posted on May, 24 2013 @ 07:53 AM
While I sympathize with your disability, I think part of the problem was requesting people to stop using annoying (to you) avatars. People shouldn't
have to check with someone to see if their avatar is too annoying. Everyone should be able to use whatever avatar they like so long as it falls within
the ATS T&C.
Having said that, it would've been far easier to utilize the many options available to you on your end to help you cope with your disability instead
of requesting others to change their avatars to suit you.
Originally posted by enament
It is sad because there are posts I would like to read but can't.
But actually, you can. There are several options available to you. Including the ones you mentioned here and in your thread, you can also resize your
browser window and scroll the avatars to the left so that you only see the post.
With the many options available to you on your end, there should be no reason to not be able to read and enjoy everyone's posts. There are always
going to be people with annoying avatars and there's nothing that will ever change that. And there are those few that deliberately use annoying
avatars to do just that: annoy others. Utilizing the options on your end will enable you to read whatever you want without distraction or annoyance.