posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 11:06 PM
That sounds like a neutron gun, basically a tube made of lead or something. A directed energy weapon. Thank goodness he didn't have the radioactive
material. He doesn't deserve it, and it violates global laws...about not hurting other people, geez. I think one of those laws says something like
you can't wear any variation of a towel on your head to be able to use one of those weapons. Pointy, floppy, it doesn't matter, if you don't have
style you can't shoot the nuke.
Why are these people rich enough to buy nuclear stuff but not enough to buy some wisdom about how not to go about taking over the world? He had an
evil genius edge except for that whole using the neutrons to cook people angle. Can't he figure how to take radiation out of things? A reverse
bosonic-curve beam gun or whatever. Maybe it's real, maybe it's made up. That would shut down nuclear facilities, drain them of their nukey power.
That would be awesome, to render something inert.
This, is like overcompensation. Big lead lined neutron gun, little moral compass.