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This Proof Can Impeach Obama, Fire 2 NSA Officials, And Possibly Even Clear Snowden

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+63 more 
posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 02:06 AM
My first contention is that Snowden can't be guilty of treason since he just repeated info that was already whistleblown the proper way by William Binney in 2012. But nothing ever came of it. Why? Because NSA Director, Alexander, perjured himself to the house. So all that Snowden exposed was the perjury!

Secondly I have here proof that 2 government officials lied under oath. And it is also my contention that they should be charged and also that Snowden should file suit against them due to his hardship from those lies. Without the perjury, Snowden would be in his own cozy bed since there would be nothing to expose.

Now I have shared this video before in another thread, but here is Binney blowing the whistle to Russia Today in 2012.

March 15, 2012

The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say)

Flowing through its servers and routers and stored in near-bottomless databases will be all forms of communication, including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Google searches, as well as all sorts of personal data trails—parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases, and other digital “pocket litter.” It is, in some measure, the realization of the “total information awareness

The 3 Liars

1. Clapper - And of course most of us have already seen this video of Clapper lying. Where as many contend that he was playing on words with the "not wittingly" comment. Proper protocol would have been him asking for a back room session to discuss top secret info. But instead, he perjured himself!

2. Alexander - Ok now it gets very juicy, and is our smoking gun. There is no denying perjury here... Here is NSA Director Alexander perjuring himself and darn good at that! You can't miss this video from March of 2012! Proper protocol would have been him asking for a back room session to discuss top secret info. But instead, he perjured himself!

3. Obama - Now these two videos also prove that Obama lied to the American people since he stated:

with regard to NSA's maintenance of a database of telephonic metadata, "every member of Congress has been briefed" on those programs

If congress was briefed, then why did they have to ask, only to get lied to? So my third contention is that Obama knowingly lied to the American people and also did not uphold the constitution that he swore under oath to protect. So, impeachment proceedings should begin immediatley.

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States

The thing is, that most of you have already seen most of these videos. But there is so much going on that everyone is confused in the whirlwind. So I have gathered the evidence into one tidy thread so we can get a roll on getting those 3 out of office and clearing Snowden.

edit on 15-6-2013 by elouina because: (no reason given)

+9 more 
posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 02:12 AM
Lying is not an impeachable offense.
There is absolutely no law against it, except if someone is under oath. So drop the Obama part. I don't care your ethical viewpoints about it. It's not illegal. End of discussion.

Yes, the people who lied under oath should he prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. and those are interesting videos you posted there.

+14 more 
posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 02:30 AM
And there is more. Every person in the senate or congress that was aware of the surveillance program, and did nothing to try and protect us, should be removed from office also. Here is their oath:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States."

Their oath consists of only those 14 words!

Everyone in a Federal office takes this oath. The constitution is the constitution and it is not up to them to decide to secretly take away the rights that were granted to us.
edit on 15-6-2013 by elouina because: (no reason given)

+40 more 
posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by Ghost375

Oh I get it, ethics shouldn't apply to a messiah! If you or I lied on the job we would get canned. Besides the point that Obama should be the primary advocate for every American by upholding our constitution. He swore an oath on that one. So no matter what he feels is right or wrong, he broke his sole oath of office and can be impeached.

So if you attempt to say that it doesn't count, may I ask why they have that big inauguration whoop te do over him reciting his oath?

+23 more 
posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by elouina

This whole issue carries the stink of rot. Decay of the American soul. Our appointed public servants swore to uphold the Constitution and Rights held within it.

They have abused the rights they swore to uphold. Any and every politician who knows/knew of the abuses and failed to stop or defend those rights deserves nothing put a pink slip and a size 13 up their collective asses to kick them out of office.

This is disgusting. I am disgusted. Republicans and democrats who abused our rights deserve nothing but absolute scorn!

posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 03:49 AM
reply to post by beezzer

So what do you think about my contention that Snowden never committed treason for something that was already whistleblown. I think it could very easily fly. And I do think he can sue for hardship due to their perjury. Honestly, I think this is an extremely valid point.

posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 03:52 AM

Originally posted by elouina
reply to post by beezzer

So what do you think about my contention that Snowden never committed treason for something that was already whistleblown. I think it could very easily fly. And I do think he can sue for hardship due to their perjury. Honestly, I think this is an extremely valid point.

Agreed. And I think that is why there is such an effort to soil Snowden's reputation and perception of him in the court of public opinion.

When they don't have a case, look to see his character, his associates slandered instead of a focus of the facts.

posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 04:56 AM
reply to post by elouina

Oh I get it, ethics shouldn't apply to a messiah! If you or I lied on the job we would get canned. Besides the point that Obama should be the primary advocate for every American by upholding our constitution. He swore an oath on that one. So no matter what he feels is right or wrong, he broke his sole oath of office and can be impeached.

Read the US Constitution:

he President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Article II Section 4 United States Constitution

And by the way, no one but Sean Hannity calls Obama "messiah" showing bias much?

So if you attempt to say that it doesn't count, may I ask why they have that big inauguration whoop te do over him reciting his oath?

The oath he took was this:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Article II Section 1 United States Constitution

You are confusing the oath of office with the oath people take in court to tell the truth.

Politicians lie, it's not an impeachable offense to lie. Because lying isn't illegal except when in court and under the courts oath to speak only the truth.

+42 more 
posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 05:01 AM
reply to post by HauntWok

Why isn't it an impeachable instance when a politician lies?

When I lie to a police officer doing an investigation, I can be arrested and tried.
When I lie as a doctor treating a patient I can be arrested for malpractice.
When I lie as an employee about a work issue, I can be fired.

But when a politician lies, he/she gets a pass because he/she is a politician?


posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 05:06 AM
Hmmm.....if Shia LeBouef hasn't been prosecuted ,I dont see why Snowden should be .

+3 more 
posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by HauntWok

Weak weak weak weak weak.....

You see the president is held to a higher standard than a common criminal,. Although right now I can't see any difference..
Please take note of, "violations of public trust", and "abuses of power". Adios amigos! We will not miss you!

Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution says, "The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." In his report, Independent Counsel, Starr accuses President Clinton of committing eleven acts for which he could be removed from office by impeachment. Are any of those acts "Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors?" Well, that's up to the members of the House of Representatives. According to constitutional lawyers, "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" are (1) real criminality -- breaking a law; (2) abuses of power; (3) "violation of public trust" as defined by Alexander Hamilton in the Federalist Papers. In 1970, then Representative Gerald R. Ford defined impeachable offenses as "whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history." An excellent definition, Mr. Former President. In the past, Congress has issued Articles of Impeachment for acts in three general categories:

•Exceeding the constitutional bounds of the powers of the office.
•Behavior grossly incompatible with the proper function and purpose of the office.
•Employing the power of the office for an improper purpose or for personal gain.

Impeachment: The Unthinkable Process

posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by beezzer

Why isn't it an impeachable instance when a politician lies?

Because they lie for a living. You were so naive that you actually believe the BS these people tell you? If not, then why get upset when it's found out that they lied?

Life's not fair now is it?

When I lie to a police officer doing an investigation, I can be arrested and tried.

Obstruction of Justice.

When I lie as a doctor treating a patient I can be arrested for malpractice.

Oh god, please tell me you aren't a doctor. For the love of all that is good and holy in the universe tell me you aren't a doctor. I would worry about all the people under your care if you were allowed anywhere near someone who needed medical attention.

When I lie as an employee about a work issue, I can be fired.

That's between you and your employer. Not my problem.

But when a politician lies, he/she gets a pass because he/she is a politician?

The people could (gasp) not re elect lying politicians? Maybe? It's kinda like firing them don't cha ya know.

+44 more 
posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by HauntWok

I asked an honest question and you reply with rhetoric and insults.

Alinsky much?

You have strengthened my argument and weakened yours. By supporting a president who has been shown to lie so blatently about so many things, you have illustrated perfectly how this administration should leave immediately.

Demanding honesty from a politician, a public servant, should be something everyone should be behind.

Providing excuses for poor presidents is weak sauce and reflects poorly on an individuals personal judgment.

posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 05:28 AM
The question should be is why are a lot of people not put under oath as they testify before congress? Seems to me when a person is to testify they should be held accountable for what they say.

If lying wwere illegal than maybe we wouldn't be subjected to endless campaign commericals in media. Politicians are a special case and have been known throughout history to lie and stretch truths to the breaking point since this country's inception. This administration is no exception to this rule. Known liars have been elected (and re-elected) because The People put them there. Just as simple as that. Anyone who thinks differently is just lying to themselves.

posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 05:31 AM
reply to post by beezzer

I'm not providing any excuse, it's just the facts. Politicians lie. I was under no delusion when I voted for Obama. I am still under no delusion about him. He is a politician, he lies for a living. I don't believe half of what any of them say.

This thread is completely childish, and shows exactly the mentality of the right. They can't make their case using better legislation, or better leadership, so they go after democrats and try and make them look worse.

Obama hasn't committed a high crime or misdemeanor, (at least not in this case) so there is no reason to start impeachment proceedings.

Face it guys, he's gonna be in office till January 20, 2017 And then we are going to get the next liar in office. Your petty attempts at trying to remove him from office based on non existent "evidence" or guilt by association just aren't going to work.
edit on 15-6-2013 by HauntWok because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by elouina

S&F for your presentation and logic.

I will most definitely be keeping an eye on this thread.

posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by Ghost375
Lying is not an impeachable offense.
There is absolutely no law against it, except if someone is under oath. So drop the Obama part. I don't care your ethical viewpoints about it. It's not illegal. End of discussion.

Yes, the people who lied under oath should he prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. and those are interesting videos you posted there.

Okay, so lets just assume that the President being caught lying on camera to the American people - and they elected representatives in congress - is not a crime...

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States."

The President of the United States has sworn the above oath, and the gathering of data of private and free citizens of the United States breaches that oath.

There is absolutely no way in hell you can deny this, I don't care how often you pray to your messiah every day or how much butt you are willing to kiss. This is an undisputed fact. He took an oath, and he has admitted that that his government - with his approval - has systematically acted in a way which breached the Constitution of the US.

However you want to try to cover or deflect, you cannot change recorded historical fact. This is a fact, you cannot possibly deny it.

And if you really want to carry on trying, please explain to me why Obama has invoked "special privilege" to prevent any investigation into whether it does breach the Constitution? Does that sound like the actions of a man who truly believes that what he's done and doing is legal? Please explain how you justify that action in your mind.

It would also be interesting to hear you justify how all those in Congress who have now been made aware of this are shocked and variously appalled at the level of intrusion they have now see. Why where they not aware of this? And why is it that those who were aware of it could be counted on two hands?

posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by Terminal1

So what gives you the idea that TESTIFYING in the house has no perjury repercussions?

+29 more 
posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by HauntWok

Ironic, isn't it?

I accuse both republicans and democrats for the filth and the violation of trust.

YOU turn it into a partisan issue by supporting a liar and defend his lying because he is a politician.

Funny how someone can support a liar. I mean, how? Really. How?

Is it on the issues? It can't be, because he has lied.
Is it on policy? It can't be, because he lied.

How can you (or anyone else for that matter) support someone when you can't believe what he says?

Talk about blind support for a political party!

Impeachment is a judgment on a presidents ability to lead. A president who can't lead, who lies at every turn deserves nothing less.

+34 more 
posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by HauntWok
reply to post by beezzer

This thread is completely childish, and shows exactly the mentality of the right. They can't make their case using better legislation, or better leadership, so they go after democrats and try and make them look worse.

I'm a left-leaning foreigner, I have regularly lambasted the Conservatives on these forums and elsewhere, but I am more shocked right now with the level of apologist statements coming from the left.

This is sickening to me, and truly worrying. Even when your president is caught up in the biggest scandal since Watergate - arguably bigger than that as it affects international relationships and the validity of governments all over the world - his cheer leaders are still jumping up and down in his defense!

What could this man do before you let that adoration slip? Would you have to see him shoving kittens on spikes? Or would you claim that Bush did it first so it's okay? Would you claim it's a "conservative conspiracy"? Would you excuse him by saying they must have been "evil kittens" or "deserved" to be put on spikes? Would you suggest the spike is legal? Would you redefine what cruelty is?

Just what lengths are people willing to go to to refuse reality in their absolute adoration of "the first black president"?

I think a lot of Americans need to grow the # up and stop mindlessly cheering for their "team". This is potentially the biggest and most shocking scandal your country has ever seen, and even though I cheered for Obama when he was elected, the man has seemingly become a criminal and deserves all the scrutiny and attack he's getting right now across the world. He should have been impeached the moment he stepped down from that podium.

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