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The Symbolism of Game of Thrones

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posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 10:32 PM
I got to thinking about game of thrones and it occurred to me that there seemed to be some symbolism here. Fundamental symbolism's, where characters embody particular concepts and ideas, or as they're often called, archetypes.

Much of it is typical symbolism. The "first kings" i.e. the targaryans, represent the most natural state of affairs. Only after becoming intoxicated with their powers do the "dragon kings" lose their power. The dragons are no more. The dragons are the power of self insight. The Dragon Queen, Daenerys Targaryen, is the "mother of dragons", or self insight. She goes from town to town churning out her democratic wisdom: there are no slaves, all people have the freedom to choose how they want to live. etc.

The rest of the cast represent nothing more than archetypal obstacles towards that attainment, when the "mother of dragon" i.e insight, takes back her kingdom i.e. control of her body, her life, etc. The Starks are clearly a symbol for the "good guys". They are honorable, forthright, incapable of guile, disobedience or disloyalty. In RR Martins universe, or perhaps, in fact as well, too much niceness, or, naivety, results in your head getting cut off or your family getting butchered at a wedding with someone who once swore to take vengeance against you. Their sheer niceness blindsided them to a high probability scenario.

The Lanisters are an example of sheer corruption: lovers of money, power, subterfuge. If anything, they represent how most kings function, or rule, which is why it is so apt that they are the general rulers of the 7 kingdoms. The 7 kingdoms probably have some metaphysical correlation, perhaps "powers" of the soul. Each Lanister probably personifies a specific archetype. The product of incest relations is Joffrey. The brother and sisters unnatural desire for each other produces a king obsessed with temporal power, but is too young and ignorant to know how to wisely use it. Tyrian, a good guy character, might symbolize (its a wonder how peter dinklage can so maturely play such a character) a lanisters true self estimation of itself. Tyrion is unable to be cruel. It's funny. He's the only real intellectual amongst them, he's also business savy (and a horn dog). You could say Tyrion represents the only salvageable archetype of the lanister character.

And the Barratheons probably represent an intermediary state. They are led by an "ideal" symbolized by the God of light. The god of light, typical of most idealisms, commands all sorts of evils for the sake of a final good. Great visions, futures, have been seen by the prophets of the god of light. But of course, they are radically irrational and unpredictable.

I'm sure there's more. Littlefinger and the Eunuch probably symbolize specific ego-centric drives: individualistic ambition and pathological insensitivity. Littlefinger came from "nothing" and is slowly but surely adding to his lot, allowing nothing get in the way. The eunuch, on the other hand, is so doubleminded its hard to know where he stands on anything. Is he as nice as he can sometimes appear? Or is he two faced, the callous monster on the inside screened from view by an affable veneer? These two qualities, calculating and indifference, are general attributes of most societies. Them being not apart of any ruling house could symbolize their externality to the inner battle going on between the individual houses. The temptations and allures of the world, create the vices of connivance and indifference.

Of course, I may be wrong. But it does seem GRRM may have built in a symbolic sublayer to his writing the tales of a song of ice and fire.

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 11:55 PM
I would not know nowadays.
Ever since the midget put his foot in his mouth and made a stand against my 2A rights with that foolhardy "demand a plan" nonsense, I will not patronize anyone involved until a public apology is made.
So as for season 3, I haven't seen and most probably wont.

posted on Jun, 6 2013 @ 03:05 AM
Symbolism in a made up world of symbolic rule.
Ya don't say !

Actually, the only symbol I want to see about it for the time being is [SPOILER] tags on every damn place on the internet that refers to it.

I was unfortunate enough to read what happened by merely glancing at a stupid website.

stupid internet...

edit on 6-6-2013 by winofiend because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2013 @ 09:46 AM
I have to take the Freud route and say the real symbolism is the author's sexual feelings towards his sister (Darleen) and mother (Margaret), combined with his recurring themes of tragedy, loss, loneliness, and romanticism.

But of course, only my opinion....
edit on 6-6-2013 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2013 @ 09:50 AM
Symbolism be darned .... it's just a really entertaining set of books/shows.

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