posted on Jun, 8 2013 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by abeverage
We are obviously on different ends of this, so this will be my last reply, no sense in us beating a dead horse when we are at a stalemate.
However, why did they choose the towers and not the white house? Well, because the white house is just a symbol, nothing of real importance there,
they might catch the president there but honestly he can be replaced easily enough. The twin towers however, were a center for companies to do world
trade and was an economic center in America. Terrorists thought it would cripple the economy attacking a target like that and would do more damage to
the nation than destroying the white house which would do nothing. Also, who is to say the one plane where those brave people actually sacrificed
their lives and took the terrorists down with them wasn't heading for the white house?
As for why the pentagon is a pentagon, well they had orders not to make it more than four stories tall and use minimal amount of steel. So, that
leaves a pyramid out of the question and a full square or rectangular building would use a lot more steel than a pentagon. It solved the height and
steel issues, but gave enough space for their needs.
The 4:20 thing is exactly my point, the directors put it in there as a joke. Neo was in an emergency situation so the directors might have thought it
cute to make his passport expire on 9/11. Some movies like to go hardcore in the subtle symbolism in there movies, hell as a star wars fan I didn't
realize how much symbolism was in the movies for samurai and all that until I watched a documentary on it.
Though, all I still hear is all these things the elites do starting after the 1900's. I'm still waiting on past attacks they planned and taunted their
subjects to in the past. Like I said before, the Chicago fire sounds like a perfect thing the elites would do or the burning of Rome. They probably
didn't like a dominate power like Rome and manipulated Nero to keep things in check so their grip on global power would continue on through the
centuries. There is no way the elites have this much control and their hands in EVERYTHING just by coming to power in the last hundred of years. They
would need deep roots throughout the centuries and these kinds of planned attacks against the people would be a reoccurring theme.
edit on
8-6-2013 by deathlord because: typo