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Profound Truth - Not Earned and Not Taken

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posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by 3NL1GHT3N3D1

I would have to either find a link to the Hebrew chapter or a link to site that had that information for me already. But I haven't found it readily, and I can't go through and count the words and letters, because I don't read Hebrew.

So, if this mathematical equation is real and true, then EWR is going to need to show us his work to prove it. Otherwise..............

I'm not the best with math.

I used the calculator on my phone, but I'm not sure I understood the equation correctly.

edit on 23-8-2013 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by 3NL1GHT3N3D1
reply to post by EnochWasRight

I'd like to see if this calculation works in any other language besides English. Is it the same in Spanish, French, Hebrew, Greek, etc.? I'm guessing it won't be.
edit on 23-8-2013 by 3NL1GHT3N3D1 because: (no reason given)

Hebrew and Greek are both alphanumeric languages and each letter is also a number.Gematria is calculating letters and words in Hebrew ,Isopsephy is used for Greek.Those are the true languages of the scriptures ...the numbers and their calculations.There are many systems(like ELS) that use these calculators to decipher what the scriptures mean which is chasing a red herring down a rabbit trail.It is based in Truth but pursed for the wrong ends.It may look convincing in The Da Vinci Code but is not The Truth.

The numbers are a mountain of evidence however it cannot empirically "prove" as Enoch is postulating with Hebrew letters and words.The equation is infinitely complex and can't be known unless it is revealed by the creator.

It must start and be based on the foundation(The Fibonacci number sequence) not hap haphazardly shot from a cannon at anything that moves.The math of the creator is unfathomable I have done thousands of calculation and the rabbit hole just gets deeper and deeper with no end in sight and always will.However it is only evidence(galaxies of it!!) it cannot empirically be proved because the complete "unifying" concept cannot be known.It is impossible to prove God or know him through this process it is only revelation of things seen in a mirror.It is an infinite process not an event.

I am confident (without proof) that all the major theorems of math are in the scriptures(which the completion is for the moment lost in history).What their purpose is is mainly a mystery.The 2nd most intelligent person who ever lived (1st being Tesla) Issac Newton couldn't figure it out because he didn't start from the beginning and ended up being a failed alchemist with no proof...Yes the Truth is OUT there but it can't be proved ....only known through revelation.
edit on 23-8-2013 by Rex282 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by Rex282

Rex, are you familiar with The Meru Foundation , and Stan Tenen's work?

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by windword
reply to post by EnochWasRight

If you take the product of letters times the number of letters in Genesis 1, then divide the product of words times the number of words, you get 3.1415. You don't get all of Pi. You get it to four decimal places.

I don't get the same answer as you.

There are 28 letters in Genesis 1:1 28x28=784
There are 7 words 7x7=49


What am I doing wrong?

edit on 23-8-2013 by windword because: (no reason given)

The link shows you all the words, their values and how it arrives at the product. Check this link: LINK

In the podcasts, Missler then goes into the history of the Rabbi that found this relationship.

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 06:40 PM
Greek for spirit is pneuma=πνεύμα


144 is the 144 thousand of Rev 14 where they are called the firstfruits.The first to mature of the harvest.144 thousand isn't a quantity it is a quality(I'll show and explain that below) they have been baptized with the spirit and are 1st to grow in a relationship of communion with God..Everything is a ratio a "relationship.The Golden Ratio is


They are both infinite numbers that continue on to infinity which is signified by the mathematicians way of calculating Phi ........


this is just one stage of Phi .It continues to grow closer and closer to 1.618 but never resolves.What does this have to do with 576 and 144 ... EVERYTHING!!

Another way of calculating phi/Phi is to divide adjacent Fibonacci numbers (Fn) it just so happens 144 is a Fn Fn12=144.

btw besides Fn1=1 ..Fn12=144 is the only Fn that is a square of it's Fn


That is very significant.It immediately identifies 144 and its close "relationship to "1" ...unity..God the creator of ALL.

To sum Phi calculate
89/144= .6180555555555....

notice both Fn are divided by 144.The sum is exactly a ratio of 1

It isn't until Fn37/Fn38 and Fn 39/Fn38
that the "mathematicians "phi/Phi" starts calculating with Fn.


24157817/39088169= .618033988749895..........

phi/Phi is the perfection of the Universe things seen and unseen which is calculated by Fn which is how everything grows.That is why the whole system of feasts days is based on things that grow and their relationship.(wheat, barley,lambs bulls etc)

I have calculated numbers that are "close like the example shown in the Missler link and I don't think they are a coincidence however I do think when the numbers are perfect they are much more significant evidence.

For example.
144 cosine=-0.809016994374947
576 cosine=-0.809016994374947
666 sine= 0.809016994374947

288 cosine= 0.309016994374947
432 cosine= 0.309016994374947
522 sine= 0.309016994374947

0.309016994374947x2= .618033988749895

as you can see 666 is not the evil maligned number it has been twisted into.It signifies phi/Phi also.

The thousand of the 144"thousand" is phi-Phi
In Greek the 21st letter(which 21 = Fn8) is phi/Phi

and again not so coincidentally in binary code 8=1000.That leads to a WHOLE other universe of "coincidences" that ..aren't...

........This is only the beginning of the infinitely "perfect" calculations.EVERYTHING is signified by the perfect language Math...

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by windword
reply to post by Rex282

Rex, are you familiar with The Meru Foundation , and Stan Tenen's work?

No I hadn't read it before however I did read a few of them now.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by Rex282


Personally, I enjoy his video lectures. He speaks in such a simple way, conveying such complicated mathematical and geometric formulas, that even I, who flunked pre-algebra 4xs, can understand.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by EnochWasRight

Salvation, Life-Eternal etc... is given to those that can live by the 2 teachings Jesus had brought that also fufil the 10 commandments. Love God about all and your neighbor as yourself. Those that are more about love to others instead over selflessness are on the path of love and light which is the way of God. Every human being will be given the opportunities in life to demonstrate a service to others or service to self acts.

Some think that reading scriptures and believing in Jesus or God will get them salvation. read what Jesus himself bodly said in John 5:39
edit on 26-8-2013 by TheBrother because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by TheBrother
reply to post by EnochWasRight

Salvation, Life-Eternal etc... is given to those that can live by the 2 teachings Jesus had brought that also fufil the 10 commandments. Love God about all and your neighbor as yourself. Those that are more about love to others instead over selflessness are on the path of love and light which is the way of God. Every human being will be given the opportunities in life to demonstrate a service to others or service to self acts.

Some think that reading scriptures and believing in Jesus or God will get them salvation. read what Jesus himself bodly said in John 5:39
edit on 26-8-2013 by TheBrother because: (no reason given)

I somewhat agree with this. God prepares a person first with faith.

John 6:65

He went on to say, "This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them."

It is an enabling process. This allow a person to then receive the name. Once they receive (not take) the name, salvation is given. None of us have experienced salvation yet. Although we may have been delivered from a lifestyle or other type of bondage, salvation is removal from the water to the Spirit. At least, this is how I read John 3 and other passages concerning baptism. By baptism, I am referring to being immersed into the waters of life. We are all here today in that state of immersion if we are alive as a mortal.

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