posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 08:26 PM
The recent Bilderberg 2013 Conference at the Grove Watford.
What is a Grove?
Its to do with the Goddess Diana and the worship of snakes ... Sideline ....
1. GMO in the UK where as we were not having this poison thrust upon us .
Its Time to look again at GMO Food (poison) our PM
2 RBS make sure its sold as cheap as chips so taxpayers get chips while the stock exchange gets the gravy and even if its boss is making it better for
the minions just sack him... Rome gives bread and circuses but not too much bread
3 The War in the Syria
So there may be more but these are the Alerts I have seen after Bilderburg plus Cameron panickening over an EEU referedum
Can you add More ....
My Mantra
Vote for people who represent people not corparations
Lets make MP/ Senators banned from Lobbyist
and stop buying from corporations .... Wallmart, KFC, Mcdonalds, Star Bucks you know who I mean but make your own coffee, make your own burger , fry
your own chicken and live longer... Peace All
edit on 15-6-2013 by robertauthor because: (no reason given)
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you - Jak