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Palestinian / Israeli ad causing controversy in NYC.

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posted on May, 20 2013 @ 11:18 AM

Apparently, this was the brainchild or action of a single man, Henry Clifford.

Looks like the ad is referencing a map of Palestine from 1947 to 2010 and then gives a number of Palestinian refugees.

What I find just as interesting is that hes given his email directly on the ad! Facebook ok, but email?

Agree or disagree with the ad, my take away from all of this is that change can be affected by a single person.

We dont give ourselves enough credit with regards to the power we have as individuals.

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 11:30 AM
How is this ad antisemitic as one of the people claim? It says nothing negative about Semitic people. And of course the terrorist group the ADL says its misleading no surprise there. And as filtered as our MSM is to be pro Israel it is no surprise that some of the people had no idea what a current map looks like.
to the guy who paid for it and
to the NTA for saying the poster can stay.

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 11:40 AM
Move along folks..

edit on 20-5-2013 by FreedomEntered because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 11:41 AM
the ADL screaming "anti-semitic" is like the black community screaming "slavery"

we've heard it so much, for so long, nobody is listening anymore

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 12:05 PM
These idiots who say the ads are "Anti Semetic" are just morons.

This was covered last year by the way.

Pamela Geller really hated these ads

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by FreedomEntered

Move along folks..

edit on 20-5-2013 by FreedomEntered because: (no reason given)

You do realise the OP has a silver border don't you ?

That takes some doing, it means it's generally worth a read.

Some newbies

I'm not sure. I'd have to look it up, but I think that last map is tad misleading. I can't quite put my finger on it. I think it might be an over exaggeration of the settlements in the west bank, that is to say perceived ownership by the settlers as opposed to actual ownership. When I served in the territories
I'm sure there was more Arabic land than Israeli.

I could be wrong


edit on 20/5/13 by cody599 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by gladtobehere

this bloody cracks me,
I LOVE how they are running out shouting it ANTI SEMITIC how dare they show this in New York where
we have every right to Influence the American people and their prospective of Israel and the Palestinian conflict.

This Advert is making Racist and degrading to Jews and an attack on the Jewish People

someone slap this fool with a trout please

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 02:37 PM
why would you want to see my kids die bodrul?


edit on 20/5/13 by cody599 because: (no reason given)

edit on 20/5/13 by cody599 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 03:02 PM
Nothing antisemitic about it. But it is false deceiving map.
1946 map of British province of Palestine shows in white land owned by Jews and in green land NOT owned by Jews. Green on that map includes land owned by Palestinian arabs (which is the majority but not all) ,land owned by British mandate of Palestine,land owned by Bedouins, land owned by different nationalities , foreigners and ctr.

1947 partition map shows land for Israel and land for Palestine, irrelevant of nationalities of individuals that were supposed to live in those 2 future states. Still, borders and size is unfair but Arabs refused the idea of partition at all, is what not issue of getting too little land, it was the idea of Israel that was unacceptable at all. However without Zionism and Jews pushing for independence there would not be independent Palestine too. Just like it did not exist for centuries prior to it.

1949-1967 map shows Israel in white, but land owned by Egypt and Jordan by green for some reason.

Cant see the video since it is blocked locally but i assume next is post 1967 map that shows in white Israel and Israeli settlements and in green occupied territories bar the settlements.

The thing is ,there is no consistency between the maps. White and green shows different things in each map,creating the illusion that never existing prior to 1990s Palestine is loosing land while white area that shows different thing each time grows. And this is deceiving.

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

map shows the expansion of Israeli settlements into the westbank and how the separation wall which is built in the west bank has carved up the place.

it shows how the Israeli territory has expanded over the years and even after new lines were drawn it still expands into what is left of a Palestinian state.

also use proxmate for firefox to get past these stupid region blocks

Originally posted by cody599
why would you want to see my kids die bodrul?


edit on 20/5/13 by cody599 because: (no reason given)

edit on 20/5/13 by cody599 because: (no reason given)

I am Lost
where did i say i want to see your Kids Die

I want to slap the fool with a trout in that video but thats no reference to you or your family

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by bodrul
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

map shows the expansion of Israeli settlements into the westbank and how the separation wall which is built in the west bank has carved up the place.

it shows how the Israeli territory has expanded over the years and even after new lines were drawn it still expands into what is left of a Palestinian state.

also use proxmate for firefox to get past these stupid region blocks

Originally posted by cody599
why would you want to see my kids die bodrul?


edit on 20/5/13 by cody599 because: (no reason given)

edit on 20/5/13 by cody599 because: (no reason given)

I am Lost
where did i say i want to see your Kids Die

I want to slap the fool with a trout in that video but thats no reference to you or your family

But Palestinian state did not exist in 1946,nor in 1947. It did not exist prior to Oslo agreements and even then it was autonomy till recent developments.
There are settlement ,and there is building in settlements - but this set of maps and usage of white and green is still deceiving.
Let me bring an extremely unfitting imaginary example that nevertheless will pinpoint the problem - set of maps that shows fictional scenario featuring Australian natives and Europeans in Australia.
First map shows area owned by Europeans in 1770 in white - rest is green. There is no independent states ,it is all part of British empire.
Second map shows fictional plan of partition between Europeans and Natives. White here is Australand while green is Nativia.
Third map shows in white Australand and in green parts of Penguinia and Kengurustan.
Forth map shows Australand and its settlements in white while occupied territories in green.
Green has different meaning in all 4 maps. White is the same in 2 but different in 2 others. This is not deception?

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
But Palestinian state did not exist in 1946,nor in 1947. It did not exist prior to Oslo agreements and even then it was autonomy till recent developments.

There are settlement ,and there is building in settlements - but this set of maps and usage of white and green is still deceiving.

Let me bring an extremely unfitting imaginary example that nevertheless will pinpoint the problem - set of maps that shows fictional scenario featuring Australian natives and Europeans in Australia.

First map shows area owned by Europeans in 1770 in white - rest is green. There is no independent states ,it is all part of British empire.

Second map shows fictional plan of partition between Europeans and Natives. White here is Australand while green is Nativia.

Third map shows in white Australand and in green parts of Penguinia and Kengurustan.
Forth map shows Australand and its settlements in white while occupied territories in green.

Green has different meaning in all 4 maps. White is the same in 2 but different in 2 others. This is not deception?

how many times do we have to post historical maps of Palestine, links to old passports which predate the construction of Israel and so on (how many times does this have to be posted)
i would expect a new member to ask but you -_-


think the final maps more of how settlements have effected the demographics of the westbank
if you look at the expansion of settlements of Israelis in the west bank they have created a spegiti of crap around the place.
most settlements have gone deep within the westbank

The map shows how Israel expanded from couple of Jewish areas to what it is now,
before the creation of Israel, the land was mostly Palestinian until of course it was carved up by the UK
and after that how Israel has expanded its boarders which were given to it by the British over the years.

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by bodrul

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
But Palestinian state did not exist in 1946,nor in 1947. It did not exist prior to Oslo agreements and even then it was autonomy till recent developments.

There are settlement ,and there is building in settlements - but this set of maps and usage of white and green is still deceiving.

Let me bring an extremely unfitting imaginary example that nevertheless will pinpoint the problem - set of maps that shows fictional scenario featuring Australian natives and Europeans in Australia.

First map shows area owned by Europeans in 1770 in white - rest is green. There is no independent states ,it is all part of British empire.

Second map shows fictional plan of partition between Europeans and Natives. White here is Australand while green is Nativia.

Third map shows in white Australand and in green parts of Penguinia and Kengurustan.
Forth map shows Australand and its settlements in white while occupied territories in green.

Green has different meaning in all 4 maps. White is the same in 2 but different in 2 others. This is not deception?

how many times do we have to post historical maps of Palestine, links to old passports which predate the construction of Israel and so on (how many times does this have to be posted)
i would expect a new member to ask but you -_-


think the final maps more of how settlements have effected the demographics of the westbank
if you look at the expansion of settlements of Israelis in the west bank they have created a spegiti of crap around the place.
most settlements have gone deep within the westbank

The map shows how Israel expanded from couple of Jewish areas to what it is now,
before the creation of Israel, the land was mostly Palestinian until of course it was carved up by the UK
and after that how Israel has expanded its boarders which were given to it by the British over the years.

What passports? British mandate of Palestine ones? It was British passport issued to people that lived in territory of British mandate of Palestine. Prior to British the area was part of Ottoman empire and it was not even called Palestine then.
See the title of the passport? British passport.
There are expansions in West bank and Palestinians loose land to settlements. This is real.Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs lost land and property in 1947. This is real. Some lost land after 1967.
If maps showed those things - i would not say anything. But this set of map is created to hint that huge green part is what Palestinians had and look how it shrank opposite to tiny dots Israelis had and look how it grew - and this is false.

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

you really calling it false? lol

but feel free to google old maps of Palestine as there are plenty out there and on abovetopsecret aka the middle east section

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by bodrul
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

you really calling it false? lol

but feel free to google old maps of Palestine as there are plenty out there and on abovetopsecret aka the middle east section

Why is this land green in 1946 map?
Why is this green on 1946 map?

The Mandate government added a sixth category of lands, "Public Lands", which was defined as lands under the control of the government bytreaty, convention, agreement, succession and lands acquired for public purpose. Public lands totaled approximately 1,500,000 out of 26,320,000 dunums (1,500 sq. km or 26,320 sq. km) at the end of 1943.
Why lands that belong to different monasteries are green in 1946 land?
Why is this green?
Et ctr et ctr.
I do not question that Palestinian Arabs owned majority of lands in British Palestine. But the 1946 map does not show that.Again, it just shows what lands Jews owned and what land Jews did not own. Palestinain Arabs did not own all the green land on that map, by far.
edit on 20-5-2013 by ZeroKnowledge because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by gladtobehere

I do not know, if it is through these maps, but at some point of time, Israel needs to reconcile with its past. How good or bad that may be, but just to reconcile, and come into peace with itself. Once the Jewish people can attain inner peace, then even the external peace will follow.


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