would be trained as the best they are.."

The Agent shook his head.

edit on 28-6-2013 by ripcontrol because: Hooters girls usually have BF's

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 02:34 PM
There is a Providence that protects idiots, drunkards, children and the United States of America.

Otto von Bismarck

Lt. Commander Coss's House
Coronado, California
Next Morning

"What a greeting for an old friend," Agent Nosse looked up from the chair he was in. He looked at the Hispanic girl in a silk bathrobe and nothing else, "I'll have a breafast bur.."

The hooters girl cussed the agent in spanish..

"Dont be rude my dear. His mother never loved him.." Coss looked at Agent Nosse, "And look how badly he is dressed.."

Still cussing in spanish, the waitress only stops when the Lt. Commander kisses her. She stops cooking and turns her back to the Agent. She is completely distracted fully french kissing Coss. He slips his hands into her silk robe..

In a very unlady like response,"I promise I will be back to teach you Spanish. I'll behave sir.. I wont like him.. Please come upstairs. I'll be a bad girl I promise.."

Coss whispers something in her ear as he touches her spine and the back of her neck.. She sighs deeply, then kisses him.. After re-tying her short silk robe, she kisses the Lt. Commander. She heads back out of the kitchen, "As for you. Your still a puta .. Blaming your mother for your faults."

He watches her walk to the stairs and shakes his head. "Lt. Commander Coss." Agent Nosse shakes his head, "Wow.. The files do not do justice. She's hot. " Still shaking his head, "You have changed Coss."

"Well her mistake is that being a total uber b$%^& is a defense mechanism. It made it a challenge and all the more fun. I wasnt surprised to find she had daddy issues. She hates all authority and is a good catholic." Coss went back to making Breakfast.

The two men stared at each other. Neither one budged as the Lt. Commander cooked breakfast.

After Coss made it to the third Breakfast Burrito, "All right I give. Time has made you smarter.. Their I spoke first."

The Lt. Commander reached to fridge and grabbed the Milk.. He poured three glasses and put the milk back. He gave the Agent nothing..

"Drop the freezing out act damn it." Agent Nosse was getting frustrated, "God damn lack of Humint. I told them you had gotten more ruthless. Damn Son.."

"Last time we had a friendly chat. I drove you around San Diego as you killed those on that damn list." The Lt. Commander shook his head, "I even had to pull your a$$ out of the fire. I did so because I knew what the cost of failure was."

"I know we didnt answer when you asked for help like we promised. "

Taking a deep breathe, "It cost me everything when I was discharged. All it would have taken is one word form you boys. then poof it would have all went away. So quit wasting my time.. The only reason your here is because you for some damn reason have no other options." The Lt. Commander looked at the Agent. "You have two minutes left."

Seeing the look on the Lt. Commanders face, "Fine I am not here as an Agent of DoHS. My bosses do not believe the intell I brought them. I have been allowed to follow my thoughts but no support. I have become a joke." Agent Nosse looked down, "I am telling the damn truth. Most of the Military wont talk to us or cooperate unless a star signs off. I got information from one of my sources.. I was told by my direct superior that according to the analysis of available technologies their is no way that the Iranians had developed the tech. The that witch told me that even if they did their is no way they would share it."

"What are you talking about," Coss interrupted.

"What have your people on the ground told you." Seeing the look on the Lt. Commanders face, " Do not be surprised I quietly pulled your file as a favor to the Colonel. He knows you have eyes and ears everywhere. "

"That some weird deal is going down. Out of respect they told me to not be in this area next month. What did you get exactly?"

"My source was killed. He told me something real disturbing. The Cartels have been bribed to transport three suit cases to California. He showed me the cloudy film that still sets off the giger counter.." With anger the Agent hits the table, "And no one believes me.."

"I should have shot you in 2006." The Lt. Commander shook his head, "You can relax agent. My info matches yours. Only you now have officially scared the # out of me." Taking a deep breath, "Take charge of this post and all government property in view.. I am going to need a few things from the CIA."

Agent Nosse looked at the Lt. Commander, "You believe me?"

"Agent, not only do I believe you, I am going to get those damn suitcases. You can relax and rest in the Knowledge that the US Navy is on watch. I have brought my little retarded brother along to break things. He is good at that." Pressing a button on his comm device, "Master Sargent.."

A dreary response came, "Sir.."

"God damn battle stations. Alas Babylon scenario.. Scenario.. f#$% it.. Just get the misguided children in here!"
edit on 29-6-2013 by ripcontrol because: National security.. upcoming FISA warrant

posted on Jun, 29 2013 @ 05:09 PM
And I gladly stand up, next to you and defend her still today. ‘Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land, God bless the USA.

Lyrics to God bless the USA, Lee Greenwood

Lt. Commander Coss's House
Coronado, California

The Hispanic hooters girl was on her knees. The tears were falling, " I had no choice. I had to call and tell him. He has my sister."

Agent Nosse pulled his side arm. Lt.Commander Coss knocked it out of his hand. The Sargent Major wraps the Agent up and throws him into the dry wall knocking him out cold.

"Now, my dear Isabelle," Coss reaches down and pulls her up. He gently strokes her face. The Tears fall, "Your under my protection." He kisses her and she responds with an equal kiss..

"Please.. He cant know.. He is sending some of his men here. They are going to kill you." She breaks down crying, "I. I. " She looks down in shame.

"The Sex is great." The Lt. Commander smiles as he wipes her tears. "In fact better then he ever tagged it right. My little thugarella." He brings her face to his and gently kisses her.

In full gear, The Sargent Major smiles. Getting on the scrambled radio, "Set an extra spot for dinner." Looking at the Lt. Commander, "Sir she is involved."

"Tell the Sargent Major everything my dear Isabelle. We need to get your ex-boyfriend." Pausing, "To get to your sister."

Isabelle breaks down and leans on the Lt. Commander.

"I'll be damned. Not even ten minutes and we are now separated by five degrees.." Gently the Sargent Major walks over and separates the waitress. "Come down stairs and grab some coffee honey. I need you to tell to tell me everything. "

"He will kill you. He outnumbers you and he has been blackmailing the officers in the area."

Lt. Commander Coss smiles, "I already know my dear. Me and you need to have an honest conversation, but I really want to F$%^ you one more time before we have that talk."

"Besides, your the Lt. Commanders present F#$% buddy. Because we like him, your also under the Marine Corps protection. BTW, we dont get surrounded or outnumbered, we just bring our enemy to a single location so it is easier for us to kill them all." Smiling, "More Efficient."


Living Room four hours later
Lt. Commander Coss's House
Coronado, California

" You see I do not have to force a woman into my bed. She came quite willingly.." Pausing for effect," Again and Again.

The tied up Grazeman got real angry, "That whore is as good as dead. I'll make sure I turn her sister into my new slut."

"Lt. Commander Coss, Utah is listening now," The Sargent Major proudly spoke. "It appears we have the Secret Service Detail in San Diego's attention." The other eight bound men all looked at their boss. The Sargent Major shot one of them in the back of the head.

"You see what you did Grazeman you hurt my feelings and I am very sensitive. And that damn gun just killed one of your men. I will have to report the gun for committing a crime. And you still havent told me why the third member of Sugarland left the band."

"Your country is weak and will not allow you to torture me. I have.."

Lt. Commander Coss nodded to the Sargent Major. The Sargent Major blew another one of the remaining seven tied up mens heads off.

"F#$% him." One of the tied up men spoke.

"You will be killed Julio," Grazeman spoke.

"Do not listen to him Julio. What I offer you is life in federal Prison under another name. Three squares a day no hope for parole, but.. it is Club fed.." Agent Nosse spoke.

"I will kill," the Lt. Commander knocked the tied up Grazeman out cold..

"the rest of us get club fed, and new names in prison. We go for drug trafficking.." Julio speaks..

Agent Nosse rubs his forehead, "Done."

"Your intelligence is off. We have four suitcase nukes. One for Camp Pendleton, One for 32nd street, one for the President speech, and well we kept one in mexico..Three will be detonated. I can give you the names of the crew we use.."

The Lt. Commander b$%^# slaps julio, "That is not what I asked Julio."

Agent Nosse's cell phone went off. He answered it, "Yes Mam.."

The Lt. Commander pulls his side arm. He blows off Julio's knee cap. "Since you mentioned the names. Go ahead but thats not what I want.."

"Your new C#$%'s sister is," Julio rattles off an address. He then goes to the names of the crew that have the nukes..

The Lt. Commander shakes his head. He takes the gun and kills another one of the tied up men.

"Lt. Commander, the head of the CIA has politely asked you not to kill anymore people. She prefers to interrogate them," Agent Nosse politely spoke.

"Damn it these men havent told why Trick pony broke up."

The surviving Cartel members frooze. Agent Nosse looked at Coss.

"Fine.. On behalf of the United States Navy, for the Agreed upon price. I hereby authorize the transfer of these animals to the CIA." Looking at the men bound, "Lie to them and I will F#$% your dead Corpse."

The sound of Helicopters reached the room.
edit on 29-6-2013 by ripcontrol because: National security.. upcoming FISA warrant

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 02:07 AM

Next Day
Conference room

"..Admiral. I have to morally object. Lt. Commander Coss is a war criminal," The four star looked the CNO in the eyes. "He executed, several displaced persons. He wouldnt even let them question this little tramp he was sleeping with. Then him and the Marines burned five blocks down in a gun fight with civilians. Using illegal hollow point white phosphorus rounds with tungsten shards. They shot the wounded that were laying on the ground. They didnt even take prisoners."

The CNO looked at the four star, " Jack STFU. Right now we do not even know what the price tag he extracted from the CIA. Not to mention, the President of the United States just called an hour ago. He congratulated me personally on making the wise call of reactivating Seaman Coss and promoting him. We just got our funding ahead of the Air force." seeing the look on Jack's face," Thats right we just got our funding approved for the next year and it isnt even October yet. POTUS, just undersigned All of the paperwork."

"What? I heard nothing about this.."

"It also appears that the Sec Def has requested Lt. Commander Coss's evaluation. The Sec Def is going to personally give Lt. Commander Coss a glowing review and recommend a promotion above the board. His star isnt on the rise, but he gets a pass."

Two days later
Lt. Commander Coss's House
Coronado, California

The well dressed female looked down at the trashed Garage. Her stepping on beer cans made some of the Marines move.

"Damn drunk Dumba..," The female stopped moving when she heard a click come from a corner. It was followed by several Clicks. "Please your all trashed. I doubt you could hit the broad side of a barn."

"Mam I have enough Ammo to hit all three of you. Either tell us who you are or we add some extra ventilation to the Garage." One of the marines looked up at he from an air mattress, with a woman asleep on top of him and two side arms drawn.

The man from the Shadows stumbles forward, "Put your shooter down ladies. She aint Brass but odds is .. Odds are.. F#$% it.. She's high up.." The Sargent Major has to hold up one of the Columns.

"Thank you Sargent Major.." She shakes here head, "Lance Corporal Redson, go back to sleep with your local cuisine. Will one of you Gentlemen please tell my why it took my hackers five hours to get through the Damn security. We only got into the Garage at that.." She turned and looked back. The Door had relocked and shut itself.

"Yeap definitely Brass, Permission to go back to sleep Sargent Major.."

"Permission Granted Lance Corporal," The Sargent Major was using the walls to walk towards the lady. "Young lady, are you married by chance."

"Yes I am.. Ten years Sargent Major and lets say if not for the service you gentlemen had performed for your country.. I am high enough up to end your career."

Looking at the woman, "Yes mam, but from the view were I stand I think your worth at least a month in the Brig. And you look like you could teach this old dog a few tricks. If you ever decide to stray I .."

Blushing and changing the Subject, "Where is the Lt. Commander, Sargent Major? Your drunk and I will.."

With an excited look on his face, "Accept my offer.." Seeing the cold look on her face, "The Leader of this band of Pirates is upstairs enjoying his prize for rescuing the fair lady's sister." He snorts, "Thugarella indeed."

The Door to the house opens automatically. The Lady walks to the door and shakes her head. She stops, "My husband is a wetworks operator just so you know."

"I would die with a smile on my face." The Sargent Major smiled, "And I dont suffer for Whiskey impairment..

Thirty minutes later

" another miracle?" The lady looked at the Lt. Commander as he stood there in an open bathrobe. "You know it is common decency not to be nude with guest present."

"It is also common decency not to cock block me in my own D@#$ house." Coss gave a wild eyed shake of his head at the CIA Director. "Let me get this straight. You want to know if we can find the.."

"The FBI dropped the ball. We got two out of the three suitcase nukes. The third one is missing, we got roadblocks up. So they cant leave California. Your on the ground intell proved useful last time."

"So the US Government lost a weapon that could vaporize a whole city," Coss asked. He smiled when he caught the director take a deep breath.

"Honey, my face is up hear." Coss smiled, " Whats in it for us? We are on leave for another week."


posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by ripcontrol

Next Day
Conference room

"..Admiral. I have to morally object. Lt. Commander Coss is a war criminal," The four star looked the CNO in the eyes. "He executed, several displaced persons. He wouldnt even let them question this little tramp he was sleeping with. Then him and the Marines burned five blocks down in a gun fight with civilians. Using illegal hollow point white phosphorus rounds with tungsten shards. They shot the wounded that were laying on the ground. They didnt even take prisoners."

The CNO looked at the four star, " Jack STFU. Right now we do not even know what the price tag he extracted from the CIA. Not to mention, the President of the United States just called an hour ago. He congratulated me personally on making the wise call of reactivating Seaman Coss and promoting him. We just got our funding ahead of the Air force." seeing the look on Jack's face," Thats right we just got our funding approved for the next year and it isnt even October yet. POTUS, just undersigned All of the paperwork."

"What? I heard nothing about this.."

"It also appears that the Sec Def has requested Lt. Commander Coss's evaluation. The Sec Def is going to personally give Lt. Commander Coss a glowing review and recommend a promotion above the board. His star isnt on the rise, but he gets a pass."

Two days later
Lt. Commander Coss's House
Coronado, California

The well dressed female looked down at the trashed Garage. Her stepping on beer cans made some of the Marines move.

"Damn drunk Dumba..," The female stopped moving when she heard a click come from a corner. It was followed by several Clicks. "Please your all trashed. I doubt you could hit the broad side of a barn."

"Mam I have enough Ammo to hit all three of you. Either tell us who you are or we add some extra ventilation to the Garage." One of the marines looked up at he from an air mattress, with a woman asleep on top of him and two side arms drawn.

The man from the Shadows stumbles forward, "Put your shooter down ladies. She aint Brass but odds is .. Odds are.. F#$% it.. She's high up.." The Sargent Major has to hold up one of the Columns.

"Thank you Sargent Major.." She shakes here head, "Lance Corporal Redson, go back to sleep with your local cuisine. Will one of you Gentlemen please tell my why it took my hackers five hours to get through the Damn security. We only got into the Garage at that.." She turned and looked back. The Door had relocked and shut itself.

"Yeap definitely Brass, Permission to go back to sleep Sargent Major.."

"Permission Granted Lance Corporal," The Sargent Major was using the walls to walk towards the lady. "Young lady, are you married by chance."

"Yes I am.. Ten years Sargent Major and lets say if not for the service you gentlemen had performed for your country.. I am high enough up to end your career."

Looking at the woman, "Yes mam, but from the view were I stand I think your worth at least a month in the Brig. And you look like you could teach this old dog a few tricks. If you ever decide to stray I .."

Blushing and changing the Subject, "Where is the Lt. Commander, Sargent Major? Your drunk and I will.."

With an excited look on his face, "Accept my offer.." Seeing the cold look on her face, "The Leader of this band of Pirates is upstairs enjoying his prize for rescuing the fair lady's sister." He snorts, "Thugarella indeed."

The Door to the house opens automatically. The Lady walks to the door and shakes her head. She stops, "My husband is a wetworks operator just so you know."

"I would die with a smile on my face." The Sargent Major smiled, "And I dont suffer for Whiskey impairment..

Thirty minutes later

" another miracle?" The lady looked at the Lt. Commander as he stood there in an open bathrobe. "You know it is common decency not to be nude with guest present."

"It is also common decency not to cock block me in my own D@#$ house." Coss gave a wild eyed shake of his head at the CIA Director. "Let me get this straight. You want to know if we can find the.."

"The FBI dropped the ball. We got two out of the three suitcase nukes. The third one is missing, we got roadblocks up. So they cant leave California. Your on the ground intell proved useful last time."

"So the US Government lost a weapon that could vaporize a whole city," Coss asked. He smiled when he caught the director take a deep breath.

"Honey, my face is up hear." Coss smiled, " Whats in it for us? We are on leave for another week."


I knew there was going to be an epic Halo moment from page 1 #ck yeah

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 12:49 PM
Thirty minutes later
Lt. Commander Coss's Kitchen

"We will not agree to this," The Director of the CIA was interrupted.

"Then go find it yourself. I'll tell Sargent Major I am treating the men to a trip to Vegas. We will be out of San Diego in two hours. I should have known the CIA could not be trusted." Lt. Commander Coss gets up to leave, again exposing himself.

The Director of the CIA holds up her hand, "Wait a damn second.. Your negotiating, and your profile.. You SOB. You have secured the missing one in the USA. You Fu$%ing B#$%^*^s," She pulls out her cell phone. It takes a minute for her to realize she cant call out. "Damn it Coss."

"Follow me Director," The Lt. Commander headed back towards the Garage.



The Director looks away, and drops the lid of the third deep freeze. "You monsters," The director of the CIA rushes to the trash can and pukes.

The Marines are laughing at her.

"I want you to understand Director this is nothing compared to the number of Sailors and Soldiers you have gotten killed." Grabbing the Director by the Back of her head, The Lt. Commander opens the fourth Freezer. "Take a good damn look Director."

She tries to kick but cant get away..

"Damn it Coss," Agent Nosse stumbles from the kitchen to the Garage. "You cant do this.." Agent Nosse has to hold on to Wall because the room is still spinning. "Let her go. Damn it.."

Coss lets the Director go and she runs to hide behind her woozy agent.

"Director do not judge these men harshly. We need them because the s$%^ is deeper then we imagined."

Trying to regain her composure, "Agent they're serial killers, chopping up the Cartel members and putting them in freezers.. Deeper, how could it be worse?"

"The suitcase we captured is the one that was supposed to be in Mexico. Julio did not have the whole picture." Agent Nosse stumbles backwards and the Director catches him. "The men got drunk because it is taking us some time to try and get the location. Problem is they dont trust us to get the info they need. They have a lead or two we dont. I was ignored and well, Isabelle's sister is eighteen." Nosse laughed as he realized he was only wearing boxer's, "Hey, I am naked in front of the Director of the CIA."

A voice calls from the Kitchen, "Where did my agent go? I found the handcuff's." other female voices from the kitchen respond..

"Madam Director pardon me, but duty calls. Lt. Commander she is a c%^&, but she is on our side." Agent Nosse stumbles around the director. When he reaches the kitchen they hear giggling and clicking hand cuffs.

Taking a deep breath,regaining her composure. "How did that happen? He is old enough to be her father."

"Seems you have kept Nosse on a leash to long. A third of those men in the freezers are his kills. He was an angel of death and reached Isabelle's sister first. He took four shots to the vest we as he carried her out. Seems to the victor goes the spoils. Her eighteenth birthday was four days ago, Legal in all fifty states."

"This type of crap ends careers," The director of the CIA got a look on her face. Noises of human origin were coming from the kitchen.

"I really dont think Agent Nosse cares about his career, especially right now." Coss shakes his head, "And oddly enough it brings us back to the main topic. None of you will catch them simply because your all time clock punchers."

"What do you mean, Lt. Commander," The Director was getting miffed. The human noises were getting louder.

"In the middle of a crisis, that could get millions killed your reflex is b#$%^ about career."

"You and your men got drunk," The Director tried to retaliate.

"These are the men who have made it back from the bars and clubs. Or were wounded. Agent Nosse, I ordered liquor forced down his throat to smooth his psychology. He reached a very bad point. So Isabelle's sister is actually doing her adopted country a service. Agent Nosse should be were I need him by noon tomorrow in his head."

"You sound like you know where the missing one is," The Director got a hopeful sound in her voice.

"Madam Director, you need to read up on General Van Ripper. As for your earlier statement, here is what I will be getting." Lt. Commander Coss smiled at the Director and hands her a list.

After she read the it, "This is evil."

"The Air Force,Seals, and Recon need to escort those people from Mexico to San Diego, ASAP"

"What makes you think the CIA kidnaps women and Children," The Director coldly responded.

"Because these are the family members of the people running around with a nuke in San Diego. Bringing their family in for questioning to San Diego makes it less likely they will detonate the nuke. Add in the fact you show the press asking their children if their father's touched them. Did they know their fathers were raping and killing police officer's children across the South US."

Pausing as she weighs the consequences, "Your authorized."

"I'll need that in writing, no offense."

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 02:52 PM
Next Day

"Just like you predicted sir," Lance Corporal Redson shook his head. "The CIA took the three most likely targets and they were negatory. They didnt even wait for us. F$%^ers, trying to make sure they do not owe us anything."

"How did San Diego's finest do," The Sargent Major asked?

Moving his virtual display around, "Sargent Major.. San Diegos finest broke orders and swat hit all five of the low priority sites." Redson laughed, "Good god,sir are you a telepath? These people all did what you said they would do."

"Lance Corporal I was hoping they would succeed and we would not have to do any work. The CIA can not afford to have us find the nuke first. I made the damn second bill way to high. " Taking a deep breath, "As for San Diego PD and associated offices. Remember Donner. Well you tell them it was terrorist the police will yawn and just go through the motions. Tell them that a pedophile ring that kidnaps police officers children is trapped in San Diego.They will kill."

"Lt. Commander it means this site is.. Damn it, why did it have to be our site," The Sargent Major shook his head, "I'll have Sargent West bring up the EM Field Generator. One day you will have to tell me where you got this from."

"When your old enough, I might Sargent Major. " Looking at the infrared screens, "Deploy the Rental vans per battle of the Straits scenario. Belay activation, remain on cold start on E M gen.. " The Lt. Commander detached his cell phone from his belt.

The Sargent Major relayed the Orders.

"Hey baby, I bet you never thought you would hear from me again," Lt. Commander Coss smiled as if he was face to face with the girl.

"You havent changed a bit Coss," A sigh come from the phone. The men are shaking there heads.

"I saw y0u in your bikini when I drove by. I wanted you to know I never forgot those three days or the smell of your body. Not to mention the fact your double jointed in the hips," Coss smiled as he counted on his fingers..

"Your a bad boy Coss. My husband," The lady was interrupted.

"What the hell did I tell you Coss," Her husband yelled on the phone. You could hear the lady giggle in the background. "I dont care that you are being promoted. I am going to personally beat."

" Admiral," Lt. Commander Coss yells. "Me and my men just had the CIA try to F#$% us. We have the missing Nuke on site. I repeat we have the missing nuke on site. We are prepared for retrieval of the suit case. We will need extraction. EM Field being deployed." Pausing as his words sunk in.

Cussing came from the other end, "Get me a damn pen now.." The Admiral yelled, "Confirmation, Nuke at site."

After giving the Location, "Confirmed Admiral. Central Intelligence Agency tried to get ahead of us and struck out at the the other sites. I need mission authorization Admiral.."

A long pause came from the other end of the phone, "Authorization for retrieval granted Lt. Commander. SEALs will be in route." After a moment, "I am still gonna kick your a$$ later Lt. Commander. Do what ever the hell it is that you do, I'll clean it up. Get that damn nuke NOW!"

"Coss out," The Lt. Commander hung up the phone. As he reattached the phone to his Squirrel suit. Looking over the edge, "I really hate this crap. Are you damn sure this is the best entry method Sargent Major?"

Looking over the edge with his officer, "Sir. It is my gut that this will work. The numbers are 50- 50."

Agent Nosse looked over the edge,"What I do for my country." The Sargent Major slapped him on the back.

Taking view of the men on top of this building and a few others, The Lt. Commander taps his ear com. He gives the Post hypnotic command out. The marines all pause as their brains re-adjust. Their bodies follow suit.

"All right you damn special needs sailors, Let see if knuckle dragging apes and one spy can fly. "The Lt. Commander Jumps and deploys his Squirrel suit. His men follow and they all correct into formation.

Site number four
San Diego, California

The Director of the CIA was not a happy woman, "What the hell happened here?"

"Mam, apparently," The Agent Paused as he looked up into the sky. "I'll be damned." He points up as do several other people.

"We got played. Agent Nosse's career is over." The Female Director of the CIA spoke, "I want those SOB's heads when this is done."

One of the DoHS agents stepped away to answer his phone, "Understood. "

The DoHS agent walks over to others from his department and gives orders..

"Just what in hell do you think you are doing," The Director of the CIA barked?

"No offense mam, I am on loan from the NSA. The head of the DoHS is on the line giving orders." Smiling, "Apparently the Navy and the Marines are picking up the pieces of your failed operation. They have deployed an EMP generator. The President is in the situation room with the Joint chiefs. It sounds like he just blessed Lt. Commander Coss and his men, God speed."

"This is utter BullS#$%," The Director was very mad!

posted on Jul, 1 2013 @ 10:07 AM
San Diego, California

The Lt. Commander drops from the ceiling, bringing a knife down with him. Using the force of the dive, Coss drives the knife into the Arteries of one of the men. The Lt. Commander lands wrong.

Before the others can respond, The marines are rinsing and repeating. The men already having their orders begin moving through the building.

Limping the Lt. Commander Growls, "Keep moving! " The Sargent Major helps the Lt. Commander move.


Out side Mosque
a mile away

The Snipers spotter shakes his head, "What the hell?"

"Looks like they are using hand to hand," Seeing something the sniper pulls the Trigger. One of the armed men outside the mosque falls dead, "Any com traffic?"

"None," the spotter moves his sights to the Vans. " They are trying to get the vans. Must be where the Lt. Commander has the Jammers."

"Admiral you getting this," The sniper quietly spoke as he pulled the Trigger again.

"What ever the hell you do, those damn vans are not to be taken. They are all that is probably stopping San Diego from glowing in the dark." Taking a deep breath, "Cover the Seal teams Marines. When they breach they will be going in dark."


White House
Situation Room

"They had only side arms when they Breached," The Sec Def spit out. "The SEAL's ETA is twenty seconds Mr. President. Bombers from the Navy West Pac fleet are airborne. They await your orders to level that building if the Lt. Commanders teams heat signatures show they are dead."

The President drums his fingers on the Table as he is watching the Satellite feed. "If we only had more Damn time. Tell that B#$%^ in charge of the CIA I want her resignation ten minutes ago. We could have done more." Looking at the Secretary of State, "I want to talk the Security Council after this is done.This crap ends today one way or another."

"Mr. President," a staff member spoke. "The news teams are recording from a distance. The World is watching. We need to issue some form of statement."

"We cant bury it Mr. President. We have divisions being flown in.They will secure the Vans. ETA is Five minutes." The Sec Def looks at the President, "We do have one issue we have to deal with. It appears that the Lt. Commander committed several.. Several questionable acts." Seeing the look on the Presidents face, "The bodies are chopped up sitting in his deep freezers in Coronado."

The President narrowed his eyes.

"I'll take care of it," The Cabinet looked at the head of the DoHS.

Inside Mosque
San Diego

The Seal Lt., and his men were working their way back to the Mosque offices.

"Sir, these are knife kills," The Senior chief is carefully walking around corners. "Mother F$%^ers brought knives to a gun fight."

The sound of Nine millimeter fire gets the SEAL's Attention. The Lt. gives his orders via hand signals. The SEAL's begin to converge on one of the Room.

"Where the F#$% are the escape tunnels you dug," The Lt. Commander questions one of the Clerics.

"No.. No Tunnels," the cleric responds.

The Marine guarding the room, "SEAL's!"

The SEAL Lt walks up to the Lt. Commander who is questioning one of the Clerics. "Why the F#$% are you asking about escape tunnels? More importantly, did you secure the.."

A bullet from behind a wall kills the LT. The Marine on guard drops and pulls the SEAL near him to the ground.

The Lt. Commander looks over and sees the Cleric Dead. He takes his knife and slits the dead man throat. The Senior Chief nods and gives hand signals to the SEAL's near him. The big man carrying the Fifty Cal points it towards the hole where the shots came from. A minute later the hole is a lot bigger.

"Senior Chief, Nuke secured. Detonator and brain removed," The Lt. Commander Crawls over to the Senior chief and hands him the Detonator and brains of the bomb. "Keep them separate."

"Lt. Commander we are looking for tunnels I take it."

"Aye Senior," Coss responds.

Ten minutes later
outside the Mosque

"My god," the Admiral closed his eyes. The Mosque had collapsed in on itself. "How many men made it out?"

The Colonel closed his eyes, "First count is thirty five. Plus fifteen dead belonging to us."


White house
Situation Room

Slamming his fist down, "Who authorized launching that crap?" The President was cussing..

"You'll want to see this," The Staffer turned to a TV.

".. CIA operation. Unfortunately, Lt. Commander Coss and his men died national heroes trying to retrieve a suitcase nuke lost by.." The head of the CIA was on the news.

An Angry look crossed over the Presidents face, "That B$%^&."

"I take full responsibility for the deaths that resulted from this op. The Islamic Terrorist according to our sources used conventional explosives to ensure we did not take them alive. As we speak," The Director of the CIA coldly spoke on the Television.

Taking a deep breath, the President turns off the Television link. Putting a hand to his head, "Spin?"
edit on 1-7-2013 by ripcontrol because: redaction under NDAA

posted on Jul, 1 2013 @ 11:56 PM

Lt. Commander Coss's House
Coronado, California

Isabelle and Jane Broke Down broke down as the news played. The tears just flowed.

"NO!!!!" Both sisters just held each other.


Admirals house

On her Cell Phone, "You GOD D@#$, B@#$ard. You got him killed on purpose.DO NOT COME HOME tonight." His wife throws her phone out through the closed window.

She sits down as she cries, "Selfish bas@#$%s." The Admirals wife poured herself a glass of wine.

Retired Master Sargent William's house
Front yard

"..but she slept," the boyfriend went down to one knee from the blow.

The Master Sargent's boot broke Brittany's boyfriend's jaw. He threw Jane's Boy friend, from the head lock he was in, into the cement mailbox. With a tear in his eye, "Dont you ever God D#$% say S#$% about those men. Get the F#$% off my property!!!"

Both girls turned their backs on their boyfriends and went inside.


Frisco Texas

Ari looked at his mother with tears in his eyes. She was crying as well, "Its ok momma.."

The red head reaches over and hugs her son as the tears fall.

Her husband Angrily walks into the kitchen saying nothing...

The little girl looks at him with tears in her eyes," You F$%^ing coward!" She storms off out of the Kitchen.


Niceville, Fl.

The old lady had broke down in tears as the news was playing. She dropped her drink when the Lt. Commanders picture came on the television. "My Son,"

One of the Air Force Recruiters in uniform had heard her statement. And got up to walk over to her.

The Drink landed on a young rich man, "You old broken down cow. Do you know how much these clothes cost? The Shoes alone must be more then your Social Security..You white trash.."

The Air Force Recruiter grabbed the man by his collar and threw him back. "Watch your mouth kid.. Ms Coss.."

"How do you know my name," Ms. Coss cried as she asked?

The Air Force Recruiter just sat down and gave Ms. Coss a hug.. "Its ok mam. They have to dig through the rubble.."

The young man walked back over to the Recruiter and Ms. Coss. "Who do you think you are military man? I want your name.."

An older, big burley customer just grabbed the snot nosed punk and put him in a headlock.. "From the sounds of it, a mother who just lost her son. And you ungrateful scum bag are leaving this fine dining Establishment."

The punk tried to say something only to have the headlock get tighter..

"When I got back, I was spit on by scum like you. That lady's son just saved your worthless a$&. " Looking at the Recruiter," US Army, retired." The Big Burly man walked out side as he dragged the punk with him. His other buddies listened for a minute as they all got off their bikes.

"Ms. Coss are you here by yourself," The Recruiter asked.

"Yes," the tears were falling. "He was supposed to call me this morning.."

The recruiter took out his phone and dialed a number.. It rang for a minute, "General Strag's office.."

"This Is Sargent Wilts, tell the General I found Lt. Commander Coss's mother. I am bringing her directly to his office."


OC Beach

"What's going on here," The manager asked?

Several of the Waitress's just sat at a table and cried.

One dropped a the beer container when Sargents West's picture came on the screen. She bit her upper lip..

The manager took a deep breath when he realized none of his waitresses were not working.

Reno Nevada

The Madam just collapsed to the ground when Sargent Major's picture was showed. One of the girls came and put her arms around the madam.

"Just shut it down,"The madam softly spoke.

Several of the other girls were crying..


MCRD San Diego

The female Sargent on guard duty just sat down on the inside of the guard shack, "You stupid little.." The tears fell.

"What the hell do you think your ding? Your a disgr," the PC officer yelled

The other Sargent on duty hit the PC officer so hard he broke two of the officers teeth."Get back up, sir I dare you. The Sargent is pregnant and just found out Lance Corporal Redson is assumed MIA."

"I'll have you," The PC officer whinced as another Sargent on duty kicked him.

"Sir, I just witness you sexually harass her. You then slipped and fell. SIR."

White House
Oval Office

The President poured himself another glass. Putting his feet up ,"I want them all put up for Congressional Medals of Honor. We lost good people today."

The CNO took a sip from his Bourbon, "Mr. President, I have already filed the initial paperwork. "

One of the Staffers came running in, "Mr. President.. Turn the TV on for channel Three. You will want to see this."

The CNO looked at the Staffer, "What could be.." The CNO paused as the TV came on..

"..blocks from the Mosque it appears that.." The Reporter droned on.

The CNO stood up nearly spilling his drink, "I'll be.."

"Get me San Diego NOW!" The staffer jumped at the President's order.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 10:47 AM
San Diego California
About two blocks from Mosque

The sound of applauding filled the air. The news cameras had been rolling and caught the wounded coming out of the Hole in the ground. The Dead bodies had been quietly lifted out.. Seven Iranian prisoners were being dragged by their beards kicking.

Covered in dirt and grime, another vocal figure emerged. Sargent West yelled back into the hole, "God D$%^ it Lance Corporal this isnt the Strip club."

As he was helped out, Redson shook his head. "With a due disrespect Sargent I thought yall were going to Reno for the damn brothel..I have a date to get laid with a very sexy Marine who outranks me. Senior, your damn SEAL's got us lost."

"Dont look at me Lance Corporal. I was hoping for Ti^$%s and some F#$%ing beer. I told you we were going to Hooters.." Senior knelt down and helped lift a metal briefcase out of the Hole.

"Hot wings," Sargent West smiled. "You think we can get to Hooters before they close. First Round on you Senior."

"F$%^ you marines," The Senior laughed as he motioned the Marines out into formation with hand signals.

Agent Nosse Climbed out with their help, "Damn it. I have my own plans. Their's this Eighteen year old in Coronado I intend to let get me drunk. Then she can have her wicked little way with me."

An older gruff voice came out of the hole, "I told you we are going TO F$%^ing Reno. I have lady friend who.." As Sargent Major climbed up, "May be when your older Senior., I might tell you the things she can do with her mouth."

The Senior Chief and the Sargent Major both reached down, "Yall quit your bellyaching.." The Lt. Commander yelled back, "I am tired and I am very horny." Smiling, "I think I am going to crawl into my hot tub and have a jack with coke. Maybe a PBJ.. I am however not taking my meds because we are all drinking. So we will do it all!"

"Sir," Senior asked?

"So far you all have outlined a basic program of getting drunk and laid." Coss had to have help to stand up. His foot had swollen to the point he fell down again. "Cut the damn boot off Senior!"

Pulling a switch blade, "Cutting off boot sir." The boot came off pretty quickly. "So you are ordering us sir.."

"To go get drunk and or laid. I'll put it in writing.." As he stood up he took the suit case. He limped over the three star Admiral as the nation watched . "Admiral."

The Admiral Saluted the men standing before him. They returned the salute..

The Director of the CIA walked up hiding an angry look on her face. Reaching for the suitcase, a desert Eagle went straight to her face. "I am the Director of the CIA. Put your weapon down Coss!"

With an equally evil smile, "I have never seen you before in my life mam. And it is Lt. Commander to you." Lt. Commander Coss pulled back the hammer. "Admiral, I am only authorized to turn the weapon over to a verified officer of flag rank per certain naval protocols. No offense to who this lady used to be. On behalf of the men I command I here by relinquish this pretty suit case to you."

Senior chief , reaches in and hands what he has to the Admiral, " And a few spare parts.."

"Take that gun out of my face. This is," The Director of the CIA was interrupted.

"US Soil, so unless you want to face more charges Madam. STFU.. " The Admiral looked at the Lt. Commander, "I accept the responsibility for one pretty suitcase and the .." Looking at the Senior Cheif, "Spare parts."

The Admiral takes the Suitcase and kneels to the ground. He pops open the item to look inside. He takes a small device and scans the suitcase. About ten seconds later it beeps.

"Colonel, Get all these men checked out by doc. Take my SEAL's back to Coronado for debriefing.. " Looking at Lt. Commander Coss. "Take him and his men to MCRD Sand Diego and put them up for the night."

As he started to walk away, "You cant just leave them here with a side arm leveled at me."

"For all that Lt. Commander Coss has done as a loose cannon, when it comes to the big plays.. That man is a complete a#$ over exact protocol. Per naval regs or his own, he feels your a threat to this item and therefore he will not budge till this suitcase is out of yours and anyones reach he does not trust."


An hour later
Hotel room

"Madam Director we have the Penthouse Suite secured," The CIA Agent nodded his head..

"I want to talk with my husband.. "

"Mam, he is in a meeting with some other agents over an earlier issue.. Your husband will be free in about two hours."

The Director took out a legal pad, "Have him call me. When he does I will have some chores for you to do. No one embarrasses mama like that. " Smiling, "I think it is time for a few accidents to take place. As for Ex-Agent Nosse. Count him as one of there's " She angrily shook her head, "Telling me F#$% off on national TV. And that prick.. Refusing to allow him to resign he commission as an Air Force reserve officer. And swearing him in.. They are fighting out of their weight class."
edit on 2-7-2013 by ripcontrol because: redactted

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 11:43 PM
MCRD San Diego
Gate Five
Three hours later

A duty driver van was stopped at the exit side. The bandaged and bruised PC officer looked at the driver, "Just where do you people think your going?"

Lance Corporal Redson opened the Driver side of the door and stepped down. He started to get in the Officers face. Top stepped in between the two pretty quickly..

"Lance Corporal Redson," Top shook his head. "I assume the rest of you and you merry band of men are on board."

"Top.. ITs just me and Lt. Commander Coss. We.. uh Borrowed the Duty driver van to take him.."

"Top.. I need to go back to balboa.." Coss spoke, "My ankle has swollen worse."

The Female Sargent heard Redson's name came running to that side. She ran straight into Lance Corporal's arms and kissed him. She buried her head in the Lance Corporal's chest, "I was so scared. Dont you ever do that to me again."

"I love you," Lance Corporal whispered to her as he fought back tears..

"I want her wrote up for fraternization," The injured PC officer growled.

Pointing right at the PC Officer, "He yelled at me." The Sargent got an evil smile on her face, "Then he got mad when I told him I would not sleep with him. He pushed me.." Putting up her best tears," Your gonna be a father Redson."

Top seeing the look on the Lance Corporals face, put the Officer behind him. The Lance corporal took out his boot knife..

"You know what sir, "Top spoke. "I am gonna send Sargent Utems with them as an escort. Sargent Call me when you all arrive."

The Petrified officer nodded his head. As the Lance Corporal started to move forward..

"What did the Top tell you Redson," Coss coldly spoke from the Van?

Redson froze in place.. "Sir?"

"What have I drilled into your head Lance Corporal?"

Redson sheathed his boot knife, "Yes Sir." Smiling he went around and opened the door for Utems.


San Diego Hotel
Out side, bottom floor

The sound of a Desert Eagle Firing fills the San Diego night. The automated police system reports the sounds of gun firing.

The sound of a woman's scream fills the night air. Her arms wail and body tumbles. It stops with a thud as she lands on a cab.


White House
Oval Office

"You will want to go wake up the President up for this," The Staffer spoke. "The Director of the CIA went out the window of her Hotel five minutes ago."

The Head of the DoHS shook his head laughing. Having to put his hand up, "Someone threw that witch out a window. We are passing out medals today.."

"After they killed the agents she had guarding her. They then shot the window out and threw her out it."

"They," The head of the DoHS paused. "Crap.. Where is the Lt. Commander and his men?"

The Staffer went grim faced, "About that. It seems that the Lt. Commander, his men, and 142 Marines Corps Recruits are missing from MCRD."

"Looks like she bit off more then she could chew. She did fire a.. Never mind.. We have to wake the President. He will need to be briefed." Sighing, "Have that Admiral go find his damn men."

Reno Nevada
Whore House
Hours later

"I said the place is cl," The Madam opened the door with a shot gun in hand.

The Sargent Major pushed the shotgun to the side. He reached over and kissed the Madam. "I think I have the keys. May we come in mam?"

She hugs him and kicks open the door. "Yall get in here before some one sees you. As for you my old goat, We are going straight to bed. Your Boys misbehave I'll denut you."

"Your heard the lady," The Sargent Major ordered. "My dear you might need to call a few more girls in. Some of these men have not seen a woman in three months."

"Fresh out of bootcamp," The madam looks at the Sargent Major. "Never mind you old goat. Your taking me to bed NOW!." She takes his hand and leads him in.


San Diego Airport
TSA Office

"Are you sure agent. Agent Bleau? What part of New Orleans are you from," The TSA Agent was suspicious?

"Baton Rouge.." The Senior Chief Posing as the DoHS agent smiled, "My parents moved when I was four to Texas."

The TSA Agent still had a look on his face.

"While I am here, I do have question for you. You live in this area?"

Stone faced the TSA agent nods.

"Do you know if they have something passable as crawfish and sweet Tea. So far all these Cali prissy boys serve is that peach crap."

The TSA Agent laughed and wrote down the name of a resturant, "Tell Cindy Rochea sent ya. They serve it fresh but its not a legal restaurant."

"I dont care, is it real sweet tea." Senior smiled, "He took the Address and made a copy with his phone. He made a show of carefully putting it in his wallet, "Thank you so much Agent."

"And dont worry about the paperwork foul up. Our systems got hit with another cyber attack. Shame the agents wife died, and suicide you say. You say his uncle is a high up. I'll have him brought to this office as soon as his plane lands. Damn Shame."

"From one agent to another, Thank you." Senior Chief smiled evilly.
edit on 2-7-2013 by ripcontrol because: FISA warrant

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 01:12 AM
out standing writing, seems as if it could be real, waiting for the rest of it.

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 09:39 AM
Male Strip Club
San Diego California

"See I told you honey," The Admiral's Wife parked the car. "It took me what, ten minutes to drive here."

Looking at the two FBI agents At the front door, "I never doubted you my dear."

As they got out of the car, one of the Two agents approached the car. "I am going to have to ask.."

"Darling if this d#$% man gets in my way I am going to kill him."

The Admiral took out his ID and handed it to the FBI Agent, "I recognize you. You were the agent that got blamed by the CIA."

"Yeah..Admiral. I got assigned this damn detail watching The two Hispanic chicks at the Lt. Commanders house. Your little lost sheep has been here engaging in extra curricular activities with the older one."

"How long has the Lt. Commander and his men been here," The Admiral Asked?

Opening his jacket, the Admiral see's a nonstandard desert eagle on the FBI agents hip. "Apparently ever since they left the recruit depot. First place this half came to. Coss called the girls and they met them all here." The Agent looked at the Admiral with a smile on his face, "Shame about the CIA directors suicide."

The Admiral gave a very cold look at the agent, "Your telling me as an FBI agent that the Lt. Commander and his men were here the whole night."

"We have guarded the front door all night. Besides the drunk women watching your recruits dancing on stage for the Navy Marine Corp relief society, having to hear oh Papi all damn night, and with the fact the Good congresswoman from this district is inside. She is getting mad because some of the women keep out bidding her for that hour alone with a young horny recruit. All in the name of charity."

"State," The admiral took a deep breath.

"Federal Congresswoman, Admiral. Seems as soon as she found out where they were. She came down to secure the Lt. Commander and his men appearing for a photo op at her office. She will vouch he was here the whole time."


The completely nude Isabelle had gone ghetto in her voice, "And you are?" She turned looking at Coss as she sat in his lap. Her voice went sweet and kind, "Who is she Baby?"

The Admiral's wife gives them both a look.

"Isabelle, this is MY Gretchen. Gretchen this is MY Isabelle." Isabelle got a hurt look on her face. Coss reached up and stroked the side of her face, "Its ok. She is very happily married to a good man. She is here to yell at me for a minute and leave." Giving Isabelle a kiss,"Could you go ask the DJ to put some better music on."

"I am not dressed," Isabelle gave a wicked smile.

Patting her on the rear, "Thats the whole point. They all know they cant have you. You get to tease them."

"Just for you," She stands up completely nude. She drops the blanket offering any cover. Coss watches her walk out of the room.

The Admirals wife slaps Coss, "That is for calling me and using me." She slaps him again, "That is for scaring me you dirty old man." Tears fell from the Admiral's Wife face. "I thought you were dead." She reaches out and kisses him on the forehead, I guess we really never did talk about us. What happened.."

"Gretchen it was ten years ago. The Major you were married to was a prick and you deserved so much better. You found a good man in the commander. He made Admiral because of you.."

She bit her upper lip for a sec, "What I did to you was wrong. I told my sister to tell you.." Coss looked away causing Gretchen to reach over and pull his face towards her. "Dont you dare look away from me."

She sees a tear in his eye..

She closes her eyes, "I hurt you more then I meant to. I was still married to a Marine Major. You were married to the fat cow. It never would have worked.."

"You need to leave Gretchen. " Taking a deep breath, "Your feeding me excuses. You sent your sister to deliver the message. I deserved a face to face at least. I never lied to you."

"You SOB, you did to. I talked with the Sargent Major over at MCRD. He called in his favor with you to seduce me as payback with my Ex. You arranged for my Ex. husband to sleep with those two enlisted, Navajo's as you call them."

"You need to fact check that my dear. At no time did I put a gun to the major's head and force him to sleep with those two. As for you, Your the one who invited me in for dinner after the Major had my drive you to pick up groceries. Your the one who poured all the drinks. Your the one who excused herself to the restroom and came back in a mixture of black and white lingerie." He had to wipe his eyes, " Gretchen. You are still one of the most beautiful women in the world two children later. Unfortunately, also still one of the most cold hearted B#$%es. I told you I loved you and meant it. Your the only woman I have ever been shot at over."

With tears in her eyes and the at the top of her voice, "Your the Dumb A$$ that didnt lock the top dead lock. I would have married yo.." She stopped herself and held Coss.

Coss just recloses his eyes and takes a deep breath.

edit on 4-7-2013 by ripcontrol because: ndaa redaction.. ATS made a government list again.. be proud of it

posted on Jul, 4 2013 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by Brotherman

They do when they are drunk and arguing with the air force..

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