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When did Americans become the enemy in our own country?

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posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 01:26 AM
When did Americans become the enemy in our own country?

It happens with almost every generation to some degree.
I'd start with the Whisky Rebellion, War of 1812, War Between the States, Spanish American War.
In the 20th Century, look at when the Sedition Act was created, the internment of Japanese, the Joe McCarthy era, Vietnam War (when I got tagged as "the enemy" being a protester), COINTELPRO and Watergate.
And now we've got the Patriot Act, NDAA, AHCA/Obamacare, FISA, ECHELON, Trailblazer & PRISM - the list goes on.

Regardless of our high words and libertarian concepts embodied in our founding documents, the Government always looks out for their own best interests - preserving their status quo and remaining in power.
We the People will ALWAYS be "the enemy" to our elected elite because WE believe them to be "public servants" and THEY believe us to be income-producing property.


posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 01:40 AM
A one world borderless would give us the possibility to tell the NSA to stop their infamous spy-system RIGHT NOW!

Nowadays, we have to say "pretty pretty please stop storing ALL of our data and hacking ALL of our servers, Mr President, mmmkay?"

This sucks! This sucks far more than the idea of not having a nice little home-country!

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by nrd101
LOL bastard americans lazy snots - oh california is USA? oh schnap

I swear, in any other country, if it was revealed that there was a massive surveillance program, there would be riots. It if was revealed that the corporations failed and needed like a trillion dollars of taxpayer money to be bailed out, there would be riots.

In this country, I don't think a lot of people would care even if there were drone strikes on civilians on U.S. soil or people were being taken to FEMA camps.

I tell people about the N.S.A. leaks, and they ask me why I'm worried about it, or why I care, or don't believe me, or don't know anything about them, or ask what I could do about it.

Sometimes I wonder if it would be beneficial for Americans to experience a crisis. But I certainly don't want to think that very often -

Although, getting rid of corruption in Iceland worked out quite well for them

edit on 14-6-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 01:59 AM
It happened in 1861 when Lincoln goaded Confederate soldiers into attacking Fort Sumter. That provided the pretext Lincoln wanted and needed to begin the Civil War, and ever since then the American people have been the primary enemy of the federal government.

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 03:25 AM
It all stems from the mentality of being tough on crime. That creates more prisons, and it creates stricter laws which throw people in prison. In addition to that, it toughens up law enforcement. It's the power behind militarizing our police, domestic spying is just another form of law enforcement. These types of things come about because of an over zealous push for feeling secure (the reality is often much different).

What the government is doing is a direct response to giving people exactly what they asked for. The problem is, what people were asking for isn't what they really wanted.

Security and freedom are mutually exclusive concepts, to gain some you lose the other, and when people ask for security they don't understand that it means giving up freedom. Before long we're going to have a true authoritarian police state, in the name of security.

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 09:00 AM
Pretty sad and scarey that I can't help but watch some of the things I type because how it could be taken by some bureaucratic agency as a 'threat'. This is what censorship looks like guys. Having to watch what you say so you don't end up on a no-fly list.

Like libertarian ideals? Think the government is too big? Think they're wasting your tax dollars? Think the president is in over his head, and that congress is a joke? Watch your words, you might just end up on a list. The USSR would be proud and Nazi Germany would be proud.
edit on 14-6-2013 by rock427 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 09:13 AM
Americans became the enemy, when our monetary value became so much more than the rest of the world, making coporations rethink how much they could rip us off, and still have public support. I feel that many powerful people, countries, and corporations feel that the average person should not have that much freedom nor be able to change the system, causing corporate america to wage war on the common folk. Then the Government gets involved, because its in their interest, to satisfy corporate america, as this is the only driving force keeping america going. The system became flawed when we adopted the Federal Reserve, Council on Foreign Relations, and militarized an Industry. That Industry wants to stay alive, and usually to keep a militarized industry alive you need Wars. This may not be how it all came about, but in my opinion, it sure started us down the slippery slope to where we are today as a nation.

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by Taissa

You answered your own question . It all started when this Mr president took office . Or so it seems. It has be brewing with the president before this one,but not to this degree .

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by Taissa


I haven't felt good to be an American since I was young, before 9/11. When my grandfather used to sit me down and talk to me about how he fought nazi's. How he saved people from tyranny. My grandfather died thinking our country a good place.

You and me both. I tear'd up when I read that. You and me both.

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 10:11 AM
The U.S. is following the Roman Empire's path and the road will end in the same manner. What we're seeing right now is the rise of our first Caesar (Emperor).

Obama also has a God complex. Establishing 10 Czars under him, and Czar is the russian word for Caesar. Caesars were the "king of kings", if a city or province surrendered then the current reigning king was allowed to stay in power and govern his people, if they rebelled they were exterminated and the survivors enslaved and the king would be dragged back to Rome in chains and paraded around before he would be beheaded. Obama being over these 10 Czars (Caesars) he is proclaiming himself to be God, since God is the one who puts kings and governments into power.

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by ganjoa
When did Americans become the enemy in our own country?

It happens with almost every generation to some degree.
I'd start with the Whisky Rebellion, War of 1812, War Between the States, Spanish American War.
In the 20th Century, look at when the Sedition Act was created, the internment of Japanese, the Joe McCarthy era, Vietnam War (when I got tagged as "the enemy" being a protester), COINTELPRO and Watergate.
And now we've got the Patriot Act, NDAA, AHCA/Obamacare, FISA, ECHELON, Trailblazer & PRISM - the list goes on.

Regardless of our high words and libertarian concepts embodied in our founding documents, the Government always looks out for their own best interests - preserving their status quo and remaining in power.
We the People will ALWAYS be "the enemy" to our elected elite because WE believe them to be "public servants" and THEY believe us to be income-producing property.


Awesome post Ganjoa! Like any centralized organization the federal government will fight to maintain its own interests, it becomes an entity unto itself, let alone third parties who want to use the government for thier own purposes. We need to stop feeding the beast and take it down to a useful and efficient size. There will always be a give and take between the people and the government, we just need to move that line a little.
edit on 14-6-2013 by DiscreteParticle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 10:46 AM
I´d say since your government was infiltrated and taken over by corporate zionists that believe there are too many humans on the planet and are actively seeking to reduce the number to a managable level in order to subjugate all nations and peoples under 1 flag forever

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by Bassago

Originally posted by darkbake
It is because Americans are compete IDIOTS in general who don't care about anything unless it affects their couch, beer, or television. I hate Americans, to be honest. They have no idea what has any real value in life. But I'll still fight to protect 'em.

Please darkbake, not all are not buried in text messaging or "Pretty Little Liars." Some of us are still here, we believe in America and what it used to mean. We see what's happening to our country and we know what has real value. We just don't know what to do to fix it.
I must disagree. We know HOW to fix it. We just WON'T. We won't get off the couch. We won't vote intelligently. We won't accept cut in government social spending. We won't require our LEOs to follow the laws they are supposed to enforce. We won't stop electing people we would not even want around our kids or in our homes alone with our wives. We won't STAND UP and say NO MORE! We just keep our heads down and hope to not get killed by a drone or have a head bag thrown over us as we disappear to God only knows where. We won't stop accepting government intrusion into out private lives. We won't punch a TSA agent in the face for sticking his hands in our daughter's panties.

A people gets the government it deserves. We have earned this government. Will YOU work towards earning a better government? Will you? Or will you just punch a keyboard?

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by Bassago
reply to post by darkbake

I wish we had Superman fighting the government.
We don't need a superman. We need EVERYMAN. We need real men to stand up and be counted. Why do you think real manhood is and has been under such a devastating attack for decades? The Pussification/Wussification of men in this country is far advanced. Soon there will be no men left to stand.

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by DarthMuerte

A star for you sir.


Anyone who cannot see the agenda is blind. The Patriot Act is passed in 2001, roughly ten years later our freedoms have eroded SUBSTANTIALLY. If PRISM is being put into action this year, where will we be in the next ten years?

There is something coming, something big and they're just preparing to cull the herd.

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by Taissa

This may sound harsh but here goes.
America`s chickens have come home to roost. The leaders of the US are evil people, and have always been evil people. But in the past, their evil deeds were perpetrated on others, away from your sight. They used your 'free' media as a tool to hide the terrible things done to others. And when they couldn't hide it, they spent immense wealth to spread propaganda about how the vile things they did were in fact good. They hired hundreds of ethics professors and lawyers and political scientists to build an entire philosophy justifying what they did. A massive intellectual framework to spin people's morality into confusion. Those guns are now pointed back at you. And from the way Americans have reacted to the NSA scandal, I'm pretty sure the elite have nothing to fear.
edit on 14-6-2013 by Irako because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by AshleyD
reply to post by Taissa

Great post.

Unfortunately, it is not just America. All over the globe citizens are being taught patriotic pride is offensive.

I personally feel it is an intentional plot to program us into accepting a one world borderless NWO.

I believe This may shed some light as to WHY we are seeing the demise of good that we are,

EUGENICS, how the Masses will be MURDERED to spare the ELITES.

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by Irako
reply to post by Taissa

This may sound harsh but here goes.
America`s chickens have come home to roost. The leaders of the US are evil people, and have always been evil people. But in the past, their evil deeds were perpetrated on others, away from your sight. They used your 'free' media as a tool to hide the terrible things done to others. And when they couldn't hide it, they spent immense wealth to spread propaganda about how the vile things they did were in fact good. They hired hundreds of ethics professors and lawyers and political scientists to build an entire philosophy justifying what they did. A massive intellectual framework to spin people's morality into confusion. Those guns are now pointed back at you. And from the way Americans have reacted to the NSA scandal, I'm pretty sure the elite have nothing to fear.
edit on 14-6-2013 by Irako because: (no reason given)

Probably THE best accurate Truth telling post I've EVER read on ATS.

I've been going back and forth with this Very issue...questioning our very own (intimate) responsibility for the evil...

We can Only lane the Government for their role, there comes a time when we ALL have to look in the mirror to see our OWN Role in this, and THAT is where majority stop, and Refuse to look.

While I appreciate your Genorisity, in assuming that the People were deceived by the Exceptionalism propaganda machine, in all honesty it simply is not 100%true, the fact is, majority of people KNEW about the EVILS done and yet JUSTIFIED THEM because one,

They are Racist to the core (geo political racism)

They are Classist to the core (ESP against their own poor)

And last

They are Misogynist to the core (and if you feel zero empathy for half of the human race and justify evils and harms done TO them, especially if that half is of the Poor or other Races, then you justify ALL evil to a wider population).
Women are guilty of this as well, benefitting from the lower rungs oppression of females that ensulates them from male violence and poverty.

However, THAT all being said, Americans are NOT the only ones Guilty of this, though the anti-oppression agendas, meaning those who Hijack those movements, for their own Jealousy because truth under is that They desire to be the top and rule...etc.,are Just as guilty of the very same Prejudices in their Own communities and regions,

And IF they were in Power they would do the exact same evil that the Western governments have done, they PROVE this by how they treat their own, Including those segments that "allow" themselves to be sold out and turn right around and like Judas sell their own I to slavery AND aid in the Oppression of their own,

The Judas segment of communities world over are More the cause of evil, than the Despots on the thrones, for Without the Judas, there would be no selling of the lower rung to the masters for a Pittance of Redemption monies,

And it's that Crawling over the bodies of the bleeding out FOR those Crumbs, those Silver Coins to buy out ones way out of slavery,

But they Don't just crawl over, oh no,

They Turn and SELL the vulnerable TO the Destroyer, the Beast to not just save themselves, but to become a part of the Pharoahs Temple. THAT is the real evil, and they are in EVERY NATION, RACE, CLASS, RELIGION, and GENDER.

See its Easy to target the Despots ON the thrones because they are in the sight of everyone,

It's the Judas in disguise, wearing the mask, being the angel but demon underneath, that is the Real culprit, and they are in our most intimate of space,

And the most dangerous, because BY the time we notice then weve already been sold out by them. They betray us with a kiss,

And here's the worst part...on some level, ALL OF US, have been the Judas,

Lie about your neighbor, you're a Judas
Gossip about a woman because you are jealous or scoff and ridicule the poor prostitute you are a Judas
Ignore the homeless you a Judas
Support violence from your own Brotherhood you are a Judas

Anytime we benefit from another's oppression and misery and choose to not just save ourself from the same, but to somehow BENEFIT from that oppression, for COMFORT,

We are Judas.

And so you add that up and increase it, you've empowered the Beast more and more then One day, the Beast after devouring all the victims that YOU WE handed over,

Is still hungry.

Well guess what, Who does that Beast devoiur now?

Complicit support of Evil on any level, never saves only serves to empower the Beast, and we will all die,

In a field, like Judas.

And all that will be left,

Is the thrown aside silver coins....that will mean nothing.

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by AshleyD
reply to post by Taissa

Great post.

Unfortunately, it is not just America. All over the globe citizens are being taught patriotic pride is offensive.

I personally feel it is an intentional plot to program us into accepting a one world borderless NWO.

Great thread. I'd call what is being done more like dehumanization by eroding dignity and
individual responsibility. Add to that critical thinking, and it doesn't matter where you live--
you're not living anymore. Autonomy and tyranny don't mix, ever.

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by ganjoa

When did Americans become the enemy in our own country?

When the government decided that people who are.......

-Member of the Tea Party
-Gun Owners
-NRA Members

Well, these people are considered "threatening" or at least worth keeping tabs on.

Remember when they called people with the Tea Party terrorists?
And yet the Ft.Hood shooter isn't labeled one even tho he has ties with Radical Islam and he stated he killed in defense of Bin Laden.

And the Boston Marathon bombers had postings on FB and a history for their disgust towards the US, even though they liked gov. asst., and yet the NSA/FBI surveillance didn't pick up on them.
I guess they were to preoccupied with the real Americans and what our views/interests are, collecting our data.

We need to wake up as American citizens and unite, regardless of our political/religious affiliations, regardless of our race, and stop this bullying and invasion by our government.
And it applies to who ever is president, Repub/Dem. alike.

Think of the kids of today.
What ever info collected on them now through the years will be held against them in the future.
That info is to target their so-called

Very good thread.......


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